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Times Advocate. November 30, 1988
Page 21A
Trampchamps perforrn for packed house at McCurdy School
• Il(RON PARK • Not many peo-
ple can stake a living at bouncing
ui,and down on a trampoline.
• But a trio of professional trampol-
inists from Toronto known as
Tral champs who performed before
a p ked gymnasium at McCurdy
Public School .last Wednesday, is
doing just that.
. Zurich,.-Hensall and Ushorne
Schools also packed buses and head-
ed for 'thc show in Huron Park.
The troop is led by Durango Coy,
48, avho formed the group more
than 2Q years ago, and at one time
included up to six members. The
group is currently made up ol.Chcc-
n;t Foster, 2i,. and I)an Norman. 26,
and Coy.
They travel all across North
America perforrning with two major
thanes to•their show..The first is to
educate the audience about the safety
aspects of the trampoline, and the
second is two entertain.
1 Coy said his primary audience is
school kids but they also travel to
fairs, picnics, exhibitions and cir-
• cusps. He .said he wouldn't include
conicity' in his routine if there were
no kids involved. Thcy arc a regular
. at the Canadian National Exhibition
in Toronto every year. .
\Vith all •the travelling he has
done in the last 20 years Coy said if
he • wasn't on the road several
months out of the he wouldn't
Irish still in first place
despite losing. to Hawks
LUCAN - Despite losing to Exet-
er Hawks 4-3 at the. Lucan Arena
Wednesday night, the Lucan Irish
remain in first place in the North
Division of the Western Junior D
hickey League. •
Lucan is in first place with 22
points, one point -ahead of Mitchell
i'he Irish bounced back to beat
Wellesley 3-1, in Wellesley; Friday
Exeter 'scored three times in the
i'irst period and were able to hang
on for the win.
The hawks got goals from Larry
Lewis, Jim Lewis, Doug.Clark and
Mark Morriscy in beating the Irish.
Scoring for the Irish were; Dave
Murray unassisted, at 16:14 of the
first period; Jamie Pearce from Glen
Marshall, at 7:41 of the second, and
Colin Telford from Tim Hayter and
Brian Shuvler at 8:07 of the third.
Bombers Novice hockey team de-
feated Strathroy 3-2, in •Strathroy,
Monday night.
Jason Grenier opened the scoring
.for the .winners,.in the first period,
Front Scott Keys and Ryan Fulton.
Strathroy tied it up in the"second
before Fulton put Exeter hack on
• Three second -period goals were all
the Irish would need to defeat
Scoring in thc second period for
Lucan were; Brad Muir from Dave
Murray at 5:26, Murray from Muir
and Joe Febrey, at 13:30 and Tel-
ford, from Mikc Hirtzcll, at 14:27.
Doug Hilskitt's shutout bid was
mined by -Dave McGonigle when he
scored a shorthanded, unassisted
goal with less than a minute to
• Lucan outshot Wellesley 24-21
during the game.
The next game for the Irish is to-
night when the Brussels Bulls will
be at the Lucan Arena for an 8:15
match. Friday night the Irish navel
'north to .Exctcr to play the Hawks
at 8:30 at the SHRC and Sunday
they play the Bulls in Brussels at 2
p.m .
win 3--2
top with a goal late in the period.
Wayne Cole and Grcnicr assisted on
Fulton's marker.
Thcy went up by two goals early
in the third period when Keys
scored from Robbie McIntosh.
Strathroy made it close with a
goal late, but couldn't get the tying
goal past Tony Eagleson, thc win-
ning goalie.
Lucan volleyball tourney
LUCAN - The Lucan Irish Flyers
Men's Oldiinners hockey team slxm-
sorcd a volleyball tournament at the
Lucan Arena on thc weekend, with
12 area teams taking part. -
The A Division winner were the
Antlers, from the Ausahlc Bayfield
Conservation Authority, and the
beat Dtiskicy's Dusters to taker -the
• title.
The 13 Division winners were thc
Boozing: Buddies, who heat the
Mystiques to take that title.
Noodles defeated Financial Mis-
fits to take the C Division champi-
The A winncrsfeu ivcd S 100, the
B winners earned S90 and the C
winners lxcketed S80. •
The Luca ---Irish -Flyers =Men's
Oldtimers hockey team will play
host to another tournament on Jan-
uary 21 at die Lucan Arena Hall
Lucan Cup set
I -';CAN.- The Lucan Cup Senior
'\ten's hockey touniament`is sct for
this weekend at the Lucan Arena. •
Blair's Spore, from Fort Eric, the
defending champions, will take on
Producto. Chemicals, from Michi-
gar. in the • opening match
at 6 p.m.on Friday and the tourna-
ritertt w111 run until the champion-
ship game at 6 p.m. on Sunday.
Dresden Dukes will play Brooklin
F:ycrs at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Cam-
bridge Hornets will play Dales
Graphics from Michigan at -9 p.m.
and Doug Crossman's Hockey
School, from London, will play
Guelph P.P.G. at 10:30 p.m.
Lucan's first game will be Satur-
day at 7 a.m. and their opponents
will be Oshawa Red Wings: At
8:30 a.m. Allied Detroit will take
on Aurora Saints. At. 11:30 a.m.
Windsor AA will plat• Kitchener
Moose Lodge, and at 11:30 a.m.
Groulx Sports, from Welland, will
play. London.
Second -round games will contin-
ue Saturday until midnight.
Play gets underway Sunday at 8
a.m. with. semi-final matches and
the 13 final will he at 4 p.m. and the
championship is set for 6 p.rn.
The A winners will receive
S4,000 and the Lucan Cup, and the
runner up will pocket S1,500. The
B winner will carn thc Village of
Lucan Trophy and S 1,0(X) cash.
Admission is S3 for adults and S2
for students. Children under 12 will
be admitted free.
The Lucan Cup Dance will be
held Saturday night in thc Main
Hall and a D.J. will also he there.
The dance will be from9 p.m. to 1
a.m. and tickets arc S8, available at
the door.
Molting Hawks win two
• EXETER - The Exctcr Molting
Ilawks won both games last week.
On Saturday they heat London
North Old Devils 7-5 in a game that
they trailed 4-1 before rallying to
Ken Bergmann led the way with
three goals; while Bob "Piranha"
Jones brok
'=-.-slump with two. Ron Moore 'and
Bob McDonald added single goals.
Jack Chipchasc had three assists,
Ernie Ahrens notched two and Ken
Bergmann, Ron 'Moore, Brian Hod-
gins, Bob McDonald, Jim Pfaff and
veteran Al Flynn added one each.
Why wasn't Eric Finkhcincr play-'
On Monday night they played
host to the London Old Relics and
trailed 3-2 in thc third before rally-
ing for four unanswered goals. Ernie
Ahrcns lcd thc way with two goals
while Pete McFalls, Scott Burton,
Jim Pfaff and Brian Hodgins, witfr
the_ winner, added singles. Chip -
chase had two assists while Burton,
Bergmann, Jones, Hodgins, Bill
Pincombc, Pfaff and Eric Finkbein-
er added single assists.
Glen - Stire was solid in goal,
making several key saves:
This week they played in 'Lucan
against the Flyers and next Monday
host Lambeth Canadians.
know what to do.
"I have been on the load. for so
long I probably would go batty if 1
Jiad to stop travelling all of the sud-
den," said Coy. He added he hopes
to continue performing until he is
Coy has actually, been performing
on the trampoline for more than 30
years. Before joining Trampchamps
• fie was an amateur trampolinist per-
foming in competitions. He .was
also a high diver before joining
"One year 1 competed in the
World Trampoline championships
and placed last, which just goes •to
show -you that you don't have to be
a professional champion to make a
living in a particular sport" said
With so much time spent on the
road, not much is left to work -on
new •routines for their shows. Coy
said most of that 'is done in the
sii mtertinte when they can perform
out idc, although he would prefer to
Ivo mire inside gyms.
"\\'c do a lot of work on our rou-
tines in the summer because we
don't have a gyri to work inside. 1
would prefer to have a gym, be.-
cause it would he easier for us, but
we make do the best we can," said
Trampchamps perform - School 'kids from all over the area packed
McCurdy School, in Huron Park, to watch Trampchamps perform. Here,
Dan Norman helps Cheena Foster do sore flips as the kids watch intent-
Still flipping - Durango Coy, 48,_has been r -t<i ,un i:;;s as part of the
Trampchamps.trampoline act for more. tr:,; :. ,r,rrs ,tn;i wants to keep
performing for another 20 years. • Here. A:.: y' School watch
him do a back flip last Wednesday.
Novice Panthers
win twice
EXETER - The Exeter -.Novice
Panthers picked up two' \gins in
their three. Langton-\1iddlesex
Hickey League games last week.
Exeter edged Lucan'l l 1-0,• lost 2-
to Watford and nipped Forest 112-
Chad ;Monteith scored the cinly-
goal for Exeter in the win over Lu -
can, with Brian Hayman picking up
the only assist.
Cameron Dougall turned aside -all
:taut, t,, ,•;{i1,1 Ii+; shutout for the
v. Hine' s.
- lti,hard \'an (;i,r,l and Richard
(;ordan s;ore,I t,or \\'.itti,ril in the 2-()
Evan ‘1 cr 1 '1r and (*olin Aarls re-
coidcd the shutout.
\lout; itll and if,•11 ("titre!! scored -
do+r 1.xeler in th,• in over Forest,
�� Uh Stexe t )11all:trait getting For-.
1. ink.' 11111\ .
With the t'. r 1)1.‘‘ Ills, the Pan -
C(.4 `I
Cc4•I i , ;;' -t 6-2, good for
...to point,
Panthers lose 4-2
PARKHiLL - The Exeter Novice
\\fakers lost 4-2 to Parkhill Jets
win a Shamrock Hockey League
g:unc on Friday,- but heat .West
London 2-0 in an exhibition game.
at London's Kinsmen •Arena on S:tt
urs ay.
Parkhill led 1M after the first pe-
riod and had upped it to 3-1 alter the
second and hung on for the wire
" Exctcr got a pair of unassisted
goals from Jcff MacLean, .one in
• the second and another in the third
period to take careof the scoring.
The loss•drops the team's record
Splitting $1,000 - Ray Mills, _left, of Stephen Minor Hockey, presents
cheques to June Glavin and Barry Mills, top prize winners in the Stephen
Minor Hockey's -annual Monte Carlo night, held November 19. Each took
home $500.
It) -' In lea :e 1'r ,
I:\, -i -r - lt.t,l. maim, h l+i•ttcr luck
against the lon:lon teateam:: •
• Da iJ Farqul;ar lu;til: 11 1-0 with
an una'.i,Ic I : , :11 in the 1 first period
and It‘an 1 ihIC1 ,.-ored the other
goal late in ih, 1ina1 Irame.
Joe\ 111,2•111.! excellent
gan-t•. in , •t' nor,: f;, ;ulotit in net
(211.1011 11:0 t. i 11,.'11 goalie lor-
an extra :+n:u l . 1 1%.1/41111 one minute to
;tlav .hue 11 I,a: F. I fi r, J whF-en rider
soit itli i I,rr.l,'n hiving a two-
niati ail.:uri: l:l .hut hint cen-
fourth inWOSSA
SARNiA - The South .Huron •1)i'
trict High School Junior Boys' vol-
leyball team lost in the Western
Ontario Secondary School Associa-
tion semi-finals at Sarnia St, Clair
High School on Saturday. •
• The Panther ended the round-robin
portion of play with a 5-3 record,
heating London Oakridge, Sarnia
St. Clair, London Laurier, Sarnia
SE Pats, and Medway, but losing
to ingcrsol, Stratford Central anis
Aylmer East Elgin.
They were placed in a three-way •
tic to determine third and fourth -
place AI id «ere 1itt tll� placed in
tiiurtlt but «er till able to make
the seine tntals.•
In the •:•iii -lir al match, the Pan-
thers were pilled ag:urea- Ingersot,
but.lost > 1 " and 14-16.
('each S, ott I lall'ennv said Chris
(Gardner. Eire \•cibeck and Jason
('larkr all p1'' 'd strong for the
l'aruhe.i. :nil S. nJI Bishop and•
('hr, A•12crtli.irr steady
Ix-ifornl;uii'es a!l J:,‘.
1hleutnanu'nl '.as -a real six
trans battle. It had excellent skill
le eI ih•rlr.)rinani .-.' \affil 1lalpcnny.
Velveteen Rabbit - Precious Blood
students were treated to a perfor-
mance of the 'Velveteen Rabbit on
Friday by the Touring Players Thea•
ire of .Toronto. The company of
four were able to enthrall the chil-
dren with the quick costume chang-
es needed to present the favorite
bedtime story.
V Also, a gift -idea .. .
R� 9_ed WItll all i
rand Sxce!
v Ca e rza
fy Q always
available. Call 2-1211
, '4111*