HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-11-30, Page 25Seasons Greetings *, • lifts for hi •`� ` forlie Gift Certificates available Dec: 1st 9:30 - 9:00 • GioNcrilbIEH IID I i ICICIED 383 Main St., Exeter 235-2590 Where Fashion, Quality and Service All Meet Elimville Wi meets By SHIRLEY COOPER ELIMVILLE - The Elimville Women's Institute recently met at: the home of Vella Allen. President Marie Brock read "In Flanders Fields." Verga and Millie Fulton were in charge of the program. Ver - la read a "Prayer for Remembrance Day" and Millie read an :article "Why wear a poppy?" Verga introduced her daughter Car- ol Darling, familiar to all of us, who demonstrated the making of chocolate. Carol made several kinds. They were all available for sampling at lunch time. 'Shirley Cooper won some:candy for having the lucky chair. Olga Hem thanked Carol and presented her with a gift. The president was in charge of the business: The roil call was an- - swered by naming a .temper -saver: Marie gave a report on the arca con- vention she- had attended in St. Thomas. Evelyn Horne alio attend- ed the, first day. A social time fol- lowed... Elimville UCW The Elimville United- Church • • Women tnct Wednesday evening with the World Outreach committee in charge. Ruth 5kinncr opened the_ meeting with the. saying 'We live .. on a planet.that can send people to the moon but we can't get rid of the garbage'. She also read an article "The earth - and all its resources. Everyone joined in singing "This is my Fathers' World." Helen Weston led. in Bible study on the parable of "The Lost Sheep". Marie Brock read a poem "Singing in the Morning". A group of five ladies were named to sing "Count Your -Blessings Ina Johns read the poem "The Old Wooden Tub." Ruth read several articles includ- ing providing nein tor Brazil's street A Sincere Thank You As my term draws to an end (Dec. 5), I would like to thank all the ratepayers in Stanley Township for giving me the opportunity to serve as reeve for. the past three years: A special thanks to all council members; road department eI ployoe and. -_affil e_ostaft for their co-operation. Seasons Greetings to everyone. Reeve Clarence Rau children, the shelter for children and teenagers_in Exeter, and free trade. President Sharon 'Lynn presided for the remainder of the Meeting. The roll call was answered by a do- nation to the Christmas Bureau. Reports were given by the-commit- tee he committee chair people. Ola. Batten gave the manse report and a donation was given to the manse. Sharon gave the official board report. Dates to remember Christrnas Eve service will be at. 8:00 p.m. at Elimville. Church will be as usual on Christmas Day and New Year's Day but -there will be no Sunday School. The annual meeting will be Feb- ru4ry 5 with a pot lunch brunch first. Oncn house will be held at the manse on Sunday, December 11 from 2-4 p.m. and.7:9 p.rn. Every- one is welcome, • Shirley Cooper read the nomina- tion report. installation will be in January. A donation was made to Five Oaks. The next meeting will be Monday, December 12 at 7:30 with a three -dollar gift exchange. • Guest minister Bruce Delbridge introduced the guest minister, Mr. Arch Andrew, on Sunday morning. Mr.. Andrew is a noted Christian counsellor and preacher. `The Skinner family, Dale, Joan, Trevor, Laura and -Megan, lit the advent candle. Personals . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper, Joan and Doug and Mr. and Mrs._ Don Smith, Chad and Courtney at- tended the 80th birthday party for Reta Morley at the IA's in .Exeter. on Sunday: Staffa by Mrs. J. Templeman STAFFA - Lorcen Hainilton, St Marys, Cliff and Margaret Miller, - John and Roberta Templeman, Staf- fa, attended the 40th anniversary celebration for Harvey and Audrey Edgar, in Blucvale Hall on Saturday evening. Ort Sunday November 20, Lorne and Helen Fell held a reception at their home, in honour of their daughter Sharon, who graduated with her Diploma in Nursing from Conestoga College, Stratford Cam pus. Guests attended from Atwood, Monkton, Stratford, St. Pauls, London, Godcrich, Lucknow, Kitchener and Itlississatega. During the service Sunday morn- ing at • Cromarty Presbyterian - Church, Stuart James Parsons, son of Mike and Mary Janc Parsons was presented and baptized by Rev. Lu- cie Milne. - - Dinner guests following the ser- vice with Mike and Mary Jane and family were, Jean Parsons, John and Mary Louwagic, Mitchell, Jim • and Pat Skinner, Ruth Templeman, Stratford, Pat, Joanne, Matthew and Kelly Donovan, Cainpbellville, Fay, Wanda,. Michelle, Julie and Rebecca Martyn, Russcldale, David, pari n; `Lirdszr art' ►4:4har.y„. pleman and Terry Templeman, Mitchell, Nancy, Kimberly and Danny Bcrtens, Fullarton, Margaret Ryan; Dublin, Rick Templeman, Rob, Bev, Carrah, Cain and Cohen • Templeman, John and Roberta Tcntnlctnan Staffs. Legion donates $1,000 - Exeter Hawks' president George Pratt, centre accepts a $1,000 cheque from the Exeter Legion to the hockey organization. Making the presentation is Legion president Vera Armstrong and -Phil Campbell. The Legion is also donating one free night's use of their hall, which will be used by the club on January 28, for a dance: Gifts to Thames Road Baby Band By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDF THAMES ROAD - Nine lath. . and 18. children attended the Baby •Band Party on Saturday in . the church basement. Leaders Judith Parker and Mclonic Miller were in charge of the party. • loon in honour of N1r. and is. • Stuart Shier's 60th wedding • anniversary. Congratulations Uncle. Stuart acid Aunt Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Morgan, • • Jackie; Heather and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Scot Morgan attended a get-together at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Bev Morgan, Exeter on Sun- day. - .. Judith•we[CO Tcd-everyone'and Mclonic had the children do an excr- Saintsbury by Mrs. Heber Davis cisc "Tony Chestnut Knows 1 Love . 'You". The ri)Il call was answered SAINTSBURY - Service at Si. Patrick's was held at 1I o'clock • Sunday,_ Rev. Beverly Wheeler was in charge. Sheryl Carroll provided music and read the second lesson. Julie Carroll read the first lesson. •She called the children forward and Courtney MacGillivray lit the first. Advent Candle. She spoke to the children -on the meaning and reason for the purple candle. The new pur- plc frontals were -used. Rev. Wheel- er turned to the dedication service . and dedicated the new frontals to -the Glory of God and in. loving memory of Heber Davis. She then called Mary Davis to the front andpresent-- - her with a beautiful silver cross torn the congregation for her part i t making and designing the 15 dif ferent pieces, two carubals and one stole. The presentation was a com- plete surprise. Mary said it wasa la- bour of love and she was thankful to be able torompletc them and ex- pressed- hes thanks.'Rev. Wheeler took her sermon from the readings for the day. -During her. talk she stressed the need for us to "Let Go - and Let God" and the -pianist chose - Hymn 337. in the blue hymn.book entitled "Great God. to thee .our hearts we raise''. Site closed by in- viting the congregation to the• recto- ry next -Friday evening. Pamela - Greenlee and Nadine Bedell acted as • by the children putting their money in a jar. Mclonic gave the graduating exer- cise and everyone sang "When Mothers of:Salem". Those graduat- . ' ing `were Amy Hodgcrt, Brenda A -iner and . Ryan Parker. Kathy Bray, !lie new Messenger leader, Welcomed the children and told them the Messenger meeting would he held at Elimville, December 19 at 7 p.m. • - tilelonic presentedd-each child with a gift. A new member is Alexandra Macgregor. The children all did a craft, a Santa Claus Head. A deli- -cious lunch was served to bring an enjoyable morning to a close.' Church service The regular church service was held on Sunday morning with Mr. Arch -Andrew, a . noted Christian counsellor and preacher as the lead- cr. Mr. Andrew has been counsell- ing -inti viduals, niarricd couples and families for 30 years. Ile also offers pre -marital and family life education programs to interested churches and organizations. The Advent candle was lit by Rich Parker and Judith said "We light this candle for Itopc,:bccausc Christ brings Hope to every heart." The Parker family were all at the front. " Mr " ntfr r-4t�ld4 c c ilolrcr � story "Jesus is The Light of the World" by using a flashlight. The choir sang "The Prince of Glory" accomp,aniedby the organist Miss Agnes Bray. Mr_- Andrew's sermon was entitled "A Man Who Did What- No. Other Man Has D,one." - . The Tyro Boys would like to thank Bill. Snow for donating the wooden craft for the boys to paint., Coming events There will be a Christmas Open House held at the manse on Sunday, December 11 from 2-4 and 7-9 host- ed by Elimville U,C:W. and the Macgregor family. Everyone wel- come. The mid -week -groups (Explorers, Tyros and Messengers) will he carol singing on Tuesday, December 13. Meet at Thames Road Church al 6:30 p.m. The December meeting of the United Church Women will he held Monday, Dumber 5 at 8 p.m. Don't forget your gift for the Christmas Bureau and also your Se- cret Pal Gift. • ' Personals Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Miner (nee Laurel Hodgcrt) on the birth of their son on Thursday in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Mary Thomson, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery and Mrs. Bill Rohde attended Open House at - Kirkton-United Church on Sunday Managed Dental Care: today's answer to rising group dental costs. Ask Joe Sgotto for. details. 41 BLUE CROSS .Z '1 Duffcrin Avenue. London. Ontario `(' U il:s 15it)l 439-0136 servers. The Christmas .party is planned for"Dec. i Ith•for the Sun- -day School. - Mrs. Greta Gibson and Mrs. -- Mabel Needham and Goie Wenner- strom enjoyed dinner with Mary Davis Monda-y evening and Mr. -and Mrs. Bob Tindall and Robert were Friday dinner guests with her. - Mrs. Voyle Jordan spent the past week visiting her "Gamble" rela- tives in Chicago. - - (maw TIRE Canadian Tire Correction Please note the following correction to our "Scrooge Days" Flyer effective Nov: 28 to Dec. 3/88 On page 11 the Nintendo Video Deck #69-2001-4 and the ' Nintendo assorted games #69-2217-X will only 'be available to the extent -of our stock. 'No rain checks can be given. Canadian Tire regrets any in- convenience this may have caused our customers. November 30, 1988 Page 9A On location or Studio Bart DeVrie PHOTOGRAPHY COMMERCIAL • WEDDINGS PORTRAITS • GROUPS - PUBtICIT1 • Telephone 235.1298 137 Thames Rd.. East, heter, Ont. Capitalize . on our services. 'The federal Business I).elelop- l •minI Bank pron1ote%and a',,i,t' ,mall and i u•diunr,iietl l)usinessei in your c'i)Ittittl11111 v. here`s a look at the valuable services we. oiler you. • Loans and Loan Guarantees • Term Loans. ti; tin. s.11 1, It 411 1l rr lit'l t, ut, tltAIblt' It'rtn', • `and . Il14 1111ons. • Venture Capital • EClltltV. i fu' I Bt)Ii-t an pun hast ,hare> in %our busittr,,, t r lt/lrl. - ttith pr1%ate sector financial institu- tion, to obtain the' l'"' lillant ine you re 11.111 •. • Management Services • Nlanagenlent Irainii . Bu,ir . . l l.tgement ' 114 41 u,. i l;ur,e,. 'and puhli( •u 1.111,. \larlagenlent C011nsclling. 1 he. 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I rue inlormation nn Qocernnlent programs for ,mall business. 1036 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario N5A 6Z3 (519) 271-5650 1-800-265-4594 40 Federal Business Banque lederale Development Bank da developpemenl • cwt -- THE NEW MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR ACT Better Protection for Ontario Car Owners! r WE PRCNIDE ESTIMATES f AND WARRANTIES ON ALL PART , AND LAbDUR . Management, 4, C. .7rrrrrrTlrrlJrrr>rrrrlr-nuf • :t Ontario car owners will be better protected through the new Motor Vehicle Repair Act. Included in the new act are the following provisions: • - • Repairers must provide a written estimate on request: • Customers must be advised. in advance, if there is a fee for an estimate and the amount of the fee: • The actual repair cost cannot exceed 10 per cent of the written estimate without authorization; • The repairer must offer return of removed parts to the consumes when the work is authorrzetf hide repaired' • A warranty must 0e -provided repairer,' the consul on new or reconditioned parts recover the original cost of the • • Conspicuous signs must be posted stating repair rates and the methods used to calculate. • the charges. • A detailed invoice must be provided to the customer describ- ing the vehicle. work performed, parts installed and their price; number of hours billed, and terms of the warranty. If the vehicle becomes inopera- ble or unsafe due to defective repairs while under warranty, the customer must return the vehicle to the original repairer unless it is unreasonable to do so. If it is necessary to have the ther and associated labour for a minimum of 90 days or 5,000 kilometres. For motorcycles and motor -assisted bicycles,the warranty period is 30 days or 1,500 kilometres. work and reasonable towing charges from the original repairer. All car repairers must display a sign directing consumer com- plaints to the nearest regional. ' office of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. ' TORONTO 416:963-0321; THUNDER BAY 807-475-1641; LONDON 519-679-7(50; WINDSOR 519-254-6413; HAMILTON 416-521-7554: • OTTAWA 613-566-3878; - SUDBURY 705-675-4378; PETERBOROUGH . 705-743-8782 ATTENTION REPAIRERS: Repairers needing additional details may obtain a fact sheet and other information by con- tacting the nearest Consumer Services Bureau indicated Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Ontario Welham Wrye, Minister David Peterson, Premier