HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-11-30, Page 24Page 8A Times -Advocate November 30. 1988
Figure skating short members
HENSALL - The Hensall Figure
. Skating Club is now into its seo-
ond month and our enrolment is
still down, Anyone, interested in
joining please contact Jayne Con -
silt at 262-2401 or Anita Cooper at
263-5025. The children are working
hard and some have earned hadges
already. They arc: Beginner badge:,
Becky Corbett, Krista Dayman,
.Cassandra O'Brien, Erin Campbell,
and Megan Prescator. Elementary
Badge - Melissa Van Bell and Lucas
Bruxer. The badges will be handed
out on the last Tuesday of each
month, congratulations to you all.
The date set for our Winter Carni-
val is February 18, 1989. Anyone
interested in ordering cheese should
contact any child involved in. the
figure. skating -program. There are
gift boxes available for Christmas.
Orderswere to be in yesterday and
delivery will be December 13.
During, the Christmas holidays
the club will be holding a Skate-a-
thon on December 28 from 10:00
a.m. till noon. Please help support
this vital young group in our com-
Hensall minor hockey
IIENSAI-1. - Hensall Novice lost
to Huron .Park -.3-1, in a clue game
played in Hensall on Wednesday.
Regan Nellands scored HcnsaII's
only goal. assisted by Jonathon
OTi Sunday, ttte.l`'uvicc travelled
to Go(1crich where they faired much
better with a-13-1 victory over the
home team, As usual Eric Groot
-anti Jeff Rathwctl shared goalkecp-
ing duties: -
: Brock Weiss seored seven times
for; Hensall and Chris Jones caine„,
through with a pair. Paul Cooper,
Regan. Neilands, !c1ark .Bell and
Ryam Munn each scored a snig le.
Hensall Tykes overpowered (Tin-
ton 9-1 Saturday morning. Kevin
.Munn scored once for Hensall;.
while Jeff Campbell burned up the
ice for eight goals. .
Hensall Atoms annihilated Bluth
on Saturday 1!)-O, in Blyth. Another
shut -out for goalie t-ance Weiss.
- Danny Taylor scored• tour of. The
Hensall goals. -Chris Taylor and
('Lir .Moir each contributed a pair
•and Ryan Kyle and Jaxon C'amphcll
had one•apiuc. •
Christmas donation _ The Queensway resident council decided to give a
$50 donation to the Christmas 13ureauu of -Exeter this year. Presenting
the cheque to Audrey MacGregor is Neil Regan, president of the resident
council. - .
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Focus on Israel - Queensway. residents were treated to a glimpse of Is-
rael on Friday for their monthly international day. .Elsie Robertson (right)
of the Hillside Nursing Home in Mitchell was in 'Hensall t6 show resi-
dents slides and photographs of her trip to Israel. From left are Queens-
way residents Grace Dinney, Mildred Gingerich, and Muriel Gunning.
Queensway mews
IIENSALL - We had a great Bureau.
week here at Queensway.. It was Israel was the country. foc-used on
difficult to deciderwhich event was at international Day on -Friday. Res-
thc highlight. We began the week idents were informed about Israel
with the regular activities: Several • through a slide presentation by El -
ladies gathered for a tea party. in the sic Robertson and her granddaughter
sunroonc.. We listened to music,: Heather Mcllwraith. We had sever -
sipped tea and discussed the news. al artifacts courtesy of Mrs. Robert -
The Bethel Retorine(taadics -visited son, Elva Forrest,.and the London
in the afternoon to play •Bingo with Jewish Community Centre. Fol -
the residents. Afterward, the strains lowing the presentation -residents
of many beautiful hymns filled the.- enjoyed sampling pomegranates,
dining.room as. our volunteers led a clementines and -pita bread filled
hymn sing. - • - with grated cheese and Kean sprouts.
Tuesday Reverend Rogers of the We had a very educational and fun
Ezetcr, Pentecostal -Church led. our afternoon.
worship service with Joyce Peplxr Residents are awaiting Deu:crnhcr
as pianist. . .. ' 2nd when some -Hensall Public
-Thursday evening our dining School children will Paint -Christ- •
room was. filled with resident,-fami-- mas scenes on our. Windows. - De-
ly and friends here to celebrate at cumber 11 is the Family•Chrisunas
the monthly Birthday Party. Enter- Dinner and December 23 at 7 p.m.
tainment was by the "l.esperancc the resident Christmas Party.
Trio” a bit of a misnomer because
iii rcaliiy wcila( (. Ott-tia`iftit`�"��==r--=--~�.,�:r
Tammy Lesperancc and Max Du-
.charme, Gord Black and Slim Gor-
don. The evening was wonderful.
-Thanks to certain members of our
Ladies Auxiliary who made sure
anyone wanting to dance had an op-
portunity to enjoy one. A big
thank you to the 'n}usicians who
made the evening so memorable for
our residents, and didn't mind play-
ing requests. Birthday greetings to
Vera Hodgins, John Kats, Mary
Westlake and Esther Gill.
- Resident Council stet Friday
morning and an official motion was
made that council make a (conation
to the Huron County Christmas
i' •
• -CA,
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Want 2
Annual tree lighting
at Town Hall Friday
By Susan Hartman - followed by Dave Kyle 327, Pearl.
HENSALL - Don't forget Hent McKnight -308, Alfred Ross 299.
sail's third annual tree lighting cere- Bill Rogerson 279 and Henry Wil-
mony this Friday evening in front mink 257. •
of the Town Hall. Drop into the ' United Church.
Village -office or call for informa- Hensall United Church was beau -
tion on. Hensalt's Horne Christman tifully.decorated for the Advent Sea -
Decorating contest. A large num-, son on Sunday. The service began
ber of homes are already deeked.out with the lighting of the first Advent
in• their holiday colours. Why not Candle. Rev. Wright explained the
take a drive around the community • meaning of the Season to the. chil
and see for yourself? dren and Jeff Reaburn read the Min-
Three Links •utes.for. Missions.
The November mecting'of the • The. Choir sang "Winds through. •
Three Links Senior Citizens was Olive Trees", followed by Rev.
held in the Hall November 8 and a Wright's sermon."Take Heed and
motion was made to send a dons- • Watch". - .• .
tion to the _Town and Country- On December 18 at 7:30 p.m. the
homemakers.. .- Senior Choir will Nista Christmas
Ilensall will be -responsible for concert and carol sing. Christinas
Eve service will be held on Satur-
day, December -24 at 7:30p.m. •
The latest word on the Loation
.fancily being sponsored- by the Hu-
ron Perth Presbytery is that they .
may he in Canada by the end of the
Next Sunday is 1•Vhitc Gift &m -
and Annie Finkheiner, Gent's w
- "
the Euchre in next years Senior
Summer Games. • The December
meeting will be a super'catercd to
by the United Church Ladies.
Plans were made for a Euchre Par-
ty November 22.- A good turn -out
took place with nine tables in play
ad three observers. Winners were
'ladies high Genie Flcischauer, Sec
ners were Jean *Madge, George:- - ." Library
Dowson; Alf Ross, Isabel Roger- J.i4ck-ic Blair of 11ensal.l will he -
son and Gestic Moir. Lucky Cup -acting Branch -Super -visor at Hensall
winner was Pearl McKnight. • Library -from now .until the end of
The next card party will be held - March. �Pleasc.bc patient with her :
on January 24, 1989. as she learns the"ropes.- Story hour
Shuffleboard at-thc Library is cancelled for De -
High scorers at Hensall Shuffle- reicher 1 and will resume December
board were Bruce Watson with 355 }►.
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