HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-11-30, Page 22gee 6A Times -Advocate, November 30, 1988
Hereford awards . Three members receited Stan .Jackson Awards at the annual 4 H awards night at Sea'. -+. r>
Friday. The awards. in honou.• of the late. hereford breeder frons Krppen go to: (left to right) Vanessa 4!1on•
R.R.7. Luckncw, for .grand champion steer; Tim Hoffman, R.R.3. Dashwood: for grand champion heifer and
Steve Beane. R.R.1, Brucef.eid for top points.accumula ted during the 4-H project. Presenting the awards is
Bever Shapton Director of the'4-H Leaders .Association.. .Blyth Citizen photo
Gets 4-H awards - Jennifer Weigand (right) receives the Huron Cattle-
men's Association Award. from Keith - Strang President of th Cattlemen's
Association at the 4-H awards night held in Seaforth Friday night... The
award, a copy of the book "The Farm" was for hai:ing the top score fora
first year.beef,calf club member in the county.' Jennifer belongs to the
Exeter 4-H Calf Club. -
•Blyth Citizen photo
News from Centralia
CENTRALiA - At the _United
Church on Sunday a large crowd
was tin hand for the First Sunday in
Advent service. There was a celc-
a baptism service when Justin Tyler
son of Perry and Nina Kncc was
Membership Transfer were wel-
• corned into the. congregation .when
Becky Harret from Granton United
Church, Cindy Layc from Colborne
United Church, London and Brent
Caslick from Elmwood Pastoral
Church transferred. • -
Next Sunday is White Gift Sun-
day. Please bring nonperishahlcs,
toys, etc. for the Huron County
Christmas bureau. Money offer-
ings will also be gladly received.
• On Thursday evening December 1
thc.U.C':W. will held their Christ-
mas meeting with supper at 6:30
The men of the -congregation are in-
vited to attend.,
-A lovely turkey supper was
served by the U.C.W. to members
of the congregation and friends on
Saturday. evening. This was fol •
Iowed by a sing -song of Christmas
music. All reported a splendid
•fhb lift. at Ild_�wrKKisitn_:�1�ri:_..,
day, November 21 was Well attend -
.'d with prizes going to Iligh score
Jessie Lewis, Murray. Carter, 'Lone
hands -(;race V(urin, Tom Kooy,
Low score Mary Meikle, Derwin
Beatson. Next party December 5 at
2:30 . Everyone .welcornc.- •
The euchre at the Community
Centre on Monday, Nuvcnilm 21
prizes went -to High score Ruth
Guest, ilercy Ni>cls. Lone Ilandls
Mary Kooy, Art Abbott. -Low
score Lydia Regicr, Murray Carter.
Special score prizes went to Nola
Lewis, Janet }licks. "Next euchre
will be convened- by Bob arid Iva.
Blair and Catherine i:kon' on De-•
ccmher 5 at t p.m.
• Don't miss the Santa Claus Pa-
rade scheduled for Sunday, De( ens
ber 4.- It will begin at the south
end of town around the moors hour
going through town arid on to I lu
rd)n Park.
Business symposium.
.7L1NTON - The Ontario Mini-
stry of Agriculture and Food is once.
again sponsorinc the Young Farm-_
ers' Business Symposium from Jan-
uar' 30 to February 2. 19S0 in St.
Catharines, Ontario. This lour day
program will provide an -adh an.'ed
Icvcl learning opportunity in farm
management to farriers or farm
managers who meet the following
1. Be at least 18 vicars of age.
lSti gestcd age range of delegates
is 1S-35 Wear: ofage1 -
2. Ile .actively involved in a
,tarnling operation or enterprise.
• } lave a Ninc ere interest in farm
business management.
4. •I lav: a h:i:ic ti.,.l: rstandint; of
farm business management con -
on -
1 he seminar will include such
topics as setting foals, Iarnl man-
agement decision awaking. using fi-
nancial statements. financial. and
__marketing tips. and do c isii►n mak-
file registration deadline. is De-
cember 15. 1088.
For more inlorni:ttiOn. ionlart
Nick Gclevnse. Rural Organiiation
Speoialist at the ('Iinton
0:M ..-' F. office. -
Nick Gele nse
R ural .Organ iz at ion Specialist
�.< for I iuron County
lMo•f M..o4•n .ro o, �.�. t•.wM• ttlar Ad t..-.. 0.4 MIS JC
Catching up on the correspon-
dence: (There isn't much of it but it
does prove that some farmers can
write). From Paul Fair and his re-
turn address is not on the letter so 1
do hot know where it came from.
The envelope was thrown out when
my granddaughter "cleaned up" my
"Have you become a yuppie? Are
you short of letters that you bait
the people of the '60s and include
your address?
As many times before, you have
-missed the real point. Money for
more power is not the answer.
More money, more garbage nuclear
wastes, etc.). Money died to
.conservation of power is the an-
swer. More money to nuclear power
creates even more waste when sim-
ple ways of conservation and higher
costs would stop the need for even
Woree people f the '60s, who also
happen to be Holstein dairy farm-
ers, are concerned about nuclear
power and other wasteful industries.
It is time you became aware of this
and start suggesting throwing more
"money at ways to make more effi-
cient use of what we have and real,
long-term solutions. Nuclear power
is a short -terns, deadly answer."
He signed himself as. a short -
haired, hardq.working, once long-
haired wader.
I appreciate the. letter -because it
makes a point I did not stress and
that is conservation. We have he -
conic so.prolligate with energy that
we do not love mother earth as we
should. We should be conserving
constantly but we go on a conserva-
tion binge only when the warning
signals go up. or when the price of
energy skyrockets. Then, we go
back to our old ways again. It is,
therefore, a road to energy shortag-
es. We conserve, then we hinge.
Eventually, no more fossil fuel.
"shanks for the letter, Paul, and
keep that hair short or wear a cap
when milking. (Just joking!) -
Another letter with a news release
arrived from the Canadian Fusion
Fuels Technology Project. Perhaps
some of you saw the news release.
1t was a direct answer to a_column I
wrote extolling the virtues of nucle-
ar fusion, not nuclear fission. There
is a difference. -Nuclear fusion
means no nuclear wastes.
The news release said the Ontario
Snowmobile Safe Driving Course
For children 12 years old and over on Saturday, Dec. 10/88
at Kirkton-Woodham .Community Centre
Registration: 8:30 a.m. sharp
Fee $15 00 Bring own lunch
Sponsored by Pineridge Snowmobile Club
Phone 229-6410 or 229-6667
CO.OP Exeter
Distric Co-op
Closed for Inventory
Thursday Morning,
Dec. 1/88
Re -Opens Thursday
at 2 p.m.
Dec. 1/88
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may
cause our customers
Exeter 235-2081 Ailsa Craig 293-3282
14 ft. clearance, 24 ft. door
Call - Jack Taylor
After 6:00 p.m. 229-6472
government (bless you, David), is
pouring $9.4 million into' a re-
searc-h project.. to develop fusion
fuel. The letter. said the project's
budget is set at $33 million for the
next five •years; about double the
budget for the project since it was
launched in 1982. Ontario. Hydro
and Atomic Energy of Canada will
help.fund the project. • • •
The article gave a brief explana-
tion for unscientific dunderheads
like me as to what nuclear fusion is
all- about. In fusion, heavy atoms
arc split to create heat but Tight at-
oms such as hydrogen arc joined to
generate heat and that heat is used
to drive t„prhipes to produce electric-
. ity. The process does not produce
radioactive waste. •
It's clean Hence, no need to store
or dispose of radioactive garbage.
Ontario, says Energy Minister
Robert Wong, has an abundant sup-
ply of two fusion fuels: tritium and
deuterium. In 1990, an international
thermal eilperimental reactor will be
built in association with the Euro-
pean Economic Community. .
The Ontario government- is hop-
ing it will be• built in Ontario
which would again put this country
in the forefront -of-.nuclear energy
use. .
'I'm all for the idea, especially if it
is as clean as the. experts. say.
About 80 percent of Ontario's ener-
gy comes- from diminishing fossil
fuels and they contribute to the pol
lution-problem. The Other 20 per-
cent comes from nucleaar reactors -
thc dirty kind - at Douglas Point.
For what it's worth, I'm happy
•both levels of goVernment arc con-
tributing to fusion research. Too
bad it wasn't more.
We're wheelinl...and dealin!...
Top Quality- Certified Cars And Trucks
'87 ISUZU Trooper II.= white wall tires.•mag wheels. 5-
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'86 CHEV VAN - .- ton. V-8. auto. 2 seats. barn doors.
93.000 km - 59.995.00
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'85 Buick • Skylark Ltd. - 4 door. V-6 -automatic, air.
cruise. cassette. tan in- colour. 75.000 km. 57,995.00
8 CELEBRITY CL. V-6. auto. 4 dr. air cruise. PW. PL.
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'84.Caprice Wagon -. blue in and out. air, cruise. 3rd
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84 Cutlass Supreme - 2 door. V-8. Auto. buckets.
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two tone red 57.995.00
All above units are certified and ready -to -go
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Gratiic view
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Now in Service For Out -of -Town Customers
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"Hey Kids"
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Best Selection of Toys Around
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HighwaEy xeter !I4 North
Store Hours:
Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
mem Sat. 8:00 - 12 noon