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North Middlesex
November 30, 1988 Price per copy 60 cents
Word Church attracts 80 in first service
LUCAN - Becan'sc of recent ac-
tions by the United Church of Can
ada to allow homosexuals to. be or-
dained as rttrnistcrs, a split has
occurred.. in the Lucan United
Church- congregation and a new.
churchis being formed in the Lucan
At a -press conference at the Lucan
Community Centre at noon Mon-
day, the announcement of the for-:
matron of the new Living Word.
Congregational Church was made..
Rev: Darrell Shaulc, minter of-
Lucan United Church, for the past
27-. months- told -his. congregation
Sunday -morning that he was ,teav--
ing immediately.
New Lucan Church - Shown with
Steering Committee Chairman Ron
the logo of the Living Wog Id Church are Rev. "Darrell Shaule.
Culbert, Irene Lynn, Brian McComb and Bruce _Karr.
is bonus
this week
EXETER - This week's T -A
comes with an added bonus,
courtesy of the advertisers who
have made possible a collection
of our readers' favourite recipes.
The 64 -page cookbook con-
tains an abundance of excellent
recipes designed to make your
meal planing more convenient
The three area cooks who
were winners in our lucky draw
are: Doris Jeffery, Staffa, $50;
Patty Vicbbcr, R.il, 1 envier,
$30 and Joan Oke, R.R. 3 Exet-
er, $20.
Recipe co-ordinator was T -A
staffer Yvonne Reynolds and the
advertising was made possible
through the efforts of T -A repre-
sentative Barb Consitt.
Additional copies are available
at the T -A for $1.00
40th celebration
Lucan Lions
mark anniversary
Page 2
ABCA meets
Authority. deals
with review
Page 5
Consumers take
the fall
Page 7
Good Year
Hensall Co -Op
shows profit
Page 18A
EXETER - The Exeter and arca
fire department is participating in a
new Iluron County rescue and sup-
port system.
Each department in the county is
making available their heavy hy-
draulics equipment for use for any
necessary auto extrication rescue.
Thc bylaw passed by Exctcr and
other councils is part of an applica-
tion for a JEPP grant by the county
of Fluron.
It was noted at Exctcr council on
1 . "
in jaii
EXETER - A23 year-old scan re-
mains in custody in Stratford fol-
lowing an incident in Exctcr, Thurs-
day night.
Michael Gullagc-,of nti fixed ad-
dress has been charged with assault
with a weapon, break and enter with
intent and using a weapon to com-
mit an indictable offence.
The incident began at about 10.25
p.m., Thursday when. Robert Poo -
Icy returned to his home at 189 Hu-
ron street cast and found a man had
broken into his garage.
Thc suspect punched Poolcy in
the face and fled. Pooley gave chase
and caught the suspect at which
point a knife was pulled and the Ex-
cter resident was stabbed in the -
stomach arca causing a minor
Pooley was treated at South Hu-
ron Hospital and released.
Stephen vote official
CREDITON - it's official.
A recount held Monday verified
that Gary Eagleson and Biil Weber
will fill thc final two spots on Ste-
phen township council for the next
three years.
in results issued, the night of the
Please turn to page 3
November 21 .that the bylaw was
not prepared by the County, but by
.a committee of fire chiefs together
with an advisor from the Fire mar_
sitars Office. .
Exeter and arca fire chief .Gary
Middleton stressed to council that
although the local equipment is
available for use outside the Exctcr
fire department jurisdiction, " We
retain ownership. We _list about -
bout'. S25,000 worth of equipment in our_
_van in the county invente:y and no
•money changes hands in this -trans-T
-•-e,et+e�tt-i-t`ficOttly on pallet-: i�-
IWid(1lcton went on to say- , If
we arc called out with our extrica-
tion equipment on a Queen's High
way we receive S275 perhour for
our services and that money goes to
the Exeter and arra fire.board." _ --. •
Thc cf continual, " Thc only
way for the .county to get these
grants in the amounts of 574,000_ is
for the fire departments in I luron to,
In conZlusion Middleton said
Wingham had the most to offer•in
heavy hydraulics equipment. .
Search on
for new
fire hall
EXETER - A closing date of May
1 hasbeen set for the sale of the
present Exeter fire hall at the corner
of Main and Victoria streets.
Mayor Bruce Shaw said this week
that council is checking out three
possible sites to be purchased for
the erection of a new building to
house equipment of the Exeter and
arca firc board.
Thc present building which needs
a lot of repair has been sold to E.
Kastro of Thornhill for S 150,000.
Shaw said an agreement has been
reached with the pulrchaser to rent
the fire hall back at a rate of S2,000
per month until a new facility is
Stephen okays
insurance tender
Ckftrf f'f 1Q""= -Stephen town-
ship council has given approval to minor variance at Grand Cove
a zoning and a severance request' . Estates. •
Frank Cowan insurance Brokers
submitted the lowest of two tend-
ers at S29,823 for the township's
1988-89 insurance coverage.
A tile drainage loan rating bylaw
in the amount of $44,100 was
Any further applications for tile
drain loans will be processed under
the township's 1989 allottment.
Allowances in the amount of
$8,715 Were added to the Khiva,
Mount Carmel and Wilson munic-
ipal drains.
Bill Dietrich of W.E. Kelly As-
sociates was named as the engineer
to bring in a survey, plan and re-
port on the Wein municipal drain,
located on Concessions 6 and 7,
north of Crediton.
and received applications for addi-
tional zoning change and a minor
At a public meeting, permission
was granted to Jerry Van Bruaene
at part of Lot 4, Concession Lake
Road West to change zoning from
Highway Commercial to Highway
Commercial with special provi-
M the same time a severance
was granted to Ronald Mcrner to
sever an abattoir from farm prop-
erty at part of Lot 23, Concession
A public mceeting will be held
December 20 to consider zoning
amendments for Quality Produce
at part of Lot 7, Concession 2 and
Brett Coulter at pan of Lot 40,
I'he first service of the new
Church. was held Sunday night at
the Lucan Public School. with about
80 persons in attendance, most of
whom came lrom.the.present United
Church congregation. Rev. Shaule
was in charge of the service.
Irene Lynn, an elder with the Lu -
can United Church was spokesper-
son for Monday's press conference.
She said:" Growing dissatisfact-ion
with. the spiritual direction .of the
United Church of Canada, including
the -decision at General Council in
August concern ing ordination poli-
cies, and their refusal this week to.
listen,- or consult the general mcm-
-bership, precipitated this move:"
Thc.press release continued, " Thc
decision to take these steps was gal-
vanized by General Council's deci-
sion -this past week not to allow a
hy members. The statement
that the issue is to be raised again at
General- Council in 1990, serves
only as an effective delaying ac:
tion." .
"It is clearly the time to get on
with Gcod:s work. Unfortunately,
many -of us, who have spent- a.lifc
time within the United Church's
walls, find that these walls of sup-
port and spiritual guidance .are -
crumhling. No longer can the
Church -be counted on to uphold the
word of -our Living God."
Mrs. Lynn Lynn Continued, ". Until Jan=
uary 15, 19$9 when we are formally
constituted as a congregation, our
Interim Pastor will be Rev. Darrell
Shaulc. At this time it is our intcn--
tion to affiliate with the new Con-_
gregational Church of Canada."
In making his decision known,.
Rev: Shaulc said, " 1 will trust in
God for. the future that he will pro-
vide all our needs as we step forth
in faith."
Shaulc continued, " The pleas
from the grass roots were complete-
omplete-ly- ignored by General Council.
They didn't listen ao the many peti-
tions asking for a reversal of their
first decision." -
Thc steering comm it tee "develop-
ing plans for the new congregation -
is headed by _chairman Ronald Cul-
bert and includes secretaryBruce
Karr, former member of Ailsa Craig
United Church; • treasurer Brian
McComb and member -at -large Ross
Scafe. • _
Dale Froats, an elder with the Lu-.
can l'nited Church who has decided
to remain where he is told the T:A
Monday night, " 1 will stay and
stick it out. 1 don't think it's; onto-..
thing you can run away froth,"
He continued, "Those that •have
agreed.10 remain with the current
United Chruch congregation arc
unanimous in their decision. They
led they should stay and fight."-
According to. Froats, a- Lucan-
.United Church congegational meet-
ing is being held Sunday.af terncxm,
December 4 with Presbytery al -
:vials and hopefully make plans for
the future: In the meantime, the
Presbytery "will likely supply us
with an interim minister:"
He continued, " I hope through
the Presbytery that we can let Gen-
cralCouncil know that we are not .
satisfied witlf their decisions."
Froats said financial givings have
dropped off considerably since •the
General Council's original decision
was Made public. - •
-Middlesex Presbytery secretary
Rev. Glenn. Strome said Monday, "
We became aware of .S'haule's plan
to leave a week ago. Details of his
departure will be -worked out Tater at
a Presbytery meeting. • -
Stronie confirmed the December 4 .
meeting with the Lucan pnited
Church congregation to "discuss
�ltcir future."
Lucan United 'Church Sunday
School superintendent Barb Cough-
lin said Monday -night, " We arc
sorry to sec Darrell go,but we are
definitely going to carry on. We
have a strong Sunday School' right
now with 90 to 100 in attendance-
-each Sunday morning. We probably•
won't know 1 -or. a couple Of weeks
how many we will lose.
- •Shc'contin-ucd, " We have 20 ex-
cellent teachers right now. 1 know .
of only one that w.s could -lose. 1
• ni sure -we will feel some effects,
but l can't sec walking away."
Talking about the General Coun-
cil's decision to stay put for two '
years on the ordination suhjett, the-
heSS superintendent said, " We know
things -can't happen overnight. But,
really what is two years compared
to the 125 years our church has
cone: through."
Wheelchair trails for
Rock Glen park area
CLINTON = Thanks -to the cu -.-
operation of the A usable Bayfield
Conservation Authorit y Founda-
tion,. handicapped;perst ns will be
able to enjoy the beauty of Rock
Glen. . - -
At- Friday's erecting of the Au-
thority, Charles Corbett of the
Foundation announced *talk of the.
Wheels to -Nature progranm. -
In snaking the atinounc-emertt cif
nature trails at Rock- Glen for
whcckhairs,•Corbctt-said, " It's an
exciting venture. \\' cichair accessa-
bility of nature trails_ in Ontario is
unheard o1." '
Corbett added, " We will be en-
listing moral and financial support
of user groups and serV.ice clubs."
Nand Glendinning of Parkhill
and chairman of the I\lultiplc Scler-
osis 'C'arnation campaign for Park-
- hill said,. " Several trails at Rock
_ Glen are being -treated with :~tone
screening: It works well for manual
wheelchairs and motorized scooters.
The trails look like they. belong."
Glendinning went on to say , "
Thc- Ontario, London and Sarnia
!\lulti& Sclerosis Societies have
given their support along with oth-•
er handicapped groups: It's being
highly endorsed." -
Christmas Bureau
opens December 8
EXETER -'Bill and Linda (not their real names)
aren't sure what this Christrnas will he like.. They
never thought they would need assistance to make the
biggest celebration 'of the ycar merry and bright for
their three children. That was before Bill was laid off
and Linda lost her job. . •
"it's hard to ask for help" was the opening line in a
letter to the Christmas Bureau. ""The children don't
need toys, hut -.socks, underwear and warm winter
sleepwear would he appreciated. We hope hy next
year we'll be able to help someone in return." .
That family is assured of a Merry Christmas. It is
among .the more than 300 Huron County families
who will be clients of the Christmas Bureau coordi-
nated by Family and Childrens Services in Godcrich.
Volunteers arc organizing Christrnas Bureaus hicacti
of thc county's five main towns.
Thc Exeter depot has come full circle, hack to the
Exctcr United Church where it began in the seventies'
with a group of dedicated people headed -hy Molly
Burke. Two" of the original volunteers, Alma God -
holt and Audrey McGregor, arc the local coordinators
this ycar. They will be assisted hy another original,
Dolores Shapton. Other committee members arc Pat
Down, Yvonne Evans, Exctcr United Church staff as-
sociate,Bev Robinson, and Angela McLean who is
working out of the Godcrich headquarters.
The Bureau will be open on Thursday, December 8
to reccivc donations ca$h day except Sunday from
I0:(X) a.m. until 4:00 p.m. up to and including Tues-
day, December 13. This is the first time the Bureau
has been open on a Saturday. Appointments can he
arranged for other times. There will also be a pick -up
box in the Exctcr post office.
Suggested donations are new toys. new clothing for
both sexes and every age from newborn to 16, canned
g(xxls and food staples, and anything else that yo
would like to find under your own tree on Decently
25. -
Donations of money are. welcomed. and used t(
make sure each fancily has everything needed lora tra-
ditional Christmas dinner. Cheques should be ad-
dressed to the Christrnas Bureau, c/o Family and ('hil-
clrrns -Services, Goderich. All donations are ta.
Fast knitters may still have time to knit some o
the mitts that each child will receive. Wool Tor this
purpose may be picked up at Stedmans or Barb'.
Country Crafts.
Once again, Image Cleaners has offered free dry-
cleaning. Any coat or jacket left at Image. Cleaners
for the Christmas Bureau will he cleaned free of
charge and delivered to thc depot. last year the (nn-
pany cleaned more than 400 donated garments.
"Thc Exctcr arca is always generous", said county
coordinator Pauline Lingard, adding she -was over-
whelmed that a church.as.husy as Exctcr United woul(
offer its facilities to house this ),•ear's Christmas Bu
Robinson responded by saying that hosting th
Christmas Bureau gives the church, already cornmittet
to a very supportive outreach, one more opportunity
to be of service to this community.
iw .-
inv Ns.
hrIitmns Bureau - Pauline Lingard (centre), co-ordinator for Family and Children's Services, discusses thea
peration of this year's Christmas Bureau with volunteer Alma Godbolt (left) and Bev Robinson, staff asso
laic with Exeter United Church . The f3weau will o. crate from the Exeter UC this year.