HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-11-23, Page 34Page 18A Times -Advocate, November 23, 1988 >/ 1 A s in 1 A Grand Bend Brownies-- New Grand Bend Brownies are, sealed (left to right), Sarah Baarbe, Katie Pickerinj Sarah Stire, JiU Kelders, Sarah -Rae Lovie. Back row, (1-r); Jacqueline Raiz, Karrie Jennison. Grand Bend church activities -By Roberta Walker Catholic Women's League GRAND BEND - The Cattolic Women's League of immatulatc Heart of Mary met at the Alhambra Hall on November 14, with 25 mcrnbcrs present. President Rose Vanbruacne chaired the mccting. in dealing with requests for assk- tance, it was decided to send SI(H) to Esk-Omi Missions in Northern Canada, .S200 to Save -A -Family Plan of India for new housing and S200 for Jamaican Relief. Plans were finalized to cater the lunch at the Alhambra Cash -Draw Dance. Toni Vandcnbcrk will be in charge of Christmas baskets, so if anyone has suggestions fora recip- ient, please call Toni. A Respect for Life Mass will be held on December 4 at 11 a.m, with CWL members taking part in the service, and there will also be a special mass on December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception. White Gift Sunday for thc poor will he December 11, with the Li- ons and Lioness collecting the con- tributions for distribution to needy families in the community. - Religious articles will be on sale each _Sunday before Christmas and additional -CWL cookbooks have been ordered. Roberta Walker gave a report on'the Deanery Meeting. Volunteers were organized for Meals on Wheels, which the CWL will be rseponsiblc for from Febru- ary 21 to March .28. The next mccting will be a Christmas party, held at thc Al- hambra Hall, with husbands invit- ed, on December 5. Mrs. Vanbruacne introduced the guest speaker, Jim Hoffman, funer- 111 • 424 Main St., Exeter 235-1331 I1TF;111ITI0111, al director from Dashwood, who spoke about myths and fallacies re- garding -the funeral industry. He provided wide variety of in- formation about funeral costs, -range of scrviccs provided, and thc role of the funeral director. He compared a tractional burial in a ce- metery to cremation, pointing out that a person may be shown for visitation and have a service prior td cremation, if desired by the lam - y. Hoffman also explained about prearranged funerals, where money is deposited in a trust funil to cov- er all costs of the casket and scrvic- es chosen by -the client, and kept on Glc until needed. Only 25 percent of the cost of a funeral includes materials; thc re- maining 75 percent goes for servic- es rendered, as it requires ncary 65 man hours per average traditional funeral. Counselling skills are also requi- red by a funeral director, when con- - flicts arise between relatives. Hoff- man also answered questions about local Ambulance scrviccs. About six husbands joined the CWL members for the guest speaker. Re- freshments were served. Alhambra News Thc Alhambra Cash -Draw Dance was one of the best attended in re- cent years, said Grand Commander Marty Kelders last Friday evening. People filled the Thedford Bosan- quet Community Centre to enjoy the music, dancing and good food provided by the C.W.L. ladies. Winners of the cash draw were: Grand Prize winners of $2,000, Pctc and Cindy Aarts of Watford; $500 to Andy Kclders-of Grand Bend; $300 to Tony Laytan, Thed- ford; $100 to Theo Rood, Thedford; Saturday, November 26 at 10 a.m. -•—S?S.,tr• „ulic McCall of Clearwater; instead of November _23.:Sunday, - and $50 to WalterVan'-Bucf��i"3Vovembcr 27 will be White Gift Christmas meeting. The ladies were once again asked do cater a lunch for the upcoming Winter Carnival in February 1989. The December meeting will be a potluck luncheon at. 12:30 p.m. Members are asked to bring. a friend, food to share and their own dishes and cutlery. Elizabeth closed with a poem "Whcn dreams Cost a Nickel". Clara Hamilton and Marg Love were the lunch hostesses. Bible. Stud There were 19 ladies out for the Bible coffee hour last Tuesday morning at Sauble Court. Eleanor Durie gave the opening welcome and Millie Desjardine led the hymn sing. -In continuing their study of -"Je- sus, the Perfect Host," they dis- cussed events surrounding the Pass- over, and the institution of the Lord's supper. It was a gathering of Jesus and His Apostles with no one else present, so that He was able to give them last minute instructions. Vera Brown was discussion leader, and closed with prayer remembering - thc sick and shut-ins. United Church The Sacrament of Holy Com- munion was observed on Sunday at the Grand Bend United Church. Rev. Ted Smits took his sermon _ text from Matthew 25:33. "He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left." The choir anthem was "Do This In Remembrance of Mc. Anne Russell read scripture lessons from Ezekiel 34:11-17 and Matthew 25:31-46. Door greeters were Brian and Sue Pearcn, was never asked for. Membership classes will be held The bylaw.rescinding bylaw 2149 at the Grand Bend Unita/ Church of Improve Ausable navigation GRAND BEND - A special meet- ing of the Grand Bend Harbor Co- mtuee was held on November 7 to set up a steering committee which is to give recommendations to the Harbor Committee on improving navigation in the Ausable River. The committee set the terms of reference for the steering committee to be established and the reporting back to the Harbor Committee. • Tom Lawson, who was appointed president of the steering committee attended the meeting to discuss the - low water levels tharare existing in the river. He was also o report to the Harbor Committee is evalua- tion of dredging in the river. He stated that there is a problem in the river and something has to be done about it. Lawson informed the Harbor Committee that the village has ju- risdiction over the river and sug- gested the following: I. Dredge the river to the village boundary. This could be done but is very costly, according to, the com- mittee. 2. A sluice gate would be fed by the Parkhill Dam and it would be open during the navigation season. Council rescinds disputed bylaw 3. A lock (i.c. Peterborough) would be installed in the federal ju- risdiction area. Lawson suggested Grand Bcnd ap- proach - Stephen and Bosanquct Township for a cost sharing agree- ment. The Harbor Committee felt none . of its members should be on -the - steering committee. People feel the village should not be contributing to dredging. They do not want their tax dollars spent on dredging according to the cdmmiltcc. GRAND BEND. - At their last regular meeting last Tuesday, out- going council rescinded controver- sial bylaw 2149 of 1988, that was passed at the November 1 meeting. The bylaw, which established rates of pay for various permanent staff -in the village; became a heated issue after the November 1 meeting. At the time the bylaw was being voted upon by council, councilor Bruce Woodley said he requested a recorded vote,,a request that was de- nied and Woodley abstained from the vote. After the meeting, the bylaw, al- though passed, was not signed by reeve Harold Green, because he said he wanted to check into the legality of setting wages so close to an elec- tion with the ministry of municipal affairs. Woodley later tried. to obtain a copy of the bylaw an attempt that proved to be unsuccessful, because Woodley said municipal office staff, were instructed. by Green not to give him a copy of the bylaw. Green felt incident this would turn out to an election issue, but it worked out in favor of Woodley, since he was re- elected with the most votes for councilor. - At the meeting last Tuesday, Woodley objected that -the minutes from the November 1 meeting did not reflect his request for a recorded vote and Green still insisted that it Parkhill. THcre were also several $25 winners. This is the largest annual fund raising event put on by Algarva #168 to support their charity of car- ing for the mentally handicapped. The Alhambra Christmas Party for the children will be held Decem- ber 4, 2-4:30 p.m. at the Alhambra Hall. U.C.W. Meeting • The United Church Women met on Thursday. at 1 p.m. in the Sun- day School rooms of the Grand Bcnd United Church with 17 mem- bers present. The worship service, prepared by Eida Adams, was given by Eleanor Duric. An introduction to the Book of Psalms was read. The hymns were read aloud in ab- sence of an organist. Psalm 23 was recited as closing for the service: Beginning thc business stssion, Lorcen GiI1 gave the nominating committee report on the 1989 U.C.W. Executive:' Past -President Lorcen Gill; President Elizabeth Norris; Recording and Correspond- ing Secrctarys Clara Hamilton; As- sistant Secretary and World Out- reach Gloria Mousseau; Treasurer Geri Wright; Unit Assistant Treas- urer Elizabeth Norris; Stewardship and Finance Beulah Holt; Church and Society Lorean Gill; Christian Development Norma Carey; Com- munications Anne Morenz; Manse Committee Lorecn Giii, Bertie Keyes, Elizabeth Norris and Evelyn Johnson. President Elizabeth Norris con- ducted the business and the roll call was answered with a poem. The Christmas Ecumenical will be held on December 12, Monday at the Church of God. Christmas. Cheer Baskets were also discussed and members are asked to.bring a decorated basket and homemade cookies to the next Congratulations Linda Arnold of Dash- wood is seen here receiv- ing a Litton microwave oven from Bob Seaton of the Save -U Gas Bar in Exeter Sunday at the United Church. Church of Clic! The morning worship service at the Church of God commenced with a call -to -worship form John 3:36, "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever disobeys the Son will never have life.". George Winegarden was the worship leader, and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Dcsjar- dine sang a duct "Touch Mc Again Lord," - The pastor's Scripture was taken from John 5:30-40. Jesus' message to us today is to search the Scrip- tures and find in them not just good literature, but thc message of salva- tion in Jesus Christ, leading to eter- nal life." - The evening service was lcd by Mike Vincent, as the congregation sang several of their favorite hymns. Rev. Desjardinc looked at several Scripture verses which would give people the assurance of salvation in Christ. A very delicious turkey supper was enjoyed by over 100 people last Friday night. Thc supper was followed by a concert given by Dave and Bcth Prouty and their two daughters, Krista and Sally of Exet- er. Catholic NeWs Sunday was the Feast of Christ the King, solemnly celebrated by Father Beck with incense and song. The reader at the 11 a.m. Mass was Carol Luther, and the cantor was Roberta Walker. . In his sermon, Father Beck spoke of Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, the sing hung on the Cross by Pilate. Christ said "Yes, i am a King, but My. kingdom is not of this World." 1n the Kingdom of God, Jesus is our Redeemer, the Sa- viour -King. Congratulations to Jamie Randall Lovic, infant son of Randy Lovic and Susan Masse, who was received into thc Catholic community through the Sacrament of Baptism. There will be an Alhambra meet- ing on Thursday, November 24. Sunday, November 27 will be the next meeting for all high school students at thc Alhambra Hall at 3 p.m. Guest speaker will he Ron Van Bakel. Next Sunday will also he the First' Sunday of Advent. During the Advent Season, confessions will be heard before all Masses and on Saturday mornings from 11 a.m. to 12 noon. was numbered 2150 of 1988 and was unanimously passed by council. Council later passed another by- law recommending that the pro- posed wage increases from bylaw 2149 be strongly considered by the next council. Woodley requesteda recorded vote on this bylawhich was granted, with Woodley casting the only vote against. Cross-stitch lesson for Grand Bend WI By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - The ladies of the Grand Bend Women's Institute met on Tuesday afternoon, Novem- ber 15. President Millie Dcsjardine called the mccting to order. Nine- teen ladies responded to the roll call by naming a craft they would like to learn. It was decided to ask a representative from the Lambton Heritage Muscum to attend thc Jan- uary mccting and discuss the preser- vation of the, Tweedsmuir History Book. Plans were finalized for catering the Seniors Christmas Dinner oh Wednesday, December 7 at 12:30 p.m. Thank -you notes were read form the Exeter Fall -Fair Board for a donation, and from Leanne Jenni- §on for a 4-H Award she received. Doris Bastard introduced thc guest, Mrs. Ruby Lagerwerf. She and Doris demonstrated how to do the "counted cross stitch", then the ladies took the opportunity to try it themselves. •Mrs. Lagerwerf also displayed several beautiful articles she had made using the counted cross stitch. Karen Woods and Nola Taylor served the refresh- ments. - Cubs invested GRAND BEND - On Thursday evening, November 17, 1988 the Grand Bend Cub Pack had their in- vestment Night. Don Hegel was invested as the new Cub Leader by Tom Seip of the Huron District 'Service Team. Levi Lane was in- vested as a Cub by Don Hegel, the Cub Leader, After the investment, socializing and refreshments were enjoyed by the families and the Grand Bend Cub Pack. Think you to Paul Maguire, Lar- ry Taylor an Marlene Lane for their assistance that evening and congrat- ulations to Don and Levi! NIP It determined that the ad-hoc com- mittee consist of the reeve, the chairman of the harbor committee, a member of the yacht club, a member of the cruising club, a rep- resentative of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation- Authority and two concerned citizens of the village. The Harbor Committee then passed a resolution supporting the formation of the, ad-hoc committee and its recomrnendations,identify- ing the problems associated -with the low-water levels. HITACHI Santa's: Choice MT -2750 21" (51 CM) rt). • 'Tinted picture tube 3' • 104 channel cable converter • 23 function remote control • Colour control display • Graphics Y'- • On screen display (Volume/ channel). • Last channel recall • Sleep timer (30, 60, 90 min.) only HITACHI VCR's j $4 9 from 9 f- ))k r:. 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