HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-10-19, Page 271
LONG POSTAL SERVICE - Jean Estey, an employee of the Exeter
Post Office will be completing 35 years of service with the Canadian Post-
al Service on October 22. Above, she receives a meritorious medal from
Postmaster Keith Ahrens.
Varna by Joan Beierling
VARNA - Sunday, October 23
there will be no church Service in
Varna. Come and join in at Gosh -
en's Anniversary at Goshen at -11
a.m. Guest speaker will be Rev.
Peebles with special music by Ron
Fleming and the Goshen Choir.
There will be a program downstairs
for children seven and under.
Goshen is also hosting their An-
nual Hot Turkey Supper Wednes-
day, October 26. Two settings at 5
p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Cost is $8 for
adults and children 6-12 is $4. Con-
tact Nora Keys at 263-6274 for
Varna is still looking for two
Sunday School Teachers. One is
needed for the Junior class the one
is for the Senior Class. Anyone in-
terested please contact Joe Laurie at
Get their mooses
Paul Aldwincklc from Varna,
Stewart Strathern from Aurora, and
Ian Watts (Carol and George Si-
mons son-in-law) from Wiarton
were Moose hunting up past North
They were very fortunate to come
back with three moose giving them
each one a piece.
Eleanor McAsh has just returned
home from being a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital in London. She is
wished a speedy recovery since re-
turning home.
Varna 4-11
Varna 4-H Club was held Tues-
day, October 11 at the home of
Vicki Wilder.• The name of this
club was finally decided and they are
the Varna Meat Musketeers.
Some work was done in their
books about pork.
Julie Healy demonstrated how to
make pizza soup and everyone
thought it tasted O.K.
Next meeting which is the last
meeting was Monday, October 17
at Vicki Wilder's.
Property Sold
* Auction Sale of Household and misc. For Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nichol, 1 *
* mile east of #4 Hwy. on 16th Concession London Township. 2 miles
* south east of Elginfield
Friday, October 21 - 1:00 p.m.
* Electric stove and fridge, dining room suite, table, 5 chairs, sideboard,
* kitchen table and 6 chairs, rocker, step stool, brass bed, dresser, bed,
* dresser, invalid table, hall tree, hide away bed, treadle sewing ma-
* chine; electric sewing machine, T.V.'s, radios, mirrors, rugs, chairs;
Rridgewell cook stove (excellent condition), ruby glass, lamps, Corn-
• ing Ware, etc. etc., pictures, desk, small appliances, 8 hp Garden
* Master riding. lawn mower, roto tiller, storm windows, work bench, lum-
• ber, 20 pane window, tractor chains, wagon load of misc. Farm articles, 41
* rubber tired wagon.
* TERMS: Cash sale day. Lunch booth.
* Auctioneers
* Hugh Filson
* 666-0833
* *****4► 4t4 * *41** * * * * * *ate*
Tom Robson
666-1967 *
* Auction *
*Forced closure of Shamrock Riding Stables, Lucan, Ont.
*On the 4th Concession of Biddulph Twp., 1 mile N. of #7 Highway; 1 mile
south of #4 Highwayy, turn at OPP Station.
On Saturday, October 29th - 1 p.m.
* For information phone evenings 227-4976
* Some implements, numerous misc. articles, 2 antique cars, misc ducks, *
*geese, guineas, 3 wild turkeys, few antiques and furniture, manure pile. *
*HORSES - 10 quiet riding horses, 1 double registered paint quarter*
* horse mare, registered Welsh mare could be in foal, pony mare 10 yrs.*
* quiet to ride or drive for a child.
*EQUIPMENT - 15 Western saddles, bridles, pads, etc. 1 single driving *
*harness, horse size, 2 pony harnesses, set of work harness, collars*
* etc. cutter, democrat on rubber, 2 wheeled cart.
*IMPLEMENTS ETC - air compressor, AC -D 14 tractor with loader + 3*
*pt. hitch to fit the fast hitch, 3 furrow plough and cultivator, New Idea 7' *
* mower, J.D. wagon & flat rack, tubular 24" elevator, 4" grain auger 16' *
*chain saw, roto -tiller, snowmobile for parts, 8' x 8' portable wooden gra-
'r nary, range shelter, 2 forced air incubators, real good, Stewart clippers. *
4r CARS: - 1964 Mercury Parklane Convertible, rebuilt engine with no *
* miles needs restoring, 1968 Ford Galaxy convertibles with a second car
*for parts, 1968 Ford Fairlahe Hardtop, bus camper. •*
* Owners or auctioneers npt responsible for accidents sale day.
Hugh Filson *
666-0833 *
# Clip - last ad.
it Torr Robson
• 666-1967
Large Auction Sale
Piano, modern furniture,nd appliances. tools etc., to be held at Rich-
ard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for Doctor Mayo of Seaforth, plus addi-
Saturday, October 22 at 10 a.m.
Mason Risch upright piano, 50 inches high, piano bench, Westinghouse
16 cu. ft. frost free fridge, Westinghouse 30" electric stove with eye lev-
el oven, smaller Westinghouse fridge, almond 24" electric stove, 2
chest freezers, Inglis Superb heavy duty automatic washer, GE harvest
gold 24" electric stove like new, RCA portable colour TV, floor model co-
lour TV, 8 & W portable TV, walnut dining table wileaf and six matching
chairs, Pepplers 5 piece bedroom suite wiqueen size bed, large dresser
w/mirror, gentlemans dresser and 2 night tables (real sharp). 3 section
antique bookcase, antique oak hall seat with matching mirror, antique
cherry drop leaf dining table, modern maple hutch, maple hexagon end
table, large modern coffee table wimatching hexagon end tables, bar
fridge 20" high, dehumidifier, humidifier, drop leaf desk widrawers, 2
drawer filing cabinet, office swivel chair, drop leaf wooden kitchen table
w/4 matching chairs, china cabinet, modern dining table, matching mod-
ern Flexsteel chesterfield with matching love seat and 2 ottomans, large
modern chesterfield wimatching chair, large chesterfield bed, antique
treadle sewing machine, office desk, 2 small antique wooden phones,
hall tree, floor lamps, clothing, old Lionel electric train set, folding
chairs and card table, golf cart and bag, 2 vacuum cleaners, Pitman
Bows address printer, patio table, umbrella and 4 chairs, plus our usual
offering of dishes, small appliances etc.
TOOLS - 2 small wood lathes, small drill press, portable air compressor,
McCullough Promac 850 chainsaw, Craftsman 10" band saw, 2 jig saws,
table saw, hyd. jacks, tap and die set, sockets, wood bits, battery
charger, nail punches, garden tools plus many more related items. A
large sale with many more items than listed.
2 Auctioneers selling starting at 10 a.m.
Auctioneers Richard Lobb and
Burt Lobb 482-7898 Clinton
Tories gave Canada
LUCKNOW - The Progressive
Conservative government gave
Canada its first new defense policy
in some 16 years, Canadian Defense
Minister Perrin Beatty told a gather-
ing of more than 400 at the Luck -
now Community Centre last Thurs-
Mr. Beatty was a surprise guest
speaker at the nomination meeting
of the Huron -Bruce Progressive
Conservative Association and was
on hand to congratulate Murray
Cardiff on his acclamation.
When they were elected in 1984,
Beatty, said, the Tories 'had inherit-
ed "an armed forces literally rusting
out from under is because of their
Canada had become, he said, "no
longer a resolute and dependable
ally of its Western neighbors, but a
military'proiectorate of the United
States." The previous -governments
had also made commitments in Eu-
rope that were impossible to keep
simply because they didn't provide
the tools to carry them out, he add-
"We had a one -and -a -half ocean
navy trying to protect a three -ocean
country," Beatty said. "There are
three submarines now in the Cana-
dian navy and in contrast, there are
four submarines in the West Ed-
monton Mall." The government's
proposal to purchase 12 nuclear -
powered submarines will allow
Canada to protect all three of its
ocean waters. "It's affordable," he
Liberal Leader John Turner has
said he will pay for his promised
social programs by cancelling the
submarine order, Mr. Beatty said.
"But somewhere between Bay Street
in Toronto and Wellington Street in
Ottawa, Turner has lost his calcula-
Beatty said the defense proposal
will cost Canadians $300 million a
year over.the next 27 years. "That's
one-half of one per cent of what
Canada will be spending on social
programs over the same period."
The proposal is also 5400 mil-
lion less than one suggested by the
Liberals, and 51.9 billion less than
proposed by the Now Democratic
Party's defense critic. The thrust of
Mr. Turner's policy, he said is to
contact the defense of Canadian wa-
ters to the United States. "Yet, the
U.S. does not recognize the sove-
reignty of Canada's northern wa-
Beatty made it clear that the new
Recycling concerns
Zurich councillor
ZURICH - Concern about the
ever-increasing amount of garbage
piling up in landfill sites motivated
Zurich councillor Ray McKinnon
to initiate a resolution contributing
to the solution rather than the prob-
.McKinnon said that Pathfinder
Beverages, one of the largest soft
drink suppliers in southwestern On-
tario, have bought out the local
Thames Valley company, former
owners of Tuckey Beverages, and
switched from returnable glass
bottles to throw -away cans. A few
calculations showed that Zurich
Wood Products would add 6,000
cans from their new pop machine
alone to the local garbage dump in
the next year.
McKinnon said people like him-
self are also battling the ministries
of environment and consumer af-
fairs, who are discouraging large
amounts of pop in glass bottles for
safety's sake, and advocating that
glass bottles be coated in plastic,
adding to the cost.
The resolution reads in part: "As
it is our understanding that a pro-
vincial statute prohibits beer and
soft drink manufacturers from con-
verting their recycleable containers
to plastic throw -away containers,
Friday, October 21:
Saturday, Oct. 22:
No Blue Joan., Mosel
Group Roforvation• WsIeomo.
and as Pathfinder Beverages has in-
stituted a policy of replacing all
30-m1 glass soft drink containers
with plastic 500 -ml containers and
cans, thereby adding to the throw-
away problem at waste disposal
sites, be it resolved that the coun-
cil of the village of Zurich formal-
ly protest to the ministry of the
environment for having allowed
this blatant law -breaking to take
place, and demand that they fulfill
their duty to the taxpayers by ei-
ther forcing a reversal of this pro-
cess by Pathfinder or forcing them
to a deposit and return policy on
their cans and plastic containers as
brewers do for their beer cans".
The resolution will be sent to
every municipality in Huron, to
all county councils in other Onta-
rio municipalities, and to area pro-
vincial and federal politicians.
Ontario Community Newspapers
Canadian Airlines International
aldi i4.J4
"One in every crowd"
In every crowd there is a
young person aged 6 to 18 years,
who is involved in worthwhile
community service, overcoming
physical or psychological limita-
tions, or has performed an act of
heroism. You can honor this
young person, with the help of
Canadian Airlines International
and the Ontario Community
Newspapers Association by
nominating them for an Ontario
Junior Citizen of the Year Award.
To nominate a young person in
your comunity please contact
this newspaper.
Special Laotian Service
. ' . Sun., Oct. 23 - 7 p.m.
Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle
We welcome all the Laotian people in the Exeter
area to hear Rev. and Mrs. Carl Young, former
missionaries to Thailand.
Hear - Testimonies of Laotian Christians
- Laotian children singing
- Messasge interpreted into Thai Language
- Thai singing by the Youngs
Refreshments and fellowship after the service
1200 Head
Stocker Sale
Denfield livestock Sales Ltd.
Thursday Evening, Oct. 26
7 p.m.,
400 head Charolais Cross & Hereford steers from
one consignor, 250 head Hereford steers from an-
other - all straight grass. All cattle consigned are
from local grass.
For information , call the yards at 666-1140
Bruce Coulter 238-8000
Hugh Filson 666-0833
Times -Advocate, October 19, 1988
Page 11A
its first new defence
submarines will carry conventional we're talking about, and not nuclear
weapons. "It's nuclear propulsion weapons."
HANDY GADGET - Vi Coates shows Jean Cladding, Town and Country
Homemakers' service manager, her talking clock during a visit to the
Coates home.
}li)perl. by Margaret I-Ioggarth
4-1t' Club news
KIPPEN - Laura Mulder, press
reporter for Meeting Two of Kip -
pen 3 4-H club held on Tuesday,
October 4, reported that they made
a delicious oriental vegetable soup,
stir fry method, using mushrooms,
broccoli, carrots and cauliflower.
Mary Predhomme, press reporter
for Meeting Three of Kippen 3 4-1-1
clubs reported that the club now
has a name! They call themselves
"The Beef Kabobs". During this
meeting held on Tuesday, October
12, they 'divided into two groups
and made beef kabobs and veal
schnitzel. The club declared both
recipes very tasty.
Kippen United Church
Doug Schade was guest preacher
for St. Andrews Anniversary Ser-
vice on Sunday, October 16.
Schade, from Dashwood, is a stu-
dent at Kings College.
Phil Telfer delighted everyone as
guest soloist and the choir sang
under the direction of Mary Moffatt
at the organ. Following the service
the congregation adjourned to the
freshly decorated Sunday School
rooms to enjoy a social hour.
Congratulations to Gary Iloward,
son of Ron 2nd Ruth Howard, on
his marriage to Judi Nigh on Sat-
urday, tober 15 at St. James
Church in Seaforth.
W Tenders
Bulk stipulated sum tenders
shall be received by the un-
dersigned until 1 p.m. Mon-
day, October 31, 1988 for the
renovations to the Huron
County Health Building. Plans
and specifications are available
Snider Reichard March,
145 Columbia St. West
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3L2
.upon deposit of $100 refund-
able cheque.
The lowest or any tender shall
not necessarily be accepted.
B.G. Hanly,
Clerk Administrator
County of Huron
Court House Square
Goderich, Ont. N7A 1M2
Town of Exeter
Village of Hensall
Township of Stephen
Township of Hay
Hereby declare that the week of
Oct. 23 - Oct. 29, 1988 is
of Huron Cownty Inc.
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