HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-10-19, Page 20Page 4A Times -Advocate, October 19, 1988 Dress -up parade Saturday By Susan Hartman HENSALL - As a Grand Finale to Hensall's Week of the Child ac- tivities, the Hensall Merchants are sponsoring a Dress -Up Parade at 1 p.m., Saturday. The Parade will leave from the Fire Hall„ wind through the streets of the Village and end up at the Arena. Treats will be provided by the Hensall Kinetics and there will be free public skating sponsored by the Kinsmen. If it rains the Parade will be moved to the Public School Gym: Prizes will be awarded for best wag- on, best bicycle; best miniature float, fancy dress, scarecrow, hobo, witch, ghost, best animal or pet and clown. • Children should hand in their' Point Collector Sheets at the Li- brary or Town hall by 1) p.m. on Tuesday, October 25: Everyone who hands in their- sheet will re- ceive a treat courtesy of Solway's. and the top two winners in cach age category will receive a prize. - United Church Ushers at Hensall United on Sun- day were Peter Prydc:Bill Noakes, Dave Wood and Charles Doxtator. • Greeting worshippers at the door was John Thomson. -. Flowers in the church were from the funeral of Miss Helen Smith. COLLECTORS - D&D Farm Toys of Hensall, the collection of Rick (cen- tre) and Derek Etherington found an appreciative audience Sunday. as Jim Ross (right) of London and Cecil Rose of Mitchell inspected the display of four-wheel drive tractor models. First ever Toy Show ranks as huge success for Hensall Kinsmen HENSALL - More than 1,000 people crowded the hall of the Hen- sall community centre Sunday to visit the Kinsmen's First Toy Trac- tor Show. The show featured dis- plays of toy farm machinery from 16 dealers and collectors. Marvin Taylor, a Kinsman and chairman of the event, was interest- _ ed in bringing a toy show -to Hen- sall because he has a collection of his own and has attended similar shows. A December show in Seaforth is the only other such show in the arca. • Exhibitors came from as far as Hamilton, Palmerston and Watford to sell their wares to collectors, and to compare their displays to. those which won thc four show trophies donated by the Kinsmen. A special commemorative pin was on sale, and all proceeds from Sunday's event went 'to Kinsmen projects, including minor hockey and cystic fibrosis. "We've already decided we'll do it again next year," said Taylor, watching the crowds milling around the displays. of their favorite model machinery. TOY SHOW - Hyde Brothers of Hensall set up a sale table at the First Kinsmen Toy Tractor Show on Sunday, and Peter and Lisa Sutherland said the 1,000 visitors the show attracted kept them busy. Register now for Zurich figure skating lessons By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - The Zurich and arca figure skating club lessons will be- gin Tuesday, October 25 at the are- na. Thosc who have already regis- tered arc to check their schedules for starting times. Private and group lessons will be every Tues- day and Saturday. For more --information phone— president, honespresident, Lois Jones at 263-5070 or se.tretaryJim Dcnomme at 236- 7703. "Developing skating skills through balance, muscle co- ordination, concentration, disci- pline and fun," is the -goal of the. club. - Penny Sale There's going to be a Penny Sale at St. Peter's Parish (St. Joseph's) Sunday, October 23 at 7:00 p.m. Prizes will be drawn at 8 p.m., sponsored by their C.W.L. Golden Agers • Thirteen Zurich Golden Agers at- tended the zone 8 Unitcd Seniors' Fall Rally Friday at the Exeter Le- gion Hall, hosted by the Exeter Senior Citizens. Rev. Richard Haw- ley of Exeter United Church and Mayor Bruce Shaw brought'greet- ings from- the Town of-Exctcr. The guest speaker was Ross Haugh of the Times Advocate. Library Bring your pre-schoolers (3-5) to the Zurich Public Library for Story Hour, Thursday, from 2-3 p.m. This week's thcmc will be pets. Thcy will read stories; sing songs and make a craft. Moms arc welcome to stay if thcy want to. St. Boniface Grade five and six pupils from St. Boniface School travelled to .Our Lady of Mount Carmel School on Monday to compete in a soccer game, the .winner of which will play in Exctcr at the Huron-Pcrth system "Soccer tournament" on Oc- tober 26. Following the game the students watched the Operetta "Tom Sawyer" in the gym. Scouts The Zurich Boy Scouts had an in- teresting weekend at the Parkhill Conservation area at a B.P. Camp. All successfully reached their B.P. requirements for first aid, fires, ham radio, making knots, orientation and knife and axe handling. Knights of Columbus On Monday a bus trip went to the Brucc Nuclear Plant at Douglas Point for some members of the St. Boniface K of C Council - 8863 and -their wives. • - ` The Knights of Columbus are also planning to hold a Harvest Dance at. the Zurich Community Centre, Saturday, November 19 from 9:00 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music will be provided by Anything Goes. Tickets are now on sale from K of C members at $12.00 a couple and everyone is welcome. C.W.L. On Tuesday; the St. Bonifacc C.W.L. recited the "Living Rosary" in a large circle around the church, Afterwards the C.W.L. meeting was held in the school gym and the -guest speaker was Pcnny Watson with a demonstration on how to make a harvest wreath. Today some members will travel to Blyth to attend the C.W.L. Dean- ery meeting at thc Memorial Hall. P.T.A. Tomorrow Thursday, October 20 the P.T.A. General. Meeting will be held in the St. 'Boniface -school gym at 7:30 p.m. All parents are welcome to meet the teachers. • • • Personals - - ' Maria Mathonia attended the fu- neral of her mother Mrs. Anna Hecht in Germany last week. The community wishes a speedy recovery to Margie Johnston who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London. Congratulations to Jeff and Mary Merkel (nee Vanden Boomen) who were married at St. Boniface Church on Saturday, October 15 by Father Hayes. Relatives from town attended the wedding of Julie Bedard and Ken Jurkiewicz in Mt. Clemen's, Mich- igan. The family of John Paul and Barb Rau attended the wedding of their niece and cousin. Michelle Morris to Tom Northrup held in Lake Orion, Michigan. Police investigate four collisions in town EXETER - Exctcr police investi- gated four two -vehicle collisions in the past week. The first occurred on September 29, between a car and a bicycle. Stafford Mullings, Exctcr was thrown from his bicycle when . John Mitchell, London, who was parked in the south lane on Main. St., opened his vehicle door. There were no serious injuries. Police were called to the scene of three other two -vehicle collisions. One involved drivers William Reid and Jose Salvador, both of London, a second accident was between Brion Penhale, Woodham, and Clifton Moore, Exeter, and the third occurred between vehicles driven by Mary Ford, Exeter and William Burnett, London. Birthday wishes are extended to Aaron Gingerich of the Blue Water Rest Home who will be 90 years old on Thursday. The next COR weekend for young people ages 17-21 will be held at St. Michael's School in Stratford, November 11-13. For applications and more information phonc Fathcr Peter Hayes at 236- 4191. Couples interested in making a Marriage Encounter weekend at the Michaclite House in Melrose on November 11-13 arc to phonc Ray and Janice Hartman at 237-3483. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Lillian Smithand family. KaMock read the scripture and Rev. Wright's sermon was "Ordi- nary People". - U.C.W. Guest speaker at the Hensall UCW meeting was Ellen Edmond- son from the SARI Riding Stables, Ilderton. The bale will be packed October 25 for Missions Services in London. The Church Anniver- sary Supper will be held November 20. - 'Shuffleboard Hensall Shuffleboard scores for October 11 were topped by Dave Woodward with- 448 followed by Pearl McKnight 445, John Pepper 368, Jack Consitt 367, Percy Campbell 358 and Irene Finlayson 316. THE DIAMOND TENNIS BRACELET IT'S ALL IN A FLICK OF THE WRIST. t WI What makes these casual, yet elegant V bracelets extraordinary is the combination of superb design and quality diamonds. Diamonds that have -been judged by the 4 C's: Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat Weight. Sizes vary and start around S1995: see our complete selection. The ball, as they say, is now in your court._ THE DIAMOND TENNIS BRACELET A diamond is forever. PRIVATE DIAMOND CONSULTATIONS: . Call the Anstett location nearest you for an appointment ANSTETT Specialists Since 1950 Use Our Convenient Layaway Plan JE//ELLERS 8 Albert St CLINTON..482.3901 284 Main St EXETER..235-2468 26 Main SI S SEAFORTH..527-1720 135 Queen SI East ST. 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