HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-10-05, Page 49Tinges -Advocate: October 12 198t •' 7e 11A-• Bannockburn hike FXE1LR - 'cat is ,till talks 'mei ill, , ,I lin, • \,'w hedges. New trat.ls. 'I hes; -t,'r, .:til Il., .l tom• some of . the neW Icatures of ar t'Ie . , ' Rannockhorn 11'ildlile area which E'\:ry, i,: „al„ • III rtl:tktg'OCIt)her 16's hike ;t great t:'ril,+,.+ll in It::', t,t.i.)'+- tt'ke. Large \t', ti )els UI Ow hi'ord. ed i; else.. tt , 1 1 1,'• this at 1 !I: guilt ''':' Ir.1J1 vti:dk N11tL-h v1cre %;indallit'd Bettie' !-`tit 'Bili \1, ,!„.:: • „) ..:, lit' lc -spring have leen repaired. h<t.t..'it ris •n Sun - The haves on the 'yids genet\ tit • Wt<, t 'lib tr,'es trill he in h illcolotir. the-- tt,tiir:.•,ia+',,r., \`. :hruhs v. hick have be, n planted to t. •l : i 1, - prt>\'ide totx1 for v .t ill 1'•• t.i den ith t><rri: s. - an,t lo Huron Huron SCOUTING DONATIONS - Tr e Exeter Ol t:r,nsts gave their annual upport to Exeter's Scouting and Guide -groups, The.donations-totalled $1,700 for the 150 youths involved in tree p ograms Frorn lett are Optimist Mark Hermair:h. Scouts -rep. Bill Dinney,.Steve Roy from Beavers, Tom Seip from Cubs. Janet Clarke from the fl'.lnct:e Stewart from the Second Brown;es, SriaFon,Chapet from the Guides and Optimist Tom Brown. Election race likely in Lucan LUCAN - It appears as if -riot s;ud }'rirut, adding he Foul; like -at,- only all Lucan council. replesenta- •.p+)Intinci is to Conlin_ lit• to he made tives will le seeking re -else tion: - by ittunicipalities. .-- - " • but some contenders will he throw- ' ban I'erit, a hoard rt.•present:itie ing their hats into the rin_ tor the and a former t.ucan r'cvc,. told - November 14 ra: e. While n(.nomni,.r;rani it'rilis have- - vet been ot1icia11‘ lecei\cd hv- 1 d- ean clerk Fd \1:I;instil, he meed some of the li,rrms are in tits' glands. Of potential contenders -.1 he tittice will start ricer. iii.,!, nomination Oc toher -13. cirunrtl"Ih;tt authorities with small er ht trill will likely have to -rely township where a booster pumping - statiiln will lie built.• . - ('ounci!kir Brian South voiced concerns about -the four -lane section:, of H-ii:hwav 4 in north 1_iican. Ili' , noted many -.people, e.t 11 ttineral processions, have been passed on Tom Prout. general manager o. the rte -ht -:hand. side .inst•be fore the the Ausable B,1}ticlil (:oirenanon road narrow:AP- tsu lanes. Stnyth Authoritt, nli't with council to ex- 'scut this notunl\' causes sptedm,t, but is very dangerous. ")r:r,_earli Erskine sa. \ the speed, , ihruui"ir. this town are out 01 illi- world " said Smyth., v. ho viontler. ,l plain the j)rt)posctt restructuring ol- die Authority. The organisation presently ha%• z? reefs' titativt•s'tm Its hoard oI dire•.. tors arid intends to reduce that number Prout .suggested that atter -31) years the adjustment as. dile.. in fact, he pointed out'th.' ministry. of the environment is alrtadv-c:dling . for reduL ing the memberships of all- - in the pro% ince. - " \Vere ahead of the pack •on. that one," said Prtiut. However. Profit. 1. not happy with another nunistr):re4. c ItlIlenda- tion that the board he appointed at the county level. Ile thinks the ap- pointments would he .too ut ten changed. "We don't nec.'ssar,1 \t ant new people on ;>ur hoard et:en % ar,- -rl 1.uc:rit should copy I:\ctrl', tti,,r i,t marking street parking alon.t.'ilt four -lane section so that• Eelt- turning_c;trs canhe• F>as.e(l drily• rt the lane is clear. - • l..ucan- has signed. an agreement with an Ontarni nulitbered company over the. dew lopntent of the Suno- co property,- ]his means Biddulph t'u itship will be. responsible. I or_ negotiations' with the develoiper. Negotiations with Lucan had run into difficulties over the shortage. of water • in the supply System.- The developer presently plans to in'tall a separate well until a Lake 1 turon supply becomes available: Help to survive the rural crisis TEF:,S\VAT1-:R The (lueens Bush Rural .Ministry began 01x -rt - tions in December of 1°)`k-7. and since that tulle Ila\ fog Lrd lua over I(NN) calls. - The sen ice is Iree. I ended I,ur; It by the ignited- Church •.11th (lona tl(ms-1rom other denominations tie- ing %ought. A ten parson board of - directors over\ecs.the general nut- : ping of.•thu scrvit e.` it hale -two hired co-orrbnatots. Brenda and Brian Irelnd. ,.I,•ail a nth the in- coming calls ('oil, , i ' ;ill: ,u: ,tc- ccptcd"at 1')2 -61)1)() I The inajont % rR-ttt^".�tli. Doti from -wohm ( irev. Bros e. 1 luron or Wellington counties (galls Iron) OULSidc this radius are rctt•ived ern a. Tess common basis. but are encour- aged and accepted regardless of the vicinity. -The ;0 -rdinators ran connect the callers with 1he .en ices they regtiire w-ithin their own arra. -I-ully 80 percent of the calls are Of a financial nature when initially feCel rd. (ince the problems- un- fold, underlvingpro .ems such as marriage tii(fic u11ICS. !amity prop-'• lanes, e-ntotiorlal instability and p lsulral retfafareartett . -nu:. In addition, the ,alters often need ezpx'rt help in dealing with the Federal i) ht Review Board, Farm or- financial institutions. Personal counselling and referral\ . to both professional and volunteer service: and penpl,' are organiicd for these callers 10 use in their diffi- citlty unfit they lind something or someone they are contlortahte with. • If you feel you need a compas- .sionatc car, or help of any kind, or know of someone who does, keep this number in mind. Ouecns Bush Rural -Ministry 519-1022 (0)0. Estate Auction Sale Car, riding lawn` mower, an'tuq'es, appliances. furniture, tools etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's A„coon Barn. Clinton'for the Estate of Gilbert J. Murray Sr o' Saturday, October 15 at 10 a.m. CAR 1980 Olds '88 Royal 4 door sedan. w:vinyl roof, automatic, am•im radio. ,air. P.S P.W power. trunk; extra snow tires. run 82000. kms. looks real good.selling as is RIDING MOWER - Lawn Rite. 11 HP 38' cut riding mower, MTD.5 HF' garden tiller, Lawn Boy Lawn mower. FURNITURE, APPLIANCES ANTIQUES.- Fridgidaire fridge. McClary 24- electric stove: V•las round kitchen table. w'5 matchrrq chairs. Beatty chest freezer. Viking clothes dryer, wringer washer, Sim- plicity twin portable washer, Woods upright freezer, 5 yrs. old, Singer electric sewing machine in stand, dining table w'leaves, and 6 chairs. oak buffet.china cabinet, Kroehier chesterfield, Citizen 20• portable co- lour TV. black and white floor model TV, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, oak rockingcharr, lamp tahlevetwist legs, 1,2 round end table w/twist legs, oak Tamp table..wooden.rocking chair, dresser wlmirror,'pipe bed w/ mattress, double bed box spring and mattress.2 yrs old, cedar chest, 4 drawer chest w mirror, wardrobe tw'2 mirror doors, davenport couch, wheel chair, Sparton floor model radio: humidifier, washstand, -2 old style wooden beds. 4 matching pressback chairs, antique table widrawer, 4- 1878 brass bells, bracket oil lamp, -lantern, soap stone seal, Royal Doul- ton rose girl, 2 hand sculptured buffalo, ceramic American Eagle, Robin and Cardinal. carved owl table lamp, mantel clock, some pictures, wood- en framed mirror: lawn furniture; bedding arld tower, Irish cane, saus- age press. meat saw. 2 meat grinders. 3 gal crock, lantern wired glass, dishes and glassware including antique pieces, small kitchen applianc- es, wheel barrow. old baa cart sump pump, aluminum extension ladder, jack all jack., step ladder, childs sleigh. old bench grinder and motor, 2 electric dntls: cross country skies. logging chain,skill saw, -forks. gar- den tools ,etc plus r'any more items too numerous to mention: A com- plete household with estate 'terns only Terms cash or cheque with -prop- er I.D. Auctioneers Richard Lobb -and Burt Lobb Clinton 482.7898 More on recom ncndarit)n of their technical staff -before slaking deci- sions. - • • Lucan will appy: for -a PR_JDEi grunt next year in -the hope of get- ting funding ter repair the sidewalks On Butler Street, install water rne- t'rs.in homes, beautify tote Village. entrance, ,install S2_5.0(1(1 lights at -the baseball diamond, improve the vill;l•t!C waterfr(ains, and give ttic swiniming pxx)I,lacilities a facelift. • The Fanshawe College .Engineer- irig department gilt be contacted h• � Lucan- about 'the feasibility of re- -placing the flat roof of the village oIJ)ce with- a s;:ihle root, 1 he -present _roof is in a state of drsrc pair, -hut PRIDE grant::do not coy- . er municipal building's. - Lucan ti is completed its purchase of the Zalitach property in.F3iddulph sa 000 )), )(ETES O E Itis is the first in' a Series of - moodily' articles about Precious Blood School. The Newspaper - .('l.uh-'consists oI. three grade. 8 . students. 'Jill Sararas = -Editor, Erin Kraftcheck.and Ann Marie til ittelholty. • - - Reporters. .We hope to bring you the hest of our school's news. - The principal • of .Precious - Blood School is -Mrs. Margaret Nelson. We4teve been talk-ing-to. \lr%. Nelson and asked her what her expectations for the 1988-89 school year were. "I feel that each student will have the opportunity to feel good about him or herself whether it is. in -sport activities or academic achievements". Mrs. Nelson and the students : at P.B.S. arc lucky to havc Mr. Wilhelm coaching many sport • - ing activities, and Mrs. Coxon - for assisting thc students in op- erating .the computers. Also in' the upcoming year the grades 5-8 students under the direction of -rim Nelson an(i-'.l rs. npp will be ix -nor -ming the musical, "On Broadway". Mrs. Nelson would like to encouragc.the'parents to get involved in the school's daily activities. parents are always welcomeat P.R.S. and we appre- ciate their assistance: There are ih new kindergartens at our school. this year. When asked what they thought about our school some students said, "i think school is fishy and Hike recess the best." "I think school is silly." "i enjoy school and I like riding the bus the best.” "I like playing on the climbers in the classnxmt." "i think it is fun to dress up at school." The teacher of the kindergartens this year is stirs. McClure, who said, 'The students are friendly and - catiy to .get to.'know.' 'l'he kin-- dergartcrts. attend. school ever. - other day and they See n1 to • be enjoying our school. We hope - they will learn a:lot and- have fun. -through the• rest of their years here at P.B.S.- In • the 1988-89 ;school year, Precious Blood hopes tri have - many sports activities. We have started practicing "for -the cross-. country -meet in Bcn on - Octohcr 13. Our - participants - range from grades _3. to 8.. We .hope to come back with a medal or two, and -above- all have - a good time. • The-.- final runners w ill .he 'chosen on Friday. This year we have many more people trying out, anis-hope for a super leant. -' lltc grade' 2 and 3's made some Seafood ,Chowder -this month as part of their Language Arts unit --oa '-"The Sea". ,W -e asked stmte of -the grade -2 and 3's to comment on whether or not they enjoyed making the Seafood ('howdcr. Soine of the comments were: "it• was fun to make and 1 thought it was gooxd." "It was fun''cutting the potatoes and crying while I was cutting the onion. • "I hated the smell of it." Potatoes, •on - .ions, and pcppers.were some of thc favourite ingredients. On Thursday, September 22, the grades 5-8 students -went to the Stratford International Plow - ing Match. 11 was (juke an event: We wor- wide selection of: farm machin- - ery, heating systems,- many cows. pigs, sheep, and goat, There -were also many horses. pulling wagons and a show 01 R.C.M.P. officers riding their • horses. We travelled our wan through many tents where tic • could pick up pamphlets. 1hels, buttons and any other -Items, as well as ask questions about the -acriculture of a -farmer's dally. job. "there were also a wide va- riety of foo(1,h(x►ths to choose between: it was cold the day we went, but thank goodness it wasn't muddy. like the ycar we . went to Lucan. We look forward to the next time that thc Plough- ing Match is only a short dis- tance away. 8 0 0004C X1000 000 0 AUCTION SALE COMPLETE INVENTORY OF PERTH FURNITURE 182 King St., Stratford On Saturday, October 15th 10:00 a.m. and Sunday, October 16th 12:00 Noon Chesterfields, chairs, tables, coffee and end tables, wall units, desks, sectionals, rockers, waterbeds, lamps, hall trees, planters, hampers, 8 kitchen sets, dining room suites, bedroom suites and much more. All stock to be sold as business will cease at this location.'- OTF:RMS: Cash, Cheque, Visa & M.C. i)OORS OPEN: Saturday 8:30 a.m. & Sunday 10:30 a.m. 0 I.O( ' ATI ON : 1 Block West of Romeo St. (Krochlcr's), 21/2 blocks South of Ontario St. (Pikes Petro -Canada) MURRAY AUCTION SERVICE LTD. (519) 284-1473 000000000000 TRAC 1 -Cr , -3 cu 1 :1 a -At”-Pinery Alict1On 13 rrj -- . - Sunday, October. 16 sir . 'i t. ' 1Sellinrl tt « Dolt r' (! title nlo(lerti •, F ercguE,Qn lawn Rwasher. S tlurciay 1. II •Auctioneers Phoney - 2:1 )- ` w ria - teat mei — tarn 1-t Ntel • .A;'+ Wednesdty, O{ tot drop • tot - w ;+ Au,:tont 1,4 11.r':1 -�•-•400,_-_40,•- - •+rr� Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874. ► .Saturday, Oct- 15 on location , 1 fit miles nc r 23, then east ori Cohc. 1 ii (watch for sign's). 'rt case .r`r be •held under cover In shed 6Vo will be diso,>, furnrshu+gs. ,7r Terms each or .,:.:.,.•,i. .. , ble for ,cculo,' , l HOUSLHOLD EFFECTS• Kenr"ore • er. Kerosry e hea't,r ; -t: ",,..••• .' • - 3 RC. bedroom s., to ? , 1 • chars, ct-os!" ' e end -table,, chairs, ret, • deo, high cha bedding, pots • .. - ti - 01 1,,. third irnk, leg v • ANTIQUES R (.O1 t FCTIBLES table %Drop• ' ' se!. r r, , -ts l carniva g a5. • (: . , i- •,i�'. , washstand. cox cr . oak pedestal tab chime bells. drop• ' SPECIAL ITEMS' - .ind Stratton n"' ' -being sold a: ',navy duty mane' ,vestock gates, s fov. • And much more. .4r !Are 41611 , 1