HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-10-05, Page 30ALmAn) 16 For Sale Pag-3 14A Times -Advocate, October 5, 1988 11 Cars, Trucks PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT For Cars, Trucks and Vans a ailable EXETER PRECISION MACHINE and WELDING 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ontario •Phone 235-1035 1981 TURBO TRANSAM, T -bar roof, loaded, 4.9- litre engine, 63,000 knis. 57000. 1959 Dodge. Coronet, 56000. Certified.. 19'17. Honda Civic $400 as is. Phone 228-6863. 1974 FORD SUPER CAB pickup, good • condition. 5600. Phone 228-6298.(40:41c) 1979.CHEV IMPALA in good condition, one owner. Phone 236-4735.34 Goshen St. Zurich. 1984 CHEV CITATION, light. blue, 4 door hatchback, V6 automatic, p.s., p.b., AM radio, love mileage, excellent condition. Certified. 229-6661. 1978 AMC CONCORD, 6 cylinder, 4 door, auto, with AM -FM cassette and trailer. hitch, low mileage, good mechanical condition, new tires -as is $750. Call 284-1896. Low Mileage Used Cars 1985 Dodge 600 "SE" 4 _door, 2.2 litre fuel injected 4 cyl., automatic, front wheel drive, loaded including air con- ditioning, 44,000 one owner miles.Certified $6,995 1985 Plymouth Turismo 2 door hatchback, 2.2 Litre, front wheel drive, 5 -speed overdrive, c/w sporty duster package including rally instru- ments, deluxe interior, sport wheels and rear spoiler. 47,000 one owner miles. Cer- tified $4,995 1983 Plymouth Reliant ":K" 2 door '`SE" model, 2.2 litre front wheel drive, 5 -speed overdrive, sporty interior- with buckets and console, new tires, 2 tone silver and grey. 65,000 one owner miles-. Cer- tified $2,995 I411!4RNER AUTO MARINE INC. Nice People to deal with 1 .Mile North, Grand Bend (519) 238-2391 SELLING YOUR HOME? WE'VE GOT A FEW POINTERS. Ask about um - 21 Putllt /1'l(nketrug Plan. 50--ACRES_SOUTH_..k URON Level systematically tiled land. 3f3 acres workable. includes attractive - nine room home and facilities for beef operation. Can be purchased as - complete package or smaller units. Call Bob Vodden 482-3160. A REMEDY FOR THAT CRAMPED FEELING Enjoy the spacious rooms, the large closets and lull size basement this three bedroom property provides. LIVING AT ITS LEVEL BEST Located in a lakeside subdivision, this three bedroom bungalow hat two bathS and a comfortable livingroom, the perfect size for entertaining. Combine this with a large deck and a large lot, this home is too good to pass by. Call JERRY for your person- al appointment to view this home at 236-4712. • GET OUT THOSE FLOOR PLANS! Come and have a look at the activity on this street. Full services available on these lots starting at only $16.000 BUILD G LOT Budding Jot in D hwood on quiet street $10.000 ' GREAT V UEI Seventy-five acre parcel with approx ;mately half the acreage wooded and rough pasture and the other half in clear workable land. Good value at 550 000 Call RUTH ZIELMAN or JER- RY ZEHR at 236-4712. DREAM, THEN BUILD( Picturesque property of thirty acres with 20 acres of good agricultural land and 10 acres of planted white one Plan your dream home now and call RUTH DELMAN or JERRY 2EHR at 236-4712 for more information. JERRY RUTH 2EHRZIELMAN 236.4712 yea 230-4712 111E. LARGEST RF.AL ESTATE , ORCA`T/ANON I,N »lE WORLD •.e.aree..ttr 0w1111 ,o......Att • cot) nMt$*ylit Aar limo Covent, • i r 11 Cars, Trucks )RUCK - 1985 Blue Toyota truck with white fibreglass cap. 80.000 km., long bed, 5 speed overdrive, 1/2 ton, excellent condition,. $6,500 or . best offer. Call 284-3536 after 7:00 p.m. weekdays and Sat. only. • 1983 FORD ECONOLINE VAN, excellent condition. Phone 565-5072. (39:40c) 1974 MUSTANG GHIA BC car, 37,500 original miles. if you don't want a nice car don't call 235-1505 or drop by 185 West Victona St. Apt. 3, Exeter. (40-4241_ 12 Pets ALASKAN MALAMUTE CKC Registered, very sweet and lovable. TVU-WI, 16 weeks old, has all his shots, dewormed and dew claws removed for safe playing with children and smiling people. Breed is all season climate hardy, reasonably priced. Snowy Bear Sled Teams, RR•2 Grand Bend. Evenings 294-6448. (35tfn) HUNGARIAN KUVASZ PUPPIES for sale. Phone 1-229-6760. (39:40*) SIX KITTENS free to good flame: No farms.482-5652. (40c) ESKIMO MALUMUTE 2 years old, male, prefer farrrt,':best offer. Phone 234-6424. (40-42c) FREE TO GOOD HOMES. Three 10 week old kittens, one 8 month cat, One lyear old cat, one 3 year cat. Phone 235-1357 after 5 p.m. (40c) - 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR, acoustic 12 .string, with vo:amt pickups, no case, 5150 or .best offer. Phone 234-6749. (40:41c) HEiNTZMAN PIANO with bench:- Good ench:Good condition. Call 235-1284 or 237=3363 after6. (40*). 14 Appliances, Television ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner in excellent condition with power nozzle and all attachments.. Call Centralia 228-6531. ELECTRIC STOVE - Moffat 24" suitable for cottage. Best offer. Phone 229-6569. (2ltfx) - 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934, 227-4562 r?r 527-2536. (480n) PREGNANT? Consider adoption, Young, caring couple, elementary teacher and businessman, . will welcome your child into loving home. Working .with. government -licensed agency. Call collect (416)897-2766. ARTISTIC, caring, couple. wishing to adopt. Lots of quality, loving time. Working with a government licensed agency. Please call collect anytime. Dianne: (416) 324.8238. ATTRACTIVE single male. 27, new to area, seeking single female for fun times and relationship: All replies. answered. Apply to Box 50P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, Ont. (39-41*) ORLANDO, Christmas, 5325. March Break 5259.. Tampa March Break 5299 taxes included. Car and hotel, low rates, T & S Travel 1-800-265-9365. CANADIAN Calorie Counters, overweight, join with us, no fads, no gimmicks, an all Canadian non-profit doctor approved volunteer organization, yearly membership 520. Meet at South Huron Hospital basement, 6:45 every Monday evening. (40:41 c) CAPONS (roasting chickens). Call after p.m. 225-2609 AIRCRAFT, 1948 Stinson S108-3 classic, 165 HP, 290SM, - ADFI transponder, . 720ch Nav/Com, full panel, custom interior; three tone paint.. Award winner. Excellent cond. Must sell. (519) 235-1909. YARN Discount- Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. (33tfn) POWER TAKE -OFF MAGNATE GENERATOR mounted on 2 wheel trailer equipped with speed light; Case 3 -furrow 14" plow, 3- fn hitch ingood ""'shape, -extra set of points; 40' Malo auger 6 -power take -off drive. Phone 229-6201 or 235-0615. ' SWIMMING P(X)L SALE; on Classic Series ingmund and (above) on -ground. Professional installations or do it yourself kits. Frcc automatic. chlorinator with purchase. Riveria Pools (519) 747-4399 or (519) 658.8091, ANTIQUE SEWING MACHINE. working, excllent condition. Best offer. Elextrolux shampooer, brand new, half price. Call after 6 p.m. 225-2609. CUSTOM COMBINING call RANDY REGIER 236-4420 16 For Sale ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Fcncils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy • EXETER . TIMES -ADVOCATE FIREWOOD - delivered by cord or y larger truck loads. Phone 236-4457 or ,235-1678.(lltfn) USED UTILITY SHED approx. 5x5 with floor. Also- display sheds at discounted prices. New sheds built to your requirements. Will accept trade-ins. KJM Construction 234-6401 Crediton. (25tfn) AIRCRAFT, Bushby, Mustang. U Project, partly assembled, incldes instruments, hardware, jigs and tools, less engine. Excellent workmanship. Must sell. (519) 235-1909. BUILDINGS - Save thousands while steel supply lasts. Fall clearance. We over-estimated and- are clearing out excess stock. All steel and -wood -steel types. Paragon Structures 1-800-263-8499, 24 hours. MONTREAL- MILITARY - SURPLUS: Work shirts 52:75, Work pants 53.50, work boots S15. Send 53 for catalogue (reimbursement first order): Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothec, Quebec, JOS 1 X0. STAINED GLASS, Tools, books, supplies. Shop by mail and save 30% to 50%. 100 page mail Order catalogue available 55.00 ' refundable deposit required). Tollfrce 1-800-363-7855 or write: The Glass Place, 50 Ste. Anne St. Pte. Claire Village, Quebec, H9S 4P8. - FIREWOOD split mixed seasoned hardwood, sold by the standard cord. (128 cu. ft.) 5150 each. Phone 238-2943. (34tfn) DEHUMIDIFIER, 28 pi one month old S200;' air body sander 585;- air nibbler 595, metal break 28" wide, 20 T gauge maximum 5150; 8 track v AM/FM stereo, 2 speaker enclosures G 5100; Emerson 20" TV with stand, s used 6 months 5200; Round table 29" chrome and wood 520; air cleaners m Norelco 9000 525, Philips 515. Phone ( 236-4488. • - s HOCKEY SKATES, Boy's. Bauer Jr. .G Supreme, size 13, excellent condition. D 229-8718. (4 BARN CLEANER replacement chain V - Pintle and Super Tough 58.45 per ft. ° SOFA - beige tweed 5150. Patio .drapes - lined, yellow. Traverse rods, Admiral Harvest Gold range with small upper oven. Phone 294-6790 9r 294-6933 if no answer please leave message. (39:40c) . WATERBED - Kingsize Hybred, like new, dual heat control and bladder. Phone263-5810. (40c) QUASAR CAMCOADER for sale,. includes spare battery, adapter -.for car lighter plug and leads for T.V. hookup. 51500 or best offer. Contact Tony at 228-6366. (39-41c) MOBILE HOME, 1971• Buddy, 3 bedrooms, reasonably priced. :Phone. after 4 p.m. 235-1568. (39:40c) WOOD STOVE - Used Vermont castings. Air tight. Resolute model. Cast iron automatic draft. Phone 235-0791.(40*) APPLES U PiCK, large beautiful Mac, Counlands, Spartans, Red & Yellow Delicious, Matsu, [dared, Spys, Great Windfalls. Bring containers, Wed. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and • Thanksgiving Monday at Middleton Place, 1 mile east of Bayfield north of River. (39-41c) POWER WASHER, Karcher HD 820S. Used 2 months, uses 220 hydro. Phone 235-1062. (39:40c) FIREWOOD - quantity of seasoned mixed; 5125.00 a cord. Phone 235-2535. (39:40*) SINGLE MATE'S BED with mattress 5225; burgundy Kroehler recliner 5200; "Emil J. Paidar-Chicago" Old Hydraulic barber chair. Best chair. All in great condition. Phone 235-1245. OUTDOOR SIGN, fluorescent, 30'x3'. Apply A&H EMA 235-0212. (39t(n) TRUCK CAMPER sleeps 4, stove, fridge, port -a -potty, extras, $995.00; 1976 Chev Malibu $695.00; 200 gal. clean gas or diesel tank, $95.00; antique farm wagon $195.00; antique cast iron kettle and stand 575.00 and other antiques. Call 393-6228 evenings or leave message. NEAR NEW couch and chair, stereo, V and stand, air conditioner, fan, acuum cleaner, Call 284-2507. REENHOUSE and hydroponic tore.. Pro Ark Lamps, Allanson Ballast and hydroponic kits, plus much much ore. 63 Clarke Rd. London, Ont. 519)452-3919. HEEPSKiN Seatcovers, books, rugs. rcat potential, low trade prices. calers needed. F/T or P/T all areas. 16) 454-6470 or P.O. Box 2580 ancouver, V6B 3W8. Clip this ne-time ad. We repair and deliver cleaners 2 manufactured by Husky Farm Id Equipment, Alma Ont. (519) 23 0 ROOF TRUSSES, 38 feet, New ca one row cornpicker. Phone 6=4818. (40*) 846-5329 - TROLLING MOTOR - Mercury 2.2 nearly new, 5550.00. Phone 236-4488. Wm. J. Lendley, R.R. 2, Zurich. NOT MUCH MONEY - In a Hurry! Steel Buildings every day low factory prices. Straightwalls and quonsets - All models - fast delivery - beat the fall Rush. Call Pioneer 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). FIREWOOD - mixed hardwood, delivered, free kindling. Leslie Cudmore.235-1267-(36-43)_ NEW! Mattress, box spring, bed frame and rollers and headboard (never used; no room for it.) 5400. Phone 235-0564. 12 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT, 7 1/2 h.p. motor, both in good condition. 51100 or make mc an offer I can't refuse. Call after 5 p.m. 229-6767. DRY SEASON HARDWOOD firewood 535.00 a cord ' picked up. Walter Dunbar 393-5388 in St. Pauls arca. - ROTO ER-= Stirs -Craftsman -IIS h.p. rear tine, 18 inch wide, 2 years old, asking 5575 or best offer. Will take good 3 1/2 h.p. front tine tiller on trade towards purchase price. Call 461-0709 after 5 p.m. STEEL BUILDINGS: Immediate Delivery. Examples 30x40 Straightwall 55,110; 40x50 Suaightwall 59,227; 70x80x24 Arch Bldg. 2-14x24 Slide Doors 518,000; 32x40x12 Steel Trusses & Columns 55400; 40x60x 14 Steel Trusses & Columns 56,880. 50x 100x 16 Steel Trusses & Columns 514,200, Sheeting avail. 30-28-24 gauge, colours & Galvalume 1-800-387-2115, 1-416-858-2446. PLOWING MATCH SPECIAL, 100 buildings. Many sizes, Call now for best selection. Miracle Span 1-800.668=5111. REASONABLY • PRICED( Guaranteed used engines and transmissions ror most cars and trucks. Delivery available. 234-6790 Advanced Auto Wreckers. RR 1 Exeter.(380n) . BABY STROLLER - "Pcrego Classic". Converts to pram with pmtective cover and reversible handle. S85. Phone 235-1292. i General Welding & Repairs Manufacturers of Custom Built Trailers and Truck Bodies MacGregor Welding Ltd. 233-1273 HENSALL MOTORS LTD. "Car and Truck Rentals" Leasing - New, all makes Sales - Used Cars and Trucks 198 Main St. N. (Corner Hwy. #83 & #4) Ed Hearn Exeter 235-2070 P[NER[DGE B -R -Q- CHICKEN. We have a limited supply of cooked, frozen, 1/2 chicken available. Packed in threes and selling for just 55.00 per • packet. Call (519) 262-3409. (40-43c) PLATFORM BLOWER - Briggs 8 - h.p. leaves / debris, lawns -drives -shops. 5560.00.. Grand Bend 238-8912 (40:42') FIREWOOD - Dry mixed hardwood 533 a cord pickup, $40 delivered. Call John Necvel235-2767. (40*) WOODEN TOYS as seen in -Exeter Parade. Used bicycles, adults, children's, exercise bikes. BBQ. Phone 229-6433 Saturdays only. (40143*) CHANNEL MASTER' Model 6144 Satellite Dish. c/w power drive and receiver, operates and rotates completely via cordless remote. 1 year old. Must sell moving 51500. or best offer. Call 238-8676 after 6 p.m. (40:41c) CONTOUR CHAIR, with vibration massage. Power slide. 235-1009. (40-43*) - RELOCATION -SAL -E-- --Inglis. "Liberator Plus" washer and dryer, -3 yrs. old, Biltmore chesterfield and chair. Phone after 5 p.m. 238-8982. (40:41*) - DiNINGROOM SUITE, 9 -pieces, -.solid walnut, excellent condition, includes largebpffet and china cabinet. Table extends to seat 1.2, 51500. Chesterfield and chair, deep rose, nylon 595.00. Two rockers 550.00 each. Antique clock 550.00. Phone 235-1716. • TWO USED TOILETS 540 each and one used bathtub 560. Good condition. All white. Phone 235-0699 and leave message. (40tfn) APPLES, Macs, Spartans, ' Empire, Wolfe River, Snows, S,wects, Courtland, Delicious, Spys, !dared, pears, cider. McClymont Orchards, Varna 233-3214. (40c) LiKE NEW, heavy duty washer and dryer, twin bed and frame, console coloured TV, odd antique maple dresser, mint condition. Phone 238-8861.(40:41c) • *CHRISTMAS GiFTS* 40% off patio fumiture and accessories. Spring layaways. Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays. 71 King W. Forest, IOnt. (519)-786-2180. (40:42:44c) LADIES WINTER COATS size )2 and 14.235-2843 after 6 p.m. (40c) SOFA AND CHAiR French Provincial, oak wood trim, chair never used. Sky blue/gold; Electrolux vacuum cleaner with power nozzle and all attachments, still one year under warranty, in excellent condition; bought from a local dealer Rene Van Bruwacne; Pool table, 40x75 in very good condition. Phone 263-5848 Kippcn after 5 p.m. (40*) BULBS have arrived for fall planting at Susans Greenhouses in Credlton 234-6464 Open Mon. to Sal. 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. 20% off on all house plants for 1 week 16 For Sale CHESTERFIELD and matching swivel chair. Imitation - mantle fireplace, screen and log, 14"x55 1R" x 35" high. Lady's winter -coat royal, size 16 1/2. In excellent condition. Call - 235 -1284 after 6, (40*) FRANKLIN WOODSTOVEin excellent condition. Phone 234.6227. DESK AND HUTCH white 5150, white fabric verticals new in box 145"w x 84" h 5200, rauan sofa bed 5150. Phone 235-2517. (40c) KIRBY .VACUUM in very good - condition. Shampooer, polisher and all attachments. Phone 228-6531-. DOUBLE CHAIR and matching • ottoman and loveseat in excellent condition 5325.00; leather chat, full length, burgundy colour, size 10, best offer. Phone 284-1531. DINING ROOM SUITE, 9 - piece 1930's mahogany in very good condition. Table opens to 7 ft. Six chairs including carver. Sideboard with fitted drawers, two cupboards. Glass cabinet with drawer and cupboard. Also, Art -deco mahogany bedroom suite mid 30's. Bed, dressing table, highboy and matching small chair, excellent condition. Call 284:2194 lunch hour or evenings. 17 Wanted To Buy - OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED Men's only Eaton's Quarter Century .Club- Men's- rectangular wristwatches (25 -years service) will pay 52000 and up for this watch. Also wanted old Rolex, Patek Phillip & Cartier wristwatches. Phone/Write (416)365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 273 Queen St. East, Toronto, 'Ont. M5A 1S2. CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR 1 Crediton. (3tfn) . D& D - SCRAP METALS We buy and truck away 237-3754 or 234-6274 - - T.V. _ TOWER - 40-50: ft. complete with rotor and all channel aerial. Phone - 236-4152.(39:409c) - - GOOD USED CAR 1980=84, low mileage and safety checked. Phone Ross McBeath 263-60)8. (39:40c). - CARS AND TRUCKS for junk. Also - complete selection of auto and truck parts for sate. McStephen Auto Wreckers, Crediton. Phone 228-6214.(26-53*) 555 CASH PAID for cars and trucks for wrecking or resale. 234-6790 or 234-6250. Advanced Auto Wreckers, Guaranteed Used Pans, RR 1 Exeter. (35fn) CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE, tables, chairs, cupboards, washstands, cutters, etc. Antique and oak. Phone 238-5422 or 235-2057. (36tfn) - D I SMALL FARM OR ACREAGE e preferably on paved road near Exeter, with or without buildings. Please send I details to Box - 48P c/o Times -Advocate, P.O. Box 850, Exetcr.(38tfnx) 20 Property For Rent PRIME RETAIL OR QFFICE space available: Call 235-0141. (17tfn). SHOW ROOM AND. OFFICE; Main St:, S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462. (Nan) LUXURY TWO BEDR(X)M apartments, available immediately. Inquire Laraugh. Corporation 235-0141.(39tfn) SPACE FOR • DOUBLE -WIDE mobile home, • Dashwood area. Farmer Bill's Greenhouses. Phone- 238-8638. (43tfn) F. THREE NEW OFFICE SPACES, 244' Wellington St. W: Exeter. Phone 235-1242or 228-6386..(12tfn).. TWO BEDR(X)M APARTMENT in Clandeboye, fridge and stove_ . included 5325.00 .plus hydro. Available immediately. Phone 227-4528. (35tfn)• ONE AND TWO •bedroom. apartments in Hensall. Phone 262-3403. (36tfn) BEAUTIFUL new • 2 - bedroom - apartment downtown Herisall, . fully carpeted. TV cable, 111. Queen St.. Hensall. 262-2239 or .• London 471-9049. (36tfn) • 2 BEDR(X)M - main floor family, room, paved drive, $6(X) plus utilities. .235-1055 or 235-1950 after 6 p.m. ask for Dirk. (36tfn) BACHELOR APARTMENT - - 472' Main - St. • Exeter.. Available Oct.- I. - Fridge:. stove, Microwave included 5410.00 plus ..utilities. Mirca Deve3 (37-9c)fopntents in London. 434 -2976. APARTMENT - - ' one bedroom, - -appliances, carpeted, non -:smokers preferred. Main Si. Exeter. Phone 235-2557.(37tfn) . -TWO BEDR(X)M FUR NIS IIED COTTAE in Grand Bend. (ktober-GMay• - 238-2029.(38tfnc) - Phone • ONE BEDR(X)M APARTMENT in Zurich. Phone 236-7134.(38tfnc) ONE BEDR(X)M APARTMENT. Fridge and stove, laundry facilities and parking. Suitable- for one adult. Phone 235-1497: (38t fn ) CONDO 'GRAND . BEND new 2 bedroom, 3 appliances, furnished, .natural - fireplace, main floor, river location_, non smoking -adults ,monthly. -Phone 1-542-9357.- (39:40c) INDUSTRIAL . WAREHOUSING also office space with ample parking facilities. Phone - 262-2928 or 235-2302. (39tfn) • - LARGE:"2 BEDR(X)M ,apartment in Exeter. Available Oct. 1st. 5475.0) including heat. 235=1055; (39tfn) SOUTHCOTT PINES - Grand Bend. Available Oct./88-June/89.--S400 per month - plus - utilities. 3 bedrooms. 1-453-6499: (40:41 c) TWO BEDR(X)M HOME. central Grand Bend, 3 blocks from }leach, furnished available immediately. - Rcasonablc. Phone 235 -0741. (40-42c) ELUXE 3 bedroom a iartment, • nsuitc -off master bedroom, second - nor, available Nov. 1 or sooner. hone 235-0141. (40tfn) 18 Wanted ROOM AND BOARD in Exeter oL Hensall for single male, middle age, nondrinker. Call Gary 524-5416. 19 Property For Sale TWO BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW with carport, newly renovated, dishwasher and new oak cupboards. 29 Wellington St., Exeter. Phone 235-1348,(34tfn)' THREE REDR(X)M bungalow with carpet. New aluminum siding and ctarage barn, -Marriott h St. Exeter. Phone 235-2373. (3tfnd ) -- FiVE SEASONS ESTATES, Bayfield Rd. Manufactured home approximately 1000 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, appliances, ' drapes, fireplace, bow window, utility shed. Lot 150'x 100', available in October. 1-482-3397. (38-40c) MOBILE HOME in central Florida. One bedroom, large all-weather room, completely furnished. Quality 20) space adult park. immaculate, reasonable. Phone 438-7114. (40c) FIFTY ACRE FARM. Eight acres bush, 4 acre park with 60" trailer and 60x24 living accommodation. Good water and hydro. Rest of the farm is workable, 1/2 mile off paved road. 1 1/4 miles west of Mt. Carmel. Asking ' 579,900. Open for offers. 7 miles from Grand Bend, 7 miles from Pinery Park. Phone 234-6268. (40c) HOBBY FARM FOR SALE: 4 acres with older house and good barn, 2 mioutcs from St. Marys, Perth County Rd. 25, Asking 5129,000. Call Lynn o, Bill 284-2358. AT YOUR SERVICE • Window and Eavestrough Cleaning • Snow blowing, small driveways • General House & Yard Duties, etc. Call Laverne 235-1062 Oud's Warehousing Warehousing plus modern unloading facilities on Hwy. 83 Phone 235-2302, 262-2928 DRYSDALE Major Appliance Centre Ltd. Sales With Service The place to buy appllances NEW AND USED Hensall 262-2728 GRAIf1 SVSTEmSLTp Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Product'. DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE KA, kW. GOA N SSTM5 1 ,D STORAOiE CARS, BOATS, MACHINERY NEW SHED 14 ff. clearance, 24 h. door Cali - Jack Taylor After 6:00 pan. 229.6472