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Times -Advocate, October 5. 1988
County eclucation
board is offering
alternativero rams
p g
CLINTON • The Huron County
Board of Education, through the
secondary schools, in each commu-
nity, offers a wide variety of alter-
native educational programs. These
are available to any member of the
communityand are particularly
suited to any adult who has consid-
ered completing the requirements
for a high school diploma: . For more information any of
Programs are also available- for these programs, interested persons
any adolescents who terminated in the Exeter area are asked to call
their education before graduation principal Bruce Shaw at South Hu -
from high school. Thesc programs . ron District High School at 235 -
are offered at various times - day 0880.
and evening, and can be altered to •
suit the individual needs and cir-
cumstances of applicants.
rogram offerings' include: Alter-
native Education for Adolescents,
Adult Education, English as a Sec-
ond Language, Adult Basic Literacy
and Adult Basic Education.
MINIATURE AMBULANCE - In charge of a miniature ambulance in Sat
urday's Ilderton Fair parade were Jenny Geoghegan and Erin Haskett o
Letters to the Editor
))ear Sir:
Now that our summer season is
over and we've received great news
from Murray Cardiff about federal
funding for our capital expansion
project, I want to thank you and
your organization for the outstand-
ing support you've given us this
By covering events at thc Blyth
Festival, you have helped to keep
in the public's eye thc achievements
of our theatre with such strong
community rooLs. Few theatres can
boast of an audience who is always
hungry for new plays by home-
grown Canadian playwrights.
In thc months to come, you can
expect to hear from us concerning
our upcoming new play workshops
.(November/Deccrnher), 1989 season
announcement, plans for our 15th
anniversary celebrations, Gala Din-
• ncr Auction (November 5th), build-
ing construction details and Festival
• of Entertainment series at Bly
Meinoriaf'Ha01. in the Spring and
Our current tour of Bordertow
Cafe throughout the Province o
Ontario is playing to enthusiasti
audiences from Kapuskasing to
Amhcrstburg with stops at ove
twenty theatres. Many Blyth Fest'
val premieres are appearing in re-
gional theatres across Canada an
most recently Girls in the Gang
Ray Storey, and John Roby can be,
heard this week on CBC's Morning -s'::
side series with Lucien by Marshall
Button to follow soon this .fall;
Enclosed is a Blyth Festiva
newsletter for you together with a`.
•mailing label confirmation which >
would ask you to return as soon as
possible. Thank you again for your
support! •
Jane Gardner
Director of Communications
ST. PAT'S STUDENT COUNCIL - The new student council of St. Pa-
trick's Separate School at Lucan was named recently. From the left are
Nathan Brown, Joanne Lansink, Joanne Linehan, Melissa Zupancic, Paul
O'Shea and Micah Bourdeau.
e and Ex
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EXETER SQUIRT I - Trophy winners were (left) Michael Wilhelm, MVP
Brendan Kraftcheck, MIP and Cam Dougall, Sportsmanship.
Fund request on hold
CLINTON - An Ontario Public
School Trustees' Association re-
quest for funds has been put on
hold for new by the Huron County
Board of Education.
At the board's regular September
session, trustees decided to defer
the OPSTA request pending thc
availability of more information.
The association wants the money
-fora campaign to lobby thc pro-
vincial government and has asked
all school boards in the_province
for .0(X)1 percent of their overall
budgets - about S4,800 for the
The OPSTA claims the cam-
paign is necessary to protect the
right of school boards to protect.
the right of school boards to tax
commercial and industrial assess-
ment. This right is currently being
challenged by the Ontario govern-
ment or more, specifically, the
Macdonald commission.
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EXETER ATOMS I - Trophy winners were (left) Bill Kline, Sportsman-
ship, David Farquhar, top scorer, and Chad Gilfillan, MVP. Scott Rasen-
berg, MIP, was in hospital having his tonsils out.
Lucan sefllors meet
LUCAN - Lucan Scrtiors &
Busy Buddies met in the Scout Hall
with singing 0 Canada accompa-
nied by Mary Kooy at the piano.
Minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved.
President Jim Davis was wel-
comed hack from his trip and gave
us a few highlights.
Kay Armstrong, Mary Micklc
and Audry Hodgins thanks the club
Birthday greetings were extended
to Joe Shlclahan and Jean Miller.
Hazel Cunningham reported on out
mystery must trip to places of in-
terest recently.
An announcement of a party to be
held in honor of Alex Young's 90th
birthday in the Scout Hall on Sun-
day,Octobcr 7 was read. All game
days will be on the fourth Thursday
of each month,
Ladies High - Jackie Loyens, La-
dies Lone - Mary Kooy. Ladies
Low - Edie Burt, Mens High - Jim
Burt, Mens Lone - Harry Noels, and
Mens Low - Tom Kooy.
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