HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-21, Page 32Page 12 Times -Advocate, September 21, 1988 TALKING ABOUT CHISEL PLOWS --Cleve Gingerich of CG Farm Supply at the right talks to.Zurich area farmer Donald Geiger about this chisel plow. The Zurich farm machinery dealership sponsored a plowing demonstration Thursday afternoon. Need to.developag leadership skills? GUELPH - Are you interested in developing your leadership skills to serve the agricultural community? Organizers -of the Advanced Agri- cultural Leadership Program (AALP) are looking for men and women . with Icadersttip potential and a.commi.tment to agriculture. Thirty -such iedividuals will be se- - Iected from across Ontario as the next group of AALP participants. They will begin -the program in April 1989: • . Deadline -for application is De List winners at Western -Fair CLINTON - Fred Peel, R.R. 1, Auburn of.thc Hallricc 4-H Dairy • Calf Club, was the. Top Senior Judge at the regional 4-H Judging Competition . held at the Western Fair. - Jennifer ..Heckman, R.R.1, Lucan of the South Huron 4-11Horse and Pony Club, placed third in the jun- ior category.- - - Onc hundred and ten participants from eight counties took .part in this event.. As 'top senior judge, Fred qualifies to attend the Interna- tional'4-H Judging Seminar, spon- sored by Canadian Western Agribi- tion, held in Regina, November 24- 26. Nuclear power for peaceful pur- poses is a viable alternative -to fos- sil fuels. - _ Now, watch the peaceniks write me all -kinds of letters. Next -to knocking motherhood, a favorable vote for nuclear power- brings owerbrings the protesters: out of the woodwork. The flower -power chil- dren.from the 1960s and the middle-- aged hippies who cling to longhair in spite o(the trend to shorter hair write a letter to suggest that nuclear .power is simply not worth -investi- gating. I cannot agree with them. This :corner has been in favour of nuclear power for 40 years,.ever since Can- . ada became a nuclear nation with our first automatic reactor, the Zero Energy Experimental Pile (ZEEP) at Chalk River, Ontario. In spite of bureaucratic and _polio-` cal blunders, the odd mishap, the on-going problems at. Douglas Point, I am of the opinion that the continued use of fossil fuels -- natu- ral gas, oil, coal, even wood -- will cause more problems "than nuclear power. • Energy resources arc diminishing. No one. can "argue that point. A long-term, alternative is no- where in sight. Solar power is simply not in the same ball park in this country: The Lanais art appmc,ettd by Bob ',Olive Liaise Rd bm.v Om N3B 2C' t only other viable source, water -power, has just about been exhaust- ed. We cannot, in other words, "build" another Niagara Falls, Sci- entists tell us that there are no other sources of water power in the prov- ince. Canada is rich in uranium. Onta- rio already draws more than 40 per- cent of its power from nuclear gen- erators. The highly -successful" Pickering generating station is a model upon which the rest of the world gazes with envy. And when the problems are ironed out at Douglas Point and all generators are in use, they, too, will he the envy of other nations short on power. ` Which is a long introduction to an endorsement of the recently - tabled Energy Options Advisory Committee report. In my humble opinion, it makes a lot of common sense. It says: "The nuclear option should be sustained as a component of Canada's energy mix," assuming all the costs arc included and nuclear power is a competitive choice. Chernobyl and Three -Mile Island scared the pants off many people but the CanDu system is the safest in the world. We have an excellent record of operating nuclear plants in Canada. Ontario has initiated a Announcement Cook's Division of Gerbro (1987) Inc. Frank Catry. Cook's Division of Gerbro (1987) Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of Frank Catry to the position of Agri -Sales Representative at our Hensall Branch, effective October 1, 1988. • Frank's present position as Retail Sales Clerk has provided him with a solid background in fertilizer, seed, chemicals, feed and other farm•supplies. Frank is a graduate of the University of Wa- terloo. This appointment reflects a continuation of Cook's desire to pro- mote from within the Company, while at the same time, meeting the needs of_bur customers and supplying up-to-date, useful crop input information. - Drop by our Hensall office and discuss your agricultural needs with Frank. 'Where you can trade with D"1s'on of Ge.txo (1967) Inc confidence" idence" Heod Office Hensall. Ontario NOM 1X0 (519) 262-2410 Telex 064-7251 FAX (519) 262-3126 f Hill in Hill FARMS LIMITED - VARNA ONT. Varna Grain CUSTOM COMBINING AND TRUCKING AVAILABLE Call Pete or Bev At WE ARE READY TO RECEIVE YOUR 1988 CORN AND SOYBEANS Hill and Hill Farms Ltd. Varna Plant the top -yielding FIRST LINE HARUS WINTER WHEAT • yields as well or better than all other varieties • 2 or 3 days earlier than Augusta • Also certified Augusta thorough review of nuclear safety, - a report which should be ready ear- ly next spring. " The damaging environmcntalim- pact of fossil fuels cannot he argued. We continue to spew dirt, chemicals, sulphur- and God - knows -what into the atmosphere. We pollute the ionsphere, the at- mosphere,the earth, the -water, with a cavalier attitude that should not continue. - - Do,not misunderstand me. I am just as 'concerned as you are about nuclear mistakes. But it. seems to me we are going to pollute our- selves out of existence if we con- tinue to use fossil fuels the way we have in thc last 1(X) years... - The salient point to remember here is those resources arc finite. If we continue to use them in thc next 50 years -as we have in the past, they will be cxhau tted and we will be forced to rely on other sources. . So the nuclear option deserves a fair assessment. We should be pur- suing it with more vigor and more money., As 1 said at the beginning, this endorsement will rattle the chains of every anti-nucicar soul who 'reads it.- I will -get more letters than almost- any other topic generates. My address, by the way, is 5. El - dale Dr., Elmira, Ontario N3B 207. You might convince me other- wise but l doubt it. Don't forget the 1988 International Plow Match this week near. Stratford • caliber " 15, 1988. Application forms will be available at: AALP - Inforrnation Evening, Wednesday, October 26, 1988, Clinton Town Hall, Auditorium, Clinton, 8:00- 10:00 p.m. AALP is a two-year program de- signed for individuals in the early stages of a leadership career, ap- pioximately 25 to 40 years old. They can be farmers, employees et agriculturally -related business or. other indiViduals committed to'On- tario agriculture. The program con- sists of 9 three-day seminars, a two- week North American travel semi- nar and an international study travel experience. Through the program AALP participants broaden their horizons and increase their under- standing of the local, national and international issues which affect ru- ral Ontario. To -find but more about this 'dy- namic program and the selection procedure attend the AALP informa- tion evening or contact AALP Ex- ecutiNe Director, Patricia Mighton, Box 103Q, Guelph, Ontario N1.H 6N1 Telephone: (519)-767-3503. We are ready to meet T H E FALL RUSH .�waauuaa+ntteut.tntwsatt�.aa U la. tt DELIVERIES - fast unloading - large storage and drying facilities - - prompt payment - up to date market information FERTILIZER - 15 flotation custom fertilizer applicators - liquid or dry fertilizer - custom spraying of Round -up and other fall chemicals Call for prices SEED WHEAT - Hyland Brand Augusta and Houser - Harus and Fredrick - Monopol also available The 'Blue Tag' assures you of Certified #1 seed. For Purity, quality and top yields :sow Hyland brand certified seed. The staff at W.G. Thompson & Sons. Ltd. am ready and looking forward to serving you this fall. BEANS Seaforth 345-2545 Pt. Albert 529-7901 rill GRAINS PS ON SEEDS Hensall 262-2527 Ailsa Craig 293-3223 FERTILIZERS Mitchell 348-8433 Granton 225-2360 Hill and Hill F Ltd. Bev 233-3218 Varna Pete 233-7908