HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-21, Page 31LUCAN FIREMEN BREAKFAST- Shown serving up eggs and sausages at Sunday's Lucan Firemen's
fast are Todd Vance, Al GilIan, Doug Johnston. Bob Butler and. Evan Butchart.
Supper begins Thames
THAMES ROAD •- On Monday
evening 36 United Churc.h Women
commenced their fall season by cat-.
ing out at the Three AAA Restau-
rant at Exeter.
Aftcr supper Sharon Passmorc
welcomed everyone and read a poem
"God Has A Plan".
Alma Ethcrington introduced
Thea Wisch of near Chisclhurst
who has been in this country seven
and a half years- from Germany.
Thea grows her own flowers and
dries them.
She demonstrated on how to
make wreaths, ornaments- etc.
which was real interesting. Laurel
Miner thanked her and presented her
with a gift.
Lori and Michael Coolman both
played their accordions and they
also played together which was
well done and much enjoyed. Hel-
en Webber thanked them and pre-
sented them with a gift.
Sharon Passmore gave a reading
"Harvest Time". Laurel Miner
gave a reading "A Profile Of A
Prairie Chaplain".
The offering was received with
Helen giving the Offertory prayer:
A humorous reading was given by•
Helen Webber. The president, June
Stewart, welcomed everyone -and
gave a poem- "Must Monday Be
The roll call was answered by •
telling who your first teacher was
and•whcrc you went to school.
Correspondence was read, treasur-
ers report was given, manse report
and managers reports were received.
The Regional meAting is to -he
held on Monday/October 24 at
6:30 p.m. _ in • Hensen United
Church. Hospital Tag Day is Oc=
tobcr 6 and 7.
The visiting committee for Sep-
tember, October, November and
December is Group U, Doris El-
ford, Group C, Jean Duncan and
Group W is Audrey Passmorc. June
Stewart closed the meeting with the
U.C.W. Benediction.
Church Service -
Rev. Sheila Macgregor was in
charge of the regular church service
on Sunday morning. Rev. Sheila
gave the children's message "Run-
ning On the Spot".
In last week's new Jodi Hodgert's
name was omitted front Joan Mor-
gan's and Janis Richardson's Sunday
School Junior Class and Amanda
Hodgcrt's name was omitted from
Ann Kcrnick's and Judith Parker's
Primary Class, sorry -girls!
The choir sang 'Conic Children
Join To Sing" accompanied by the:
pianist Miss Agnes Bray.
Danny Rohde read the Scripture
Lesson James 3:13-18 and .lark
9:30 3T. - Rev. Sheila gave the ser-
mon text James 3:17,18 -and the
sermon "Sweet Reasonableness".
Bible Study begins Tuesday Octo=
bcr 25 at 8 p.m. -
Surprise Anniversary Party
On Tucsda evening Bill and I
break -
Road UCW
were invited to go to Usborne Cen-
tral School where we were pleasant:
ly surprised for a party for our 40th
wedding anniversary.
We •Joined in playing euchre.
Prizes were won by Ladies High
Jean Hodgert, Ladies Low Sharon
Passmorc, Men's High, Dennis
Rowe, Men's Low Danny Rohde,
Lone Hands Jean Maver.
We were called to the front and
Helen Hodgert read a well worded
address reminiscing of the past. On .
behalf of those .present Elizabeth
Lamport presented me with four an-
niversary glasses and Wilfred Hun-
kin presented Bill with -a beautiful
gold trilight table lamp. We both
replied and thanked those who -
planned -and got up the'evening,-
also for the lovely gilts.
A delicious smorgasbord lunch
was then partaken of which brought
an enjoyable -evening to a close.
There were 36 in attendance of for-
mer neighbours, neighbours and
family. Thanks again everyone. •
- Personals.. -
Nine ladies Irons this conimunity.
were guests of thee-Kirkton United.
Church Women on Wednesday eve-
ning at Kirkton. l'nitcd Church for
their regular meeting. Rev. Wilena
Brown of Millbank - Hampstead
charge was the -. guest speaker.- She
gave us a lot to think about.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett and
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johns were re-
cent visitors with Mr: and Mrs. -Bill
TOAST FOR BREAKFAST - Handling some of the chef's chores at Sunday's Lucan Firemen's breakfast are
Don Campbell, Pete Van Gee!, Paul Blay and Todd Hayter.
Lucan Institute
LUCAN - Lucan Women's insti-
tute met in the Optimist Room
with President Bernice Lockyer pre-
siding over the ':Ode" and Mary
Stewart Collect followed by the
prayer of St. Francis. -
We are invited to Ailsa Craig
W.I. 50th anniversary, Lobo W.I.
information night and Granton•W.I.
History bay at St.. Thomas Angli-
can Church with demonstrations
and displays.
We had a'Touch and Takc" sale
to raise money. Money was donated
to Lucan Horticultural Society and
to Erlani Lee museum in memory
of -a long time member Winnifred
Joliffe. instructions were given for
knitted dolts for London Children's
Flora Robertson received a gift
for her list of 22 Canadian flags fly-
ing in the village. Elnora Raycraft
had 20 on her list. We discussed re-
cycling of glass and newspapers,
not using plastic foam cups, -using
paper grocery bags instead of plas-
tic, etc.
Education and Culture Convener,
Margery Crozier introduced her
speaker Harley's Upholstery an up-
holsterer who has been in business
here for a year. A tasty lunch was
served by iva Hord, Lillian Rad-
cliffe and Elnora Rayeraft.
Members moved to the uphol-
stery shop where Harley demon-
strated his craft.
Visitors are welcome at Lucan
W.I. meetings which are held the
second Wednesday of the month at
2 p.m. in the Optimist Room under
the Library.
. HOT COFFEE - Bev Anderson is getting the coffee pot ready for Sun-
day's breakfast sponsored by the Lucan volunteer fire department. Pro-
ceeds are used for community betterment.
Lucan Revival Centre
LUCAN - Sunday morning Pieter
Schinkleshoek opened the service
leading in hymn singing. Tim Krit-
zer led the chorus singing. During
the offering Kevin Dance played an
organ solo.
Mr. Schinkleshoek spoke from
Ephesians 6:10-20, concerning
spiritual warfare. When Satan, an •
archangel in heaven, rebelled
against God, he was thrown out of
heaven, but 1/3 of the angels went
with him. These are the demonic
powers fighting us today.
Pieter Schinkleshoek led the wor-
ship service Sunday evening: Rev.
Roger Mason ministered from Luke
19:1-10, illustrating Jesus seeking,
finding and bringing salvation to a
lost man. it states in verse 10 that
Jesus came to seek and save the
lost. Christians should seek to
bring people to Jesus.
. Obeying the r-ord's command,
Tom Merrigan, Mrs. Rose Mcrri-
gan, Mrs. Martha Edwards, and
John Holland were baptized in wa-
ter by Rev. Mason, and Mr.
Times -Advocate, September 21, 1988 Page 11
ClandeboyeWIopens season
CLANDEBOYE - The fall season members attending on Thursday hear Nlary Henderson and Glenna
of the Clandeboye Women's Insti- evening at Ailsa Craig.Ladell speak on their • trip to the
tute opened on Wednesday evening Hazel Cunningham and Elsie Le- F.W.I.C. conference at St. John's
at the home of Mrs. Gerald Lynn. wis were guests of die Western Fair Newfoundland in June.
The roll call was "Bring a Friend" Association, at the "Ladies Lunch- - Personals
and "Introduce Her", thus, there was eon".on Monday. An invitation has Mr. and Mrs: A.J. Henderson of
eighteen present. The program was been extended to Ctandeboye W.I. Penticton, B.C. were in the area on
"Agriculture" with Marion Hodg- to attend a meeting at Coldstream Tuesday, tracing their roots, the
son, as convener. She started with a Hall on September 27 at 8 p.m., to Collins family, who lived on a
card game that was won by Edie ' farm north of the village, now
Worthington .and Hazel Cunning- .. He nsal I church t U rCl h 1 owned by the Hodgins.
ham. Uy SUSAN HARTMAN They were in the Home Hardware
A skit, "An Average Day on the HENSALL - The Presbyterian store in Lucan, looking for souve-
Farm", script written by .the con- Church of Carmel Church in Hen- nirs of Clandeboye and in a round-
vener, was very humorous with in- sail met on Monday, September 12 about conversation were steered to
formation about farming today as at 8 p.m. President Margaret Hog- the door of local. historian, Jean
compared to yesterday, was well garth opened with a poem ''Au- Hodgins, who was able to supply
presented- by Ruth Hill, Betty turn" and. welcomed nine members them with information anis several
Coughlin, Elsie Lewis, Marion and two guests from Avonion, Bev
Hodgson and Hazel Cunningham,. Nicol, who is the Glad Tidings sec- - pictures d photo Copied. Atheir r visit to the old
much of it being ad-lib, which add- : retary from Stratford Huron Presby -
ed to the fun of it all. terial and her travelling companion
Readings included "The -Women's lIa MacMillan. Mrs. Nicol spoke were buried, made awhere theirtt mostrre gr-parents
Institute" as seen through the eyes on the Glad Tidings magazine. day for the B.C. visitors.
of a man, "A Farmers Wife", Marilyn Campbell conducted a
"Threshing Time", "A Farmer's very inspiring worship on "Finding
Hands" and "A Farmer's Last Will", Time". Reports were given from
A contest on "Vegetable Know treasurer - Marilyn Campbell and
How" was won by Louise O'Neil. cards and treats secretary - Cathy
During the business an invitation Bcll.. - -
was read to attend History Day at During business discussion a mo -
Granton on September 29. Banquet- tion was made to not hold abazaar
and luncheon tickets to the Area this' year but to see what the new
convention at St. Thomas will be year brings regarding a bakc sale
ordered also tickets to the 50th an- with tea tables. Next meeting of the
niversary dinner of Riverview lnsti- P.C.W. will be on Monday, Octo-
tute were arranged, with seven bcr 3 at 8 p.m. -
Can \ ou gc•t .- ll )S
frim) sharing
NO! Get the tacts.
Let's"talk. Call the
Ontario Nlinistn- of
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Clearout rolls -
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