HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-21, Page 27FASHIONS - Pat Venton was convener of a fashion show organized by the Ladies Guild of the Huron Country
Playhouse and the Grand Bend Lioness CIO. Guild members modelling some of the glamorous evening +tear from
The Red Pump store in Bayfield are (right) Betty Eaton. Jackie Silvethorne, Venton, Beth Jean and Milvi Iskaus-
kas. Harry Israel, owner of the Red Pump, was MC.
LIONESS MODELS - Grand Bend Lioness members Donna Hoffman (right) Cheryl-En9lert, Dorothy Peat and
Tracy Soldan were among the models at the fashion show hosted jointly by the Ladies Guild of the Huron Country
Playhouse andtheGrand Bend Lioness Club. Fashions were from The Red Pump store in Bayfield and lingerie
from Sue Carradine of Under the Cover. Red Pump proprietor Harry Israel was MC. -
Jumping for healthy hearts
GODERICH - Jump 'Rope . for
Heart was a skipping succc,ss in
. More than 200,00( students in
950 Ontario schools participated
this year in this unique school fit-
ness program offered by the Heart
and Stroke Foundation of Ontario.
These .students - in schools from
nig Trout Lake in Northern Onta-
rio to a Canadian Forces base
school in West Germany spent last
year learning the importance of
physical activity while also raising
funds for thc Hearth Foundation.
Through two-hour jump event
fund raisers, the students collected
pledges and raised S2.S8 million to
help tundongoing research and.ed-
ucation programs into heart disease
and stroke, -Canada's No.1 killer.
-"We believe with the kind of
support educators are giving Jump
Rope for Heart, we can promote
.the benefits of a healthy lifestyle
to young people at a crucial stage
in their lives." said Barb Itorsman,
Provincial Volunteer Chairman of
the program.
Locally, Huron County schools
have been strong supporters of the
Jump Rope for Heart Program
which was piloted at Seaford) Dis-
trict High School prior to its re-
lease to Ontario schools as a Pro-
vincial proeram. Much of the suc-
cess of the local program, according
to Don Young, the County's Jump
Rope for Heart Campaign, "is due
to the dedication of the Huron
Hearts Demonstration Team at
Wingham. Public School". Under
the leadership of their coach, Dave
Shaw, the team has introduced thc
program demonstrating skipping
skills to countless student bodies in
Huron, Bruce, . Grey and Perth
Counties. Their enthusiasm and
skill has encouraged many young
people to pick up a skipping rope
and jump in for fun and fitness'.
Huron County schools raised
S23,298.48 through pledges to the
Heart Fund this year.
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Times -Advocate, September 21, 1988
Shuffleboard in Ailsa Crai
AILSA CRAIG - About 30 peo-
ple gathered on the shuffleboard
Courts last Monday afternoon for a
little shuffleboard tournament. At
the end of the afternoon when the
'Creation in Crisis'
at.Ailsa Craig UCW
AILSA CRAIG - The theme for
the September meeting of the. Ailsa
Craig. United C'h'urch Women was
Creation in Crisis. This sleeting
was held in the Sunday school
room of the church. -
Pat McDonnell and Janice Karr
presented the topic. Pat read some
scripture passages on the theme and
Janice talked -about the economic
crisis in the agricultural and fishery
sectors in rural Canada.
The United Church is a _rural
based church with some.60 percent
of the membcrsh'p in villages and
towns that have populations of less
than 30,000. Many of the small
congregations are affected directly
by the economic:crisis.
Before Donna Cox presided for
the business part of thc meeting,
she told about the Alma One -Day
Event that she attended at Alma
College. Wilma McIntosh spoke
about the visit -of- the Rev. Jewitt
Parr to the North-West Middlesex
Region. Dr. Parr will -speak to the
U.C.W. members for the region in
the Ailsa Craig Church on Monday,
September 26. .
During the social time Mary Su-
therland and members of Unit Two
served lunch. .
The thankoffering meeting of the
U.C.W. will be held on October 11
at 8 p.m. in the Sunday school
2 qt. casserole-
asserole300 deg. F • - •
1 1/2 cups white beans
•1/4 cup chopped onion -
1 lb. smoked sausage or other
cured meat, sliced -
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp molasses
1 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp, salt
1/4 cup ketchup
1-1 1/2 cups tomato juice
Cover beans with water and cook
until beans break: Drain and place
in casserole. Add chopped .onion
and sliced smoked sausage. Mix re-
maining ingredients using suffi-
-cient tomato Juice to cover beans.
Cover and bake until ingredients
are well done. Add hot water if ne-
cessary to prevent drying.
winners were declared, everyone
moved into the Activity Centre
where a bountiful pot luck meal
• was ready for them.
After the meal Ervin -Gingerich,
'chairman of the Activity Centre
Committee, gave out the Shuffle-
board Genie Awards. Cora Weir
and Reuben Gingerich were the
winners of the tournament. Second
prize went to Levi White and Sandy
Reid and third went to Alice Ginge-
rich and Clarence Frost. Wilma
McIntosh and Ed Hendrick won
lucky spot prizes and so no one
would feel neglected Evelyn
. Page 7
McNaughton presented a number of
other awards.
Since this happy event was
planned to celebrate the end of shuf-
fleboard playing for the summer,
Lloyd Roth on behalf of everyone-
veryonepresent thanked Levi White for be-
ing such a good shuffleboard orga-
nizer and Levi was presented with a
small award.
As the group has had so much
fun playing shuffleboard, they indi-
cated they would like to continue
playing on Tuesday and Thursday
afternoons as long as the weather
in Exeter
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