HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-21, Page 17L 16 For Sale *PATIO SETS* 40% off or more. Wide selection. Warehouse open Ftadays and Saturdays. 71 King W. Forest, Ont. (519) 786-2180. (36c) FIREWOOD - mixed .hardwood, delivered, free kindling. Leslie Cudntore. 235-1267 (36-43) FRUIT, apples, eating and ooking, plums and pears. McClymont ( chard, 1 mile S. of Varna. 233-3214. (36-38c) NEW! Mattress, box spring, bed frame and rollers and headboard (never used; no room for it:) 5400. Phone 235-0564. 12 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT, 7 1/2 h.p. motor, both, in good condition.' 51100 or make nte an offer 1 can't refuse. Call after 5 p.m. 229-6767. DRY SEASON HARDW(X)D firewood 535.(0 a cord picked up. Walter Dunbar 393-5388 in St. Pauls arca. CASH REGISTER Model Ma132 TEC' 2 yrs. old. Hard maple meat block 30x48. Compressors of various sizes all single phase. One checkout counter. Call A&H EMA 235-0212. (36tfn) STEEL BUILDINGS: Immediate Delivery. Examples 30x40 Straightwall 55,110; 40x50 Straightwall `59,227; 70x80x24 Arch Bldg. 2-14x24 Slide Lhxxs $18,0(X); 32x40x12 Steel Trusses & Columns 5540); 40x60x14 Steel Trusses & Columns S6,880. 50x 100x 16 Steel Trusses & Columns 514,200, Sheeting avail. 30-28-24 guagc, colours & Galvalume 1-800-387-2115, 1-416-858.2446. BUNK BEDS, good condition, best offer.Phonc 234-6398. (37:38c) DEHUMIDIFIER, 28 pt. one month old 52(0; air body sander 585; air nibbler 595, metal break 28" wide, 20 gauge maximum 5150; 8 track AM/FM stereo, 2 speaker enclosures 51(0; Emerson 20" TV with stand, used 6 months 52(0; Round table 29" chrome and wood 520; air cleaners Norelco 9000 525, Philips 515. Phone 236-4488. 3 PIECE BLONDE BEDROOM SUITE, dresser with mirror and chest of drawers, bed with like -new box spring and mattress. Call 233-9297 after 6. (35nc) TROLLING MOTOR - Mercury 2.2 nearly new, $550.(x). Phone 236-4488. Wm. J. Lendlcy, R.K. 2, Zurich. BAR FRIDGE, couch and chair, stereo, TV stand, air conditioner, fan, vacuum cleaner. Phone 284-2507 after 5:30. 17 Wanted To Buy CASH. FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR 1 Crediton. (3tfn) CARS AND TRUCKS for junk. Also complete selection of auto and truck parts for sale. McStcphen Auto Wreckers, Crediton. Phone 228-6214.(26-53*) - ATARI GAME and games included. Please call 237-3742 ask for Joanne. (37:38c) WANTED To Buy House in Exeter Send details to: Shirley and Ron Rader Box 86, Zurich, Ontario NOM 2T0 • 17 Wantesi To Buy SS$ CASH PAID for cars and trucks for wrecking or resale. 234-6790 or 234-6250. Advanced Auto Wreckers, Guaranteed Used Pans, RR 1 Exeter. (3Sfn) CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE, tables, chairs, cupboards, washstands, cutters, etc. Antique and oak. Phone 238-5422 or 235-2057. (36tfn) SMALL FARM OR ACREAGE preferably on paved road near Exeter, with or without buildings. Please send details to Box 48P c/o Times -Advocate, P.0.' Box 850, Exeter.(38tfnx) 18 Wanted RIDE NEEDED immediately Grand Bend to London by 8:30 a.m. and back. Weekdays. Phone 1-666-17.11 evenings. (37:38c) 19 Property For Sale TWO BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW with carport, newly renovated, dishwasher and new oak cupboards. 29 Wellington St., Exeter. Phone 235-1348. (34tfn) THREE BEDROOM bungalow with carpet. New aluminum siding and storage barn. Marlborough St. Exeter. Phone 235-2373. (34tfn) FIVE BEDR(X)M RAISED RANCH with double car garage and office at back. In good condition on Huron St. E., Exeter. Phone 235-1196 after 5 p.m. (36tfnc) HOUSE - 3 apartments and coin laundry in Hensall. Shown by appointment only. Phone 262-3403. (36-38c) FiVE.SEASONS ESTATES, Bayfield Rd. Manufactured home approximately 1000 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, appliances, drapes, fireplace, bow window, utility shed. Lot 150'x100', available in October. 1-482-3397. (38-40c) 20 Property For Rent PRiME RETAIL OR OFFICE space availahlc. Call 235-0141. (17tfn) • SHOW ROOM AND OFFICE, Main St., S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462. (20tfn) LUXURY TWO apartments, available Inquire Laraugh 235-0141.(39tfn) SPACE FOR DOUBLE -WIDE mobile home, Dashwood area. Farmer Bill's Greenhouses. Phone 238-8638. (43tfn) 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Exeter. Available Sept. 1st. Apply to Box 44P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, NOM ISO. (33tfn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Clandeboye, fridge and "stove included. 5325.00 plus hydro. Available immediately. Phone 227-4528. (35tfn) ONE AND TWO BEDROOM newly renovated furnished cottages with satellite T.V., S225.00 plus hydro September to April. Phone 238-2299. (26,27,28c) ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in Hensall. Phone 262-3403. (36tfn) BEAUTIFUL new 2 bedroom apartment downtown Hensall, fully carpeted, TV cable, 111 Queen St. Hensall. 262-2239 or London 471-9049. (36tfn) 2 BEDROOM - main floor family room, paved drive, 5600 plus utilities. 235-.1055 or'235-1950 after 6 p.m. ask for Dirk. (36tfn) BEDROOM immediately. Corporation BACHELOR APARTMENT 472 Main St. Exeter. Available Oct. 1. Fridge, stove, microwave included 5410.00 plus utilities. Mirca Developments in London. 434-2976. (37-39c) INOUE WII1T[N6A I auctioneer j Estate Auction Sale of household furnishings, antiques and misc. items on Wed., October 5/88 6 p.m. sharp. For the estate of the late Mrs. Marjorie Edna Sturgess, Grand Cove Estates, Grand Bend, Ont. to be held in South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter Ont. Complete listing in next weeks issue.' For in- formation contact Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone 235-1964_ or, 235-1931 , -: "-= 1set Large Auction Sale Power carpenter tools and saws, 3 riding lawn mowers, cement mixer, cement forms, 3 trailers, antiques, furniture, appliances, glassware, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for Bill Thomp- son of Lucknow and Ernie Toll of Sealorth. Saturday, September 24 at 10 - a.m. Beaver 6' jointer planer, 10" deluxe radial arm saw, 10" deluxe table saw, B&D commercial router, router bits, 12" bandsaw, 5 speed drill press, 6" belt sander w/ 3/4 HP electric motor, steel cut off saw, 1 1/2 .HP electric motor, home made air compressor, 36" wood lathe, chis- els, Makita dry wall screw gun, Makita sabre saw, Makita 3/8" electric drill, Makita 7 1/4 circular saw, Makita 1/2" hammer drill, Remington 22 cal power hammer, Porter -Cable hand power planer, 8' x 12' tandem trailer, lawn roller trailer, small 2 wheel trailer, Gilson 12 HP lawn trac- tor w/hyd. lift 48" mower and 36" snowblower, MF 85 8 HP riding lawn tractor, cement mixer on wheels, 4' x 8' and 2' x 8' plywood cement forms, snap ties, soap tie wedges, 2 chain saws, adjustable mitre saw, truck topper w/tool box sides, oil furnace, vises, benches, tools etc. ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD ETC. Sanyo pdrtable colour TV, al- mond coloured fridge approx. 3 yrs. old. Chest freezer, clothes dryer, portable dishwasher, humidifier, vacuum cleaner, wicker plant stand, wicker library table, -oval -wicker -table w/drawer, antique blanket box, 6 matching wooden dining chairs. maple double bed wbox spring and mattress. Kroehler maple dresser w/mirror, chest of First Love Rogers silverware, apt. size drop leaf chrome table, single iron bed w/brass knobs, box spring and mattress, small oval pedestal table, single con- tinental bed, dresser w/mirror, platform rocker, homemade corner chi- na cabinet, mantel clock, 3 brass bells, Straduvarius violin made in Japan, crocks, wooden clothes horse, golf bag and cart like new, weight bench and weights, 3 chesterfields and chairs, dining tables and chairs, 2 bedrobm suites, 12 .x 14 carpet, snowmobile suit and boots, steel house door, bi fold door, hand and garden tools, dishes and glassware including antique pieces, bedding, mirrors, Sears LT 36" riding lawn mower, gas push lawn mower, plus many items too nu• merous to mention. Two auctioneers selling starting at 10 a.m. Richard Lobb and Burt Lobb 482-7898 Sat., October 1 - 10 a.m. at Lobb Barn Clinton, large lathe, shaper, welder, 2 - 350 gravity boxes on Horst 10 ton wagons, 1982 car, ma- chine shop tooling etc. 20 Property for Rent THREE NEW OFFICE SPACES. 244 Wellington St. W. Exeter. Phone 235-1242 or 228-6386. (I2tfn) FURNISHED 3 bedroom home in Southcott Pines. Available now till June. Phone 227-1017. (37:38c) 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT. A very large apartment including fridge, stove, dishwasher, carpet and very spacious room. Available Nov. 1st. Ca11 235-0173 days. (37tfn) APARTMENT - one bedroom, appliances, carpeted, non-smokers preferred. Main St. Exeter. Phone 235-2557.(37tfn) - TO SUBLET Oct. 1, 1988. Bachelor apartment, modem appliances, patio on ground floor. Controlled entrance. 5293 per month plus utilities. Call Mark Bisset 235-1331 or 235-2195 after 5 p.m. HOUSE FOR RENT.- 2 or, 3 bedroom bungalow. Close to schools. Available Nov. 15. References required. Call 235-2858 after 6 p.m. (38*) GRAND BEND - two -one bedroom apartments, heat, hydro and cable included. Phone after 6 p.m. 238-8195. (38c) HALF OF DUPLEX. Available immediately. Phone 234-6453 days. (38c) TWO BEDROOM HOME, central Grand Bend, 3 blocks from beach, furnished available immediately. Reasonable. Phone 235-1329. (38-41c) TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE in Grarid Bend. October -May. Phone 238-2029.(38tfnc) 3 BEDROOM, 2 STOREY OLDER HOME in Ailsa Craig. Move in condition. High efficiency furnace. 7 appliances, treed lot and garden S500.00 monthly. Phone for appointment Mr. Sharrow 293-3027, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.(38,39c) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Zurich. Phone 236-7134.(38tfnc) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Fridge and stove, laundry facilities and parking. Suitable for one adult. Phone 235-1497. (38tfn) 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films etc. Kitchen facilities available. phone 235-2365 or 235-1020.(10tfn) GRAND BEND GARAGE suitable for winter boat storage, approx. 15 feet. Contact Barbara (416) 483-2211. (37:38c) 3 BEDROOM HOME in Grand Bend for responsible non-smoking, non -drinking adult. Phone 238-5679.(38c) 23 Wanted To Rent CASH CROP LAND Exeter/Kirkton area, 2 or 3 years. Apply Evergreen Farms 229-6134. (35-38*) Pinery Auction Barn on Hwy. 21 4 miles south of Grand Bend 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of Everett Charles McLaren late of the Village of Grind Bend, in the County of Lambton, who died on or about the 13th day of January, 1988 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 30th day of September, 1988, after which date the estate administration will pro- ceed, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned will have no- tice, and the_ ndersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim it shall not then have notice. DONALD VANNATTER Executor by his solicitor DEBORAH %VALL-ARMSTRONG Barrister and Solicitor 631 Yonge Street Barrie, Ontario L4N 4E7 (705) 722-7272 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARLES WILLIAM •DINNEY, Deceased All persons having claims against 'the estate of Charles William Din- ney, late of the Township of Ste- phen, County of Huron, who died on or about the 4th day of June 1988 are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario by the 8th day of October, 1988, after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been receive. ELMER D. BELL, Solicitor for the admInIstratrIx, Exeter, . Ontario NOM 150 27 Tenders Wanted TENDER - Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m., Wednesday, September 28, 1988 to replace 11,000 sq. ft. of roof on the nursing home. Any information on the above can be obtained from the Administrator, Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich, Joseph Risi. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (38c) 28 Auction Sales FRIDAY, September 30, 1 p.m. 200 - 250 open and short bred Holstein Heifers Sell. From 300 lbs. to Short Breds at Carsons Sales Arena, Listowel. (519) 291-2049. 29 Yard & Garage Sales GARAGE SALE - Rain or Shine. 192 Andrew St. Exeter. Sat. Sept. 24. 8:30 a.m. Children's summer and winter clothing. 4-6X, 7 includes smocked dresses and hand knit sweaters, furniture, toys and more. (38c) -YARD SALE - Sat., Sept. 24 - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hwy. 83, cast edge of Exeter. Washer and dryer, various household effects. (38c) NJ C i 101\ On location at Plnecrest • Lodge, Ipperwash (3 cottages south of Ipperwash Hotel) Saturday, September 24 at 11 a.m,. Selling the contents Of 10 modern cottages and apartments consisting of modern furnishings, appliances and antiques, etc. etc. Auctioneers Pat and Phyllis Lyon 243-2713 BOB HEYWOOD AUCTIONEER 235-0874 Thursday Evening, October 6, 6 p.m. sharp South Huron Rec Centre We will be dispersing by auction from the well kept Hensall homes of Mrs. Irene Davis and Mrs. 0 Heal excellent furnish- ings, appliances, antiques etc. along with additions from an Ex- eter Estate. Don't miss it. A.mazs.avrow»1lv114arsaas2,6.11 .d'h vmrr:..a >a......:.c nv m.w 1 w -.r,- 'a.c ;a PINERY '1 AIJ CTI 0 N AT PINERY AUCTON BARN on Hwy. 21, 4 miles S., Grand Bend Thursday, September 22 at 6:30 p.m. 1 We will be selling the contents of a local home with additions plus a large selection of nursery stock. Also a utility trailer and a boat trailer. AUCTIONEERS; PAT AND PHYLLIS LYON L PHONE 243-2713 -J STOCKER SALE 900 HEAD AT HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD:, ON SATURDAY, OCT. 1st, 1988 at 1:00 p.m. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR INFORMATION CALL: Victor Hargreaves Barry Miner Greg Hargreaves AUCTIONEER: 519-233-7511 Clinton 519-235-2717 Exeter 519-229-6205 Kirkton 519-263-2619 Hensall 519-262-2831 Hensall LARRY GARDINER ( Times -Advocate, September 21, 1988 Page 17A Clearing Household Auction Saturday September 24 at 11 a.m. on location, lst home north of St. Joseph store on Hwy. 21 (3 1/2 miles west of Zurich) We will be dispersing by auction for Mr. and Mrs. Archie Patrick, who have sold their home, excellent quality furnishings, appliances, an- tiques and collectible china, tools etc. HOUS HQLD EFFECTS; 3 pc. solid pine bedroom suite (includes poster bed, chest of drawers, dresser with mirror), chesterfield, love - seat and matching chair in mint condition, queen size waterbed with bookcase headboard, solid wood coffee and end tables, Roxton maple dinette suite, pine combination dry sink and hutch (new), recliner chair, beautiful Queen Anne style arm chair, several side chairs, 21' RCA co- lour TV (2 yrs old), White Westinghouse 30" range and frost tree refrig- erator (almond coloured), Woods chest freezer, Inglis superb matching washeroand dryer, 2 air conditioners, electric sewing machine, maple rocker, humidifier, lamps, mirrors, bedding, towels, hurricane lamp (new), fireplace accessories, propane barbecue, Coleman stove, sev- eral fine pcs. of solid wood lawn furniture, Ski-doo suits and helmets, 2 snowmobiles, with misc. parts and accessories, homemade wood Split- ter with Briggs & Stratton engine, 2 garage doors, lawn roller, misc. good lumber, firewood, air compressor, misc. tools, woodstove, paint gun, storage cabinet, pots and pans, dishes, semi auto Lakefield 22 ri- fle (FAC required), etc. etc. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Jenny Lind bed, parlour table, buffet, table top phonograph, washstand, chests of drawers, beer bar- rel, crocks, wool winder, Gone with the Wind lamp, oil lamps wicker fern, stand, silver pcs. wagon wheels,coal skuttle, and a fine selection of collectible china, including Depression, Bavaria, Noritake, cut and pressed glass, black amethyst, Occupied Japan, Lirnoge, Royal Win- ton a black forest mantel clock, etc. etc. Sale under cover i n case of bad weather. One of the cleanest sales this year. Auctioneers Bob Heywood 235-0874 John Finlay 236-4814 BOB HEYWOOD AUCTIONEER 235-0874 Saturday, October 1/88 at 11 a.m. Estate Auction We have been favoured to disperse by public auction, the entire estate, including property and chattels of the late Mr. Charles W. Din- ney of Stephen Township. The auction will be held on location 2 1/2 miles west of Crediton, then north about 1 mile past Stephen Central School. In case of inclement weather sale will be held under cover. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The property known as pt. lot 14, Conc. 10 in Stephen Twp. Huron County consisting of 467' frontage, 280' depth on which is located a 2 storey - 4 bedroom brick home with builtin cupboards and forced air oil heat. Also included is a large ce- ment block shed with a heated "workshop along with a large barn. The property is serviced by a drilled well approx. 240' deep and approx. tax- es on said property are $523.00. Subject to a reasonable reserve bid, 10% down, balance in 30 days. * Grain bin not included. GUNS: Remington Model 591 M 5 mm rifle with bushnell scope, Rem- ington Mohawks 600 222 rifle (2 x 6 variable twilight scope), Cooey model "60" 22 L.R. repeater, Ruger model 1022 L,R., Winchester Model 94 30-30.lever action, Remington WingmeSter model 94 pump (12 gauge/2 3/4" shells), Sheridan pump action 6 MM air gun (pellets only) along with related gun equipment.5516 Browning straight bow with 10 new and 5 used aluminum arrows.Valid F.A.C. required for all firearms purchases. Guns to be sold at 2 p.m. HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES: G.E. Talisman 850 side by side re- frigerator, 30" propane range, Westinghouse c(test freezer, Viscount G.E. auto washer, Viking electric dryer, Litton Mbfiat microwave, kitch- en' chrome table with 4 swivel chairs, R.C.A. 20" colour TV, 8 track player with turntable and speakers, Filter Queen vacuum, electric fan, 4 matching dining chairs, desk, couch and chair with wooden fixtures. Flat to the wall cupboard, chest with moustache pulls, solid oak bed, iron and brass bed, old dressers and trunks, old' wardrobe, open wash- stand, parlour tables, Raymond treadle machine; harvest table, old cupboard, taper leg table, chest of drawers, pressbacks, antique type- writer, apple peeler, butter ladle, crocks, and platters, Depression glass, silverware, 2 Pentz collectors plates, antique acetylene lantern, hooked mats, lamp tables, several lamps and pictures, copper boiler, old rain barrel, frames, milk bottles, old dishes, small appliances, kero- sene heater, lawn chairs, bedding, wicker, old magazines, books, en- cyclopedias, film screen and movie camera, several cook000ks, ap- prox. 100 National Geographics, crokinole board, card table and much more. MISC. AND TOOLS: Shop Mate Forney welder,(including all attach- ments), aluminum rowboat, Honda 200 ATV. 3/8" power drill, Makita powe- grinder, 22" hydraulic jack, Remington chain saw, Skil saw, hand and garden tools, ropes, chains, vise, scales, brand n,w aluminum door, brand new crane toilet (in box), Lawn Boy mower, scrap metal and iron, Etc. Etc. Form 9 Sale of Land By Public Auction Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 The CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF HURON Take Notice that the land(s) described below will be offered for sale by public auction at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 4th day of OCTOBER, 1988, at THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONTARIO. Description of Land(s) Minimum Bid $ 1988 TAX SALE PCL. #J TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, 597.61 COUNTY OF HURON - CUST. #1 - ROLL P64 002 200 029 07 LOT 21 EAST OF WELLINGTON STREET, PLAN 136 PCL. 12 1OWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, 475.18 COUNTY OF HURON - CUST. #2 - ROLL 164 002 200 029 08. LOT 20 EAST OF WELLINGTON STREET, PLAN 136 PCL. #3 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF HU- 580.38 RON - CUST. #3 - ROLL 164 001 000 002 03 PART OF LOT 61, PLAN 141. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST ANGLE OF THE SAID LOT 61 THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LIMIT OF SAID LOT 16.5 FEET. THENCE SOUTHERLY PARALLEL TO THE EASTERLY LIMIT OF SAID LOT 88 FEET, THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL TO THE NORTHERLY LIMIT OF SAID LOT 16.5 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY LIMIT OF SAID LOT, THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LIMIT OF SAID'LOT TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING PCL. #34 TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH, COUNTY OF HURON - CUST. 1321 - ROLL 124 001 300 005 00 LOT 33, CONCESSION 13 3,982.65 PCL. 143 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK, COUNTY OF HU- RON - CUST. #1261 - ROLL 146 002 200 053 01 LOT 6 IN AR- THUR MITCHELL'S SUBDIVISION OF THE ORIGINAL MILL 1,311.15 RESERVE PLAN 244, IN THE VILLAGE OF FORDWICH, SAVE AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OFSAID LOT SOLD TO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK FOR ROAD PURPOSES,IN INSTRUMENT 121578. PCL. 156 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, COUNTY OF HU- 3,685.45 RON - CUST. 12787 - ROLL 104 003 100 049 00 SOUTIi 66 FEET OF MITCHELL'S BI.00K IN EVEN WIDTH PLAN 221. • All amounts payable by the succesSfulport;lra5�r"stibitl; ia, - full at the time of the sale by cash or money order or by a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company or Province of Ontario Sav- ings Office. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascer- taining these matters rest with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 and the Mu- nicipal Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and relevant land transfer tax. For further Information regarding this sale, contact: W.R. Alcock Treasurer Corporation of the County of Huron Court House Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2