HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-21, Page 5Times -Advocate, September 21, 1988 Page 5A Scouting groups By Roberta Walker - GRAND BEND - No damage was reported in the recent fire call, as the Grand Bend and Area Fire de- partptent rushed to a brush fire south of the Bend on the Greenway road last week. Happy birthday wishes are extend- ed to James Prance, Oak St., who will be celebrating his 88th this Sunday- The couple (Jim and Alma) will also be having their 69th wed- ding anniversary on October 8. Scouting registration The Grand Bend Brownies and Girl Guides held registration last week on September 13 for all -inter- ested girls. Brownie Leader Margrit Breuer reported 18 brownies regis- tered, for meetings on Monday Nuclear concerns CLINTON .- On. September 20 Parents and Teachers arc invited to come to.the. Clinton Public- School at 8:00 pine. 10 Icarn-ahout "Parents 'and Teachers for Social Responsi- DANCING SKIRTS - Betty. Greenhough, Vera Morrison, Shirley Pincoe, and Alma Woods danced this clever bilily". The purpose of PTSR is "to number-using-bodia. ttached to the. undersides of their skirts at the Grand Cove "Flying High" comedy revue.. stimulate global action that will News By Roberta Walker Church of God News . GRAND BEND - Sunday was Rally Day at the Church of God • with Mr. Keith Lapsley, represent- ing Scripture Union Canada, as guest speaker. Millie Desjardine led the congregation in a hymn sing and the Sunday School children also performed a few numbers. Mr. Lapsley introduced his pup- pet, Isobel, and told a story about attending Sunday School, using several other puppets in the show, and illustrated the Bible story of the Good Samaritan with large hand drawn pictures. Following a pot -luck dinner in the church basement, Mrs. Lapsley presented the work of Scripture Un- ion in regards to the Holiday Clubs or Beach Ministries. The purpose of these clubs is to give children on holidays something constructive to do with their time, and to present the stories from the Bible through the use of quizzes, songs and books. The teachers are volunteers who work as a team, supported, where possible, by local churches. These clubs are held in several summer resorts such as Turkey Point on Lake Erie, Ipperwash and Southampton. In Grand Bend, 20 to 25 children met under a tree on the north beach each day for a week in August. They were taught by a Toronto family, Kevin and Sandra Wing, their children, two teenaged helpers, Mr. Lapsley from Guelph and Rev. Duke Vipperman (pastor of the An- glican Churches of Exeter and Grand Bend). The interest among the children was high, and the leaders can be commended for their faithful efforts j--�_ from GB churches with the children during a very hot week. They look forward to another successful Holiday Cub in August of 1989. In two weeks the Church of God will be welcoming the Parr Family Singers to their congregation to minister to them. They welcome all to attend the concert on Saturday, October 1 at 7:30 p.m. and to both services on Sunday, October 2. Bible Class GRAND BEND - The first meet- ing of the community Bible Study was held last Tuesdaymorning at the Sauble Court Lounge with 22 in attendance. They welcomed two newcomers, Ellen Smithers of Greenway and Joy Mason of Dash- wood, also former Southcott Pines resident Jean Dykstra, now of Lind= say, who is visiting in the area. The ladies began a new study book in the "Open Up Your Life". series, a woman's workshop on hospitality. The first lesson taught onthe topic of hospitality and obe- dience in the Old Testament, with scripture readings from Genesis 18- 19, specifically referring to Abra- ham and Lot. Clara Hamilton called the meet- ing to order, and Katie -Vincent gave the opening prayer. A hymnsing was led by Millie Desjardine, ac-' companied by Nancy Tumbull at the piano. The lesson leader was Pat Desjardine, who closed with Prayer. United Church GRAND BEND - Interim pastor Rev. -Ted Smits led the service last Sunday at Grand Bend United Church. His sermon text was taken from St. John 21:6 "Cast the net on the other side". The children's Concert tickets going well GRAND BEND - The Grand Bend association's sales campaign is well on its way and tickets are being bought by music lovers. It is going to be a promising seas ►n, which opens in October with a piano - concert by pianist Philip Thomson, "a young man to be watched", per- forming poetic compositions by the great 19th century composer - pianists. This voyage into •beauty and mystery is followed in Novem- ber by a lively and entertaining con- cert performed by. "Triple Clef', a grout duce talented young artists who appeal to all ages with music for voice and piano. The program is the new year will include the "Great Lakes Brass Quintet" and the "Brussels Double Bass Quartet". Both groups enter- tain their audiences with an unusual variety of musical delight for the ear and fun for the eye as well. Then there are, as usual, two bo- nus -concerts to which season ticket holders have been entitled for the past six years. The "Harboraires" a 37 -voice male choir from Goderich $500,000 contribution to Goderich airport GODERICH - Murray Cardiff, Member of Parliament for Huron - Bruce, today announced on behalf _of Transport Minister Benoit Bou- chard, a-5500,000-fedcraLcontribu- tion to build a new 1,524 m run- • way at Goderich Municipal Airport, to be operational by the fall of 1989. Construction of new runway 13- 31.will be less expensive than re- building the existing facility. Plan- ning for the new runway will al- low llow for . future lengthening to 1,825 m and upgrading to preci- sion runway standards to accom- modate instrument landing sys- tems. Total cost of the project is S1.5 million: The Province of Ontario' will provide $800,000 and the Town of Goderich, is owned and operated by the town and is served by two charter operators and an air- craft refinishing business. will be one of the bonus -concerts, the other one still to be decided upon. All concerts are held in the United Church in Grand Bend. For more information and to obtain your tickets for the coming season phone 238-2071 or 238-5133. For the Zurich -area please phone 236- 4966. story was about sharing, and their hymn was "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands". In. the church -bulletin, Rev. Smits reported that he had a full holiday program in Holland, Bel- gium, Germany and England. -He saw friends and visited prisoners and a chaplain in a Dutch prison. The big event of his trip was the - 70th anniversary of his in-laws, who are both 95 .years old. People came from all over Holland for the four day event, where the Dutch Queen sent them flowers and a let- ter of congratulations. In a church service, the 95 -year-old bride read the 103rd Psalm in a clear voice. Sherwood and Carey Eddyand their wee son Cameron were door - greeters for the service. • • protect children from- the threat of —nut1e:�r war." - Tony McQuail, Trustee for Ash- field and West Wawanosh Town- ships, will make introductory com- ments followed by Jane Hoy, arca coordinator of A Peal for Peace. The Principal of Central Huron Secon- dary School, Joe Wooden, will talk of an educators perspective. Jim Hollingworth will describe the ac- tivities of Physicians for Social Re- sponsibility. These short talks will be followed by a discussion on the issue with those attending. There will be a literature table and refreshments. It is hoped that there will be enough interest to form a local group of Parents and Teachers for Social Responsibility. The threat of nuclear war -is awesome. For Parents and Teachers concerned about the future of the children PTSR provides a way of working together on this issue. All members of the public arc invited . ,tea .��y �.:.4;v va,, N � •,41, Dignan {o •a • ,' Call 236-4457 Lan dscap ing l�•.; Soil Supply R.R. 2 Hensall, Ontario LANDSCAPING Your key to year round beauty • Toke advantage of our complete professional landscape design service. • Phone and our landscape designer will -make -an appointment to call on you and produce a detailed drawing • Paving Brick • Fertilizing • Ground Work • Sodding • Seeding • Railway Ties • Design Service • Nursery stock planting ( Order your nursery stock now...or the can be done by our `;'I landscaping specialists. li work All nurse y stock guaranteed Phone 236-4457 235-1678 Quality is first in our business evenings, from 6-7:30 p.m. at the St. John's Anglican hall. Leader Zelda Inthout reported 10 Girl Guides registered so far, with a few more expected, for Tuesday night meetings from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., also at St. John's hall The meetings begin for the Guides on September 20, but they need more leaders or assistants yet, as well as other interested girls. For informa- tion contact 238-2158. Need leaders Grand Bend Beavers and Cubs held their registration on Tuesday. September 20, from 7-7:30 p.m. at the Grand Bend Public School. The Beavers only have two leaders so register far, wrtich restricts them to 10 members; meeting place to be de- cided later. Please consider enrolling your son in the Scouts, and also consider yourself helping out as a leader. It's an experience neither one of you will ever forget. __ G.B. Seniors The Grand Bend Seniors Golden Age Club will be sponsoring a Pot- luck Luncheon and speaker on Oc- tober 5 at 12:30 p.m. in St. John's Anglican hall. The guest speaker will be Jill Summerhays, "The Cane Lady" of Cambridge. There are 80 tickets available at 83.00 each, so call 238-5336 or 238-2948 for tickets. Know The - -Sweet Smell of Success. SCRATCH AND SNIFF What's that? You didn't smell anything? Sure you did. You smelled black ink. When it comes to financial success, black ink on your profit sheet is what it's all about! And by advertising y4-ur products and services in The Times -Advocate you will have taken an important step in giv- ing your business the share of black ink it deserves. To begin an effective advertising campaign call Jim Beckett at 235=1331 today. Load Up And Save Sale Wednesday September 21 to Saturday September 24 Water conditioner salt at incredible cash & carry stock -up prices. 5 991 40 kg bag Save S1 11 per bag 349 20 kg nag Peg 54 14 TRUCKtoAD SALE Special Bonus Buy 120 kg of Crystal Plus and get.; SS 00 factory rebate AOUA-MAGIC PREMIUI"CRYSTA Specially prepared for all automatic water conditioners. 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