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Times -Advocate. September 21, 1988
Sports Spotlight ON
Watch for good season
The re -structuring of the %Vestern Junior 1) hockey league, a move •
that' will see•Exeter Hawk; and Lucan Irish facing off against each
other ona regular basis, should pro\ ute Junior D fins with 'sorllc-
thing to •cheer about. The rivalry between those two clubs has al-
ways been a strong tine and I can see no reason w h) it wout(In't get
stronger -- and more interesting.
Admittedly, roles have been reversed somew hat -this-year:-With
just ten players. returning from last season,. 1 ks aren't likely' to
have the power that existed in their line-up last year. Exeter .will
spend a season in the same rebuilding cycle that Lucan has'apparent-
ly just emerged from. • •-
But the early indication are that Hawks will have something to
work with.
"We've played two exhibition games anti v c lost 7-6 against Lucan
and 1{-6.4g1just Lambeth, Hawks manager Al Quinn -told -.me, Mon-
day. 'Lambeth has a really fast -skating team and we kept up. with
them. It could hay.e_gone_citivef:w 1y."
Ilawks will be drawing.cxtensively on the Exeter Minor Hockey
system . There are also a -few promising prospects from St. Marys.
Quinn noted that what they lacked in size, they made up for in
spirit in games against Lucan and Lambeth, arguahlcy two ol.the-
better teams in the league this year. .
"They're nolgoing to be as big as last year, but there's some pret-
ty tough kids out there for their sire," Quinn said of.thc new Hawks.
Meanwhile, in Lucan -
Just a few miles down Highway Four; Irish coach Dave Rcvington
is whittling the Lucan Juniors into their final form.
"We're getting pretty well down 16 a working team," Revington
said Monday night. "I still have 30 people around."
Revington wants to get down to 12. players. Ile .hopes• to be ante
io draw On Lucan Midgets from tinge -to -tinge as well.
"It's our cycle year to be up there, but we lost three players to the
Junior B League," he noted:
Winger ian Craig hhs been picked up by London Diamonds while
Paul DePlanckc and Jamie Gricg went ul Strathroy .Blades, leaving a
bit of a hole to fill in the Irish line-up.
• Scott Dcnomy. will be hack to.lead the team and Rcvington is
counting on Brad Muir's presence as well. Muir is currently trying
out .for the Guelph University varsity team. .
-"He played two thirds of the year and finished eighth in scoring as.
a defencenlan," Rcvington said of Muir. "He's the kind of guy that
should really do something for us!' .
Both Rcvington and Quinn pointed 'Out that games between Exeter
and Lucan should he good for the box office.
"We're kx)king forward to.a good year and hopefully we'll get the
support from.the fans," Quinn said of the Hawks.
f gawks travel to Thcdford on Sunday. for a 3:30 -game. They will
play Scalorth in Huron park on September 30 at -8:30 p.m. -
irish will play Thamestord Wednesday night.
Regular. season begins for both team October 7. in Exeter when -
they open up against each other.
Good season start
NEW FACILITY --The Claybird Gun -Club opened their new shooting facility recently. The club received a Wintario grant of $3.070 wnich they matched'.
to build thejnew shooting area complete with generator and target thrower, Taking aim .above are John Glazier, Doug Moore, Huss Beaver, Jody Mosu�_
rinjohn and Dwight.Monck.
Moha w s
LUCA\ - Senior B Mohawks
took to -t-he ice for the first titnc
this -season Thursday night when
the Exeter club held the first phase
of training_camp at -the Lucan Com-
munity Centre. For new head coach
Gird. Brooks; it was a chance 10 sec
what he has to work with this sea-
son. Overall, it was a typical. first
practice: •
"You really couldn't expect any
snore :than you got from them to-
night," Brooks said. "It'll _get
tougher and they'll get better."
The players that turned out spent
the evening embroiled in scrimag-
es. -
"You get .more out of,scrimagcs
.than you wotild out of end -t( -end
rushes all nicht," Brooks noted.
The new coach will be stressing
conditioning as Mohawks head into
their most promising season ever.
"The big thing is,.you don't want
'-guys..coming up with injuries that
are going to keep. coming -up all
season." , . :
Brooks is making some effort to. _
beef. up Mohawks' rear -guard .in
terms of size. Two potential de-
fencenlen for this )tear's version_ of
the team are Wayne Smith and Gra
ham .Nicholson; Both players arc
big and they have Allen -Cup -expo
"There are a lot -of good defcncc-
men dere, hut these guys would
really help out," Brooks said of the
two prospects,- •
' After last year's :grueling stretch
of I lardy Cup action which saw Ex-
eter advance to. the Eastern final,
Mohawks found themselves .'hock -
eyed -out". They ran out (-)f steam in
their league semi-final and came
Greater Grand Bend tourney
GRAND BEND - A: team mads
up of Gary Cowan, Dave Scatchcrd,
\lark Coles and•Bi)I Kennedy cap-
tured first prize at the Greater Grand
Bend Golf Toumamcnt recently.
Second place went to Al Gledhill, •
Barry Rowell, Doug McCabe and
South Huron places third
EXETER - South Huron's field
hockey team played in their first •
tournament of the. season in Kitch-
ener -Waterloo, placing third.
The girls played a total -of four
games on Saturday, beginning with
n ea,‘ t -i) ictory-ovcrNorth`To-
ronto Collegiate institute.
Scoring for Sou'h Huron were
Joellc tampon with two'goals and
Tina Campbell with one.
.Next, South Huron faced Grand
River Collegiate Institute. the tour-
nament champs for Iwo consecutive
years. SIIDIiS played an equally
strong game against the champs
but came up one goal short in the
second half of the game.
The learn. tied. their. next game
against Kitchener -Waterloo Colle-
giate Institute. _
Kim Crawford scored for South
Huron but unfortunately. -Kitchener,.
Waterloo scored their only goal
within the.last five seconds of play.
South Huron's- final opponent
was a Strong Eastwood Collegiate
team. After playing 30 minutes of
regular play and 15 minutes of sud-
den death overtime, the score still
remained 0-0. To break the tic,.
five penalty strokes wcrc taken by
each team. Scoring fair South Hu-
ron were Tina Campbell tuld.J(irn
.Nicole R'osic stopped all five tit
Eastw(xx1's strokes giving her a to-
tal (lf two shut -outs for .the tourna-
ment. The shoot-out !final score 2-
1) or.South Huron, -placing -them -
third in the tournament.
Forrest freights Collegiate Insti-
tute. won the tournament over
Grand River Collegiate Institute •
with a score of 1-0.
The field hockey team placed
fourth at OFS.AA last year and their
goal this year is to better 'their
Forrester leads with 13
:'ontinued from page 1
—TTttgc-Over' k4ok---thc._ovet-ti►„rkcd
South Huron team and won 51)-20.
Top Scorers were 1..turie Forrester
with 13 point, and \1,,hellc ('errs
with four. .- - •
Because South Huron canis up
short for both. games, they were
scheduled to play themselves for the
consolation semi-finals. instead
they placed an exhibition game
against 1Iie Woodstock Collegiate
team. %% oodstock won the game
This brought South- Huron to the
consolation Final against Kincar-
dine. The girls performed well of-
fensively and defensively. They bition games. -
dominated the game winning ir41- The senior tears dominated their
2r7: .� _�.►i1141tn 1 Caine away with a 51-411
Laurie Forrester played an excel-
lent game for South Huron, leading
th e.uil with 16i points. ..he was
followed by Sonya Shantz with
eight p011115 and Heather R idcout
with seven.
The tournanient was won by Oak-
ridge in an exciting match against
Strathroy. It wash fight to the fin-
ish but Strathroy carne -up three
points short, with a final score of
45-42. '
South Huron's -junior and senior
girls basketball teams travelled to
Clinton last Thursday for two ex hi -
win. 'Top scorers for the game wcrc
Laurie Forrester with 13 points,
Christine Rose with eight and
Spring Cushman and \1ichelle Elli-
son with S1,\.
The junior girls played a tough•
basketball game against an equally
strong Clinton team. Although the
girls came tip a few points short,
their effort was excellent. The final
Score was 25-22 !Or Clinton.
Julia \lcrner played very well and
was top scorer with 'nine poutt•.,
followed by Tracy Campbell and
Sheryl Oke with four points each.
FIRST FOOTBALL - While the Panthers battled the Laurier Rams long and hard Friday afternoon, even this
spectacular breakaway for a touch down kepi the score locked in a tie.
Juniors, seniors tie in exhibition
EXETER - The junior and senior
football teams of South Huron wel-
comed Laurier Secondary School for
two exhibition games Friday. '
The junior team played full -out
with a final score of 6.6. South
Huron's touchdown was scored by
John Dollen.
The senior football -game also
ended in a 6-6 tie with Jeff DenOt-
ter running 60 yards to score the
. Head coach Ron Bogart, said the
game featured some good plays
with hard hitting, hut both teams
had trouble controlling their
mouths as well as keeping the
number of pen%ltics to a minimum.
The next game for the Panthers is
Thursday at Strafford Central.
Jim Jenkins while- third prize was
awarded to the team of Dave Holtz-
man, Paul Van Gerw_ in, Don Cow-
an -and Bob Fetcher.
Pete Fulmer carne closest to the -
pin while the longest drive was
awarded to Richard Schilbc.
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Visit our
booth at
the Fair
to the ice
away:with-no trophies to -show for
an outstanding season.
Their .appetite whetted: by •.the
high'calilre of hockey they experi-
enced in Hardy •Cup play hast sea-
son; the club has decided to pursue
the national trophy again.' But
Brooks doesn't want the. team' to
sacrifice league -play.
"Yo1i have to go for your league
first. That's got to be your top pri-
ority;" he said. "You can't lt' k 100
tar ahead. You. look trio tar ahead
and 'you find yourself behind the
eight -hall." .
\1ohawks will play their firstex-
hibition game, against Aylmer .0c-•.
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