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Times -Advocate, September 14,1988
New members welcomed
LUCAN - The! ,..; . ,. and
Busy Buddies '.tie 1,o,,,,,1 lour new
members to their., first 1,111 meeting.
• Plans Here iva.fe til entertain a
couple 01 neighbouring. clubs lo a
dessert euchre ID the I .ear future.
.-1•bc. 1:11L an Le: ion ha%e invited
the Lucan seniors to their hall for
the nleelil,k 011 Scpteillber 15. Har-
ry. Nock gas e .1n interesting account
of the recent. Senior g;ut,es- \\'hili
the La, .,n term diJu t l ruig home
any nie,Lils they telt the) held their
uwn. Florence Hudgins- gave a
thoughtful reading entitled "Lord
forgive \1e when 1 Whine-.
.Nine table; of euchre followed the
meeting. \\'.inners as fellows:- High
110dgins; men's Dean Gibson;
Ione Florence 11ulf11i;111:' men's.1sia-
nc \•e,tl ing a niaii's card: low
C'harlott. Baker; men Man \llekIL
pla.v in g .t man's caul.
Jim Freeman
.►rM FREEMAN RETIRES Lucan Hydro foreman Jim Freeman was officially retired Friday night after 22 years
of service. Above he receives a chef's outfit from Alex Urbanowicz of Ontario Hydro. Others from the left are Lu -
can Hydro chairman Andy Van Geel, Donna Freeman and Lucan Reeve Norm Steeper.
Grand Bend church news
-Catholic news •
GRAND 13END Father Paul
Beck Wali celebrant at all Masses at
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
this past weekend.. The. reader for.
the 11 am. Mass- was Walt Coster
• Io,cantor was Delores Tighe and the
. organist -was Paul Dietrich: Philip
Walker joined Walt Costello as Eu
charistic Minister. -
Father Beck explained in his ser-
mon that we must also answer Je-
sus'= question to Peter ourselves.
• "Who do we say that Jesus is?" --
The parish- is asked to remember
-Mr. Bruce Johnson who died during
the past week: The choir is once
• again singing at the 11 a.m. mass
and rehearsals will -soon being -
come and juin them!!
United Church
The Grand Bend United Church
by Mrs. i-icbcr Davis
Nevi Sunday is the 'thanksgiving
Sen ice at St. Thant,. (.'bereft in
Granton. Thcrc will be no scrvi:c at
St. 1'atrick's in Saitit,bury but on
Sefltcanher 25 the -1 hanksgtving
III begrli at 11 ;tin 1 -
Mrs. \'o} Ie Jordan \pent the
..eckenil .I;ftltig relati%c; in down
I-4tie.t aril O‘t,cn Sttwt,I.
\L,r Das, i. v.;i; Litc•t with Nirs.
�Llhcl \,_,_,Ih,ttn I% if 1011.11 orf Satur-
was full as the Congregation wel-
comed their guest speaker, Rev.
Harley Moore, now 01 Merlin. Last
Sunday. He was minister here and
at Greenway t nited for the eight
years from 4975 to 1983. -
Rev. Moore's sermon topic was
titled "True Disciples".
Sherwood and Carey Eddy were
the door greeters and the children's
hymn was "Jesus Loves_Me."
Rev, Moore told the children
about the powers of observation
- with an object lesson - a black
mark on white paper.. Bad habits
can mess up our lives, so. we
should try til live good lives for Je-
sus. The scripture reading was from
John 8:31-47- and responses were
read to Psalm 95. •
UC 11-- meeting
The united .Church Women.nlet
Thursday afternoon with 14 in -at-
tendance in the t nilcd Church base-
ment. Bcaulah 1 lilt opened with all
singing "\Vhat a Friend We Have In
Jesus' with Clara•Watson accom-
panying on the piano. Bcaulah
spoke to the ladies about the life of
-Jesus; using stories and poems."
Thcrc arc many unknown folks
who do things for Jesus and walk
close to God. •
Bcaulah closed With a prayer for
September and a moment of si-
lence observed for Doris Pearen, re-
cently deceased member of, the
UCW. Eleanor Duric spoke about
the Church and Society, readying a
story forth "The Meeting Place' in
the understanding of poverty.
President Elizabeth Nprris presid-
ed for the business meeting. Thank
you letters were read from Doris
Peebles; from Thameswood.Lodge
for the cookies; from the family of
the late Doris Pearen, and from the
Saunders family in memory of the
late Jessie Finkbciner.
A financial donation was received
from .the family of the late Mrs.
Art (Nora) Webb. Roll Call was
answered with an exchange of
something canned, preserved or
During the meeting thc ladies
discussed the ordination of gay
ministers, and expressed their deep
disappointment at the vote from
the August meeting of the General
• Council. •
Some of the upcoming meetings
are: The South Iluron Fall Region-
al Meeting held at the 1lcnsall
United Church on October 24 at
6:30 p.m. The London Conference
of the UCW will host a one -day
event on.Octobcr 3 -from 9 a.m.-to
4 p:m. at Lampton United Church
Centre on Lakeshore Road, Sarnia.
The Grand Bend UCW will host
the Blucwatcr Birthday Party at thc
Zurich Rest Home on Tuesday,
September 27 at 7 p.m The Grand
Bcnd, UCW will host thc.Thanks.-
giving Ecumenical on a date to be
determined later, depending •on the
Elizabeth Norris.vlosed with a
poem, "Trusting -Others"..Lunch
was serval by Elda Adams -and iva
NUMBER RETIRED - One of the founders of the Lucan Irish juniors hockey team received double honours Fri-
day night. -While receiving congratulations on bis retirement as Lucan'Hydro foreman, Jim Freeman also received
a club sweater from Bob Taylor and Clare Stanley.
Lucan OPP at eight
During the week of September
10, Ontario Provincial Police in
Lucan investigated eight motor ve-
hicle accidents. Only one person
received minimal injuries in the
Sunday at 10:55 p.m. a vehicle
operated; by -Todd Lcwicki of RR2,.
London was west bound on coun-
try road 28 when he was forced off
the road by an :unknown vehicle.
Lewicki sustained minor injuries.
Thursday at 10:20 a.m., a vchi=
cle operated by Doreen Wurdcll of
Mitchell was east bound on High-
way 7 when she. swerved to miss a
vehicle which pulled out from a
stop sign. She struck the curb.
Wurdcil was uninjured,
Thursday,.a vehicle operated by -
Jeanne Greenberg of RR 1 Arva
,was stopped on County Road 28
for a stop light when she was
struck from behind by a vehicle
operated by Maureen Creighton of
Lucan. No injuries were sustained.
A vehicle operated by James
Scarborough of Ildcrton was cast
bound on County Road 16 and
slowing to make a left turn when
he was struck from behind by a ve-
hicle operated by Vickcy Crawford
of RR 1 Ailsa Craig. There were
no injuries. • -
Saturday, a vehicle operated by
Jules Pattyn of RR3 Ildcrton was
GB Legion
draw winners
GRAND BEND - Winners of the
Friday meat draw were Remi Van
Prate, Gary David, Art Chambers,
Pat Kicswettar, and Evelyn Gow-
ing. The mystery pFize was won by
Maryann Hitchcock.
A zone dance was held on Friday
night by Legion Branch 388 of Wy-
oming. A group of 34 members for
the Grand Bend Legion attended the
dance, travelling by bus, and they
had a greattime. -
There are still a few tickets great,
for the Grand Cove Revuc
"Flying High' to be held on Mon-
day, September 19 at Legion
Branch 498. Better hurray and get
your tickets, or you may be disap-
south bound 011 fount) Road 23
• when he turned left in to a vehicle
operated by Leon Burden). of Spai--
ta.who was attempting to pass. No
injuries were sustained.
O.P.P. officers investigated 50
general occurrence, including: -One
theft oI tires; one recovered stolen
truck; two -stolen bicycles; three
break, enter and thefts.-
"I'wo persons were charged with
'impaired driving and three persons
were charged under violations of
thy' Liquor Licence Act.
EEO TERMS - Cash, Mastercard
Grand Bend Decorating
and Flooring Centre
Now two Locations
Hwy. No. 21
Grand Bend
& Donuts
1 Vinyl
Durable vinyl blinds to fit
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-Easy -to Install-eaSy-trr
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Available in other sizes at
special prices
20" X 45" 36" X 45"
599 1288.
27 X 45•' 48" X 45"
999 1788:4tLast,Akv
Premium. all season multigrade oil •
10W30 1 titre
Compler all season lawn food for vigourous
Iong•lasf ng growth Non•burnrng gradual
release nitrogen for a
ncees-greener-lewn - --
• Covers 500 to meters
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday • 8:30 am. - 8 p.m.
Saturday - 8:30 . 6 p.m'.
�.ir •ago•