HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-14, Page 19Kirkton Fair.entry.results
KIRKTON - Most points in roots
and vegetables Gladys Cudmorc;
Most points in grains and- seeds -
John - Denutter. .
Field crop - Most points in wheat.
Ewart Crago, Most points in beans
Fred Cowdry, Most points in corn
- Mike O'Shea.
Most points in cut flowers (Class
3.9 .and 40) - Josie Rykeman, Most
points in. potted plants Eleanor
L.easa, Best plant in show - Eleanor
Leasa. '
Most points in home department
(Ladies Work) (L.A. Ball Special) -
Brcnd.a Bain, Most points in crafts
-and hobbies (including decorations)
-• Eleanor Leasa, Moist points young
teens - Karen Foster.
Best quilt - Isabel Annis.
Most points baking - Helen.
Haynes. Most points canning .- Ruth
Jun it r --Fair
-Penmanship special: K-2 - Boy Ja-
nne White, •Girl Marla Barker; 3-5 -
Boy Scott Hodgins, -Girl Rebecca
Miller; 6-8 . Boy Glenn Bertrand,
t ;irl Linda Wallis. •
Rest dressed bear: K-2 - Elsa Pihl;
5 • Holly Zwaan; 6-8 - Denise
- Field Crtip Results
-Corn: Mike O'Shea 81 points; Al-
bert Weernink 83; Harry Wccrsink
83; Ken Bcarss 82; Ewart Crago 81;
Elden 1Vcstrnan 81; Bill Stephens
While Beans: -Fred Cowdrey 88
points; Albert' Weernink 87; Mike
()Shea* 86; Ken Bearss 84; Ron
Grant 84; harry Weersink 83.; Gerald
Poet -82.5; Eldon \Postman 82.5;
Rill Stephens 81. -
Wheat:. Ewart Crago 92 points;
Jack.Naim 90.5; Burns Blackler 89;
John Switzer 88.5; Albert Weernink
88; Gary Urquhart 87; Fred Cowdrey
87; Mike O'Shea 85; Harry Weersink
85; John Simpson 84.
4-H Results
Champ Showmanship Class: Nov,
ice 1. Kelly Sue Robinson 2. Bob
For more
Fair coverage
turn to
page 14A
Wheeler 3. Linda Wallis 4. Elizabeth
French 5. Mark Lynn. Junior - 1.
Bonnie Hartwick 2. Blake Robinson
3. Steve Wheeler 4. Elizabeth
French 5. Rob Damen.
Champion Dairy Exhibit: Eliza-
beth French, Mark Lynn, Bonnie
Hartwick, Linda Wallis, Steve
Wheeler, Blake Robinson; 2 year
Funding for projects
GUELPH - Four University of
Guelph research projects have re-
ceived 5210,000 in funding support
through the University Research In-
centive Fund (ORIF) program. Es-
- tal)JiShcd by the Ministry of Col-
leges and Universities, the program
is designed to encourage university -
industry collaboration. Individual
industries match the fund's contri-
bution to a given project with
equipment, technical support or
"I'm pleased that the University
of Guelph received funding for all
four projects it applied for," says
Dr. Larry Milligan, Dean of Re-
search. "This support brings the to-
tal value of the 18 URIF awards re-
ceived by the university since
February, 1987, to almost S1 mil
lion. And with the industry input,
the total impact of the URIF pro-
gram is nearly 52 million. It shows
a great deal of commitment by the
province and industry to University
of Guelph research.
The largest award goes to Prof.
James Linders, Department of
Computing and Information Sci-
ence, who received 594,164 for the
development of the DELPHI Pro-
ject, an alternative to mainframe
computer systems.
We are ready to meet
. open class: 1. Rob Damen 2. Step e
Wheeler 3. Blake Robinson; 3 year
open class: Blake Robinson.
Pet show
Smallest pet - Elizabeth Shire (De
De), .Biggest pet - Katrina Bland(
(Sounder), Most unusual pet - Regie
Young (Archie), Best dressed -. Mich-
el Leidcrmueller (Mickey), Best trick
- Laurie Richardson (Brownie), Most
obedient Lynn .Leidermueller (Hei-
di), Longest tail Greg Ellis (Tulip),
Brightest eyes - Rachel Stoat (Eri-
Optimist special: Ncedlecrali arti-
cle - Marna • Piltl, Katrina Brandt,.
Chris Mcllhargey; Building blocks -
Jeff McRohert,
Baking Junior' - Most points - An-
drea French.
• •Senior Baking -• Must points -
Eliiabcth French.
McNaughton Shell Special (Carved
Jack -O -Lantern): K-4 -- Jamie
{O'Shea •
Prince of Pumpkin. Patch (Most
points in vegetables) -• Jared French
and Jamie O'Shea; Princess of Pump-
kin Patch (Most. points ; in vegeta-
bles) - Linda Wallis.
Bickell-Overholt Special (Wood-
working): 15 and under - Trevor
-Mills. - -
Blanshard Telephone Special:
Biggest sunflower - Laurie Foster.
'Best decorated bicycle - Emclie
Pahl; Granton; Best clown - Kristin
Rundle, RR 6 St. ' Marys; Nicole
/-waan - Joanne Maeta and family;
Best Jr. float - Kristan Rundle, RR 6
St. Marys; Best Decorated car - liii►
Waghorn. Kirkton; H,st Decorated
float - Kirkton . Winner's Institute;
Best Horse and Rider - Viola Harper,
'Stall -ens Food Voti.Ii r Draw - Glu
ria Co�F well.
ca). Longest Ears - Christy Dishtnan
(Leo). Most sports - Pauline Brandt
(Salt and Pepper) and -Blackest pct -
Jeremy O'Shea (Blackhawk).
Baby show
0-6 Months: Evan; Doupe, son of
Kevin and Joyce. RR 1 St. Marys;
Cody Blackler, son of David and
Sylvia, RR 1 St. Marys;. Ashley
Rodgers; daughter of Darlene and
Kirkton; Julie Anne Bibby.
daughter of Steve and. Tammy, Kirk
'ton; Bradley Robinson, son of Joan
and Mark, .Kirkton; Kaelene•Rundle,
daughter of marry. and Jane, Wood-
ham. ,
6-12 Months: Mark Seip, son of
Cathy and Tom, -Exeter; Shea Suther-
land, daughter of Lisa and Peter,
Woodham; Mathew Ros, son of inn
and Mary. RR 1 St. Marys; Tacque- .
•lyn- Scott; daughter of Sharon and
Ron --Scott, Kitchener; James Bam-
brough, son of David and Dale, RR
-1 St. Marys; Sharilyn Doupe, daugh-
ter of Vern and Kathy, -RR 5 Tin-
1.2-18 Months: Benjamin Willis
Leake, son of Patty Leake. Stratford;
Melanie Marriott, daughter of Sue
and Doug, RR 6 St. Marys; Jeff An-
derson, son of Stephanie and Bruce,
Exeter; Lesley Binning, daughter of
Richard and Susan, Mitchell.
. u• Iasi* \NI asI •.fr1.- -. ...1
t •Yt�J
- fast unloading
- large storage and drying
- prompt payment
- up to date market
- 15 flotation custom fertilizer.
- -liquid or dry fertilizer
- custom spraying of
Round -up and other
fall chemicals
Call for prices
- Hyland Brand Augusta and Houser
- Harus and Fredrick
- Monopol also available -
The 'Blue Tag' assures you of Certified #1 coed. For Purity, quality and top yields
sow Hyland brand certified seed.
The staff at W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. are ready
and looking forward to serving you this fall.
TALKING SHOP - Lloyd Cooper,
RR 3 Kippen (left) talks crops with
two friends at Pioneer Seed Day in.
TORONTO - Van -Con General
Contractors Ltd. of Cambridge has
been awarded a 51.9. million con-
tract toconstruct a dairy research fa-
cility at Ponsonby, -Guelph MPP
Erick Ferraro today announced - on
behalf of Govcnuncnt services Min-
: istcr Richard Patten and Agriculture
land Food Minister Jack Riddell.
Tunes -Advocate, September 14, 1988
Page 7A
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