HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-14, Page 15i
IRONWOOD CHAMPS The Ironwood Men's club finished off their sea- flight low gross), Roger Wallis (B flight low net), Jim DeBlock (D-ilight low
son Sunday night by honouring the top golfers of the year. Back row, left;. - net), Al Beattie (C flight low net). Front -row, left; Don Gifford (A flight low
Ray Webb (C flight low gross), Al Taylor (B flight low gross), Fred Wells( D net) and Dave Holtzmann (A flight low gross).
New concert season
by Youth & Music Canada
GRAND BEND - For six years
-now the Grand.Bend Concert Asso-
ciation has successfully provided -
music lovers in this arca with con-.
ecru of excellent quality, sponsored
by Youth & Music Canada.. •
Season ticket holders can again.
look forward to a series of inviting
musical treats, ranging from piano
recitals,- voice, brass_.and, opera -ex-
cerpts to jazz. As • in past years,
these concerts will be held in the -
Grand Bend United Church. •
This coming week the _season
tickets arc going on sale and: the
price is right! For a there S25. per -
adult (S50. for -an entire family and
S:10. for-a.studont) you arc entitled
to four evening of musical delight;
performed. by Canada's most out -
sanding young talent, plus two bo-
nus concerts,_ one of which will be a
performance by the "rlarhorairs", a
37-voicc.choirtonn Godcrich.
To secure -.your tickets for the up=-
_cominl season you can contact -the
Concert Association for more intor-
mation fu the following ninnLer.:
238-2521,2 382071, or -238-5133.
Couple back from Great Britain
SHIPKA-- Don and :Mabel Fraser,
accompanied by her sister and broth-
er-in-law, Evelyn and Clyde Nichol-
son of Courtright, returned last Fri-
day night from an enjoyable two-
week conducted tour of England, Ire-
land, Scotland and Wales. •
in London they saw Buckingham.
Place, the changing of -the guard,
Westminster Abbey, Tower of Lon-
don Pnd St. Paul's Cathedral.
They travelled on an Air Canada
flight, and Mabel said the weather
was good. In Scotland and Ireland
they was Tots and lots of sheep.
Annie and Angie Ziclrnan wcrc on
a bus trip last Saturday to Canada's
`Wondcrian:i for a fun d. y :: iu other
folks and young.pcople from Zurich
Mennonite church,
Hugh: and 1 visited Sunday with
our friends Tom and Mildred
who live on a farm in the Komoka`
arca. For Fupper we all went out to
'!lc Little .Beaver restaurant in Ko-.
inoka, then they took us for a drive
2r0•» c! K,c:^toLa town, Delaware and
Kilwc:th. .
There is a tremendous aniount.of
Irgme b:i'L!ing going on • in that
arca. W: al:;a saw several good
loo!:ing crops of tobacco .fie!ds.
Mildred and I have been pen pals for
about 25 years.
Society exceeds objective
Lambton County Unit of the Cana-
dian Cancer Eocietyannounced that
thc 1988 campaign objective of.
$340,000 has bccn exceeded.
• Some special events to raise this
money arc the reason for the in-
crease of $11,000 over the objec-
tive. The Great Ride -and the Iivc
and silk daffodil sales top the list in
tund-raising. North Lampton alone,
which includes Grand Bend, was
S4,504 over their objective of
With this year's end to close on.
September -30; there is still some
"Before they're elected, they al-
ways know what to do. Once elect-
ed, they become confused."
time to add to our impressive total.
Once again, you have made thc dif-
ference, and especially all those vol-
unteers previously mentioned I::st
by Mrs. Stan Preszcator
CREDITON - Mrs. Allan Fink-
hcincr, RR2 Crediton., spent the
past two weeks with .her daughter
Mrs. Barry Johnson of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farr, St. Tho -
mans, wcrc last week's visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszca-
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator
visited Sunday with Mrs. Lorna
Barnes and Ken Wernham, RRI
MATCH -PLAY - Champion of match -play for Ironwood men's night was
Don Cowan (right). Don Currell was runner-up.
Cite two nfracflons
ZURICH --The Zurich and Arra
Fire Board's recent inspection of the
Hay Township Hall cited two in-:
fractions of the fire safety code.. A
fire extinguisher was claimed miss-
ing from the furnace room and there .
is a lack of emergency exit signs in
the building,
Hay' township council, at their
first meeting for September, advised
works superintendent Ross Fisher.
to investigate • the infractions. Ile.
rcporled an extinguisher was"prescni
in the furnace room, but will have
to be. more prominently displayed.
Exit signs arc to be installed.
flay council, a member of the Ex-
eter and Arca Fire Board, has sup-
po.i ed• the fire department's investi-
gation of the purchase of a new fire .
hall, provided it would be a more
economical alternative to repairing
the existing hall.
The present Exeter fire hall is af-
flicted with severely sagging rafters
over the equipment bays. and th;
rear hay floor is also. sagging ati,t
cracking. -
Members of the Vista,•Beach cot-
tage association wcrc told by coun-
cil ro coni It with their lawyers to
determine ownership and legalities
Shop Wuerth Shoes and Save Big
Misses & Ladies
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Reg. up to 59.95
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Clearout Price
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Reg. 49.95
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411 -.it
Shop Early
Limited Sizes available at these
low prices •
Main St., 235-0611
f their roads and rights of way.
.13.!1. Ross consulting engineers
!lave been authorized to accept tend-
ers for a water distribution system
in the Lakewood Gardens North and.
South -subdivisions. Because this
`twill be a private system, and not-
ot funded by the municipality, it can
prcnced.witltout passage of the pro -
%uncial private rncnthers bill to re-
store municipal •eontr )l of distribu-
tion., -
I fay township had been proceed-
ing with billing for distribution
based on a frontage assessment....
However; a Plympton township
court case brought a Supreme Court
ruling that such assessment was un
lair. All frontage assessed projects
in the province -are On hold. -
I lay township is awaiting passage
of a private ttncini)er's hill .from
7‘11)P John Eakins to exempt I lay
from the impasse.
Enrollment down •
1;Kl.Ci i ILLI) - Pat SotJ,,n,
• l'nnipal Of N1cC'urdv,School in
1 turon Park Inst year, has returned
_to Huron Centennial this Septem-
ber as their new principal. •
Other new staff members at the
471 student •school include grad-
eight teacher Paul Dyck. grade six
tcachcr Debra Bcnnctt, and Cindy
f Iamather in the kindergarten class-
room. : -
This year's enrollment is down
slightly from last June, by a char- .
gin of 14 students.
Sept. 17
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Visit our booth at
the Fair
Times -Advocate, September 14, 1988 Page 3A
Ironwood men wrap up
EXETER - The Ironwood men's turning in a 52. Close was Gus
club wrapped up the season Tuesday Gregus at 54. Low net in D flight
when Lawrence. -Carr topped A went to Gprd McTavish whose
flight with a low gross''of 38. Will score of 39 beat Elwood Truemner
Chisholm followed. Low net in A
flight went to Brad-Daters who card-
ed a 32. Kea Pinder was low net
runner-up. •
Dan' Heywood-.clainied tope hon-
ours in B.flight with a 39. Ile was
followed by Blair11eru. t‘'avnc Par-
kinson capped low net. honours
w ith a 32 while -13 net runner-up
was Gabby A1o1 with a 33.
Barry Mills claimed low gross in
C flight when he _turned- in 'a 46.
Brion Petthale' was close behind
with a 41. Divisional low net was
awarded to Norm Whiting with a
33. He was -followed by John Gray.
Lee Webber captured D flight by
Men bowlers
final tourney
EXETER - The Exeter Lawn
Bowling Club held its anal mens
pairs tournament . of the season
Wednesday.. -
Fourteen teams from London.
Woodstock. Lambeth, Walkerton,
Seaford] and Exeter competed.
London captured first, third and
fifth place .while Woodstock won
second and forth positions. The
teach of Stan Roth and Sam Bower -
of Exctcr received the consolation
Plumbing & Heating
(Exeter) Inc.
Water Sotteners
Central -Vacuum.
Central Air Conditioning
(519) 235-0581
by two strokes. Scott Pincomt,c
came nearest the pin on number .
four while Wilmer Ferguson had
that distinction on number six.
Skins went to Scott Pincombe,
Blair Hem, Ralph Astle and Brad
Daters, -
Hensall Men's
Starts Soon
Call for more information
Gary Koehler
at 262-2937
or Derek Robinson
at 262-2402
Assistants and Trainers
required for
Exeter Ringette
Anyone interested in
becoming involved
contact -
Roberta Mortley at -
235-1264. In particu-
lar; we'r'e looking for a
co:ach-for:novice girls 9
and under and juniors
14- and 15. -
3 Month Course
(only $45.00) -
2 classes per week
Register before Friday, Sept. 23rd
. STARTS: Tues., Sept. 27, 1988
Classes held at South Huron Rec Centre in Exeter
To register` call Rec Centre 235-2833
Excellent fitness and defense training for men,
women and children
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10 models to choose from
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unsightly brush into free
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saves $245
Sickle Bar Mowers slash
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