HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-14, Page 13Exeter Royals eliminated from South Perth men's Finals
EXETER - Exeter Royals were
eliminated -from the South Perth
Faltball League playoffs last Thurs-
day night atter they were trounced
13-0 by New Hamburg Juniors.
. This win gave New Hamburg the
best -of -three series in two straight
games. •
New Hamburg scored early and
often against starter and loser Den-
nis Carty and relievers Dan Hey-
wood %% ith three runs in the first,
one in the second and five in the
Thos collected 12 hits in all with
Ames -
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
September 14, 1988
six walks and -Royals coma -fitted
fiv;c errors.
Offensively, Exeter was limited
Ai) three hits, all singles by Dan
Heywood, Doug Todd and Bruce
The first game of the- series
Exeter play ed .last Tuesday night
was probably the. best game of fast -
ball played in Exeter in a, number
of years.' -
An unearned run in the top of the
11th inning provided winning mar-
gin as the New Hamburg opened
the semi final series with a 2-1 vic-
North lambton Sine 1873
Page 1A
New Hamburg pitcher Brad Hon-
derich, who was a member of Cana-
dian Junior cbampion St. Marys,
dominated the game. He allowed
three hit, walked three, struck out
20 and allowed only one base run-
ner after the forth inning.
Lining pitcher Greg Wise also
threw a strong game. After allow-
ing a run in the second inning on a
single and sacrifice fly, he held the
opposition in check to the 1lth
where, after walking the led off bat-
tle, he was replaced by Dennis Car-
ty, who finished the game.
Royals scored their lone run in
the third inning as Pete Tuckey led
off with a walk, stole second and
scored o n a single by Brent" Daw-
" Dan Heywood, with a single and
Greg Wise with a triple were the
only other Royals who managed a
hit off the hard throwing Honderich,
who is one of the best Junior pitch -'
ers in Ontario. -
Exeter's season record including
playoffs finished at 10 wins and 18
Playoff schedule sees Sq uirts, Mosquitos
HOT PURSUIT - An Exeter Mosquito races for the ball with a 'St. Columban opponent close on his heels.
EXETER - In playoff action three squirt teams trav-
elled to Bryanston. to try their luck at winning an A
or B championship.
In the A group, Exeter II and Exeter 1II were paired
together in first round action. The kids on the Exeter
II team were up for this game and played to win. Mat.
Szabo scored the first goal from a penalty shot and
then Greg Geoffrey put the game out of reach with
his second goal.
In the A seini-final, Exeter II came up against
Grand -Bend and .things seemed to reverse themselves
there. 1t was Grand Bend that came to play and send
thorn home with a 2-0 loss.
Throughout the tournament goaltendcr David Mar-
shall played well. Kcrri-Ann O'Rourke and Kim
Mclean turned agood effort as well.
In the B round of the playoffs, Exeter I played their
first game against Arva defeating them.
Michael Wilhelm (2), and Scot Gilfillan (1), scored
for Exctcr I.
- In the second game, Exctcr came out flat against 11-
derton and lost by a 3-0 score.
Michael Wilhelm, Andy Ciucuira and Brianne Czy-
pyha played a good tournament. In girls under 11 ac-
tion, Exctcr beat a strong Delaware team 1-0 to reach
th'e semi-final of their playoff tournament in Strath-
Coldstream did not create much of a problem for the
Exeter girls as they defeated them by a 6-0 score.
The final against Wallacetown -was a nailbiting af-
fair with Wallacetown prevailing by a 3-2 score.
Hailey Snell, Katie Weber, Sandra Vanderlaan and
Presley Maver played well. throughout the tourna-
ment. -
Exctcr Mosquitos participated in the A group of the
Mosquito playoff tournament held in Exeter on the
Under beautiful skies, the Exctcr team probably
played two of the most exciting games ever played by
an Exctcr Mosquito club.
in their first game, Exeter played St, Columban I.
After a sec -saw battle, the score was tied 0-0. In the
second overtime period, Exctcr forward Mark Foster
found the -orner of the net with a low shot to give
Exeter a -1-0 win and a bye into the final.
Exctcr and St. Columban II played an _oustanding
soccer game with neither team giving an inch. St.
Columban took an early 1-0 lead an sent it into over-
With a few minutes left, St. Columban scored to
take'a 2-1 Icad. Despite a valiant effort by -the Exctcr
team, including a beautiful shot by Marty DcBruyn
that hit the crossbar and bounced over the.net, the
score remained at 2-1 and St. Columban took home
the A championship.
The Exctcr defence played well throughout the tour-
nament. Mau Sims, Jason Willcrt, Benji Kline and
Al!ay DoE ruyn recorded stand -out performances.
In the B division, Grand Bend polished off Cold -
stream in the first round and then went on to work the
B championship 22-0 over a verystubborn Nairn 1I
team. -
Congratulations to all the teams and their coaches
for an excellcnt.season and a very successful.playoffs.
The balance of the playoffs will:be on Saturday,
September 17 in Exeter and St. Columban and Sep-
tember 18 in Parkhill -
Grand Bend Peewees
claim league title
"Veteran soccer coach Martin Vandenberk topped off
the soccer -season with overall league win by one
point. The Pec Wces won their last five games to
claim. the title.
August 23, the team beat Merton 3-1, then -Lucan
3-1, and in the last -game downed Nairn with a 8-1
Neiniinder Joe Larkin kept their chances down to
one goal per game. Vandenberk said that it was a
poorer year fcir the boys as they recorded two losses,
but came up overall league champions.
It- was a close race -all the way against Exeter and
St. Columban The Pec Wecs play their final tourna-
ment this Saturday in Exeter.
The Grand Bend. Squirts steadily improved all year
as well. They playcd,thcir year end tournament last
Saturday in Bryanston. Grand Bend lost to St: Co-
lumban 3-0 in the A -championship final.
Goalie Jason Brown was outstanding, recording two
shut -outs in the tourney.
Grand Bend defeated Nairn 5-0 and then shut -out Ex-
eter 11 by two goals, putting -them into the A Final
match. - - •
Brian Tuddrick was Sop scorer with a four goal per-
formance and Leslie S(ephanoscored three nrarkers.
• The Squirts carried 19 players for the season. Coach
Tony Mennen was pleased with -their performance.
• The Atoms hada week off to prepare for their final
tourney on Saturday, September 17 in Dublin. They
played Lucan on Monday, September 12 to determine
whether thcy.perform in the A or B round.
Ncw coach, Rob Mennen, led the Grand Bend Mos-
quitos. to the "B" championship last Saturday, in Ex-
Warren Haist led the players with a three goal per-
formance against Coldstream. In the 6-0 shut -out,
single goals wcrc scored by Mike Stanlake, Mark
Fluter and Kevin Carson In the final match Grand
Bend defeated Nairn iI with a score of 2-0. Josh Ver -
'mule') scored both goals in the B championship
The year-end banquet Will be.hcld on Sunday, Octo-
ber 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the Grand Bend legion branch
498 hall upstairs.
St. Marys forces
fourth game in
hest -of -five
EXETER'- One run rn thc bot-
tom) of thc seventh broke a 1-1
stalemate and kept St. Marys alive
Thursday night in their South
Perth -Ladies Fasthall best -of -five
• final series against Exeter Gre , s.
-garrrr- lead in
the series Tuesday nigth when they
recorded a 7-1 victory on foreign
ground, but they wcrc unable to
end the competition at home.
St. Marys took a 1-0 lead in the
first inning on an unearned run and
Exctcr was unable to catch • them
until the top of the seventh when
Patty Down singled to score Elaine
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I-.'etcr •Pitcher Tess Ncthcry.
who threw a fine game, was unable
to squelch St.•Marys; final offen-
Ncthcry allowed just four hits all
night, striking out two and walk-
ing one opponent.
Tuesday night's effort was of a
different nature.
Down pitched, allowing four hits
and walking two. By the end of the
;third inning, -Greys had-built_up a 6-
0 lead. They refused to give ground,
adding one more run in the seventh
to match a late push by St. Marys.
Diane McCuaig started things off
with an RBi single, scoring Alice
Dietrich who got to first on balls.
.Dietrich scored Ncthcry with a sin-
gle in the second and that was
brought in by Tammy Mathcrs to
follow a run courtesy of Bonnie
Caldwell. .
Gould crossed the plate in the
third after Lynne Farquhar tripled.
Farquhar later scored on a single by
Farquhar scored Exeter's seventh
run in the last inning after hitting a
double and being batted in by Cald-
The results of game four wcrc not
available at press time.
Seventh annual
Terry Fox run
slated for Sunday
EXETER - Ready. Sct. Go.
You may walk,- or jog, or skip or
pedal: The pace is leisurely, and
the goal is worthy. It's time for
Exeter's seventh annual Tcrry
Fox run this Sunday.
Particpants may register at the
South Huron Rcc Centre begin-
` ning at 1:00 p.m. on September -
18, and then navigate in a 10 -
kilometer circle around Exeter .in
any fashion they choose.
The Terry Fox Run began in
1981, a year after Terry Fox died
during his Marathon of Hope run
across Canada to raise money for
cancer research. The annual event
l opts alive the drcam of a young
man who captured thc hearts of all
Doug Ellison organized Exeter's
THIRD BASE COLLISION Janice Butson runs into some stiff opposi-
tion at third base during the C Final of the' Exeter Ladies Slo-pitch League.
Downtown Dollies eventually won the A side of the competition.
first -run in 1982, and subsequent
.runs until .1986. The Bank of
,Nova Scotia took on thc task last
year, and is again taking charge
this year.
.Lloyd Robison, manager of thc
Exeter branch, will be participating
for thc first time. He predicts that
he will be walking rather than run-
ning. He also warns that he will
be soliciting customers for pledge
support this week. The son of one
oflthe employees in thc loath de-
partment has -set an example by
garnering more than 5200 already
in pledges.
Last year, . 288,000. people
across Canada raised $4..1 million .
The Exctcr organizers hope to top
last year's total of 51,100.
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