HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-14, Page 11Times -Advocate, September 14; 1988 Paget 1 Hensall prepares for week of registrations and meetings By Susan Hartman , HENSALL - The Hensall Branch Library presents a Concert - for. adults with Tcd Roberts on Tues- day, September 20 -at 3.p.m. • Roberts; a member of Canada's longest established Bilk group- "The Travellers" presents a program that draws from his large repertoire of 'Original songs, stories and poems, as well as .traditional -songs from across Canada and around the world. His is an entertaining and inforrna- .live program dealing with the BNA, The building of the railroads. log- ging, fishing; and niuch more. Ted's11111110111' and good nature make this an enjoyable concert, partici Iarly for adults. Admission is S1 per persim. Story hour for 3 4, and 5 year olds will resume .it the llensall Branch Library every Thursday at 1 p.m. beginning September. 29. Eve- •ryonc is welcome ;uid-.thcrc-is-no-- charge. This program will allow your pre-school child to enjoy.sto- .ries, songs and simple crafts as well as the opportunity to borrow books and socialize .with other children. If you would like • more information call Susan at 262-2449 or 262- 2445. Scouts Registration Registration• will be. held- this Thursday, September 15 for Hensall Cubs, Beavers; Scouts-and'Ventur- ers. Please register between 7 and 8 p.m. at llensall Public School The fee is.S25_for all levels this year. Volunteers arc needed on Group Committees, particularly a secre- tary. Meetings are held once a month, Also anyone interested in helping lead a group can call Marg. Clarke at 262-2032. IIDIIS The Hensall and District Horticul- tural Society will be meeting on Monday, September 19 at 7 p.m. for a pot -luck supper and plant ex- change. • The Guest Speaker will be David Kippen by Margaret Hoggarth KIPPEN - The Kipperi Gun Club met on Tuesday, September 6 for the final shoot- of the season with .17 shooters participating. -Ron Rayner tOplied with a 50. John Glazier and Jamie Caldwell . both shot a 25 score. Bert Mahaffey and Torn Allen scored 24. Brad Mann and Jack Mills a 23. Harrison Schook - 22. Neil Voskamp, Ed Stcegstra and Ken Whethanl each shot 21. Lloyd Vernier, .Paul Mellor, and Grant McGregor 20. Jing. Butcher - 18, Dave Long and Al Edwards - 16. The gun club will now .be closed for ground repairs. Jamie Caldwell - wdiild like to thank all those shoot- crs who have participated during -the season to make this another suc- cessful year. All being well, the gun club will resume on the- first Tuesday in April 1989. .United Church Barbara Cooper presided at the -or- gan •on Sunday, September 11 'for the service at St. Andrew's in Kip - pen. Rev. Lorne Key's sermon was entitled "Begun, continued and end- ed". • Awards were presented to the stu- dents of the Sunday -School for at- tendance of 30 Sundays or more. Rebecca Wright received a diploma. Second year seals were Lindsay - Love and_ -_,aura ''right. -Fourth------ Year - Pam Love. Filth year.- Kim Dewys. Sixth year - Jeff Turner. Seventh year - Paul Cooper. Eighth year -. Beverley LcFaivc and Nancy Le Faive. Ninth year - Dana Cooper. - Tenth year - Mark Cooper, Angie Faker. "Jonathan Turner and Chrys- tal Jones. Eleventh sear - Candace Cooper. Fifteenth scar - Tricia Cooper. Seventeenth year - Chris- tine Cooper. - 1V.1. resumes- Kippicn East %1•urnen's institute will resume:for the fall on Wednes- day evening September 21 at 8:30 p.m. The public relations meeting dl he held in Hensall United Church.. Members to bring a guest. • Special speaker will he •from the friendship house in Goderich. Roll call - Bring canned gouts for,friend- stlip house. Don't forget to wear }our pin. Anyone welcome.- - Stcckle from Huron- Ridge Acres ho w ill talk on preparing your •gardens.for winter and composting. Everyone`is welcome to join in at the Hensall United Church in' the Fellowship hall. Bros nits "Registration will be held for Hen- sall Brownies next Tuesday at Hen: sall Public School. "That's Smear - her 20 at 7-8 p.rn. Welcorne all girls from 6-10 years of age. Leaders ;ire badly needed it Brown- ies are to continue this y ear. Any- one interested please call Chri's•Wil- cu� at 262-2726. • Figure skating I leu.all Figure. Skating Club will be holding registration next Tues- day evening, September 20 from 6:30 till 9:00 p.m.at the Hensall Arena. Professional Coach Pat Har- wood will be present. For more in- formation call Jayne Consitt 262- 240Lur Anita Cooper 262-5025. . U.C.W. - The Hensall UCW met on Sep- tember 5 with- a pot -luck supper at 7 pan. A short video was shown on. the Canadian Foodgrains Bank in action in Mali. A Regional -Meeting will be held in Hensall United Church on Octo- ber 24 with a book display.at 6:30 p.m. and a sing -a -long at 7. The Guest Speaker- will be Kathie Monk. - • The next UCW meeting will be October 3 at 8 p.m. with guest speaker from Sari Riding Stables in Ilderton who help handicapped chil- dren. Shuffleboard Shuffleboard scores for Wednes- London Life INSURANCE Ropresentotivos in Exeter & Areo 11111 NORMT A IT 235.1359 LARRY JOHNS 235.1209 • Pensfsns • Group Insurance • RRIf s • fife Insuronce • RRSP s • Annuities day,'September 7. The top score -of the day was Dorothy. Brintnell with 419 followed by Gertie Moir 382, Emma Campbell 354, Marg Con- sist 337; Bruce Watson 317 and Margaret Mole 313. United Church Dr. Ralph Topp returned as lien- sall United • Church organist on Sunday September 11, The senior choir under Dr. Topp's direction will practice this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the church. The junior choir practices Sunday mornings at 9:45. All children aged 8 and up arc wel- come. • A Bible Study group will begin on October 4 -to run Tuesday morn- ings at 10 a.m This. year's topic will be the Gospel of Mark. The. United Church London Con- ference Group of Life Media will be filming a short television program at Hensall-United-Church on -Sun- day, October 23: 1989 Fair • The Hensall Fair Homecraft-Divi- sion met on Tuesday, September 6 to elect a new slate of officers for 988-89 - President - Helen Toorn- stra, ' 1st Vice President - Janis In- gram, 2nd Vice President Mary .Kinsman, Secretary/Treasurer - Marlene Bell. - The theme for the 1989 Fair is "Eyes -on Beans". Each class com- mittee is reminded to have their Prize List prepared. for the next meeting which will be held October 18 a the home of Mary Kinsman. The Homecraft Division is plan- ning to buy• material to make a All you need to remember about home comfort is SYSTEMS BY LENNOX INSTALLED BY GBAHEy HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 9 HENSALL "We're proud to be your. Lennox Dealer" Quilt. Tickets will be sold -as a fund raising project. Also a'Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, October 29 at 10 a.m. in Mike O'Connors store (Formerly Bonthron's Furni- ture) in Downtown Hensall. Legion The Royal Canadian Legion • Branch 46$ is holding a Euchre So cial- on Saturday September 17 at 2 p.m. to help celebrate National Le- gion Week September 11-17. A NEW SERVICE IN EXETER INSTANT 1 The Times Advocate asked "Why Not?" and here it is - a new Fax machine has been installed in our office enabling, you_ to contact any other Fax machine in the world.... instantly.- The Times Ad- vocate will offer the service -of the Fax fora cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first one plus $1.00 per additional sheet. (Overseas Rates are $7.50 for the.1st.three- minute§ plus $1;50 per additional minute). in addition our number is yours so if you Want to be reached instantly - we will receive your messages for $1.00 per sheet. (Confidential services available). - THE ONLY FAX TO REMEMBER IS .519-235-0766 Plus we can suggest a few benefits... 1. INSTANT FAX... 2. INSTANT FAX..... Your financials have been drafted.. send a copy before the It's mom and dad's first grandchild - send a copy of baby's final statement is printed. first picture 3. INSTANT FAX.... 4. INSTANT FAX.... The deal's closing and you need a signature... send the pa- There's been a death in the family, send the complete de- -perwork by FAX and relax. tails for the obituary by FAX. 5. INSTANT FAX.... 6. INSTANT FAX.... - The list is 300 items long (ie. auctioneer) and the long dis- Fall's stock order is complete and they'd better not ship the Lance charge will be horrendous.:. FAX it and relax wrong goods.... try FAXING and relaxing so everything will 7. INSTANT FAX.... be correct. • Your daughter needs a favourite recipe (or any information) 8. INSTANT FAX.... for an important engagement... FAX it to any Purolator of- Your prize winning hogs have interested buyers in Brazil.... Tice where they will contact her for a charge o1$1.00 - in- relax and FAX the registration to verify blood lines. stantty. Tunes - Advocate Cali us at 235-1331 for details THE ONLY FAX TO REMEMBER IS 519-235-0766 Wmler Home Cornfort Ibr Next ib Nothing. A Modern Natural Gas Furnace is your best buy anytime for economical home comfort. Buy • Critaie before Nov. 11/88. and it's better . than ever because you'll make no equipment payments until Feb. '89. Choose a modern natural gas furnace from names such as Clare, Duomatic Olsen. Grimsby Stove. or Lennox. and you could save hundreds of dollars annually on home heating •Reatdential customers onh. 111th apprmed credit. o infer valid hetween Sept. 12 - \o.. 11. 19/1/1 • energy costs when compared with electricity or oil. Add a central air-conditioning system for all -season home comfort that simply can't be -beat by any other home comfort ►ption. -No Payments Until Feb. '89! - If You Act Now! Choose a modern natural gas furnace, or -furnace and central air package before Neiy. 11'88. and make no equipment payments until Feb. '89.* Hot dater Economy That'll Warm Your Heart. Natural gas rental water heaters cost up to •1(► less to operate than electric water heaters. heat much faster than - electricity. and are available in a variety of sizes to satisfy any family's hot water needs. • Rent before Nov. 11/88 and make no rental payments until May '89' Replace your electric water heater with a natural gas rental water heater and you'll make no rental payments until May '89. Call a t'nion (;as Sales f'rt► in- any member of the ['neon (gas Heating Dealer Organization for more informatit.tn about the limited time • specials ayailablt'. They'll show you how you can put the economy of • natural gas to work•for you. Your local Inion Gas sales office can he reached at • 1-800-263-4173 unionCRs \\c bring the energy 5