HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-14, Page 7EASTERN STAR CELEBRATES - The 50th anniversary of Exeter Chapter 222 of the Order of the Eastern
Star was celebrated Saturday. Shown from the left with a large birthday. cake are Roger Woodward and Worthy
Grand Matron Marie Woodward of Markham, Exeter -Chapter Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron Donna and Don
Webster and Worthy Grand Patron Henry Davis and Frances Davis of Essex.
Exeter Eastern Star chapter
celebrates 50th anniversary
EXETER - The 50th Anniversary
party to mark the forrtiation of Ex-.etcr Chapter #222 Order of the East-
ern -Star was held at the Legion hall
on Saturday September 10.
More than 200 members and
friends from many different plaices
in Ontario were. treated to a deli-
cious banquet, gifts and entertain—
ment. Food was provided by the
Exeter Legion Auxiliary and favors
were from the Chapter, door prizes
from E1vtA store and music -by the
Seaforth Harmony Kings.
Rheta Smith, a charter incntber,
received her 50 -year jewel from the
Worthy Grand Matron, Nlaric
Exeter Seniors
will host rally
October 14
EXETER - Exeter Seniors will
host the Fall Zone meeting to be
held at theExeicr_Legion -Flal1 on
Octcibcr 14 and President Pat Skin -
'Mr -stressed -the- fact -that -much help
'will he needed from the members.
The Septemhcr meeting opened
with a bountiful pot luck dinner.
Peter Snell entertained with his gui-
tar an -sang several numbers. Alva
Heywood outlined several day trips
which could be taken if there is in-
Fay Gaiscr from Dashwood and
Sheldon Wein from Zurich spoke to
us regarding the Senior Games for
Volunteers for Bingo at the Villa,
September 2,6, are Ethel Cushman,
Marjorie Adams, Allan Buswell and
Olive Ostland.
Members were asked -to bring a
bingo prvc to the next meeting,--thc -
lit . t "1 ucstlay everting in October. .
* Peaches
(by the bushel or basket
- new apples
- various varieties of plufns
- cherries, pitted in pails
- frozen berries of all sorts
- tomatoes •
- sweet corn -4411411-
-- melons
- home baked pies and muffins
- Mennonite meats
Rock cion
(on Rock Glen hoad)
Open 7 days a week
8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Phone 828-3100 Arkona
1 Woodward, s.ward, of N1arLhaun and made
the draw for the Worthy Matron arid
Patron project. Winner of the -quilt.
was •Mrs, Eileen -Jones of Huron
Park and Mrs Donna Livingstone
of Exeter was the winner. of the of
Worthy Matron Donna Webster
expressed her gratitude to the corn--
rrtunity for the support in the •pur-
chase of tickets. The money raised
will be sent to AI,heinicr's Re-
search and SurvivalThrough
Friendship House. .
Chapter history
EXETER - A Meeting was called
-,in the Town Hall, Exeter, on the-
heevening of Friday, September 16,
1938 for the purpose of instituting
a new chapter. of the Order -of the
Eastern Star, to be known as the.
Exeter Chapter -No. 222. -
Brother Harold Kitchen, W:G.P.
called the meeting to order at 8:40
p.in. Ile was assisted by Sister Zet-
ta Keith, W-.G.M. and other Grand
Officers of that• year. Twenty-one
• petitioners (18 sisters and three
brothers) received the- Obligation
from thc• W.G.P.'., .
The first corps of officers ,wcrc:
Worthy Matron - Ida Sanders, Wor-
- thy Patron - Edwin Dignan, Asso-
ciate Matron - Ritxic Beavers, As-
sociate Patron - William Smith,.
Secretary - Reta Rowe, Treasurer
Jennie Lawson, Conductress - Betsy
Hunt, Associate Conductress -
Catherine Smith, Marshal - Chrissy
Telfer and Organist - Adelaide Mof-
Adah - Olive Lawson, Ruth -Ella
Middleton, Esther - Mary Sanders, -
Martha - Beatrice Grccn, Elccta -
Myrtle Tanton, Warder - James
Morley, Sentinel - Thomas Pryde
and Chaplain - M.W.
The first --nT ti'•-;---V77-TiZ•ld at
9:45 .the san •nine. It, was
opened and clr ' cd !officers of
the Foic • 'y (f4.1, icr No. 13.
The degrt ,Ir -the Order were con-
ferred by thc officers of Orphah
Chapter. with Sister Leona Parker
and Brother Don Currie presiding.
.Meetings were conducted in the
Anglican Parish Hall until January
;19 9 „•. ,,a. dispensation was
grant; d to move the Charter. New
rooms were rented on thc 3rd floor
- in the Frayne building, where a
five-year lease was obtained. The
first t .+ years wcrc rent free with
the understanding that the Chapter
would repair and renovate the prem-
ises to suit their needs. Rent was
S50 per year under the remainder of
rom�'tne Frayne building, the
•Chapter moved.to the Exeter Public
School auditorium and finally to
our present location in the Exeter
Masonic Hall in 1978-79. The
membership steadily grew and is
now 122. in the early years, two
meetings per month wcrc held.
sC• a M• et
Many projects have been devel-
oped over the years. During the War
many projects were developed to
help, -with the war effort, such as
bundles of knitting and food for the
'soldiers etc. The Chapter also un-
dertook the care of the graves of the
Australian and British airmen buried
at our local -cemetery. Throughout
the 50 years many acts of benevo-
lance have been undertaken, such
as, money for the Local Hospital,
help for the_ needy, as well as for
Estarl and other Eastern Star pro-
The following arc just a few of
• the brothers and sisters who
-brought honours to our Chapter.
'Sister Ida M. Sanders - Grand
Representative to the State of Ore-
gon -June' 1943-46,
Sister Beatrice Green - D.D.G.M.
- 1946 - died before she was able to
perform her duties.
Sister Ella Middleton - D.D.G.M.
- 1955 -. served the Chapter as secre-
tary for 27 years. •
Sister Dorothy Bell - D.D.G.M. - .
1970-71 - Grand Representative to
the Suite of Kansas - Grand Marshal
1979 - Grand Benevolent Com-
mittee Member --1-975=76. -
• - Sister Bernice Boyle - D.D.G.M.
- 1983-84 - Royal Esther at Grand
Chapter 1983 - Estarl Committee -
1984-87 and re-elected in 1987 for
2nd term.
Brother Carl Mills - Grand Repre-
sentative of Scotland - 1986-8S
The foregoing arc just a t .t
points of interest for the first 50
years of Exeter Chapter's existence.
With dedicated officers and enthu-
siastic members, we are looking
forward to the second half of our
•first century.
Mr. Patrick O'Brien of Chinook,
Montana, Mrs. Phyllis Marshik of
Butte,. Montana and Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph G. Glavin of Creditonare
pleased to announce the forthcom-
ing marriage of their children, Julie
Anne and Michael Charles: The
wedding will take place on Satur-
day, October 8, 1988 at 1:00 p.m.
at St. Patrick's Church, Butte, Mon-
Orchestra London,
Grand Theatre host
Beethoven Festival
LONDON - Stilton -her 1, 1988.
the GRAND TI lEATRE are 'pleased
to announce London's Third Annual
place Wednesday, September 28th,
and Friday, September 30th at the
Grand Theatre. Both concerts. will
commence at 8 p.m. .
Internationally acclaimed pianist
Anton Kuerti returns to London,
adding his "intelligent and'ficry" in-
terpretations of Beethoven's works
to the talents of Orchestra London's
ncw.principal conductor Uri Mayer.
Mr. Kuerti has toured extensively
through Europe and North America;
performing with some of the
world's most famous conductors
and orchestras. Among,his many
accomplishments, Mr. Kuerti is
one of the few pianists to have
mastered and recorded all 32 of Bee-
thoven's sonatas.
Wednesday's program includes Pi-
ano Concerto No. 6, Op. 61 in D.
major, originally.writtcn for violin.
Orchestra London's own concert
master, violinist Joseph Lanaza
will perforrit Romance No. 2, Op.
50 in F major at Wednesday's con-
• Friday's program features the Ca-
nadian premiere of the Piano Con-
certo in E flat major, one of Bee-
thoven's earliest compositions.
Ticket prices range from $14.50
to 520.50 for a single concert and
from 522 to 531 to a subscription
to both concerts.
Tickets are available to the Grand
Theatre Box Office, 471 Richmond
Street (519) 672-8800 and. at Or-
chestra London Box Office, 520
Wellington Street, London, Onta-
Classes, Firing,
Some greenware
Located in Elimville
Huron Rd. 11
Ph: 229-6854
Times -Advocate, September 14, 19$8
Page 7
Pentecostal WM meets
EXETER - The regular 'monthly -
meeting of the Womens' Ministries
of the Pentecostal Church was held
at the home of Mrs. Jean Tricbncr
with nine members present.
The meeting was opened by sing-
ing the hymns "Beulah Land" and
"Come and Dine". Prayer was of-
fered by Mrs. Estrella Finkbeiner.
The roll call was answered by each
member with a verse of scripture
containing the word fruit.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by Mrs. Jean Jolly. The
financial report was read. by Miss
Nlarian Tricbncr, The Missionary
reading was given .by Mts. Jean.
Tricbncr. -
The special number was given by
Mrs.- ldena DesJardine. It was titled
"Occupy Till .1 Come'. • It was .a •
very interesting write-up on the be-
ginnings of the great Pentecostal.
Outpouring at the tum of thefentu-
ry. Mrs. Ruth McLaren gave the
Message of the afternoon. -
A time of prayer. followed with
each member participating. A deli •
cious lunch was served by Mrs. Ella
Tinncy and Jean Trickier.
Brad's .9
Music Studio
nmv has openings tor -
Guitar Lessons in all styles
(Rock, Country,' Folk, Etc.)
Loaner 'Guitars available
CaII 235-1263 (After 3 p.m.)
Member of Canadian Music Teachers. Guild
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• break down cellulite
• increase circulation and
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• tone and firm
Out six motorized exercise tables will gently
and effectively TONE and TRIM your body.
resulting in a firmer and shapelier you
414 Main t, entre Mall
mall Harvest Values
Sf3:aO buSile1 -
s .$12.00 bushel
le pies last Cauliflower',
• Broccoli
1 Potatoes, by the pound, basket, bushel or 50 lb. bag.
Orders taken for Brussels Sprouts
Apples - Early Macs, Pears - Bartlett. Squash
Mini carrots
Chili peppers
Red b Ben Peppers
Maple Syrup
3 miles W. of Exeter on Hwy. • 83 Phone 237-34112
This season. it's not
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All it takes is you. -
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