HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-07, Page 20Rine 4A Times -Advocate, September 7, 1988
Exeter teams in
soccerla offs
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EXETER - In soccer action this
..k the. three Exeter squirt teams
played a preliminary gafne in play
off action. Both Exeter II and 111
won their game and will play in the
A group this Saturday in Bryans-
ton. Exeter 1 host and will play in
the B group. .Exeter I started off
slowly in their game against Nairn
and Nairn built an early 3-0 lead.
In the sc. zid half Exctcr 1 played
much better and managed to score
tw i,ts but then ran out of tilnc to
turn the game in their favor: Tyler.
- Taylor and Michael Wilhelm scorch
for Exeter.
Exeter 11 played a strong game
anj_de eared Lucan III by a..2-1
wore. Exeter 11I played their best
game_of the station, passing the
t ball around at will, and polished of
Bryanston 4-0. •
- In atom action, both,Exeter teams
have finished the regular season
with Exctcr 1 -winning the league
championship and Exeter 1I coming
in third. Botts teams will see their
first play off action Monday night,
September- 12: - .
Exeter Mosquito. team easily de-
feated Coldstream by a 7-1 score
• and will play in the A group at the
Play-off tournament in Exctcr. this
week. Shawn McCann (2),Trevor
Taylor (?) and darty DcBruyn (3)
scored for Exeter. - -.
In PeeWee...action, Exeter finished
• the season -cuff an a winning note by
defeating Nairn 5-0. -Exctcr had
'trouble getting things -going in this
. game andat half time the score was
tied 0-0:_ - -
In the second half however, there
• — was -no stopping the Exeter kids.
Jaintie.- Dougall (2), Marty. De
Bnayn (2) and-_Jcff E_mpringham
scored for Exctcr. -
-Craig ltcrn and Mark Brintncll
made impressive returns after holi-
day breaks. The PeeWec tourna-
ment.is set for September 17 in Ex-
ctcr. " In under 17, Dieter finished up"in
the Strathroy-league by losing 1-0
tai Delaware in playoff action. Ex-
eter was definitely the better team
and created most chances but could
"riot put the hall in the net.
- Shawn McFatls and Ray Bocrsnia
were. outstanding for Exeter. -
In Lucan arid District action, Ex-
eter finished the season 'on a win-
ning note. By virtue of the 1-0
-win, Exeter will end up in second
-place overall in the -standings. -
With only nine -players showing
up for the game in Grand Bend,
Mosquito players Marty DeBruyn
was promoted to goalie and with
help from 'an excellent defense, the
Exeter boys managed to shut out
Grind Bend:
' • With 20 minutes left in the
game, the regular goalie- for Exctcr
. uxik over from Marty and preserved
. the shut out. - •
Brent Bell collected Exetcrs only
r,ctal Tor a 1-0 Wier. -Peter McAllis-
ter was outstanding for Exctcr.
The only thing left for the under
17 boys is the playoff tournament
September -18 in. Parkhill at
". `\ „t Williams park.
In girls under -11 action, the Exet-
Clerk's Notice of First Posting
of Preliminary List, 1988
Township of Stanley County
Notice is hereby given that l
have complied with Sectidn 24
of the Municipal Elections Act.
R S 0 1980. Chapter 308, as
revised and that l will post up at
the Municipal Office at Varna,
on the 61h Day of September,
1988, the list of all persons en-
tItled to vote in the. Municipality
at Municipal Elections, and
that such list remains there for
And I hereby -call upon the
elector's to take immediate pro-
ceedings to have any errors or
omissions corrected. according
to law.
The last day for filing com-
plaints is the 17th day of Octo-
ber. 1988
The place at which the revi
sion wOrommence is the Mu-
nicipal Office, Varna, Town,
ship of Stanley
The time at which the revision
will commence is the 6th day
of September, 1988.
Datecithis 5th day of
September; 1988
Mel Graham
Clerk -Treasurer
Township of Stanley
er girls gut the win they needed to
take permanent hold of second place
in their division. Despite being
out played for most of the game, it
was Exeter's top scorer Daniel
Lambert who found the net three
times • in the last 20 minutes of
play to ;r iYe Exeter a 3-0 win over
Sandra •Vanderlaah and Katie•\Ve-
her were outstanding'for Exeter.
After the game the girls received
a team and individual awards for
their second place finish. Congrat-
ulations to coach Susan l-lulley and
her team. •
The next- game for the girls is a
play off game September 16. A
win will put them in the semi=final
on September 10 in Strathroy
against (`uldstrrarn.
FATHER -SON CHAMPS - Jason and Don Heywood claimed the
championship trophy of a father -son tourney held at Ironwood Mon-
day. The duo shot a combined 36 to win the competition.
. JUNIOR -SENIOR CHAMPS - Dennis and Chris Rowe took top
honours in a Junior -Senior tournament at Ironwood Golf Course on.
the weekend. The two combined for a 39. The tourney was held in
conjunction with. a father -son competition.
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