HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-07, Page 17Exeter Express are Provincial Senior D champions
PROVINCIAL CHAMPS - Exeter Express claimed the championship trophy of the Ontario Mike Neil, Geary Penhale.,Front, left; Barry Baynham, Jeff Fuller, Dave Atthill, Todd Baker (bat
Senior D tournament they hosted on the weekend. Celebrating the victory are, back row, left; boy), Brian Horner, Bev Birtch,Paul Gilmour, Paul Elston. Behind the team, as is always the
Steve Pearce, Walt Parkinson, Rob Dickey, Dave. Hayter, Dave.Hunt, Will Sentjens, Kevin case, is manager Joe Fulop. •
Hern, Kevin Drager, Doug Fairbairn, Don MacDonald, Dave Shaw, Pete Heaney,. Bob Murray,
Imes - dvocate
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex & North Lambton Since 1873
September 7, 1988
Page 1A
Four veterans go over -age.
Rough tournev marks end for Juniors
TILLSONBURG - Exeter Co-op
Juniors finished their 1988 season
in the rain and on a low note on the
weekend when they were defeated
16-1 and 11-1 by Dundas and Lake-
side in the OBA Junior D Ontario
The gamesalso marked the last,
Seniors advance to
Great Lakes final
EXETER - Senior Express recently eliminated Seaforth from thc
semi-final round after winning a best -of -three scrics in' two -straight
games. Express will meet Strathroy or Walkerton in the Great Lakes
Baseball League final.
Exeter downed Seaforth 11-2 and 10-0 to advance.
In game one, Seaforth took thc lead with one run in the first in-
ning. Exeter was held scoreless until the fourth when they pounded
in six runs to take control of the game. They added five more in the.
seventh to turn the game into.a rout.
Barry Baynham notched a single and a double while Will Sentjens
turned in a pair of singles in the effort.
Express never: relinquished the upper hand in game two. The locals
pushed five runs across thc plate in the second inning and added five
more in the third to mercy Scaforth. •
Steve Pearce, on the mound for Exeter, allowed only three hits
while striking out three and walking one batter.
Don MacDonald, Baynham, Brian Horner and Paul Gilmour hit
RBI singles while Dave Hunt hit a home run.
appearance of four veteran Junior Jeff Butler.
players. Doug Schade, Darcy Mar- Rain continued .to play havoc
tin, Daryl Little and Dennis Kints with the tournament's schedule and
will all go over -age next season. -. Exeter's second game, which was to
After_ being delayed five hours follow later Saturday, was post-
duc to rain, Exeter was rusty on the pored until Monday. The layoff did
attack. little to help Co-op Juniors.
Juniors went through their arsenal 'The only Exeter run of the game
of pitchers in game one. Schade Was unearned. Steve Neil scored on
started but was soon replaced by an error in thc second inning.
Scott Russell who carried the torch Neil's run made it 3-1 in favour
through three rough innings. After of the opposition and thc game was
giving up six hits and walking scv- still in reach, but four Lakeside
en opponents, Russell was replaced runs in the third inning and three.
in the fourth by Steve Neil who more in the fourth ended Exeter's
walked five. Brent O'Brien took hopes of a victory.
over at the end of the fourth and fin- Laporte started on the mound for
ished the game which ended in a Exeter, allowing three hits and
mercy. walking three batters. He was re -
Exeter's only run was scored by lieved in the third by Neil who
Todd Laporte after he crossed home struck out three opponents, gave up
plate on a fielder's choice hit by three hits and walked three.
Hrapchak tops boards
EXETER - Steve I lrapchak scored
506 in six games to claim high
score in mixed shuffleboard action
Wednesday. 011ie Esscry followed
with 484 and !Iowan] Johns placed
third with 456. Albert Hummel
rot:: :.•! out the .s:"c.ring with 440.
Hummel was the leader in five
games Thursday when he recorded a
544 to push l•lrapchak into second.
Devlaeminck a plus for Centennials
WITH THE CENTENNIALS - Katherine Devlaeminck was in Exeter
entennials line-up when they captured the B championship of a recent
tournament in Stratford.
t 1CAN - When Exeter Centenni-
als senior soccer team claimed thc B
championship in• a recent Stratford
tournament, they had an extra quali-
ty to their team -- a female quality.
Katherine Devlaeminck, a varsity
soccer player for the University of
Windsor, played on the men's team
at mid -field in the tourney. She
found a spot on- the team by acci-
dent, more than anything else.
One evening, Devlaeminck was
watching Centennials practice. The
tcam didn't have enough players out
to hold a good work-out, so they
asked her to fill in. She continued
to fill in at the Stratford tournament
whore she proved Der worth.
Most of the Centennials made it
an easy transition for her.
"I went to public school with a
couple of the guys so they knew
me. i think a couple of the guys
were really shocked," Devlaeminck
explains, noting any hesitance on
their part was to be expected.
"That's understandable. Even if 1
was a new guy, they might be a
little hesitant at first:"
Next season, Devlaeminck plans
to try out for the team at the begin-
ning of the season. While she
played with Lucan Ladies Soccer
team this season, she finds the cali-
bre of the men's team more chal-
"I really like it," Devlaeminck
says. "It's good practice. I have to
work hard all the time in those
practices to keep up with them."
if she makes the Centennials ros-
ter, Devlaeminck will continue to
play for the .Lucan ladies as well.
That will create a schedule which
will rival her varsity program.
Going into her third year at
Windsor, she is a member of the
Lancerettcs -- a ladies' soccer team
in its infancy. After playing a year
as a club team, Lancerettes were
given club status two years ago.
Last year they finished in the mid-
dle of .the South Western division
which features tough teams from
Guelph and Western.
Practicing with Exeter Centenni-
als gives Devlaeminck an oppotlu-
nity to train for the varsity soccer
season. While she finds the men
faster and in possession of a harder
shot, being female in a male league
has its good points.
"Sometimes I think I'm at an ad-
vantage because they (opposing
teams) think -- 'oh, she's no good -
- so they give me lots of space."
She is not the first woman to
play in the male league, but she is
a rarity nevertheless.
A Biology major, Devlaeminck
finds that soccer actually enhances
her academic standings.
"When i play soccer, 1 get every-
thing done because I've only got so
much time and I've got to get it
done," she says, adding that her
marks arc better during soccer sea-
She found the Lucan minor soccer
system a good training ground for •
varsity soccer and she encottrages
would-be players "not to be scared
about coming out that first day". .
"If you think you can handle it,
there isn't any reason. why you
shouldn't try out."
EXETER - For the second time
in three years Exeter Express men's
baseball team has captured the On-
tario Senior.D championship. Ex-
press entered the final series against
Everett undefeated in four games
Monday afternoon, but their oppo-
nents spoiled their record, handing
them an 8-2 loss. Because Everett
lost one game in the tourney, they
had to beat Exeter twice -- a feat
they were unable to accomplish.
Express, running on sheer determi-
nation, came from behind to record
a 7-4 victory. It was their fourth
come -from -behind win of the week-
"They saw themselves as a team
with guts," Express manager Joe
Fulop said. "They never quit and
that's what happened -- the wins."
They didn't come away unscathed
v r. : a s a oungcr verett
team, the win called on every re-
source. Dave lnt.was spent after a
weekend performance which earned
him the unofficial tide of most val-
uable player along with 'Kevin
Drager. Don MacDonald- came
home in the last inning, hobbling
around the bases with a knot in his
calf muscle .the size of a baseball.
When he crossed home plate, a con-
gratulating teammate met him with
such exuberance that MacDonald
came away with a broken nose.
It was a long haul.
"It was tougher than it was two
years ago because you had to win
more games," Fulop said, noting
that this year's tournament featured
eight teams rather than Six.
Final battle
Drager got things started for Exet-
er in the last game when he hit a
Please turn to page 3A
Greys take lead
EXETER - Greys took thc lead in
their best -of -five series August 31
whcn they handed St. Marys a 4-3
loss August 31. Greys now lead the
scrics 1-0.
Greys were.frustratcd at bat in the
first half of the game. They found
themscl . .behind ' 1 by the end of
the fiftling wit! only three bits
to their'credit. Their only run came
in the fourth inning when Gail
Bcurman hit a triple and then stole
- Exeter tied the game in the sixth
after Sandi Fremlin singled to get
on -base. Sandra Burns tripled to
score Fremlin and came home later
on an error.
With the game tied 3-3,_ Heidi
Elliott singled and then scored on a
base -hit by Lynne Farquhar to
clinch the game.
The series continues this week
with game three in Exeter Thursday
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