HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-07, Page 16Page 16 Times -Advocate, September 7; 1988 NEW PROJECT - June Paul, treasurer of,the Winter Carnival Committee, presents a cheque to Bob Tremaine, curator of the Lambton Heritage Museum, to begin a collection of Goodison Farm Equipment, Which once em- ployed 400-500 workers in a Sarnia factory. They are standing beside a Goodison corn shelter. • Exchange student By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Grand Bend res- ident LeRoy Keys, his wife Elsie and their son- Scott and the rest of their family entertained a very spc- cial visitor for the month- of Au- gust.• Sixteen -year-old Frederick -Glaz, of Chatillion-Sur Seine, France, a French exchange student spent two months in Canada, prac- ticing his English and - learning something about this country. Frederick arrived in Sudbury .on July 2 for one month, but enjoyed it so much that he wanted to extend his visit. What to do? A contact was needed, provided by Stephen Walper, son of Alan Walper. Ste- phen had spent some time travell- ing in France last winter and made friends there, so representatives of the French student exchange pro= gram asked Stephen -if he -could find a family_in this arca for Frederick: The Keyes 'farmJy—hail- a son, Scott, about the same age; so Scott -and his family have spent the month of August showing Frede- rick Glaz the sights and- sounds of this area. "His English was very good, and very clear", said Elsie Keyes. "He was eager to learn all about Canada and Canadians, and he was a likable 'bow; a t'ood hnncc guest." Frede- rick aim) got 10 .visit with Stephen .Walper, who arranged his place- ment. The -boy from- France. flew back -home just before Labour Day weekend, leaving behind many pleasant memories of his summer - in Canada. Who knows? Perhaps young Scott Keyes might consider "visiting France next year. GRADUATE --Todd Caldwell grad- uated. June 18, 1988 at Lambtbh College, Sarnia from, the Business course and is employed at Lyons Food Market, Seaforth. Love and Congratulations Todd from Dad and Mom, Harold and Wilnia Caldwell. About people you know GRAND BEND--August—started out stiflingly hot, gradually cooled down in the last two weeks and ex- ited in a flurry of cold, rainy, windy weather more typical of late fall. One can only feel sorry for those camping in the Pinery or in other parks, coping with the wind and rain in these last days before we all return to thc routine of work and school. Remember that children walking to school, and school buses stop- ping, will once again be familiar sights on the roads, so drive care- fully. September 13, next Tuesday, marks Registration Day for the Brownies and Girl 'Guides in the Grand Bend area. The leaders will be at St. John's Anglican Church hall at 7 p.m., so sign up your daughter for a season of new learn- ing experiences, in an atmosphere of friends and fun. . The community Bible Studies will begin on Scptembcr 13, Tues- day morning at 9:30 a.m. in thc Sauble Court Lounge. The follow- ing week only, the group will meet on Monday, September 19; then will revert to the regular Tuesday morning meetings. All ladies of the community are invited to par- ticipate in these ecumenical Bible Studies, and bring a friend. The executive of the Tri -County Senior Games will hold their annu- al meeting on September 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in thc Sauble Court -Lounge._ The registration datcsTorl3cavcrs� Cubs, and Scouts will be decided at a leaders meeting on Sunday, to be announced next week. . The leaders' course for the 4-H 'Clubs will take place in mid- Sepicmber, .so the organization of thc local 4-11 groups won't begin until the last weeks of September. Please keep these organizations in mind for your son or daughter when planning after-school activi- ties, and we'll kccp you posted. As part of the Lambton Heritage Museum tenth anniversary celebra- tions, a historical photo contest is being held. Any photos taken be- fore 1930 arc eligible. Prizes will be awarded and the winning photos will be displayed in an exhibit at the museum. ADAMS Heating & Cooling • Heating Systems of all type: INSTALLED, MODERNIZED and MAINTAINED •General Sheet Metal Work • Air Conditioning • Humidifiers • Ventilation 235-2187 133 Huron St. E., Exeter NEIL OSTRANDER PHOTOGRAPHY • Weddings • Portraits • Commercial • Groups • Framing • Custom Black & White R.R. 3 Parkhill, NOM 2K0 238-5056 Hwy. 81 halfway between Grand Bond and Parkhill • Large crowd at Sunday Mass By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Immaculate Heart of Mary church was crowded with both parishioners and visitors at all Masses over the Labour Day weekend, with the pastor, Father Paul Beck, as celebrant. The reader at the 11 a.m. Mass was Mary Fran Gaiser, with Paul Dietrich as organ- ist. Roberta Walker performed two solos during the communion time, "Ten Lepers" and "Sing for Joy". In his sermon, Father Beck used •the gospel reading of Christ healing the deaf mute. The Catholic Women's League Executive will be meeting this Thursday evening, September 8, to plan speakers and activities for the new season. The first general meet- ing of the C.W.L: will be on Mon- day, September 12, at 8:30 p.m. in the Alhambra Hall, with a wine and cheese party for all members. The altar_boys will be meeting on Saturday, September 10 at 2 p.m. for a pool party at the home of Martin Vandenberk. All the new windows have been installed in the church, in lovely amber glass. Father Beck thanks all who have contributed to the "Window Fund" so far, which has covered about half of the total ex- pense, at the cost of about $300 per window. He hopes for the rest to be covered soon, and looks forward to a lower fuel bill for the winter with tight new windows. There will be a meeting for all high school students of the parish -_ from Exeter, Forest or Sarnia - at thc Alhambra Hall on Sunday, Sep- tember 25 at 3 p.m. Please -try to attend this important meeting. Father Beck wishes all students and their teachers the best for the new school year. 4 HENSALL O.Op United Church There was a good attendance for the last outdoor church service of the season at the Grand Bend United Church over the holiday weekend. The congregation welcomed back their former pastor Rev. R. Peebles as guest speaker for the day. His message was titled "Christians and the Community", with Scripture readings from John 17:2-24 and Acts 15. Special music was provided by Janet Kraft of Exeter, as she sang "Only Jesus/Calvary's Love" and "People Need the Lord" to recorded music. Legion news GRAND BEND - Winners of the meat raffle for Friday, September 2 were Nelson Smith, Jim Phillips, Rae McLaughlin, Jean Hewitt, and Frank McLaughlin, and the mystery draw was won by Marie Dundas. All those attending the Wyoming Legion dance on Friday, September 9 are reminded that the bus will be leaving at 6:30 p.m. sharp from the Grand Bend Legion. Tickets are still available for the Grand Cove Estates Revue "Flying High" held -on Monday, September 19, at the Legion Branch 498. Tickets may be purchased at the Le- gion. This hilarious annual revue, put on by residents of ,Grand Cove. Estates, opens with a dress rehearsal on September 15, at their club- house, and two performances, Fri- day, September 16 and Saturday, September 17. All ticket profits for the Legion performances on September 19 arc donated to the Le- gion fund. Don Kobe announced that Rev. Bob and Doris Peebles were cele- brating their 34th wedding anniver- sary during the weekend, and they received hearty applause from the congregation. The ladies served coffee, cookies and juice to the crowd afterward. GRADUATE - Michael C. Glavin, son of Joseph and Martina Glavin, RR 2 Crediton, graduated from Mon- tana College of Mineral Science and Technology. Butte, Montana with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Petr- leum Engineering on May 7, 1988. Mike had previously graduated from Southern Alberta Institute of Tech- nology in Calgary, Alberta, with. a Petroleum Technologist Diploma in the drilling option May, 1986. He is presently employed with Norward Energy Services Ltd., Calgary.' - Deliver Your Quality W H H ITE BEA TO YOUR NEAREST HENSALL CO-OP RECEIVING ELEVATOR N Now 4 locations to receive white beans Help increase the market share of the only Farmer -Owned Comprehensive White Bean Dealer in the industry! treat;0 34QZ Henson •n Uotl Free 1.500-265-5790 • look Seaforth 1 1l4 miles north and 314 miles east of Sesforth Elevator 527-2024 Office - 527-0770 New .Improved UBLY Bean Knives • Pulling edge does not get dull and thick • Bean Knives never need hammering. Can be rebuilt • Competitive prices -1 • I4 S Cargill Limited 4;eenway 238.8 294.004 levators /boyo L t 1OndeSbo • Allen a• 0 523-4470 • • Fair Prices • Honest Weights • Fair Grades • Fast Efficient Service • Patronage Dividends also handling • Soybeans • Corn Hensall District -Co-operative Hensall 262-3002 Seaforth Office 527-0770, Elevator 527-2024