HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-09-07, Page 7Something for everyone
BLYTH - "The Blyth Festival of the performances for those who
1988/89 Fall/Spring. Festival of want to attend one special event.
Entertainment has something for The. popular country music ,
everyone this year", says Joel Har- group, The Mercy Brothers will
ris, General Manager. "Classical • open the Festival of Entertainment
music, the best in country music, series. on Saturday, October 15, at 8
entertaining theatre and a musical p.m. at Blyth Memorial Hall.
cabaret is featured in our Family Their international appearances have
Series - all for a total cost of $30 included the Grand Ole Oprey and
for four performances plus an added tours .of Europe. Rod Beattie re -
bonus of a free ticket tb the Blyth turns
1986 hoe Memorial
e o Tial H ll whertre e in
Festival Singers' Christmas Con -he performed in Dan Needles's com-
.Tire Childreneett's Series; created for edy, Letters From Wingfield Farm:.
The sequel, Wingfield's Progress
five to eleven year olds:features . s Saturday,
of 4hef best entertainers in appears on November 12,
Canada: Maritime Marionettes sto- at 8 p.m. and this hilarious saga
ry of Cinderella, singers Kim and continues as Walt takes on urban
Jerry Brodey, VanKouver's Green developers who threaten the town of
Thumb Theatre' performing Two Larkspur with their "big plans.
The Great L
Weeks, Twice A Year which deals Lake .Quintet, one of
delicately with the subject of di- Canada's most sought after brass
voice; and The Best of Robert. quintets has,ppccrformed 'at Expo '86
Munsch, one of children's favorite and New Yolk's Lincoln Centre and
story -tellers brought to life by Prai- _will present their mixed program on
ric Theatre Exchange's stage adapta- Sunday, April J6. 1989 at 2 o.m..
tion. This four-part entertainment . Beth Anne Cole, a familiar name
series for children is available for to Blyth Festival audiences, -was
featured in both Miss Balmoral Of
The Bayview and Girls In The
Gang. Her musicalcabaret show,
Beth Anne Cole Sings. isa fresh
and offbeat collection of famous and
(not -so -famous) songs from Broad=
way, vaudeville and the stage and it
only $15 (all four performances).
"Somehow, there is a rumor
about town that our two series are
nearly sold -out leaving veryfew
good .scats available", said Jane.
Gardner, Director of Comdr tunica -
tions of the Festival.' "I can'assure appears on Saturday, May 6, 1989
you that there is an excellent choice
of scats available and if you call the at 8p arm.Sin le tickets at the door are $15
box office quickly, you can have g
your choice of some of the best for Adults and $10 for Youth (18
scats available Family and Chil- and under) with a series, package
dren's Series buyers. can save over available of all four performances
50% over single ticket prices. Sin- for only $30 Adults and $20 Youth._
le tickets arc now on sale for each That's a saving of over 50%!
'Kirsten Maria Hoogenboom ane
Joseph William Dayman were mar-
ried on Saturday, August 6, 1988 at
St. James Roman Catholic Church,
Seaforth, by Father V.C. Caruana.
The bride is the daughter of Sheila
Stevenson of London and Ben Hoo-
genboom of Exeter. The groom is
the son of Howard and Marg Day -
man of Kipper. Maid of honour was
Denise Sedlak of Huron Park, friend
of the bride. Bridesmaids were Mi-
chelle Dayman of London, sister of
the groom and Connie Davies of
London, friend of the bride. Flower -
girl was Jenna Hoogenboom of Ex-
eter, sister of the bride. Best man
was Mark Mero of Seaforth, friend
-of the groom. Ushers were Randy
Dayman of Seaforth, brother of the
groom and Steve McKellar of Eg-
mondville, friend of the groom.
Ringbearer was Jeremy Dayman of
Lucan, nephew of the groom. Mas-
ter of Ceremonies, was Jerry John
. Dayman of Lucan. Following a wed-
ding .reception at the-Seaforth and
District Community Centre, the
couple took a 'honeymoon trip to
British Columbia. Joe and. Kirsten
will continue living in Seaforth.
Sharon Blanche Rundle and John
William Kelsall were united in marri-
age on July 16, 1988 at Emmanuel
Baptist Church, Exeter, with Rev.
Kevin Rutledge officiating. Sharon
• is the daughtet of Blanche Rundle
and the late Hugh Rundle of RR 1
Centralia. John is the son of John
and Lottie Kelsall of Pointe Claire,
Quebec. Sharon was escorted.
down the aisle by her brother Mur-
ray Rundle. Matron of Honour was
Dianne Brown, Calgary, Alberta,
sister of the bride.. Bridesmaids
were Mary Lou Rundle, Brampton,
,sister of the bride, Lori Kraul, Lucan
and Patricia West, Toronto, friends
of the bride. Best man was Rob Kel-
sall, Pointe Claire, Quebec, brother
of the groom. Ushers were Scott.
Hargreaves, Montreal, Randy Fish-
er, Ottawa, and Randy Kraul, Lu -
can, friends of the groom. Flower
girl was Jillian Rutledge and Ryan
Rutledge was ring bearer. Organ
music was provided by David
Rundle, London. Trumpeter was
Mark Hurtubises; London. Soloists
were. Joanne Head, Montreal and
Scott Hargreaves, Montreal. Thank
you to everyone who helped make
our day a special one.
1/4' le
p0 . F ASN10N HOUSE.
Exeter Decor Centre
15 Gidley, St. E., 235-1010
Just behind Bank of Novo Scotia
GOING UP - The Blyth Young Company presented general manager Joel
Harris with a $669 cheque towards the Festival'scapital building cam-
paign. Shown are Ian Morton (left), -Severn Thompson, Harris and Allison
Dunn. -
Funding received for
Women Today program
By Anne Chisholm
CLINTON - Women Today has
received funding from the Ministry
of Health for a follow up program
to their three year Women Being
Well program. The funds have ena-
bled Women Today to hire an Out-
reach Co-ordinator for the new two
year project.
Barbara Ancio was hired on Au-
gust 2 as the Outreach Co-ordinator
and has a main objective of increas-
ing the public's awareness of what
Women Today is all about.
The new program has four basic
components: 1. hold educational
events. 2. mini -workshop series. 3.
facilitative -training. 4.. public
speaking engagements to familiar-
ize the Huron County communities
with Women Today.
In explaining the educational
events, Mrs. Ancio said these
would bc one day events in various
communities that would educate the
participants on a number of sub-
jects. As an example, Mrs. Ancio
cited an upcoming event entitled
Women And Alcohol.
Women and Alcohol is being co-
sponsored by Women Today and the
Iluron Addiction Assessment and.
Referral Centre. The program will
be offered free of charge and will
• delve into problems, issues, the law
and medical aspects and is a non-
threatening community presenta-
This event will be held in con-
junction with National Drug
Awareness Week. November 13-19,
with Women Today providing thc
funding and a film. •
If people find any of the -educa-
tional events to be of great interest
to them, and would like a follow
up, a mini -workshop can be ar-
These mini -workshops could last
for a maximum of six wccks.
Mrs. Ancio stressed that the
workshops do not necessarily have
to bc held in the Women Today of-
ficc, located at 56 Iluron Street in
Clinton, but that organizers arc
willing to go out in the communi-
ties to bring the mini-workshops•to
where they arc wanted and needed.
The category of facilitative train-
ing is a direct follow up of the
Women. ,Being_Well. [uojta. which
r' -promoted self help groups. One of
the achievements of the women Be-
ing Well program was the produc-
tion of a video entitled Doing It
Ourselves. This video will be used
extensively as a tool in promoting
sclf help.
At the Women Today office. there
arc numerous self. help manuals
available to the public that can bc
borrowed free of charge. Some of
the topics which are covered in
these manuals arc cabin fever, aging
and menopause and stress and your
job, to mention only a few.
Speaking on self help groups,
Mrs. Ancio said Women Today
would like to attract teenagers, as
well as mcn and women.
The public speakingortion of
the new program is to familiarize
the community with Women To-
"We want the communities to
know who we are, who we are not,
what we are and what we are not,"
explained Mrs. Ancio. "We want to
target men's organizations. We
want more men participating,
Women Today is not just a wom-
en's club."
Women Today have 35 trained fa-
cilitators who arc. qualified to
present and educate in the health
promotion area.
"These women arc from all walks
Popularity is the talent of boring
others less than they bore you.
Times -Advocate, September 7, 1988 Page 7
Attends conference
EXETER - Rev. Don R. Rogers,
pastor of Exeter Pentecostal Taber-
nacle, attended the 38th Biennial
General Conference of The Pente-
costal Assemblies of Canada held in
Hamilton the last week of August.
Over 1,050 persons were registered
including over 625 voting dole
activity, along with other practices
deemed inexcusable for Christian
conduct, and which place a person
under God's judgement (Romans
1:26-2:11)". ,
One of the highlights of the con-
ference was the weekend youth em-
phasis. On Sunday afternoon over
ates. • 2,000 young people, wearing white
The delegates overwhelmingly en-
dorsed a strongly worded resolution
calling for members to refrain from
sexual immorality that stated,
"Sexual immorality shall be inter-
preted to rpean common-law marital
relationships, pre -marital and extra-
marital relationships... and all
forms of homosexual and lesbian
The unsurpassed beauty of seven
European countries and the histori-
cal and sometimes humodrous story
of the Protestant Reformation will
be seen and heard at Exeter Pente-
costal Tabernacle, Hwy: #4 South,
on Wednesday, September 14 at
7:00 pint.
A gigantic 27 -foot screen and six
70 mm projectors are used to tell
the events that brought about the
sweeping changes of the Reforma-
This one hour presentation, pro-
duced by Don Van Palen, tells of
the struggles of the Reformers, the
overwhelming odds, the inner con-
flicts and then the unprecedented
history of the Word of God.
Viewers are informed of the fasci-
nating events that lead to the birth
of the German and English Bibles.
They see the breath -taking majesty
of the Swiss Alps, the pastoral
quiet beauty of England's country-
side, the 'uniqueness of Holland's
waterways and tulips and the un-
paralleled ancient architectural de-
signs of Europe, plus the amazing
report of what God is doing
through His Word around the woi'ld
"Footprints of the Refgrmation"
will be presented by the World
Home Bible League. a free-will of-
fering will be received to place
scriptures with waiting multitudes.
All gifts are tax deductible.
of life," said Mrs. Ancio. "Some
have a farm background, some are
homemakers, professionals or work
in an industry..".
Mrs. Ancio also stressed that
Women Today members will not •
force their opinions on those they
are speaking to. •
"Women Today don't hold strong
opinions on any issue, but will
gather the information and present
all sides to increase awareness and.,,
let people form their own opin-
Open house
As a way to increase the public's
awarcncss of thc Women Today
group, which is a non-profit organi-
zation and now has a charitable tax
numbcr, an open house will be held
on September 8 at the office located
at 56 Huron Street, Clinton, from 1
to 8 p.m. The video, Doing It Our-
selves, will be shown at 3 and 7
p.m. with' refreshments to be
. "Everyone is welcome. It's for
people of all walks of life," said
Mrs. Ancio. "For parents who drop
in, there is a children's room m the
back where they can play.
Mrs. Ancio is new to the arca and
has been quite impressed with
Womcn Today herself.
"Womcn Today offers informa-
tion on Iluron County and plenty
of free services. They arc recognized
by the government and fundcd by
them so that says something about
the organization," she said, adding
that those involved with Women
Today are friendly and really make a
person feel welcome.
Visscher Far
Country Marke
Open 9 - 6 daily,
Fri., 9 - 8 p.m.
Closed Sundays
Fall Harvest Values
Tomatoes $8.00 bushel
Peaches $12.00 bushel
While supplies last
Cauliflower, broccoli,
by the Pound, basket, bushel or
50 Ib. bag.
Apples - Early Macs,
Pears - Bartlett.
Mini carrots
Chili peppers Pies
Red & Bell Peppers Tarts
Onions Jams
Pumpkins • Honey
Maple Syrup
3 miles W. of Exeter
on Hwy. 83 •
Phone 237-344L
All Orders
Of ...
•Bridal Gowns
• Attendants
• Mothers Gowns
From now 'ill
September 30188
`ti ` -- - -
The Wedding Knot is
your agent for
Tuxedo Rentals. See our csteIogueSt
Lweatshirts reading "God Keep Our
and Glorious and Free," marched -
through the streets of Hamilton de-
claring their Christian faith and loy-
alty to Canada.
Over 6,000 people gathered for
the Sunday evening rally to hear a
stirring message by General Super-
intendent Rev. James MacKnight
about sharing the gospel with our
world. Over S825,000 was raised in
a nationwide offcrama for world
* Peaches
(by the bushel or basket )
- new apples -
- various varieties of plums
- cherries, pitted in pails
- frozen berries of all sorts
- tomatoes
sweet corn
- melons
- home baked pies and muffins
- Mennonite meats
Rork Gien
(on Rock Glen Road)
Open 7 days a week
8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Phone 828-31'00 Arkona
Break for Kids!
Break for Mom too!
Peanut Butter
Kraft Smooth or Crunchy
$1.33 Ib.
Jams -
3 Fruit Marmalade
$1.25 Ib.
$1.46 Ib. -
(in your own container)
ti 1F.4
. " 1 01011
Gourmet Teas
Black Current, Earl Grey,
Raspberry, English
Breakfast, Blueberry, Wild
Cherry, Apricot,
One Step
Angel Cake
Mon. -Sat.
9 - 5:30
Closed Sunda
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