HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-08-10, Page 18Page 6A • • Times -Advocate, August 10, 1988 NOW You Can Place Your Ad Anytime Our proless•anal od'oors ore or rhe ,if.,.. Mon to Vt. unul5 p rn 9..e you pe‘ sOna'reJ however d If ,s r10,ronrenpeol to roik ,v ons,srnng vrcethe,snyw„nnf.nle , w[, I bore then roll 1 rake you' •essa9e ung , leave mot -hare r nae Dan r for er o lar your ad m rhe ne' ant[harge La/J nor yaur,w me odds ass auromaf' b,ihng I CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $7.00 pe- col- umn inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $6.00 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.5C per insertion Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $7.00. 15¢ per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 15¢ per word, minimum $3.00 $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT BIRTHS - 30 words $7.00, 15¢ per ward -thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices, - 20 words $7.00, each ad- ditional word 15¢. - IN MEMORIAMS - $8.00 plus 25¢ per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 ,'cords $7.00, each additional wo.d 15e. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS 30 words $7.00, additional words 10¢ each. Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 p: m Maxlays. €44 VISA Phone 235-1331 Help Wanted Experienced framer for London to Bayfield area. Transportation required Telephone 666-0777 J WITH OUR $7 SUPER AD!! Advertisers want ono thing ... RESULTS. And that what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee of $7.07 we'I run your ad in our newspa- per until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for 3JPERAD. you can take up to 40 (Private noncommercial ads only wads and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. 1t you do not get results by the fol- lowing weekend, call us on Monday and well gkddly re- peat the ad of no charge. And we•i keep running the ad as tang as you want. Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus M No Extra Charge!! CALLUSAT235.1331 -+-1 VISA classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 ilelp Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 1 Lost, Strayed WOULD THE PERSONS 'who picked up Michelin tires near Zurich on Friday, Aukkst 5, 1988 please contact Laidlaw Carriers, Exeter or Exeter O.P.P. (32c) 2 Found BICYCLE - owner may claim by identification and paying for this ad. Pltone235-2985. (32*) 4 Help Wanted TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future... with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Cambridge, Brantford, St. Catharines. London 1-800-265-0400. Simpson Construction requires 1 Experienced Carpenter and 2 Labourers Phone 235-2519 between 5 & 6 p.m. � s�� i Pa4/61s lee Moi. ss North �� ••' r.Me, 333 0433 CAFE We are now hiring full and part time hostesses, hosts, . decorators and bakers. We offer above average wages and benefits. For interview apply within IMA PROGRAM (Involvement in Municipal Administration Program) The Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend is cur- rently seeking a University or College student en- rolled in a co-op program in business, computer studies, economics, law, political science or public administration who will be returning to studies in Jarivary. Typing and good communication skills would be an asset. Commencing September 6/88 (maximum of 18 weeks) Please send resume by August 22, 1988 to: Dianne Mollard AMCT, Clerk -Treasurer 4 Ontario Street, P.O. Box,340 Mrand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO 4 Help Wanted FREE: 1988 guide to study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air conditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide 1V., Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and interested persons needed immediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money. collection. Call (519)258-7905. FULL TIME WAITI'ERSON. Apply to Huron Restaurant, Exeter in person. (21 tfn) PART TIME PERSON wanted to help in caring for baby piglets. Experience an asset but not necessary. Must have a love for animals. Approximately 50-75 hours per month. Hill and Hill Farms Ltd. Varna 233-3218. (30-32c) PERSON for cash crop farm. Grain elevator experience would be an'asset. Hill and Hill Farms Ltd. Varna 233-3218. (30-32c) MATURE HANDYMAN for service station, year round. Phone 238-2451. (3Otfn) SHIPPER -RECEIVER_ rcquired..at.the- -Exeter""Big V. Self motivated, organized, and pleasant personality a plus. We offer competitive salary, excellent benefit package plus many other benefits. Apply in person. (31c) WELDERS NEEDED - farming background helpful. Scaforth 527-0310.(32c) BABYSITTER for 3 children, one 3 years old, 2 in school, beginning in September. Monday to Friday, will consider livc-in. Call 229-8164 days, 229-6614 evenings. (31:32c) RELIABLE responsible person to care for 2 yr. old and 6 month old. Monday to Wednesday starting in October, in my home. Call 235-2502. (31-34c) PARTS CLERK with some automotive experience for snail automotive dealer in Exeter area. Apply to Box 41P, Exeter Times Advocate, P.O. Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO.(31:32c) ULCH TRANSPORT LIMITED needs 2 part time people to handle livestock. Experience in handling livestock and Class A licence an asset but not essent'l. 229-8901. (32c) FULL TIME Permanent Employment to work in Chick Hatchery in St. Marys Job includes fraying and set- ting eggs plus general mainte- nance and cleaning. We will train. Competitive wage and benefits Call McKinley Hatchery 284-1790 km) para • med um HEALTH SERVICES Home,.Support Workers Immediate positions available in Lucan and surrounding areas Duties to include Tight house- keeping, meal preparation, assistance with personal care. - choose full or part time hours - work around your family's schedule Qualifications Caring, devotion, ambition Training Provideg if interested call us for more information, Monday - Friday 9a.m.-4p.m. 685-4354 or 1-800-265-5768 4 Help Wanted BABYSITTER' required for 1 3 1/2 and 1 1,2 year old. Mon. -Friday. 7:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and beginning September. Please call 235-0412. (32c) EXPERIENCED WAITERS/WAiTRESSES required for dining lounge. Apply in person at Exeter Tavern. (32tfn) KEY PUNCHER - 2 days a week. Interested parties reply to Box 1990, Exeter, NOM ISO. (32:33c) HURON PAINTING requires a painter's helper. Phone 234-6720 after 6 p.m. or 238-8911. (32c) PERSON FOR reception, bookkeeping, typing experience. Supply references. Call 262-3443 or 527-0175 after 6 p.m. (32c) 5 Business Opportunities GROW FOR IT! $55 Raise baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless, low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1', Stnithville, Ont. LOR 2A0 (416) 643-4251,856-2248,(705)435-7463. TURN THAT TiME on your hands into CASH for you. Get to meet new .. people_ and make--new-friends-through" -Auctionecring. Next class October 15-22. Register now. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioncering, RR 5 Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. SELLING TO small industries, townships in your community? Peltor Hearing Protection is a big seller to industries. Could be a good extra line. Norhammcr, Box 2042, Gravcnhurst, Ont. POC IGO, (705) 689-2374 Bud. SALESPERSON REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY J.B. Allen & Co. Goderich, Ontario Wholesale Plumbing, Heating, and Industrial Supplies requires salesperson for newly created permanent, full time position. Only persons with related experience need apply. Please send resume to: Ken Baker, Manager J.B. Allen & Co. P.O. Box 7, Ooderfch, Ontario NTA 3Y5 All replies held in strictest confidence Township of Tuckersmith requires FULL TIME TEACHER with ECE Degree or Equivalent at the Tuckersmith Day Care Centre. Please provide writtenresume, outlining education, work ex- perience and references, as well as any other pertinent information to: Cheryl Nuhn, Day Care Supervisor, GMB 130, R.R. 5, Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO 482-7634 Before August 22nd, 1988 at 4:30 p.m. 5 Business Opportunities WORK OVERSEAS - EUROPE. A fantastic challenge awaits you. Work in tither; Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, The Netherlands. Single people between 19-28. Interested in Foreign Agriculture. Contact I.A.E.A. 206, 1501-17 Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2T 0E2. EDUCATIONAL SALES CONSULTANT. Part time, 20-25 hours per week. S300.00 guaranteed. Teaching background helpful. For inerview call 624-5774 in London (519)657-1891. WE HAVE SEVERAL carriers who wish to expand existing fleets. Those with previous highway tractor trailer experience and substantial investment as downpayment investment as downpayment on new or late model tractors should reply with confidence and call toll free, 1-800-663-5166. RAPIDLY EXPANDING throughout Canada & U.S. most significant Weight Loss product ever developed. Become a distributor by calling (416)387-2377 or write Calorad, 64 Flamingo Drive, Hamilton, Ont. L9A 4X7. BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Turn a few hours a week ingo dollars! An exciting career awaits you. Ma Cherie Home Fashion Shows. Est. 1975. Call collect (416) 827-2660. The Time for Thinking is Over! Your Trucking Career Starts Here. FOR PROFESSIOMAL ORIVER TRAINING CALL TOLL FREE 1.800.265.3559 L—.. WIMP TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING SCHOOL 11(•0 OI I,CI 'ab 1•1•1C.•• Road ,e -D• ,q. O-! ..1.. 456 011.n.. SR.Y010-. • I.n9c.. • SO:Mu, . • l• C.•.•OR ..1 . AIDS CO-ORDINATOR Is required by - HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT The AIDS COORDINATOR will be responsible tor the planning, development. direction, and evaluation of AIDS-related education programa and activitlea within the Board of Health policy and approved budget to provide optimum AIDS education services to the community. Ouallticatlone: University degree In health or related field, strong teaching, communication, and Interper- sonal skills; highly motivated. Requires current driver's licence and own transportation. _ _rritereated. applicants--should-.forward -.- resume slating education and experience by August 31, 1966 to: Dr. Murton. Bokhout, Medical Officer of Health, Huron County Health Una, Court House, Goderlch, Ontario N7A 1M2 Truck Driver with Class D Apply in person to Grand Bend Produce Hwy. 21 and Walker Rd. 243-2435 Accounting Specialist We are seeking an individual with a minimum of three years general accounting experi- ence to work with a growing company having diverse prod- uct Tines. The individual must be mature, responsible and self motivating and will report directly to the President. Du- ties will include the preparation of financial statements, initia- tion of controls and office man- agement. The operations are located in a rural environment (north of London) however the company is a public com- pany with a strong drive to- wards success and growth. Salary commensurate with ex- perience. Forward resume to Box 610, Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO Beef Feed Lot Assistant required for a Targe beef operation in the St. Marys area. We offer competitive rates of pay, an excellent fringe benefit package and the opportunity to participate in an employee partnership plan Accommodation available on premises. Apply to Personnel Manager. Cold Springs Farm Ltd.- -...- - Box 100 Thamesford, Ontario NOM 2M0 1-519-285-3940 EXETER ROOFING & SHEET METAL CO. LTD. Requires immediately experienced/non experienced roofing personnel Wages negotiable Please contact our office (235-1557)_ 265 Thames Road East, Exeter for an interview. Residential Coordinator required by South Huron & District Association for the Mentally Handicapped. To work in an adult community residence for a 6 month matemity leave Resposibilities include program coordination, administration and direct supervision with an emphasis on integration and network- ing. . Preference will be given to applicants with a D.S.W. or equival- ent plus related management experience Closing date August 26, 1988 Please submit resume outlining education arid experience with references to: Mary Swlnkets McLellan P.O. Box 29, Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1NO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SUCCESS AVAILABLE! FOR INFORMATION ON HOW YOU, TOO, CAN ,JOIN THE MAC'S SUCCESS TEAM, CALL OR WRITE: 1112 DEARNESS DRIVE, LONDON, ONTARIO N6E 1N9 (519) 686-0804