HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-08-10, Page 17Need to plan ahead
By Annette D. Moore
-Dairy Cattle Specialist .
CLINTON - With this year's
crop situation, planning ahead for
your winter feeding program be-
comes more critical than ever be-
fore. If your forage and/or grain
crops arc frost -damaged or low in
yield and quality due to the drought,
don't despair, there are some things
you can .do to minimize the prob-
1. Quality and Quantity of Feeds
A. Feed Testing and Ration Bar-
ancing -. When faced with- a feed
shortage, feeding homegrown feeds
efficiently becomes the key. To do"
this however you must know the
quantity and quality of feeds availa-
ble. Quality is best determined by
feed analysis, quantity by doing a.
fced inventory. Having your ration
Price of eggs
to increase
OTTAWA - The price paid to
producers for Grade A largt; eggs in
August will increase in all provinc-
the Canadian Egg .Marketing
Agency (CEMA) announced Fri-
day. .
Priccs paid to farmers in Ma.nito-
ba and Nova Scotia will increase
five ccnts per dozen, while prices in
all other provinces will rise by six
cents per dozen.
The pricc increase is due to high-
er feed costs. The pricc for feed
throughout Canada has soared be=
cause of the severe drought in most
regions of the country.
CEMA sets the producer pricc for
Grade A large eggs at the beginning
of each month using a- cost of pro-
duction formula.
The federal government's Nation-
al Farm Products Marketing Coun-
cil is advised of the prices before
they arc announced.
balanced.is the only sure way. to
know how your homegtown feeds
need to be complemented with pur-
chased feeds. Remember though, a
quality ration can only be achieved
if quality information is used. Ac-
curate information on cow body
weight, milk and fat production lev-
els, bcxly condition feeding practices
and feed inventories arc all neces-
sary to produce a quality ration.
Since protein and energy supple-
ments are in all likelihood to be ez-
pcn' ive this year, an error in your
initial information could turn out to
be quite costly!
- B. Water.- Quantity and quality of
the water supply can also be a criti-
cal factor in maintaining produc-
tion. Evaporation and algae growth
can seriously alter water quality to .
the point where the affect can range
from death to reduced animal perfor-
Mance, If in doubt, have your water
analyzed but be sure to first contact
the lab for proper sampling proce-
dures. •
C. Small Grain Forages - Beware
of irritating awns, particularly in
hay. Awns can reduce palatability
and cause tongue or tnouth alisccss-
C. Cull Livestock - If quality and
'quantity of fccd is a serious prob-
lem and your decision is not to pur-
chase feeds, culling cattle maybe
your only alternative. In other
words,. feed less cattle buf get the
same amount of production. If this
is the cast, keep only good quality
replacement heifers and cows.
So in summary; - choose youral-
tcmatives with care
- know your feed quality by feed
- get your radon balanced using
accurate cow and feed information
- study your management practic-
es to minimize feed wastage
- watch out for potential health
- react and plan now to ensure ad-
equate feed supplies for the 1988-
89 winter feeding period.
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CORN FOR MPP. - At Wednesday's Huron Liberal Association barbe-
cue, Agriculture Miriister Jack Riddell gets a cob of corn from Denise Hen-
Fines increased for
noxious weed charges
TORONTO - To improve control
of noxious weeds, fines under the
Weed Control Act arc increasing to
between 5500 to S1000 for a first
offence, Agriculture and Food Mini-
ster Jack Riddell announced Friday.
Any subsequent offence will now
cost 51000 to 52000.
The act was recently amended by
the legislature to increase fines and
allow other changes. The act is in-
tended to reduce the infestation of
agricultural and urban properties
with weeds from neighboring prop-
erties and help eliminate health haz-
ards from weeds such as ragweed
and poison ivy, said Riddell.
It will also help reduce plant dis-
eases by controlling alternate hosts:
for example, cereal rust caused by
common barberry, and European
Prior to amendments to the act, a
first offence fine was S5C maxi-
R.R. Lucan
Ontario NOM 2J0
Back Yard Fence, Patio & Chain
Link, Farm & industrial
Phone Bob Hard 227-4160
muin and a subsequent oitence car-
ried a fine of between $50 to $ 100.
Besides the increased levels of
fines, the act has been changed in
other ways as well.
All municipalities may by bylaw
designate local weeds as noxious
with the approval' of the Minister of
Agriculture and Food.
Under the legislation local munic-
ipalities will report the names -of
local inspectors to the chief inspec-
tor, who is appointed, along with
district inspectors, by the minister.
If an inspector is refused entry to
a property, he or she may apply to
a justice of the peace for a warrant
under the act.
"We expect that this approach
will prevent misunderstandings
with property owners and will elim=
inate the chance of physical injury
to either party," said Riddell.
A landowner who has received an
order and wishes to appeal it to the
chief inspector, will have to do so
in writing within seven days, he
"These changes to the act were re •
quested by more than 20 councils
and regions and have been reviewed
and supported by county and region-
al weed inspectors," said Riddell.
"The amendments to the Weed
Control Act will act as deterrents to
potential offenders, particularly de-
velopers and absentee landlords, and
will make the responsibilities of
tate :inspectors easier and -more effi-.
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Times -Advocate, August 10, 1988 Page 5A
St. Marys man to
be fence referee
TORONTO - The Honourable
John Eakins, Minister of Municipal
Affairs, today announced the ap-
pointment of Clayton Sheldon a$ a
deputy referee to hear appeals from
awardsmade by municipal fence -
These awards specify how the
cost of boundary fences is to be di-
vided between adjoining property
owners. • -
A native of St. Marys, Sheldon
has been a fence -viewer for Downie
Township in Perth County for the
past 25 years. He 'has extensive
farming experience and was director
of the Ontario Fur breeders associa-
tion between 1967 and 1973. He
serves on the Land Advisory Board
of the Upper Thames Valley Con-
servation Authority, advising and
helping in the implementation of
land conservation practices for the
public and private sectors.
Before amendments to the Line
Fences Act came into force on July
1, 1988, appeals were handled by
small claims court judges.
"I believe that the appeals should
be heard by people with a more
specialized knowledge of fencing is-
sues," Eakins said.
-Persons appealing awards must
first serve notice of appeal on the
- other property owner. As well,
they must send the notice orappeal
with a 550 fee to the local munici-
pal clerk who submits it directly to -
the referee, or indirectly through the.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs. -
As a deputy referee, Sheldon will •
conduct appeal hearings, and his de-
cision will be final. • -
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Centralia Research — Demonstration Farm
4 Km north of CCAT Campus
Wednesday, August 24, 1988
9:30 a.m. — 3:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m. "Market Forecasts" featunng.guest
speakers Brian Doidge, Market Analyst
Sheila Anderson, Ontano Bean
Producers Marketing Board
9:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
1. Weed Control Strategies — Jirrt O'Toole
2. Which Bean Variety? — John Heard
3. Earth Shattering Tools — Peter Johnson
4. Bacterial Blight — Bob Forrest
5. Winter Wheat Planting — Rick Upfold
6. Insects in Corn — Tom Hartman
7. Winter Rapeseed Production — Joan
8. Crops — On Farm Weather Recording —
Brad Schneller
9. Fall Management of Alfalfa — Harvey
10. Rutabagas — Bruce Brolley
1. Conservation Tillage Equipment
2. Machinery Displays
For Further Information Contact:
Ministry CI
and Food
J.tit NOM,
Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0
(519) 228-6691