HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-08-10, Page 11Model airplanes at annual Cann picnic By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD - On Wednes- day the.Cann picnic was held at the home- of Grant. Hodgert. -Those at- tending were Mr. • and. Mrs. Jack Cann of London, •Mrs.. Brian Smith, Jennifer and Steven of St: Thomas, Mrs. Jim Love and Patti of Grand Bend, Jason and Jaci Rid- dell of Palmerston, Mrs. Ivan Hcrn, Jcanna and 'lolly of Zion, Mr: and Mrs. Reg ' I lodgcrt, Mrs. Isobelle Cann of 'Exeter, Mr. arid Mrs. Ray Cann rind Shelley. After lunch. Jack flew his remote control airplanes at the Thames Road -park. • • Ryan and Julie Oliver,of- New Hamburg holidayed a few days last - week with their- grandparents Mr." and Mrs. Jack Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roberts of Turnbulls Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Rcg liodgcrt of Exeter spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Mac - Naughton at Port Carling. On their way home Rcg and Jean visited with her uncle. Mr. Jim McCul- lough of Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde attended the outdoor church`scrvicc at Grand Bend on Sunday morning where Rev. Teddy Smits was the minister. Rcv. Sheila Macgregor will con- duct the service at the Decoration . Service on Sunday August 14 at 1:30 p.m. at Exeter Cemetery. Staffa family in Co-ed ball tourney :By MRS. J TEMPLEMAN STAFFA --"Many from this com- munity were guests at the Butson- Prycc wedding and reception in Seaforth Community Ccntrc on Saturday evening. • - - The John Templeman fancily par- " ticipated in a_Coed tournament at Dublin on the weekend. . - H.oncc for the occasion were, Barb Templeman and Scott Bonikowsky, Oakville, Pat, Joanne, Matthew and Kelly Donovan, Canipbellville, Jim Geri; Jennifer, Jessica and Jay - Neilson, Kitchener, Don, Darlene and Scan Ellison, Godcrich - and Ruth Templeman, Stratford. Mrs. Ellen Vivian and Mrs. Jay Dearing have returned from a holi- day in the western provinces. Friends and neighbours attended a shower at the Cromarty Presbyteri- an Church on Monday evening hon- ouring Nancy. Scott who will be married to Randy llesscy, on Satur- day August 13. - Margaret Miller chaired the pro - :gram consisting of musical num- bers by Larry Jo Gardiner and Sara Elliott a reading; Leonard must be tied tonight by Margaret Miller and humorous skit presented by Patti - Tay for -and -leggy -Kers l akc. Nancy's two sister -in-laws, Carol' and Mary Lou assisted her in open- ing the many gifts. "Nancy ex- pressed' her" thanks to all present. Refreshments were scrvcd by the planning group, .Margaret Miller, Peggy Kerslake, Doris Miller, Patti and Ann Taylor. - Staiffa Women's Institute's Public Relations Officer, Doris Miller pre- sided for the July meeting of the In- stitute at_ the ToWnShip Flail on Wednesday evening -at 7:30 p.m. Special guest for the cvcning was the Perth South District President Boris Denham Kirkton.- Doris bre' ' t gre,-tings from the .district an,. • oral articles on the 'llous, .;", Doris was introduced by Doris Miller and thanked by Ro- berta Templeman. Doris opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect followed by a poem, April. Roll call - a short item from the Horne and Country was answered by 11 members. Kay Smale enter- tained with some funny anecdotes. Roberta -Templeman presided for the business. A bulletin from the F.W.I.0. outlining some changes and updating everyone on recent FW.1.O. activities was read by the Secretary Vale Mahon, Kay Smalc gave the treasurers repot and a re= port of the District executive meet- ing held recently at Kirkton. Dates and events to remember arc, London Arca Curator Work- shop - August 9 . at Dashwood . Community Centre-, bring your lunch, Mitchell Fall Fair W.I. dis- plays - Theme "A Country Store" - to be st up August 31 or Septem- ber 1, International Plowing Match - September 20-25, London Arca Convention - St. Thomas - Octo- ber 13 and 14, Perth County Ral- - • ly, Atwood -.October 20 and Staffa W.I. hosting the Perth South Dis- trict executive banquet - November 1_- Staffa Hall. A donation was made to the Perth County : Plowing Match -Committee and permission given to the Fair display•committec to replace the Staffa Institute display sign._ The meeting closed with 0 Can- ada followed by lunch prepared by Marjorie Drake and Marion McCaughey. Doris Miller had her grandsons Ricky and Adam holidaying with her for a few days. Lucan Revival Centre LUCAN - Sunday morning Tim - Kritzer led the worship in song. Mr. Pieter Schinklcshoek read Mat- thew 28:19-20, whcrc Jesus said to "GO, and teach all nations." As this, is a command, we arc supposed to know about salvation. Christians are to emphasize Jesus, His salvation, and His return. Christians are not speculators in re- ligion. Christians -can tell -others that Jesus can set their minds free from twisted beliefs. Communion was scrvcd after the scrvicc. • • - - - Pieter Schinklcsho k led ;the sing- ing Sunday • night. Ile introduced On location or Studio Bart DeV ries° PHOTOGRAPHY ( (PAMIR( 1AI WEDDINGS PORIRAIIS CROUPS PURER ITY. • I*•Ir•phl►nc l t i-1198 I I' Thames Rd fact help, On! August 10, 1988 Page 11 qua AUTO REPAIR SAFE T BRAKE • AND MUFFLER Lifetime Muffler Installed .$39.95 (most cars) 235-2277 SNORT TERM - 85.0/. 1100 000 or more Term 1059 days ON YOUR MONEY - FLYING ACE - Jack Cann, formerly from Thames Road now living in London, brought a quarter -scale Tiger Moth flying model to =a family get-together Wednesday. Cann shows -an interested group of boys the interior of the cockpit. Jason Riddell, Stephen Smith, Jacob Weber, Dan Roestel'and Shannon Snow are pictured examining the model. - �a t Miss Lauren•Harrison to give her testimony. Miss Harrison read por- tions of Psalm 139. She said she gave her testimony to show God's great love in her lift. God's healing powcr was offered to her, but she refused it for many years. She was spiritually and emotionally ill. God healed her emotions, spirit, and mind by showing her every time she cried God was there. Mr. Douglas and Martha Butler sang Fear Not, My Child. Coming events • August 14 in 6:.30 p:m. cvcning scrvicc and for six weeks will be a series on the topic of salvation. September 11 - Sunday School will start at 10:00 a.m. Hello from. Lucan Villa LUCAN - Well! here we arc -• again rcporting from the Lucan-Vil- la. Welcome! to our newest resident Helen Ewen. We all hope you en- joy your stay with us. During the hot spell of late, we have been taking it easy, enjoying the lazy days of summer. Please re- member to drink lots of fluids, and rest in shady areas. The last fcw days our flower beds and garden have come alive due to the much needed rains and Tooter weather. 1lave a safe and happy summer. Meet your changing financial obi gations with a Financial Security 'Planning Program from The Co operators Call today for comple a information. . Iwo i Bob Lammie ,O the "0 co -open for Insurance Services EXETER: 472 Main Street, 235-1109 1111 1111041 111 11) lr04141 it, I'1 I\RM *R•N 11 Saintsbury by Mrs. Heber Davis SAINTSBURY - Rcv. Beverly Wheeler conducted morning prayer scrvicc at St. Patrick's church Sun- day. She welcomed cvcryonc back after a month's holiday. She took her text from the Gospel for the day. • Service next Sunday is planned for 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis were guests at the Morley and Clubb wedding at Holy Trinity church on Saturday. Michael was bast man. Nancy and Darren Simpson baby- sat for Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGil- livray on Saturday cvcning. Sun- day the MacGillivray family visited their grandmother Mary Davis. Mrs. William Gamble, Mount Forest spent several days with her sister-in-law Vole Jordan recently and they attended a family reunion at Shipka, Sunday. All nles,wgeCI to 15 000.125 000 125 000.850.00 cMnge wAnou' Term 30 59 dM Term 30 59 041 "or•ce STANDARD �►' TRUST 386 MAIN ST. S. EXETER 235-1060 The & CountryTown Augusto -,7 Store 5 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS SPECIAL SELECTED DAIRY SANITATION - SUPPLIES UP TO 25% OFF Miiktfig-equipment-Gleaners,-Sanit- Izers and more. Select your dairy sanitation supplies during our August Farm Sale. If you're not yet on a complete dairy sanitation program now's a _great time to_ talk to our qualified staff and get all the facts. Let us show you: how milking the Co-op way can be profitable for you You'll he glad you did when you see the results for yourself' SONIC 15 AMP BATTERY CHARGER Heavy duty 'charger with auto, matic 100 amp boost setting. Variable charge switching. Heavy, duty copper cables and clips. 572-176 11 7 88 PISTOL -TYPE GREASE GUN •r..ly load.9g 18 fie., • 511-019 2688 TRANS - HYDRAULIC FLUID Oeslgned'for use In tractor Era, sm,s dons. ddff., • ,I . and hydrau,,c, sys- tems Formulated for all seasrin•uS 569-602 $3320 L Farmco Grain Scoop with cycolac poly blade and Y.D. handle • Illustrations 001.4+,., GREASE GUN over dandle 3 -wily . I. 1,1.4 14 •.p rah -. „1 1188 CO-OP MPG GREASE besl !]tease toe rarrn and arr!r,m„tim 50:t 840 1” 400 g not exactly as shown. All items are not available at all locations. CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Exeter Co -Op 235-2081 Exeter • Ailsa Craig • Hensall Co -Op-, V� 262-3002 Hensall • Zurich • Seaforth