HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-08-10, Page 10Aug. 10-20 Aug. 10-20 MIDSUMMER Clearance All Summer Acrylics 35' off 1113141I L d .iiftslit>'1>' 262-2029 •t Page 10 Times -Advocate, August 10, 1988 •. u HAUNTED HOUSE - The Hensall, Playground program turned a washroom in the Community Centre into a .haunted house to offer the children some good natured terror. Dungeon master Sue Flynn leads a group of vic- tims through the gory sights in near darkness. If this group of youngsters, including Cara Gardner, Lisa Camp bell, Kay Rathwell "and Alicia Lawrence, look uncomfortable it is because they are walking on jello: OMAF say prepare now Insects threat to_ grain storage 'CLINTQN - Farmers spend a lot Once the old grain has beenre- structures. Insects do not develop in grain with temperatures below 18 degrees C. The best grain tempera- ture-for long term storage is 5 de grecs C to 10 degrees C: Aeration of grain in the fall will. help to re -- duce insect infestations. Grain stored in livestock build- ings is especially prone to insect - infestations because of the warmer • and higher moisture conditions. Also managers, feed boxes and troughs arc sources of insects. If you decide to fumigate a grain bin in the barn, all livestock should be removed, especially those directly undcr the bin. Some people experi- ence allergic reactions to dust and molds around grain bins. dust masks or respirators will help pre- vent this. = - Brian Hall, Farm Management Specialist Huron County. of tune and money to grow a crop. moved and bin surfaces cleaned of Storage housekeeping and spraying dust, bins stiould be sprayed with are low cost. - big pay off chores. a residual insect spray. Malathion Last year, there was -quite a build can be used at the recommended rate up of insects in grain storage struc-- on the label to provide control. tures around the countryside. Treat bins two weeks before slot.- - .A little time spent now in prepar- age. Some producers prefer to add a ing storage bins will keep grain in- grain protectant at the time of fill - sects in check. ing. This should be used in con - Spilled grain, oldgrain and caked junction with a thorough cleaning material arc major sourcesof insect of the storage bin If possible .rc- problems. All of our grain handling move any of last year's grain before equipment and bins should be thor- refilling: Practice safety when enter- oughly cleaned before storing this ing bins containing grain, as they year's crop. Perforated floors -are es- can_ entrap an individual in flowing pccially difficult to clean in bins grain: There is a simple way to since they cannot be lifted. Fumi- • avoid this - Never enter a grain bin gants can be used but are not con .while the unloading auger or suc- venient-to handle and the operator tion tube is running: must follow the safety directions on - Temperature is important in the the label. build up of insects in grain storage olden timps es ZURICH - It's a real reprieve for gicr who arranged it. The day was residents and staff to get relief from quite warm and residents were reluc- the intense heat wave which gives . [ant to leave the shade of the large them -a chance -to rest -and -sleep bet----trees-to return to the4orne ter and for the Residents to regain We welcome Mr. Lorne McBride, a former resident of the Sprucc Vil- la apartments, Zurich.. •• Manyof -our Residents were out with families for short visits during the week and we welcome the many visitors coming to the area who drop in to visit with relatives and friends here. The Sunday evening chapel ser- vice was conducted by Rev. Clay- ton Kuepfer of the Zurich Mennon- ite Church. lronwo� men EXETER A Tc S bl sponsorc Electric and. Hopper Hockey saw seventeen teams fight the heat.of summer. The low team on a count back at six undcr 29. consisted of Don Gif- ford, Wayne Pearce,: Bill Farquar and Ron Dawe. • • - - They.ticd with the team of Dave Holtzman, Jim Russell, Bob Fletcher and Tim Collier. August 16th is sponsored by the Banking Community of Exeter Stroke event. their appetites. The Ladies' Auxiliary held their regular meeting on'Tucsday evening which commenced with a program for the residents and was followed by their business meeting and plans for the Zurich Bean Festival, On Wednesday morning, several of our residents went by bus and car to the park in Bayficld for a picnic lunch'at noon. Thanks to Catherine Shantz and the volunteer Patti Re - Flower show cancelled By Susan Hartman • HENSALL - The Hensall and District Horticultural Society has cancelled their Annual Flower Show which was to.have been held August 31 due to a hot dry sum- incr. The poor quality of flowers this summer would make fora very poor show and exhibits would.be limited. This is your last chance to sign up for our Mystery Tour which will be leaving at 8 a.m. sharp on Au- gust 24: There arc only a few seats left. Please call Marg Cole 262- 2140 or Bill Gibson 262-2102 be= fore August 15. Horticultural members. are re- minded that they arc invited to the Seaforth Society's dessert meeting at Seaforth Public School on Wed- nesday September 14 at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be from the Royal Botanical Gardens and the topic will be "What's wrong with my houseplants?" Those interested in going please call Mary Kin -- man at 262-2396 before September 6. - Members of the Hdnsall Horti- cultural orti cultural Society should be com- mended for keeping -the flower beds looking so great under adverse con- ditions this summer. As always they arc a pleasure to behold. - United Church Guest speaker at Hensall United Church on Sunday was Mr. Bob • Elliot. Mr. Elliot spoke to th.. dren about how God wants ,,s to use all of our 'ents the best that we can. Elliot's s....ion was' on ."Declining standardN". - Grceting worshippers at the door was Mrs. Hilda Payne, a member of thc Official Board. Ushers were Peter Pryde and Hans Gerstenkorn. Shuffleboard Shuffleboard scores'for August 2. Highest score of the day was Dave Woodward's impressive 566 for six games followed by George Dowson 498, Eileen Dowson 487, Top scorers for 5 games were John Pct per 346, Ethel McMur- tric 341 and Pearl McKnight 339. Village sells aging pumper HENSALL - The village fire de- partment will be selling its old 1952 pumper to Hensall-Motors as a result of a tendered sale. Three tenders wcrc received for the truck and the dealership offered the highest amount. Unfortunate- ly, the S2,110 Hensall will get for the old truck will not go far to off- set the S144,000 cost of its re- placement: "I was hoping it was going to be more," said councillor Irene Davis. - Councillor Peter Groot thought the bids were as much as could be expected.. "It's nice to sec it stay locally," added Councillor Cecil Pepper. A brief public meeting held be- fore council raised only one con- cern with the re -designation of the property to _be used by the Pine - ridge Barbecue Company for stor- age and cleaning of their equip- ment. The land had been slated for residential development under. an Official Plan Amendment, but after the project fell through it was hoped it could be returned to light industrial use. Paul•Ducharme, who owns ad- joining property, was concerned that the property might be .used for other industrial purposes.' • "Catering's nota concern 10 me," said Duchannc. "You will be notified of coun- cil's. decision," said Dr. Gary Dav- idson from the county planning de- partment, who are handling the new Official Plan Amendment. Ile said there is a possibility the prop- erty could bc.limitcd to operations similar to Pineridgc's intentions. Church fundraiser draws300 By Carmel Sweeney Sincere sympathy is"extended_to Thomson was baptized on July 31. ZURICH - A successful fundrais- the family of the late Frank Kane Congratulations to Mrs. Marga ing dinner and dance for 300 people who passed away Wednesday, Au: ret McBride who celebrated her was held at the Rec Centre in Exet- gust 3rd. 90th birthday on.August 10. A cr last Friday evening. Two babies were baptized at St. family birthday supper and party Dinner was prepared by the Boniface Church recently by Father - was held in her honor last Sunday - Dashwood ladies group. Guest Hayes. Jacquellynn Marie Rader, at Hcssenland Restaurant with 35 speaker was Fr. Jim Williams and daughter of Brian and Rosemary relatives in attendance. master of .ceremonies was Don Rader was baptized on Sunday, Congratulations to Phil Masse Beauchamp, July 24. Her godparents were and Connie Kaak who were married Building Committee Chairman Joann and Dwayne Piper of Huron at Mt. Carmel Church on July 30. Leo Meidinger gave an update on Park. Dinner and reception -were held at the building fund. Little Amanda Elizabeth Thom- the Lucan Community Centre. Phil The rest of the evening was son, daughter of Bruce and Betty is the son of Clare Masse of Zurich. spend dancing to the music of Mo- zart's Melody Makers who.per- formed free of charge to help raise money for the building of the new jjee1j5,(Jtj,J ews- St. Boniface Church. A cheque for $923 was also pre- sented to Father Peter Hayes by- 'NSALi hac --L-Madeline•-Gelinas-on behalf of the R been another .-of Seaforth, Mrs. Olixe_Heal-of C.W.L. from their garage and bake busy week at Queensway. The week -Hensall and Mn. James O'Sullivan sale. started out on Monday morning from Scaforth. Our most recent Hcadtable guests included former with an enjoyable workout at Fun newcomer is Mrs. Isobel -Troyer of Texas . cram pastor Father Paul Mooneyan and Fitness. The feature of the after- Hensall. d by A&H Foods, Russell P !Away Cartrifl. - • noon was LadtcrHour. Over a cup On Thursday afternoon beautiful Giant Bingo - of tea the ladies listened to some sounds of music could be heard Don and Elaine Beauchamp were stories, had manicures and a little coming from the Activity room as also busy onSaturdaynight for the -extra pampering. • residents sang some of their favour - big "Giant Bingo" at the Zurich Tuesday afternoon Reverend Bend- ite selections. In the evening we arena. It attracted a large crowd, -er from the Lakeview Conservative had our movie feature of the week .Youth for Christ bring home trophy By Pat Westlake BRUCEFIELD - The South Hu- ron Youth For Christ Quiz Team competed in the quizzing finals at . Circle "C" Ranch on Friends and Family Day held July 23rd and won the trophy for the second year in a row. The team came first in quizz.- YFC - South Huron Youth for Christ show off the trophy brought home from Circle C Ranch. From left are Chris Westlake, coaches Ron and Pat West- lake, captain Jeff Westlake, Phillip Gower, .Kathleen Little, and Trisha Plante. Balance of Stock Discounted Mensal! 1 ing at Snow Camp in February and returned to Dcicvan, Ncw York to defend thc trophy which they won last year and brought back to Cana- da for the first time. The team of five won in the semi-finals and went on to the finals as approxi- mately 1500 people watched and cheered them to victory. They"com- 'peted against teams from Ncw York and Ohio.. Team members wcrc Philip Gow- cr, Godcrich; Kathleen Little, Exet- er; Trisha Plante, Blyth; Chris Westlake, Bayfield and Jeff West- lake, Bayfield, team captain: Coach- es Pat and Ron Westlake, Bayfield, travelled with the team by van and were accompanied by Helen and Keith Gingench, Zurich. Team members belong to teams from, area towns and have participat- ed in the quizzing program at the Youth For Christ rallies held on the first Saturday of the month at the Bruccficld Public School The first rally of the fall will be on October 1 at 8:00 p.m. with quizzing begin- ning in November. • Kippen by Margaret Hoggarth KIPPEN - Friends and relatives dropped in on Mauie McGregor at Maitland Valley trailer park in Godcrich, on Monday August I to help celebrate her birthday. Wedding Congratulations to Dale Harvey Thomson on his marriage to Dean- na may Brindley on August 6. The wedding took place at Knox .Pres- byterian Church in Goderich. Dale is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomson of Kippen. Kippen United Church On Sundays August 14, 21 and 2$ the Kippen congregation will be joining in with Brucefield con- gregation for services in Bruceficld Church at 10 a.m. Then services will revert back to normal on Sunday September 4, when Kippen Church service will be held at 11 a.m. until further no- tice. from . far.. and near. There was $10,000 won in cash prizes throughout the evening, but no big winners wcrc from town. Personals A speedy recovery is hoped for Henry Becker who is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Brian Des- jardinc is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital in London for an opera- tion. peration. He is the son of Lee and San- dra Desjardine. Church led our worship service. a musical, "The Glenn Miller Sto . On Wednesday morning the Ac- ry". Residents enjoyed the life story tivity room as the scene of lots of and the music of one of their fa - action as Fun and Fitness took vourite musicians. place. We have thought many times We are presently looking into howfortunate we are to have air hosting a Foot Care Clinic for seri,conditioning as it doesn't seem to iors with services" provided by the affect our activity involvement too Huron County Health Unit. If you much. Wednesday afternoon rcsi- or anyone you know may be inter - dents gave a "Welcoming Tea" to csted in receiving such a service officially welcome several new resi- here at Queensway, please contact dents, Mr. Gerald Hcffron formerly us at 262-2830. from Blyth, Mrs. Winnifred Irving A NEW SERVICE IN EXETER INSTANT FAX! The Times Advocate asked "Why Not?" and here it is - a new Fax machine has been installed in our office enabling you to contact any other Fax machine in the world... instantly. The Times Ad- vocate will offer the service of the Fax for a cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first one plus $1.00 per additional sheet. In addition our number is yours so if you want to be reached instant- ly - we will receive your messages for $1.00'per sheet: (Confidential services available). THE ONLY FAX TO REMEMBER IS 519-235-0766 Plus we can suggest a few benefits... 1. INSTANT FAX... Your financials have been dratted final statement is printed. 3. INSTANT FAX.... send a copy before the The deal's closing and you need a signature... send the pa- perwork by FAX and relax. 5. INSTANT FAX.... The list is 300 Items long (ie, auctioneer) and the long dis- tance charge will be horrendous...FAX it and relax 7. INSTANT FAX.... Your daughter needs a favourite recipe (or any information) for an important engagement... FAX it to any Purolator of- fice where they will contact her for a charge of 51.00 - in stantty..,w 41 .......... Tmes - Advocate 2. INSTANT FAX.... It's mom and dads first grandchild - send a copy of baby's first picture. 4. INSTANT FAX.... There's been a death in the !amity, send the complete de- tails for the obituary by FAX 6. INSTANT FAX.... Fall's stock order is complete and they'd better not ship the wrong goods.... try FAXING and relaxing so everything will be correct. 8. INSTANT FAX.... Your prize winning hogs have interested buyers in Brazil... relax and FAX the registration to verity blood tines. Call us at 235-1331 for details THE ONLY FAX TO REMEMBER IS 519-235-0766