HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-08-10, Page 7GEBEL-SWARTZ
Patricia Ann Swartz and Peter Geb-
el were united in marriage on April 9,
1988., The wedding was officiated
by Rev. Shaule at the Lucan United
Church. The bride is the daughter
of Ron and Helen Swartz, R.R. 2,
Lucan and Peter is the son of Kurt
and Rita Gebel, R.R. 2 Lucan. At-
tendants were Nancy Davis, sister
of the bride, Susan Gebel, sister of
the groom and Tamara Gebel,
daughter of the groom. Flowergirls
were Sarah Davis and Amanda
Thomson, both neices of the bride.
Best man was Tom Horner, friend of
the bride and groom, Jim Davis,
brother-in-law of the bride, Erwin
Gebel, brother of the groom were
ushers and ringbearer was Billy
Thomson, nephew of the bride. Or-
ganist was Helen Stanlake, Lucan,
Reception Was held at the Lucan
Leprechaun Room. After a week
trip to Florida the couple are resid-
ing in Lucan.
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Times -Advocate, August 10, 1988 Page 7
Workshop planned for. five Blyth Festival plays
BLYTH - Five new plays will re-
ceive a workshop at the Blyth Fes-
tival in August. Two of the sea-
son's selections, The Cookie War
by Kathleen McDonnell and The
Mail -Order Bride by Robert Clinton
-6nderwent the workshop experience
uring last year's winter writer's
workshops. Because the Blyth Fes-
tival has always maintained a
strong rapport with the community,
it is fitting that many of the sum-
mer and winter workshop sessions
conclude with a public reading of
the plays. The five new scripts
workshopped at the Blyth Festival
in August involve many of the
company members as actors, direc-
tors and stage managers.
"For 14 years now, the Blyth
Festival has focused its efforts on
encouraging, fostering and develop-
ing new Canadian plays", says
Katherine Kaszas, Artistic Director
of the Blyth Festival. "The work-
shops offer playwrights an opportu-
nity to try out their work with pro-
fessional actors and directors in
order to create the best 'writing pos-
sible. The goal is to improve the
play - perhaps alter the structure or
length of a scene, or define the
themes in the play, or develop more
spirited characters. Whatever the
need, the workshop tries to provide
a solution."
"For me, being a participant in a
workshop is like bcing an archi-
tect's assistant", says Ron Gabriel,
Associate Artistic Director and star
of Lucien this season: "The archi-
tect (playwright) arrives having de-
signed this wonderful mansion, and
over the next few days, if you're
lucky, you feel as if you've helped
to paint a few walls, hang up some
curtains, re -model the kitchen,
Pick Your Own
Farm Fresh Vegetables
Drive a pleasant country mile
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maybe even build a porch on the
back - so by the time the workshop
ends, you've helped to make the
house much more habitable and at-
tractive and people can't wait to buy
Workshops in August include Di-
nosaurs by Bryan. Wade, the Play-
wright -In -Residence this season at
the Blyth Festival. With direction
by Ron Gabriel and 'actors Carol
Sinclair, Nancy Roberts, Andrew
Wheeler and Peter Smith, a final
public reading of the play will take
place in the Blue Room on Thurs-
day, August 18, 5:15 - 8 p.m.
Other plays being workshopped
include Thomi Root's new scrim,
Plan gourmet dinner
BLYTH - The Blyth Festival's
annual Gourmet Dinner will be held
on Saturday, August 13th at 6 p.m.
at the Blyth Community Centre.
The food for this delicious capital
fund-raising event is prepared and
served by members of the theatre's
Board of Directors.
' "After fourteen seasons, the thea-
tre has had to face the problems re-
sulting directly from its success"
say Joel Harris, General Manager of
the Blyth Festival. "Many of our
fundraising activities this season
such as the Gourmet Dinner are de-
signed to help raise the $1.8 mil-
lion needed for our capital expan-
sion project. If we want this
theatre to continue, with its excel-
lent standard of production, its re-
markable record of discovering and
presenting new Canadian plays
which can later flourish across the
country, its commitment to work-
shops and the children's and young
people's programmes, we have to
renovate and increase the available
Included on the menu for the din-
ner are the following gourmet de-
lights: fresh tomato filled with
hot antipasto; delectable starters
such as chicken liver pate, cucum-
ber and cream cheese mousse; roast
hip of beef, and cold stuffed white-
fish with special sauces; and many,
many more mouth-watering treats.
The famous fresh baked fruit pies
and rolls are provided by the
Friends of Blyth. Organizers of
this year's event is Festival Secre-
tary Gayle Gundy, ably assisted by
Carol Irwin and other members of -
the Board and Friends of Blyth.
Tickets for this special event arc
$19 per person and are available
from the Blyth Festival Box Office
at 523-9300/9225.
Exeter P'iCCa
EXETER - Hello from the resi-
dents of the Exeter Villa. It is.a
welcome relief to have a break from
the heat and humidity of last week:
Birthday greetings go to Carmen
Roeszlcr, Audrey Boland, Ethel
Johnston and Roy Ballantync. They
are celebrating during the first two
weeks of August.
Several groups have been in to
entertain and visit. We thank each
one for all their hard work. Elim-
ville U.C.W. provided an excellent
evening of music with several dif-
ferent entertainers. Following the
show, the ladies served some deli-
cious homemade cakes and ice
The senior citizens visited with
their .monthly Bingo. We enjoy
seeing everyone and appreciate all .
their help with Bingo. Max Du-
charme and Ed Lesperance provided
an evening of fiddle music. Thanks
to the fellows for their entertain-
Several residents enjoyed an out -
about Free Trade
Of particular interest to people who live in Ontario
Canada's- Parliament and the United
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Hon. John C. Croshie, Minister For International Trade
L'honorable John C. Croshie, ministre du Commerce ext rieur
1461 1 'r'rnat Affairs Arr,t,res exteneures
l• ada Canada
Calla( ri
ing to the Derby Dip. Thanks to
Agnes Aunger for her help in get-
ting us there.
Get well wishes go to Carmen
Roeszler, Lena Kirkland, and Ida
Watts., Get well soon and hurry
Thought for the week: Sharp
words will upset the stomach, espe-
cially if you have to cat them.
Caged Birds which is being directed
by Peter Smith. Seven Crosses for
Uncle Bill, directed by Jackie Max-
well is written by Layne Coleman
who also wrote Blue City for the
Blyth Festival several years ago.
The workshop takes place the week
of August 22 - 27 and the public
reading date and time is to be an-
Perils of Persephone is the new-
est play by Dan Needles who creat-
ed the popular co ncdies Wingtiield's
Progress and Letter from Wingfield
Farm. Katherine Kaszas, Rod Beat-
tie and Doug Beattie will oversee
the workshop scheduled for the
week of August 29 to September 3.
Norm Foster's latest play, Jack And
Ruth At The Theatre pokes fun at
the people behind the scenes in the
theatre and will be workshopped
during the last weck of August.
"The number of our shows (work-
shops and premieres) produced else-
where in Canada illustrates perfectly
how effective this type of play de-
velopment programme is", says
Katherine Kaszas. For more infor-
mation about activities at the Blyth
Festival, call the Box Office at
(519) 523-9300 or 523-9225.
R.R. 2 Lucknow
We invite you to come in and see our ex-
tensive line of casual furniture products.
Superior Quality Unsurpassed.
HOURS Mon - Sat 8 • 5.
Closed Sunday
with lots of
TO MARRY - Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Johns are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter Mary Jane to Edward Gar-
net Totten, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Thomson. The wedding will
take place on August 20, 1988 at
Thamesview United Church, Fullar-
Cheryl Anne Webber and David Ed-
mund Brissette were united in marri-
age June 4, 1988 at Exeter United
Church with Rev. Richard Hawley
officiating. Cheryl is the only
daughter of Eugene and Linda Web-
ber of Hay and David is the only sor
of .Ed and Ardith Brissette of Code.
rich. Matron of honor was Sharon
Thiel, Zurich, friend of the bride.
Bridesmaids were Lisa Straatman
of Watford and Glenyce Stratton of
Londesboro, both friends of the
bride. Flowergirl was Angela An
draws, Clinton, niece of the groom.
Best man was Neil Cartwright, Lon-
desboro, friend of the groom. Ush.
ers were • Len Kohnert, Goderic't,
- friend of the groom, and Chris Web-
ber, Hay, brother of the bride. Ring -
bearer was Ben Glavin, Hay, cousin
of the bride. Soloist was Joanne
Muck, aunt of the•groom.Following
a reception at Hensell Community
Centre, the couple left for a trip to
Orlando, Florida. The newlyweds
are residing at 212 Elizabeth
Street, Goderich. The bridal part)
would like to thank Anna for all her
help and everyone who helped
make their day so special.
(Brad Baynham Photo)
Flamingo Festiva
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