HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-08-03, Page 8f Page 8 Times -Advocate, August 3, 1988 Many activities entertain Friedsburg Days visitors By BERNICE BOYLE • DASHWOOD - Frit;'dsburg Days started Friday evening with the Kids balloon lift off at the Community Centre. Karate enthusiasts enjoyed Dan Bell's demonstration and actors and actresses from Huron Country Play- house presented -"Everything Old". The Saturday program started with a huge parade. The parade mar- , shal was Ruth Ann Mcrncr. Murray Cardiff and Jack Riddell and other arca -officials headed the parade. There wcrc three bands: Dashwood- Scaforth band; Ipperwash Cadet Band and Forest City Pipers,. Lon- don. The floats wcrc judged as they en- - tercd the ball park. This years theme - Summer 1s:..! The category "Community Craftsmanship first prize was given to Eric and Kathe Fritter. The Rhine Danube Dancers graced this float. Second prize - Summer picnic on a German farm owned by Raimond I isert, RR 2 • Crediton.• The first theme prize was won by Bill Schade and family and friends. Second went to Beckers Farm Equipment. Merner's Meats had a huge slice BEST FRIEDSBURG FLOAT - The winner of the theme category in Saturdays Friedsburg Days parade in Dashwood was a float entered by Bill Schade and family and friends. It depicted Summer is as Bees, Bugs; Beach Bo s, Barbecues and other things. 1 of watermelon and the seeds were holes where the staff had their heads poking out to win the novelty cate- gory. Miss Friedsburg Contest was or- ganized by Kathy Hayter. Thursday evening Kathy and the three judges took. the eight contestants to dinner at the Hdrseshoe Diner. The final crowning was held Saturday. The judges Kathy and Ron Mason and Connie Deslardinc had a difficult task choosing from eight eligible girls. They were all winners in the eyes of their beholders. The Queen is Jcni Hayter who represented Hayter Tu. -key Farm and Runner ups were Leanne Dietrich, Miss McCann Redi Mix and Run- ner up -Tammy Rau - Miss Merncr Meats. Congratulations to all the girls. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fricter are to be commended for being instrumen- tal in obtaining the services of the. "Rhine Danube Dancers" from the German Club in Leamington. They performed their dancing techniques to a large crowd in the pavilion. Eric designed and made a Frieds- burg plaque with the Dashwood Crest in the centre. He presented it to .the dancers and it will be placed in the Gcrman Club in Leaming- ton. Calvary United Church held their service in conjunction with Frieds- burg Sunday with over 140 arca worshippers. - Special music by Stanley Haist, Jack Gaiscr, Fraser Lobben, Melvin Stade and Harry Hoffman on their trumpets, trombones and cornets ac- companied on the organ by Mrs. Audrey Habcrer set the mood for the service. The Zurich Ecumenical Choir un- der the director, Christine Eagleson and pianist, Audrey Haberer sang "Everywhere I Go" and "With God as Our Father" and the last anthem "Go Yc into all the World" was ap- propriate for the sermon - Rev. Robert Sinasac gave "Saviour and Lord". 1 Personals Michael and Beattie Rau and fam- ily spent two exciting weeks at a Bayfield cottage. Ken Genuner held a "Jack Benny" birthday party for the third time for his wife Linda, Saturday evening. A good time was had by all. Friedsburg has been fortunate with having wonderful weather, this year there was a plus - a full moon - that's when strange things usually - happens - people can be thankful for area pools to get cooled off. Mrs. Frieda Wilson, New West- minster, B.C. is visiting for 10 days with her sister and brother-in- law Gertie and Melvin Stade and Sherrie. Jim and Eleanor Weigand and Chris were invited to the Kilbyrnc Farm Equi -Fest 88 where they dog namcd "Missy". She won the showed their "Jack Russell" Terrier reserve championship. A KARATE KICK - During Fridays Tyndall School of Karate demonstra- tion at Friedsburg Days in Dashwood, Jodee. Grasdahl demonstrates a kick as audience volunteer Blake Schade holds the padded block. IS IT TIME YET? - These three young ladies Lindsay, Laura and Andrea Doroshenko get some assistance from mom Deborah at the left and grandma Christine while they patiently await the countdown for Friday's balloon liftoff at,Friedsburq Days in Dashwood. BEST SMALL VEHICLE Winning first gory in Saturdays Dashwood Friedsburg ter Painting entry. prize in the small vehicle cate- ays parade was the John Flay - BIG LITTLE SHOW - Announcer Rick Davis advises Ashley Ziler of Huron Park on the fine art of being a bathing beauty during a show at Dashwood Friedsburg Days. BEST BIKE ENTRY -Andrew S • th won' the prize for the best bike in Saturday's Friedsburg Days parade in Dashwood. He was on his way to the beach. COMMUNITY SPIRIT - The Rhine Dancers from the Leamington German Club won the Community Spirit award in Saturdays Friedsburg Days parade in Dashwood. They are shown on the Edelweiss Acres float with Eric and Kaethe Freiter. A NOVEL SLICE - Merner's Meats' depiction of Summer Is a Slice won the novelty prize in Saturday's parade at Friedsburg Days in Dashwood. 1 SUMMER IS MANY THINGS - Summer. was depicted on th'e Jim Hoffman float in Saturday's Dashwood Friedsburg Days parade as many things including."Waitirig for September to send the kids back to school". From the left are Donna, Kelly, Jamie and Brent Hoffman and Jonathan Sinasac.