HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-27, Page 391 • Av e fn 'B' CHAMPS AT CENTRALIA Two weeks ago these Beauties and their Beasts An the 'B' title of the Ste phen minor hockey slo-pitch tournament. Back, left, Steve Finkbeiner,•John Westlake, Jim Thompson, Dan Le- wis, -Gerald Cook and Doug Case. Front, Aimee Glavin; Donna Westlake, Marg Thompson, Nathalie Glavin, Lor' Cronyn and Debbie Case. Missing were Julie Ritchie, Dave Cooper, Jim Glavin and Sherri Nickles. THIRD IN PARADE - Two year-old Bradley Tyler as a clown on a three- wheeler won third prize in the bike category in Saturday's Dashwood Friedsburg Days parade. Granton by Mrs. C. Sutnnt.'rs GRANTON - Rev. Beverley highlights and showed pictures of Anne Wheeler of St. Thomas An- the fine wcck trip she and_ her hus-. glican Church has been on vacation band Fraync took this sununer to for the month of July. Church scr- Alaska. Hainan Foster said Grace . vice will beheld at 11 a.nt. August and all enjoyed a delicious supper. 7. • Visitors during the holiday a•cek- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ilodgins, end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth . Lois Herbert and Rod Johnston of Hodgins wcrc Lois Herbert, Rob. London attended the Gunning icon- Johnston, London, John Herbert of ion held at MacNaughton Park, Ex- Waterloo, Glenn, Marion and Jason ctcr on Sunday. Hail of Glencoe. —An intcrestngc(i1ILLTrjjrcj,a ----5-helttgh !slacken/ie. of London Kenneth Hodgins and conducted by arid Keith Summers of Toronto Marina Jaques was cnjoycd by all. spent the holiday weekend with • Alice Parsons told interesting their mother Mrs. Eileen Summers. Coming Events THE WOOD SHOW August 12. 13. 14. A "Woodworkers Paradise". 140 quality exhibitors will have for sale wide variety of. woodworking tools and all manner of fihe wooden crafts. 15 live, free seminars. Wood art exhibition. Loggers' sports. For brochure contact: The Wood Show, Box 920. Durham, On- tario. NOG IRO (519) 369-6902. 31! INSTITUTE WORKSHOP - You are invited to London Area Women's Institute Curator's Workshop, hosted by Huron South District Women's Institute on Tuesday, August 9._ 1988 •at Dashwood Community Centre from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bring brown bag lunch. Beverage sup- plied. FOLLOW THE BALL(X)NS! 31' RLYTH FESTIVAL - The Cookie War: August 6 (matinee). 11. 12 (rush scats only for all these perfor- mances), The Mail Order Bride: Au- gust.4 (matinee), 13 (rush scats only for both performances). Fires in the Night: August 4,5,6,8,9,13 (mati- nee, rush scats only). Lucien: Au- gust 10, 11 (matinee). • • 31c BULLTICK REUNION - An invi- tation to Bullock Reunion on Sun- day, August 14, at Ailsa Craig Park, sports:at 2 p.m. Bring picnic sup- per. 31* PERRY ORIGINALS - Sidewalk sale - Only one a year. August 8 - 10, Monday - Wednesday. 50 off sportswear. lingerie and accessories.- . 31c THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNiT invites you to at- tend the Child Health Clinic bold at the Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital. Exeter on Monday, August 8. 1988 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: Health Surveillance, Anaemia Screening and Immunization. - Adult immunization will also tic offered at this clinic. 31c HALiBCRTON LEGION Blue Grass Festival. Aug. 5; 6. 7. 1988 Glebe Centennial Park, Halituirton, Ontario. S25 weekend pass before July 30. (705)457-2571 days (705)457-2346 nights. Rough camping• included in weekend pass only. 31* "THERE'S ONE iN EVERY CROWD". People six to 18 years who do outstanding good deeds are eligible for nomination as Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year.. Contact this newspaper for details. 31* Golden Horseshoe STEAM SHOW, Gas Era Village,. antique cats. saw- mill, fiddling, calliope, harsepulls, antique tractor pulls, 'threshing, crafts, Cockshutt display. Caledo- nia,110) 3.0 - 31, August 1. 31* Playground By Sherry Chuter EXETER - Again, the Exeter Playground had a busy. and fun filled week. Our week started off with entertainment by Bill Van Kearse. The children.enjoycd the one hour show which consisted of songs, stories, and sing-alongs. Air hands were also a highlight of the week as the children displayed their hidden talents. On Thursday afternoon we cooled off in the Exctcr pool which was a nice treat. 1Vc wrapped up our week with a }lallowe'en celebration. The children dressed up for the occasion and we watched Hallowe'en is Grinch Night as well as the Chip- munk Adventure. This week was our overnight camping trip to Windmill trailer park in Fullarton. We leave Wed- nesday -and retum on Thursday with approximately 35 children going. For !hc following week, high- lights include a penny carnival, sports day and a miniolympics to be held in Hcnsall with the Hensall playground. This will be a good op- portunity for the children to meet some new friends. Sportsfest '88 \\INGHAM - Sportsfest '88 is fast approaching. People wishing to participate in this fun -filled weekend event, August 19, 20, and 21, 1988, should.send in their reg- istrations as soon as possible. Jocllc -Rcavic, Sportfcst '88 Co- ordinator for the Wingham Recrea- tion Department said registrations for the weekend's activities are, coming in quickly. • "It appears that hundreds of individuals are looking forward to a wcckcnd of fun and fellowship". The -official ceremony, to help kick off this festive wcckcnd is scheduled to take place in Wing - ham -at Cruickshank Park, Satur- day, August 20 at 9 a.m. "This is one official ceremony that you won't want to miss" .5aid- Marg Beard, Sportsfest '88 publicity chairman. "The committee has de- signed it in such a way that. the ceremony directly reflects the in- tent of Sportsfest - to have fun and participate. Instead of cutting a ribbon, plat- form guests will help• to kick off this wcckcnd event by demonstrat- ing the first actions of familiar sporting activities.' However, the equipment used may be somewhat out of the ordinary. awma.asta • STARLITE Grand Bend 238-2464 Boy Offi,e Opens et 8:30 p.m. awe . Children Under 12 In Cr,aFree DAYS JULY 30, 31. AUGUST 1. 2, 3, 4. S GREAT O1TD„.,..,.„., r oRs Times -Advocate, August 3, 1988 Party for Zurich- Recreation Friday, August 5 GIANT BINGO 235-1304 Sat., Aug. 6, 1988 Zurich Community Centre over 1OOOO In cashprizes . Doors Open 4 p.m. Bingo Starts 6:15 p.m. Adv. tickets 127. per person (at door 130.) Price Includes: a double book, and all cards for complete program. No one under 16 yrs. of age eligible to play. Available 4-6 p.m. — Complete HOT B.B.Q. CHICKEN DINNER with variety salads, dessert & beverage M. per person Adv. tickets only For More Information call 236-4687 STARLITE Grand Bend 238-2464 Boy Offi,e Opens et 8:30 p.m. awe . Children Under 12 In Cr,aFree DAYS JULY 30, 31. AUGUST 1. 2, 3, 4. S GREAT O1TD„.,..,.„., r oRs Times -Advocate, August 3, 1988 Party for Ken Mathonia Fri., Aug. 5 For more information call 236-4290 or 236-4027 Page 11A a BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE 3 3 3. 3 e 3 M 3 M 3 OPENS 8:30 P.M. CLINTON FIRST SHOW AT DUSK 482:7030 FRIDAY & SATURDAY AUG. 3 i 0 NAVE YOU EVER HAD A REALLY SIG SECRET? � 0:r'#2Y;] Ie..rirh�+ - -- - — PLUS 2nd FEATURE — c Some guys get all the brakes. 111 DAN AYKROYD JOHN , (ANDY �' �T AI George Michael Aug. 27 Live Plus CNE Day Pass - Phone Ellison Travel & Tour (519) 235-2000 111®8 TN \6605 M111 NAM MI Ott: T14 6 NO HOMILY 114 6181 MATTI-IEW taR00ERUCK Augur 6. 7, 8. 9. 10 Nza minneN No Money S1111 Funny "THE BEST COMEDY OF 1987. You'll laugh out loud - 6U711)1105 t !..a-. r."1- v.' - I lYa 111 .4 1-414 - 111,111111911111111111119111111 IHtl tttlltll(lllllfl1111111 ENJOY AND HAVE FUN AT OPEN NEW BEER GARDEN Summernightfest Live Entertainment with Famous German Bands August 5 & 6 The Ioomrnerangs Dance and Buffet Dinner FRIDAY and_SATURDAY Call for information or Reservations Telephone 236-7707 Hwy. #21, 1/4 mile north of St. Joseph • Shipka • by Mrs. Hugh Morcnz • SIIIPKA =`Pat Schrocdcr, accom- panicd by her sister, Phyllis Case, pf Exctcr arca, spent several days on holiday recently, at their sister, Hazel Crockford's cottage at Six. Mile Lake in the Muskoka arca. They cnjoycd a leisurely time of swimming and taking life casy. The girls took a side trip to Midland one day. Mrs. Jessie Walz of Kitchener spent a couple days in this arca at her daughter and son-in-law's homc, Jim and Lcnorc Orr. Hugh and i, accompanied by our grandchildren, Persephone and Christian and their mother, Lynda. attended the Morcnz reunion picnic, Sunday, held at the park in Strat- foni. - On our way home we stopped to show the children the school at S.S. No. 10 Hay, that i attended as a child, 'also my old childhood home on the Blind Linc, where Ross and Donna Corbett now re- side. We, and son Bill and our B.C. visitors, cnjoycd the Fricdsburg pa- rade last Saturday, along with the entertainment and the barbecue sup- per held at Dashwood. Who is Audrey 11? •' FOS 1 PIZZA "PIZZA SO GOOD, YOU'LL WANT TWO” SAVE TWO MEDIUM PIZZAS FREE BUY ANY SIZE PIZZA AND GET AN IDENTICAL PIZZA FREE WITH THIS COUPON WITH "THE WORKS" 8 TOPPINGS FOR ON( v $13.70 104D,nys m,.'U•1.' Ft'pt•••rnn, MUShr04,my olives Grr.gn Ppppr7re - HOT Pepe^." lair$" ,P0", nv, cubtl,fulnsl . Srnan Ind taro(• Si7P, al'..,.4481,,,:.. .i V3hr1 with Coupon al Nei, Orleana Pi;,d VaI1d with CnuPon at New Orleans Pitta 277 Main St., Exatar 1 277 Main 'St., Easter N►rr, �[, P 144 '� 1111 AC �pli.Z}Z�iq; FREE. BUY ANY SiZE PIZZA AND GET AN IDENTICAL PIZZA FREE WiTH THIS COUPON Valid with Cour,( • 11 Now (Pica,' I' ,,• • 277 Main St., Exatsr I I,Z,Z ;q. cus►1Ae1v14. , PHONE AHEAD FOR QUICK SERVICE. EAT IN PICK UP DELIVERY 235-0188 4p.,JEZZA- SUBMARINES .� 277 Main St., Exeter 1 Party for Kevin Parsons Friday, August 5 For information 235-1304 Party for Ken Mathonia Fri., Aug. 5 For more information call 236-4290 or 236-4027 Page 11A a BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE 3 3 3. 3 e 3 M 3 M 3 OPENS 8:30 P.M. CLINTON FIRST SHOW AT DUSK 482:7030 FRIDAY & SATURDAY AUG. 3 i 0 NAVE YOU EVER HAD A REALLY SIG SECRET? � 0:r'#2Y;] Ie..rirh�+ - -- - — PLUS 2nd FEATURE — c Some guys get all the brakes. 111 DAN AYKROYD JOHN , (ANDY �' �T AI George Michael Aug. 27 Live Plus CNE Day Pass - Phone Ellison Travel & Tour (519) 235-2000 111®8 TN \6605 M111 NAM MI Ott: T14 6 NO HOMILY 114 6181 MATTI-IEW taR00ERUCK Augur 6. 7, 8. 9. 10 Nza minneN No Money S1111 Funny "THE BEST COMEDY OF 1987. You'll laugh out loud - 6U711)1105 t !..a-. r."1- v.' - I lYa 111 .4 1-414 - 111,111111911111111111119111111 IHtl tttlltll(lllllfl1111111 ENJOY AND HAVE FUN AT OPEN NEW BEER GARDEN Summernightfest Live Entertainment with Famous German Bands August 5 & 6 The Ioomrnerangs Dance and Buffet Dinner FRIDAY and_SATURDAY Call for information or Reservations Telephone 236-7707 Hwy. #21, 1/4 mile north of St. Joseph • Shipka • by Mrs. Hugh Morcnz • SIIIPKA =`Pat Schrocdcr, accom- panicd by her sister, Phyllis Case, pf Exctcr arca, spent several days on holiday recently, at their sister, Hazel Crockford's cottage at Six. Mile Lake in the Muskoka arca. They cnjoycd a leisurely time of swimming and taking life casy. The girls took a side trip to Midland one day. Mrs. Jessie Walz of Kitchener spent a couple days in this arca at her daughter and son-in-law's homc, Jim and Lcnorc Orr. Hugh and i, accompanied by our grandchildren, Persephone and Christian and their mother, Lynda. attended the Morcnz reunion picnic, Sunday, held at the park in Strat- foni. - On our way home we stopped to show the children the school at S.S. No. 10 Hay, that i attended as a child, 'also my old childhood home on the Blind Linc, where Ross and Donna Corbett now re- side. We, and son Bill and our B.C. visitors, cnjoycd the Fricdsburg pa- rade last Saturday, along with the entertainment and the barbecue sup- per held at Dashwood. Who is Audrey 11? •' FOS 1 PIZZA "PIZZA SO GOOD, YOU'LL WANT TWO” SAVE TWO MEDIUM PIZZAS FREE BUY ANY SIZE PIZZA AND GET AN IDENTICAL PIZZA FREE WITH THIS COUPON WITH "THE WORKS" 8 TOPPINGS FOR ON( v $13.70 104D,nys m,.'U•1.' Ft'pt•••rnn, MUShr04,my olives Grr.gn Ppppr7re - HOT Pepe^." lair$" ,P0", nv, cubtl,fulnsl . Srnan Ind taro(• Si7P, al'..,.4481,,,:.. .i V3hr1 with Coupon al Nei, Orleana Pi;,d VaI1d with CnuPon at New Orleans Pitta 277 Main St., Exatar 1 277 Main 'St., Easter N►rr, �[, P 144 '� 1111 AC �pli.Z}Z�iq; FREE. BUY ANY SiZE PIZZA AND GET AN IDENTICAL PIZZA FREE WiTH THIS COUPON Valid with Cour,( • 11 Now (Pica,' I' ,,• • 277 Main St., Exatsr I I,Z,Z ;q. cus►1Ae1v14. , PHONE AHEAD FOR QUICK SERVICE. EAT IN PICK UP DELIVERY 235-0188 4p.,JEZZA- SUBMARINES .� 277 Main St., Exeter 1