HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-27, Page 37Cromarty WMS By MRS. ROBERT LAING CROMARTY - The Marian Ritchie W.M.S. entertained guests from Exeter, Thames Road, Sea- ford', Mitchell and Staffa churches as well as many former members, at their July meeting when they celebrated the 85th anniversary of Cromarty Women's Missionary Society and the 75th of the- Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary. The guests were welcomed by Jean Carey who gave the call to worship and presided for the meet-- ing using the theme. A Celebra- tion of Joy. Alice Gardiner read Psalm 98 and in her meditation made reference to the founders of both groups in 1903 and 1913, and to the fact that they had joined in Nov., 1986, using the name Mari- an Ritchie W.M.S. Agnes Lamond -gave a prayer 'of thanksgiving for former workers and of hope for the future. Before the offering, Joyce Fell of Staffa entertained with a lovely solo, Sweet Afton and during the offering played Traurncrci on the violin. The offering was received by Doris Miller, Roberta Temple- man, Mary Elliott and I1azel 1lar- - burn. -The offertory Prayer was giv- en by Peggy Kerslake. Guest speaker. Rev. Michael Ca- vcncy of King City.was introduced by Rev. Lucie Milne. Mr. Caven- cy showed slides of Russia and spoke briefly of his experiences as one of a group of Canadians -invit- ed to tour the churches of Russia. Ile told of the long church ser- • vices thereat which the congrega- HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T. (HC) 88-16 For the supply of all labour, materials, plant- services,. equipment, transportation and incidentals for_construc tion of a reinforced concrete wheelchair ramp at 135 James Street, CLINTON, Ont. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. lo- cal time, Wednesday. Aug. 24 1988 by the Huron Coun- ty Housing Authority, 48 The Square, GODERICH, Onta- rio. N7A 1M5. - (519) 524- 2637 from whom details and specifications may be ob- tained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARI- LY ACCEPTED. tions stood because there were no pews in the Onlrodox churches. He also commented on the fact that he saw no elderly or disabled people. Unlike Barbara Woodruff, who had gone with an American group, he was allowed to roam about on his own with a few restrictions. The necessities of life are very cheap there, but the more luxuri- ous items are very expensive. Clothing, etc, costs about the same as in Canada. Roberta Tem- pleman thanked Mr. Caveney on behalf of those present. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction, pronounced by Lucie Milne. A social hour fol- lowed. Injured in fall from balcony EXETER - Dave Newton was badly shaken up in a fall from the balcony off the bed- room area of his home at 261. Churchill Drive on Friday. Finding himself locked out, he was auempting to enter his home in a rather unorthodox manner by climbing up to the upper level. A board broke, throwing him backward. For- tunately, he landed on grass' rather than cement. . Newton was examined at South Huron Hospital, and re- leased that evening. He is se- verely bruised, but sustained no permanent injuries. Newton's humour was un- harmed. When asked if next time he was locked out he would wait for a key, he laughed and said "I'd probably be stupid enough to climb up again, but I would make sure the board would hold? NOTICE The Fire Hydrants Along Highway 21 Are The Property Of The Township - of Hay. Anyone Using Same Will Be Char- ged With Trespas- sing. Joan M. Ducharme Clerk -Treasurer Exeter Lions Club Tender For New Youth Centre Sealed tenders will be received by the Exeter Lions Club until 4:00 p.m. August 25/88. For the construction of a new youth centre building (approx. 5100 sq. ft.) to be built on a lot at 125 John St. West in Exeter. Plans and specifications for this project may be picked up at the Town Clerks Office, 406 main St., Exeter A deposit of $100.00 will be necessary for each set required. Glenn E. Kells Bulldrng Chairman Exeter Lions Club TENDER NOTICE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND TENDER NO. 1 Removal and'reconstruction of approximately 667 feet of side- walk in the Village of Grand Bend. Contractors are invited to tender for the removal and reconstruc- lion of approximately 667 feet of sidewalk along what is known as Gill Road. Price is to be determined on approximately 497 feet of 4' x 4" sidewalk (to be 2" above current sidewalk height) and 170 feet of 5' x 8" sidewalk sloped at both ends to above mentioned heights. (to be 6" above current sidewalk). Minor sloping will be required for established driveways. Concrete to be same as or similar to 25 MPA MTC mix with broomed finish and to have expansion joints at regular intervals. Restorations needed as a result of equipment damage are at contractors ex- pense. Send Tenders to: Village of Grand Bend Box 340 GRAND BEND, ONTARIO ‘1M 1 TO Sealed tenc.,. . st De received by this office no later than 5:00 R.m. August 16, 1988 Please note: Please indicate in your quote, a start date as part of this sidewalk passes in front of our Village Public School and we will need to co-ordinate with the school board. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and due to the uniqueness of this job, preference will be given to contractor or representative having seen the job personally in case of similar bids. For further information or make an appointment to see the job, please contact: Bud Markham Public Works Superintendent Village of Grand Bend (519) 238-8461 'PICNIC FOR PM - A family picnic was held at the Goderich airport at noon Thursday to honour the visit of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Above, Keith Lovell of Exeter is served by Nancy Becker and Mary Lou Erb. Letters to the Editor Dear Ross: An interesting footnote to Mr. Mulroncy's visit to our area yester- day was what happened at the end of my lane last night. Some weeks ago I put up a sign which says on one side "CANADA - Don't trade it away" and on the other "Let Canadians Decide". It ex- presses my concerns about the Mul- roney Trade Deal and my belief that Canadians should have a chance to vote on the issue. The sign stood peacefully at the end of my lane until last night when some enterprising person, perhaps emboldened by Mr. Mulro- neys visit, got up the courage to pull it up, tear it to bits and smash the stake against our mail box. The symbolism of this act of anonymous violence was too great to let pass. Mr. Crosbie is forever talking about the "irrationality" of those who disagree with the Mul- roney Trade Deal. Unfortunately it appears that those who support it will resort to violent intimidation. They arc prepared to tear up and trample the request that ordinary Canadians have a vote on a deal that will profoundly affect our country. In the process they are prepared to damage Canadian institutions, in this case symbolized by my smashed mailbox. I am not amused or intimidated. Canada is a country worth fighting for. Politicians who lie about their true intentions before elections, like cowards who anonymously smash signs and mailboxes, can not be re- spected. Neither should they be feared. I hope what happened at the end of my lane is not an example of how supporters of the Mulroney Trade Deal intend to behave during the election. If they do stoop to in- timidation thcy will be surprised to find that ordinary Canadians arc looking for honesty and integrity, not violence. Yours sincerely, Tony McQuail Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2110 'l?car Readers, I would like to thank the Exeter• Fair Board and the Committee re- sponsible for The new addition of Class 1468 (arts) of the Fall Fair list. To those who felt intimidated and have been hesitant in the past, now is your opportunity to show your talent. I know it is out there! Ilarold Sissons Iluron Park *** Dear Sir: The Federal Government is going to give some S28,000,000 to B.C. grape growers, due to the FREE TRADE Deal; as an adjustment for the losses to be incurred by these B.C. grape growers. (In addition Ontario grape growers are asking for S200,000 in subsid- ies.) I would like to ask our M.P. Mr. Murray Cudiff, why a strong indus- try up -to -now has to be subsidized? Yours truly, Ozren Zivkovic Saintsbury by Mrs. Heber Davis By MRS. HEBER DAVIS SAINTSBURY - Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray and children vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dur- nin and family in Auburn Friday evening. The ladies attended the play in Blyth and the MacGilliv- rays retumed home Saturday. Mrs. Hugh Davis was hostess Tuesday for the Sunday School pu- pils and their mothers to a pool party. We were pleased to see Mrs. Eileen Carroll there. There were 34 present and all enjoyed a delicious lunch at noon. Melissa Hardy, Lu - can, accompanied Lisa Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Darren, London, were recent dinner -guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis. Darren remained for a fcw holidays. Mrs. Mabel Needham, Mrs. Voylc Jordan and Mary Davis called on Jim and Janctt Barker at Drift- wood Sunday afternoon, also Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Barker and children. Mrs. Hugh Davis and Mrs. Mary Davis called on Janctt Barker at Driftwood and on Mrs. Carrie McGavin, Seaforth recently and en- joyed dinner in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mrs. Jack Stone and Mrs. Elva Godbolt called on Mrs. Mary Davis recently. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Exeter Villa will be conducting a mock disaster, Thursday, August 4, 1988 PROPOSED SEWAGE SYSTEM EXPANSION .IN THE VILLAGE OF LUCAN PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD Notice is hereby given to the residents of the Village of Lucan and all those affected, that commencing 29 July 1988, copies of the ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT (ESR) detailing the proposed Sewage System Expansion for the Village of Lucan will be available for public review at the Village's Municipal Offic- es. The project is proceeding under the terms of the "Ministry of the Environment Class Environmental Assessment for Expansion and Upgrading of an Existing Sewage or Water System." Under the terms of the Class Environmental Assessment, the require- ments to prepare an Individual Environmental Assessment is waived. However, if there are significant negative environmental concerns which cannot be resolved, all parties are entitled to re- quest that the project be, eleveted or "Bumped up" to an INDI- VIDUAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT. As part of the public involvement process of tf is project, you are invited to review the ESR and are also encouraged to submit your comments. Copies of the ESR are available for public review at the Municipal Offices of the Village of Lucan, 161 Main Street, Lucan, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, commencing 29 July 1988 through to 7 September 1988. Comments are to be submitted in writing to the attention of the Village Clerk by drop-off at the Municipal Offices, or altematively by mail to: Mr. R.E. Soper Project Manager M.M. illon Limited P.O. Box.426, Station "B" 495 Richmond Street LONDON, Ontario N6A 4W7 Comments should be submitted by 7 September 1988. It is im- portant to note that ii no objections/concerns/criticisms are ex- pressed by this date, the project may proceed to construction as presented. 1 Times -Advocate, August 3, 1988 HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Huron County Housing Au- thority has openings for the position of Security Tenant in Zurich and Exeter. Criteria specifies that appli- cants be in good health. Rent will be paid by Huron County Housing Authority in lieu of wages. For further information regard- ing these positions, please call 524-2637 or 1-800-265-1720 or write to: ' Huron County Housing Authority 48 The Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M5 'EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY FOR EMPLOYMENT' Page 9A Yard Sale Saturday, August 6 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 239 Marlborough St. Exeter Admiral white 30" electric range, Admiral fridge, both in like new condition, medium sized freezer, assortedarden tools, including Green Ma- chine, sprayer, never used, ar- tificial Christmas tree, Christ- mas decorations, assorted dishes, books, pictures and frames, dehumidifier, like new, hand saws, levels, ladies 3 speed bike, plus many more items. Owner moving to an apartment. BOB HEYWOOD AUCTIONEER 235-0874 Property by Auction Friday Evenlnnq. August 5 at 7 p.m. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: We willbe dispersing by auction the prop- erty known as 64 Huron St. West Exeter, according to Plan 376, lot #22 consisting of 58.7' frontage, and 146.7' depth on which is located a 2 storey brick home. 3 bedrooms, Ig. eat in kitchen, Ig. living room, sitting room with deck. The kitchen cupboards are 2 yrs old with a built in dishwasher. Also included is a detached garage (approx. 2 yrs. old) with hydro. Owners are relocating in Glencoe, selling subject of a mod- erate reserve bid, 10% down sale day, balance in 30 days. REMINDER CLEARING AUCTION SALE 2 tractors, car, farm machinery, bean equipment to be held 1 1/4 miles north and 1 mile east of Hensall for Nick and Annie Blom. Saturday, August 6, 10:30 a.m. See last weeks paper for full listing FARM IS SOLD LUNCH BOOTH TERMS: CASH or cheque w/proper I.D. AUCTIONEER OWNER Richard Lobb Nick & Annie Blom 519-482-7898 '519-263-5580 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale ********************************** * AUCTION SALE * Of furniture, van, snowmobiles, tools, etc., for Mr. Barry * * Tomlinson, edge of Woodham on Hwy. 21 * Thursday .Evening, August 11 - 5:30 p.m. * *FURNITURE: Deep freeze (like new), small and large micro- * *wave cabinets, shelf unit, kitchen table -and 4chairs, G:E. auto- * *matic washer and dryer, fans, B.B.Q., office desk, brown alumi- * *num door, day bed, electric stove, airtight wood stove (Small), * *large airtight woodstove with chimney, etc. * *MISC. New 12 drawer tool chest, 10" table saw, full size con- * * struction tool box for pickup, 3 yr. old Honda self propelled lawn * * mower, full size pickup topper, drop ramp trailer for hauling gar- * *den tractors etc., 12 & 14 h.p. Johnson engines, G.E. ghetto * *blaster, oil furnace and tank, chain falls ,drill press, hoist, 15 & 13 * * inch tires, van seat, van windows, tandem axle trailer, Wagner * *spray gun, welder, 40' aluminum ladder, bikes, etc. * *VEHICLES: 1978 Chev van, running condition, selling as is. * * 1987 Skidoo (nearly new), 1987 Skidoo Safari, electric start, ex- * * cellent condition, 1986 Yamaha snowmobile, ATV 110 Honda 3 * *wheeler, tools, etc. This is a partial list only. *FURTHER INFORMATION: Phone 229-6555. *Terms: Cash sale night. Booth * Auctioneers Hugh Filson Tom Robson * 666-0833 666-1967 * * LARGE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of 2 tractors, 4 x 4 pick up truck, riding mower, farm machinery to be held 4 miles east and 1/2 mile south of Centralia or 2 1/2 miles south of Elimville for Lorne and Murray Johns. Thursday August 11th at 1:00 p m NOTE: Very few small items, please be on time! TRACTORS: Ford 7700 four wheel drive diesel tractor with turbo, cab, heater, air, radio, front weights, front auxiliary fuel tank, dual hyd. outlets, 16.9 x 38 rear tires, 13.6 x 24 front tires, run 2360 hrs., set of 18.4 x 34 duals. Ford 4600 SU diesel tractor with Dunham Lehr loader, 16.9 x 24 rear tires, 750 x 16 SL front dual hydraulic outlets. Ford 7 HP -idinq lawn mower. TRUCK: 1978 Dodge 3/4 ton 4 x 4 pick up truck with 318 V8 auto, ra- dio, P.S., P.8., selling as is. MACHINERY: New Holland 518 manure spreader with 2 beaters, 10.00 x 20 tires, Lucknow 7 ft. double auger snowblower with hyd. hood turner, Farm Hand 14 ft. self unloading forage box with extension and roof on double reach wagon with 111_ - 15SL tires, New Holland Super 717 forage harvester with hay pick up, Smith 4 row bean puller fits JD 2140, Massey 3 PTHitch rotary hoe, 6 h. Mott mower, 18 ft. harrigator, IHC 175 swather with 10 ft. head and pick up reel, IHC 56 4 row corn planter with insecticides and fibre glass hoppers, IHC model MF 16 run seed drill with grass seed, Allis Chalmers 1200-20 ft. trail wing cultiva- tor with harrows, Ford 11 ft. wheel disc, 12 ft. land roller with 2 - 4 ft. pups,9 ft. land roller with 2 - 3 ft. pups, Ford 151 4 furrow x 16" semi mount plow with auto spring resets, IHC 510 3 furrow x 16" semi mount plow, JM 12 1t. hydraulic fertilizer auger, 7 f1. stone fork with wheels, 7 ft. blade, George White 280 U.S. gallon trail sprayer with 30 ft. boom and white poly type tank, Calsa 200 sprayer with 32 ft. boom and hypro pump, Kongskilde 11 ft. cultivator, Kongskilde 9 1/2 ft. cultivator with extensions, Allied cultivator with scuffling shields. JM 250 - 7 gravity box with extensions on heavy duty wagon with 1 1 L - 15 SL tires, older JM box on JM 7 ton wagon with 9.5 L x 15SL tires, Turnco 225 bushel gravity box with extensions on 8 ton wagon with 8 ply 9.5 L x 15 tires, JM 250 bushel, gravity box with extensions on Horst 7 -ton wagon with 9.5L x 15 tires, 20 ft. feeder wagon, 7 x 15 flat rack, 14 ft. flat rack on 7 ton wagon, 6 section diamond harrows and pole, 21 ft. x 4" grain auger, old Case 4 bar side rake, 6 ft. snowblower, round bale feeder, old cattle crate with head gate, transfer water pump, new hydro fencer, steel posts, 2 - 8 ft. 9" blower pipes, 1 - 4 ft., portable air compressor, tool chest and cabinet, garden tiller, 20 sheets of 5/8' and 12" ply- wood, plus a few misc. items, PLEASE BE ON TiME!!! FARM IS SOLD TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER ID. LUNCH BOOTH. AUCTIONEER - Richard Lobb Clinton, Ont. 519-482-7898 OWNERS: Lorne and Murray Johns 229-6587 • OWNERS OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE ft