HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-27, Page 23ANNOUNCEMENTS
DONOVAN , Pat and -Joanne (Tem
pleman) Donovan, R.R. #2, Camp-
bellville, welcome the arrival of
"Kelly Joanne", 5 lbs. 14 oz. on
Monday, July 11, 1988 at Oakville
Memorial Hospital. A little sister
fur Mathew and another grandchild
for Gerald and Theresa Donovan and
John and Roberta Templeman. 30c
PAYNE - Ken and Laurie are tickled
pink to announce the birth of Aimee
Elizabeth, a little sister for Scott.
On Sunday, July 3, 1988 at South
Iluron Hospital, • weighing 8 lbs. 5
oz., 20 inches long. Proud grand-
parents are Bill and Lois Payne, Cre-
diton and Bill and June Stanley. For-
est. Great-grandparents are Marion
Payne, St. Thomas and Dougal! and
Ethel Stanley, Strathroy. Special
thanks to Dr. O'Connor, Dr.- Shinto-
takahara and the O.R. nurses.
VAN - GERWEN Connie. and
Chris welcome with love the safe ar-
rival of Brett Cameron horn at
Kitchener Waterloo Hospital, July
20. 1988 weighing 8 lbs. - 15 ozs.
Sharing their joy -are Harold and
Jean Schroeder, Dashwood and Harry
acid fttary�VExtdstc►ck.—
A great grandchild for.Allan Watson,
Godcrich and Cornilis Vcrnooy, In-
ncrskip. . 30c
VERi - Michael and Lynn arc proud
to announce the birth of their first
child.. Joel Michael came to us on
Friday, July. 22. l988 at St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, weighing in at a
whopping 8 .lbs. 5 ot. Proud grand-
parents are Leonard. and Noel Veri of
Exeter and Larry and Mary C'ronjn-
of Ccntr:.lia. Excited Great-
grandmothers are Sabina Veri of
Stoney Creek, Bernice Zimmerman
of Huron 'Park :Ind Gayle Cronyn of
R.R. #2, Lucan. .Special thanks -to'
Dr. Milne and 3rd floor staff at Si.
Joseph's Hospital and Dr. Steciuk
and Exeter Hospital staff. • 30c
WALZACK - Shannon is phased
to announce: she has a new sister at
a whopping .10 lbs'. 3 oz. Ashley
Michelle was horn on July 18, 188
at 9:38 a.m. in St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal.Proud parents are Dave and
Joanne and proud grandparents ar
Marg and Rev Cunningham of R.R.
-#2, Lucan. 30c
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Klassen, Kitch-
cncr and Mr. and• Mrs. Ken Ginge
rich, Exctcr, are pleased to announce
the marriage of Barbara Ann and
Dale Kenneth- the wedding to take
place August 20 in the. Mennonite
Brethren Church, Kitchener, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Watts of Brus- •
sels are ,pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their daugh-
ter. Trina Joan to Mr. Bradley James
McBride, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne McBride of Kippen. The
marriage will take place at the Brus-
sols United Church on August 13,
1988 -at 3 p.m. Everyone is wel-
come to attend the open reception in
Brussels. 30c
Harry and Paula Van Osch, Grand
Bend, •are happy to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
youngest daughter Teresa. Mary to
John Paul Martineau of Winnipeg,
son of Bernard and Alma Martineau
of Red Deer, Alberta., The marriage
-will take place August 6, 1988 in
Our Lady of Mount.Carmcl Church at
2 o'clock. The couple will make
their home in Winnipeg. 30c
ANDERSON -. Thank you for all
.the cards, gifts, flowers, visits- and
phone calls during my stay in hos-
pital and since returning home.
Your thoughtfulness was much ap-
prcciated. -
30c Edna
-ANDERSON - I would like to
thank my family and friends for vis-
. it_s, cards and treats while I was a .pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital and
since returning. home. Special
thanks to Marilyn and Homer, Dr.
Sales and staff on 4th floor.
30* - Emerson
May tl:e Sacred .Heart of Jesus be
adored. - glorified,. loved and Ore
served throughout tlie world now and
. forever; Of Sacred Heart of Jesus
pray for us, helper of hopeless, pray
for -us.. Say this prayer nine times a
day by the eighth day your prayer
will answered. • It has never been
known to fail. Publication -must be
promised. Thank -you St. _Jude for
favours granted.
BUSY - The family of the late Cor-
rine Bush (Grasdahl) would like to
thank Hopper hockey funeral home.
A special thanks to Bob Fletcher for
his kindness and •thoughtfulness and
to Rev. Carter for her beautiful ser-
vice. Thanks to- the people who
sent food and beautiful flowers to
our home. Also "special thanks to
Helen Coates for collecting for the
Cancer Society in Corrine's memory.
Your kindness- will always be re=
membered. 30*
Sunday. July 31
9 45-10:40 a.m. Sunday School and
• Communion Service
11 00-12.00 noon Family Bible Hour
A Nursery is provided
for the above services
Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study
All Services held at
Usborne Central School
Huron St East
Everyone Welcome
Rev. Don Rogers
• Youth Pastor - Rev. Kevin Rogers
• C E. Director - Mrs. Veronal Snider
Hwy 4 South
Sunday..July 31.
10 00 a m Sunday School
11.00 a m Worship Service
7 00 p m Evening Praise
ay. night 7 00 p m
amdy Night"
Programs for all ages
Nursery available for all services
Everyone Welcome
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday. July 31
10 00 a m Worship
'The Portrait o1 Jesus'
11.10 a m. Sunday School
Nursery avai!a_i^,-L
7 30 p m Worship
Music and Youth Night
Redeemer Chnstian College Group
Rev Robert Arbbgast
Everybody welcome
Come and Worship with us
Main Street at Gidley
Sunday, July 3 t
11.15 a m Holy Eucharist
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Rev George Anderson
Nursery -
Everyone Welcome
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Minister The Rev. Richard W. Hawley
Staff Associate!
Mrs: Bev Robinson
Minister Emeritus:
- The Rev. Grant L. 'Mills
Organist and Choirmaster
Mr. Robert Cameron
10 a m. Morning Worship,
Junior Congregation
for children 10 and under
Nursery Facilities Available
Fellowship Time Following Service
Courtesy Car for July
Robert Coates
Call 235-2787
Everyone Welcome
Interim Moderator
Rev. Rick Horst
Mrs. Joan Keys
Sunday, July 31
Resumes' August 7
10,00 a.m.
Everyone Welcome
For the months of
July and August
9.00 a.m Congregational
Christian Education
10.00 a.m. Church Service
Everyone Welcome
Main St North-- -
• Rev. Robert Arbogast
Sunday, July 31
10.00 a.m. Worship
Sunday Shoot - (Preschoolers)
7.00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery Availab:e
Everyone Welcome
• Listen to
The•Back to Clod Hour
CKNX Dial 920. 10:30 a.m:
Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3)
f87 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, July 31
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11'.00 a m. Morning Worship
7.00 p m. Evening Fellowship
Wed 700 p m -Family Night
Everyone Welcome
FLETCHER - My sincere thanks
to all who remembered me in any
way while I was in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital and since returning home.
Your kindness was greatly appreciat-
ed. A special thank you to my fami-
ly for their TLC.
30c Isabelle
GLANVILLE - The family of the
late Irene Glanville wish to thank
friends, relatives andneighbours for
their many kindnesses, floral trib-
utes, donations and cards during our
recent bereavement. Special thanks
to Rev. Knight, pallbearers, staff on
5th floor Marion Villa, St. Joheph's.
hospital dialysis unit and the ladies
of the church for the lovely lunch
served after the service, it was much
a (preciated. .
HATTER - I would like to thank
my relatives, neighbors and friends
for cards, flowers, calls and treats
while I was in University Hospital.
Special thanks to Dr. Gans, Dr. Eck-
er and Dr. Grace and nurses. Special.
thanks to Chester Dunn for all his
trips to. London. Your thoughtful-
ness was much appreciated. -
30* - Iva
JOHNS - 1 would like to express
my thanks to relatives and friends
for cards, visits, flowers and treats
while in hospital and since returning
home. Special thanks to Rev. Teddy
Smits, Rev. Sheila Macgregor and to
our family near home and in Lon-
30' 'Howard
KAAK A thank you to the Mount
Carmel Parish ladies for the lovely
bridal shower held in my honour.
Your gifts are very much appreciat-
ed. .
30c Connie
KYLE - A sincere thank you to rel-
atives and friends for the lovely
cards and -beautiful flowers I received
while a -patient in South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter. Thank you to the
nursing staff, Kippen U.C.W. and
Exeter Eastern Star. Special thanks
to my nieces Wilma Caldwell and
Bonnie Bozzato for their many kind
acts while` in hospital and since re-
turning home and to Ken and Merle
McLellan for transporting mc to
hospital. My heartfelt thanks to Dr_
Chas. Wallace and Margaret Visschcr
for their hospital visits and in thc
home. Your kindness will always be
30c Mabel
LAVE - We would like to thank
everyone who remembered us with
cards, gifts, flowers and best wishes
and the scroll from the Government
of Ontario to make our 40th Anni-
versary a memorable one. - Special
thanks to our family, Mary, Terry,
Bob, Barb, Mark, Sharon, Larry and
Tammy and our eight grandchildren.
30* Betty and Jim
McBRiDE-WATTS - Brad and Tri-
na would like to thank - everyone
who attended their Buck and Doe.
Special thanks - to the gang for all
their help.
30c Brad McBride and Trina Watts
McCANN - Many thanks to my
family, relatives and friends for their
care and concern during my illness
in hospital and at home. Special
thanks to Father Goycau and Dr. Ste-
30* Sincerely Joan -
NEEVEL - We would like to thank
out family, neighbors and friends for
making our anniversary day a won-
derful day. A day we'll never forget.
Thank you for all the cards, best
wishes and gifts. it was very much
30* - John and Dina
PARKER - We would like .to thank
our children and grandchildren for
thc lovely dinner at thc Three. A's
and for thc Surprise Party on our
351h anniversary, also our relatives
and- friends for the gifts_cards and
best wishes. Marvin and Cindy for
opening up their home, Judith for
making the beautifully decorated
cake, Carolyn for making sure we
got there, thc 3 'girls for all :he
work they went to preparing the
snacks and the delicious lunch.
Thanks -again everyone.
30* Gcorgc and Judy
RiEIII, - i would like to thank all
who expressed their get weil wishes
with cards, gifts •and phone calls,
while i was in University Hospital.
Special thanks to Rev. Sheila Mac-
gregor, staff in Emergency at Exctcr
Hospital and Hoffman Anibulancc.
30* Gerry
SCHLENKER - .i would like to
thank my relatives, neighbors, and
friends for cards, treats, visits and
phone calls, since returning home
from St. Joseph's hospital. Your
kindness was very much appreciat-
30'. Irene
Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glo-
rified, loved and preserved through-
out the world now and forever Sacred
Heart of Jctsus,°pray for us, St. Jude,
worker of miracles, pray for us, St.
Jude, helper of tt I hopeless, pray
for us. Say this prayer nine times a
day by the eighth day your prayer
will be answered. This prayer has
never been known to fail. Publica-
tion must be promised. - Thanks to
St. Jude for favours received.
30' KF
WESTLAKEN • My sincere
thanks for the useful gifts received
at my Mt. Carmel neighborhood
shower. A special thanks to.Mary
for being a gracious hostess and to
those people who helped her. Your
gifts and efforts are greatly appre-
30* Ruth Wcstlakcn (Ryar1
ROCK - In the recent passing
away of Emma Rock warmest thanks
from the family go to all those who
encouraged ug through our troubled
times, to those who graciously gave
food, flowers and their time and to
the Ritz Villa, their -'residents and
-staff, who knew Emma well and
loved her. Our special thanks go to
those of the staff of doctors and
nurses in -the intensive care unit at
Stratford Hospital. Our final thanks
go to Lockhart's Funeral home.
30c Dalton, Mary and Bcrt
Steinbach, Bill, Rosemary,
Matthew, Sherri and Susan Ferguson
MURLESS - Peacefully at Victoria
Hospital Westminster Campus on
Tuesday, July 19. 1988, after a vali-
ant struggle, Joan Cresswell
"Mconic" Murless of London in her
52nd year. Dear mother of Vicki Su-
therland and and her husband Bob of
London, Tracy Heath and her hus-
band Graham of Woodstock. Loving
grandmother of Michael, Jonathan,
Daniel and Alison. Dear sister of
Max (Fran) Bloye of St. Marys and
Mrs. Sue Edgington of Clandeboye.
Friends may call on Wednesday from
2-4 and. 7-9 at the James A. Harris
Funeral Home, Richmond Street at
St. James. A funeral service will be
conducted on Thursday, July 21, at 1
p.m. in Bishop Cronyn Anglican
_Church, William Street at Queens
Avenue by Canon Peter Davison. In-
terment St. James Cemetery, Clande-
boye. - 'Memorial contributions to
the 'Canadian Cancer Society grate-
fully acknowledged. 30c
PEARLN - At South Huron Hospi-
tal, Exeter, on Monday, July 25,
1988. Mrs. Doris M. (Cakebread)
Pcaren, of Grand Bend, in her 67th
year. Beloved wife' of the late Jack
Pcaren. Dear mother of Brian and
his wife Sue, of Grand Bend and dear
grandmother. of Chris and .Rob. Pre-
deceased by her two brothers,
George Claude Cakebread and Victor
Frank Cakebread. Friends were re-
ceived, by the family from 2-4 and 7-
9 Tuesday at the A. Millard Gcorgc
Funeral Home, 60 Ridout St. South,
London, where thc complete funeral
service will be conducted in the
chapel on Wednesday, July 27th at 3
p.m. with Rev. Robert Peebles and
Rev. Teddy Smits, of Grand Bend
United Church officiating. Crema-
tion with interment of cremains at
Mount 'Pleasant Cemetery. Memori-
al donations may be made to the Ca-
nadian Cancer St., 401 Nelson Si,
London, N6B 9Z9. There will be a
reception to follow at Grand Bend
United Church, Wednesday evening
at 7 p.m. - 30c
South Huron Hospital, . Exeter on
Thursday, July 21, 1988, Eric
Schwartzcntruber of 181 William
Street, Exeter in -his -41st year. Dear
son of Violet Jean Schwartzcntruber
and the late Harld Schwartzcntruber
(1978). Dear father of Eric J., Kim-
berley and Jason, all of Thedford.
Dear brother of Shirley (Mrs. Lloyd
Stanlake), Dianne (Mrs. Donnie
Fields) of North Bay, Bonnie (Mrs.
Bill McNutt) of Hay Twp., Paul of
Exctcr, Terry of Walkerton, Lloyd
and Rick at home. Also survived by
three nieces and nine nephews. Rest-
ed at the T. Harry Hoffman &---Sons_
Funeral Home, Dashwood. Funeral`
services- held on Monday, July 25 at
2 p.m. interment Exeter Cemetery.
Rev. D. Rogers officiated, Memori-
als, if desired to the Cancer Society
or charity of your choice. 30c
COCHRANE - William Earl Co
chrane died at the Lexington Health
Centre, Lombard, 111. on Wednesday,
July 13. 1988 in his 85th year. He
is a son of the late John Cochrane
and Mary Jane Jarrott of Hillsgrcen,
and was born in Stanley Township
on February 13, -1904. He is sur
vivcd by one sister, Mrs. Edna G.
Robinson of Napancc, Ontario and
. seven nieces and nephews. He was
predeceased by seven sisters, Agnew
Northey, Elizabeth Krueger, Annie
Hopkins, Gwendolyn Miller. Mary
McMurtric, ida Dick and Claudia Eil
cr, and three brothers, John, Jame
and Allan. A graveside service took
place Wednesday July 20, 1988 -with
interment in St. John's Cemetery.
Oakhrook, i11. 3(k
DUCIIARME - in loving m'emor
of our dear dad, grandfather, grea
grandfather, . Paul Ducharme whc
passed away ninc years ago July 27
He was someone we could talk to,
That no one can replace,
He was someone we could laugh wit
Til tears ran down our face.
He was someone 'wecould turn to
When we needed a helping hand
He was someone we could count on,
To advise and understand
He was someone we thought more o
As each year came to an end.
He was our dearest father
And also our dearest friend
Dcarly'koved and sadly missed by
all the family. 30*
MASSE - In memory of Benjamin
E. Masse who passed away, two years
ago, July 28.
Our hearts are deeply saddened,
When remembering this day,
So suddenly it happened,
When you were taken from us.
Your smiling face we see no more.
Nor feel your tender touch, '
Nor hear the sound of your laughter.
These things we miss so much.
So many things to share with you,
if you were only here.
But your memories are with us.
And with these we will never part.
Lovingly remembeyed by daughter
Phyllis, Calvin, Tim and Renee.
Times -Advocate, July 27,
McFALLS - In loving memory or 1
our dear mother, Florence Louisa
(Mrs. Alex) who passed away 10
years ago July 27. 1978.
Always remembered by her daugh-
ters Birdine and Bonnie and family.
MILLER '- On loving memory of a
dear friend, Colleen, who passed
a%vay one year ago, July 31, 1987.
You were someone we could talk to
That rho one can replace .
You were someone we could laugh
Till the tears ran down our face
You were someone,we could turn to
When we needed a helping hand
You were someone we thought more
As each day came to an end
You never said good-bye to us
We're sure it's just as well
We never could have said good-bye
To a friend we loved so well.
A day never goes by that we don't
think of you.
Always loved and remembered by
Brad and Lori Lynn 30'
MILLER - In- loving memory of a
dear friend, Colleen Miller who
passed away July 31, .1987.-
1 had so many chances '
To tell you how much I care
But I siri]ply took it for granted •
That you would always be there.
I didn't think it would hurt this much
Or that the pain would last this long
I often.sit remembering
And cry when I hear your song.
I miss you oh so very much
And wish that. you were near
I also pray to God above
That Ile will keep you near.
Lovingly remembered and sadly
missed by Mary Jo and Heather.
SWARTZ - 1n loving memory of a
dear mother and grandmother, Lulu
Swartz who passed away July 27,
1964 and dear father and grandfather
Harry who passed away September
11, 1971.
Loved and remembered always by
Ron, Helen and fancily 30*
Yes, You Lori
You are J7!
Page 11A
Buck & Doe
Kevin Tripp &
Tracey Lesperance
Sat., July 30, 8 - 1
Live Entertainment by
For information
call 228-6138 -
lfapptl _Bir t !:,:.:.;
(Life iegin.c totlt7tl t
Love from your family
45th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs.
D.A. Finkbeiner
-(fink and Norma)
Fri., July 29
For information call
Buck and Doe
Kathleen Verbeke
Eric Bilcke
Sat., Aug. 68- 1
For information call
on ilttur 451h
Buck & Doe
Lori Johns
Russell Nesbit
Sat, July 30
For information
229-8985, 235-0474
Buck & Doe
Steven Creces and
Lisa Johnston
Sat., July 30, 9 - 1
For information call
filmy 500 li
'1rorn south o" she trot
Sunday, July 31
at dusk
Everyone We(eome
Friedsburg Days
Church Service
Held by the
Calvary United
Sun., July 31 st
11 a.m.
Speaker - Rev. Robert
Music - Zurich
Ecumenical Choir
ul 1 ralhE r ht in this ( 11.11y
knowirntliirit: tlt.ui
tit li•ct withonit iliin»
Parking Lot Of
Pentecostal Tabernacle
Highway 4 South
Free admission - offerrno .
Exeter Legion Auxiliary Bingo
Thursday, July 28
New Starting Time 7:30 p.m.
'Letter H $50.00' Full Card $500.00
Early Bird, 10 regular games, 2 specials, share the
wealth, Mini Jackpot
No persons under 16 allowed to -play
Licence number 537480 -