HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-27, Page 19GUARANTEED RESULTS ALLADS CASH, VESA or solo MASTERCAR� your rd A WOO ready WITH OUR $7 SUPER AD!! Advertisers want one thing .. RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For onty one low fee of $7.00 well run your od in our newspa- per until you get the results you wait. All you do is colI us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You con take up to 40 Pnvote non commercial ads only, words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. 1f you'<yo pot get results by the fol- lowing weekend. Call tis on Monday and we'll godly re- peat the ad of no charge: And wel keep running the ad as king as you want. Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers In Our Sister Paper, The -St. Marys Journal -Argus At No Extra Charge! CALLUSAT235.1331 -s-d VISA CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $7.00 per col- umn ird-i. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $6.00 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.5C per insertion Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens court as separate words, FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $7.00. 15C per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes, 15C per word, minimum $3.00 $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT BIRTHS - 30 words $7.00, 15C -pe word '.hereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices, - 20 words $7.00, each ad- ditional word 15c. IN MEMORIAMS - $8.O0 plus 25C per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 :Fords $7.00, each additional wo,d 15C. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS 30 words $7.00, additional words 10c each. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p' m Mondays. VISA Phone 235.1331 classifications 1 lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 llclp Wanted 5 business Opportunities 6_Scrvices - 7 lives:,.: k 8 Dann M.i.hincry 9 Spurts Equipment, Vch. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 1 3-NIu'ical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 planted to Buy 18 Wanted' 19 Property for Sale 2U Property for Rent 21 for Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Properly- Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 'fenders 'Wanted 25 Auction Sales 1 Lost, Strayed GOLD BRACELET July 15, Gables, Main St. or Grand Bend beach. Sentimental value. Reward. 876-2532 noon. (30*) 3 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED cleaning lady seeking work in Grand Bend area. Call 238-8894. (30,31c) 4 Help Wanted HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and interested persons needed immediately to sell toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No investment, deliveries or money collection. Call (519) 258-7905. Glavin Sandblasting Inc. require full and part time labourers, to start immediate- ly. Driver's licence required. Phone 237-3707 Le: 0.v.!„,.•.-.50: NOTICE sne eby given that the council the 1 own.hip of Usborne will be meeting on Tuesday, August 2, 1988 at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the AusabiwBayfield-Usborne Administra- tion building at Morrison Dam, to fill the office of Councillor by ap- pointment. •Any elector of the municipality who is interested in serving as a Council member for the remainder of the current term, and who is qualified to do so, should notify the Clerk in writing prior to Tues- day, August 2. 1988 at J2:00 noon in order to be considered by Council at the above mentioned meeting. Sandra J. Strang, Clerk Township of Usborne P.O. Box 1420 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 HURON EMPLOYMENT LIAISON PROJECT PROGRAM MANAGER The Huron Employment Liaison project is a new organization with the goal of devetopinc employment opporlurnt es -in Huron County The project requires the ser- vices of a program manager to organize and operate this program The Program Manager will be responsible for day-to-day operation of the program under the direction of the Board of Directors. This will include identifying training needs b.aimng and supervis ng 2 to 3 project staff: establishing and maintaining good working •elations with CEC local service providers. educators. employers and govern- ment. and the community at urge. and, responsibility for report submissions. ob- taining and maintaining funding for the project The'rogram Manager win have the following qualifications' a Master's degree in social sc ences education or related fields or the equivalent experience. knowledge of lot ti services and programs available in Huron County: experience with fund- raisirg government programming. budgeting and proposal writing, communication akill5 w t^. experience in public relations, and. strong management skills Sa a^y commensurate with quatihcations and experience within the $30.000 to S40 )00 range - A r '-e 'Uerested in this position should apply by August 9. 1988 to Manager Canada Employment Centre 35 East Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y4 4 Help Wanted FORTUNE 500 Marketing Company expanding in your area. Must have leadership ability; desire for above average income. Phone (519)473-0028 or Resume, Box 53, Hyde Park NOM 11.0. SUMMER HELP wanted for pickling onion processing line. Approximate ,start-up July 4-10, 56.00 to 56.25 per hour including bonus and shift premium. Apply now at Thedford Co -.operative Storage Ltd. (20-31F) FULL TIME WAITPERSON. Apply to Huron Restaurant, Exeter in person. (21 tfn) SALESPERSON, part-time (16-20 hrs. weekly). Must be pleasant, willing to learn and enjoy serving the public. Grade 12 grad. preferred. Please submit resume to Box 39P, T -A office, Exeter. (29,30c) FULL-TIME CLEANING AND WAIT PERSONS needed. Apply in person to Colonial Hotel. (29,30c) THE PRUDENTIAC INSURANCE CO. requires a multi -line sales and service representative to service auto, home and life portfolio. Excellent training program. Full company benefits. Salary negotiable. Send resume to Box 40, Stratford, Ont. N5A 5S8. (29,30c) MUNICIPAL MANAGER required by progressive Arctic community. Applicants must have municipal training and experience, be mature, flexible and willing to accept challenge under sometimes trying conditions. Compensation + SSOM + Housing. Inquiries /applicants to the undersigned before July 31/88: Gerard J. Forcier, Acting Municipal Manager, Municipality of Baker Lake, N.W.T. XOC 0A0(819) 793-2874. - SUCCESS Dun & Bradstreet AAA rated. Join multi-million dollar firm and work your own hours placing our executive designer accessories in established accounts in your arca. Full or part time positions available. Earning potential first year 540,000 plus. Call (416) 756-7796 or (416_ 756-2111. LOOKING for unique items to expand your lines? Disributors required for home use products. Call or write: SJS International Sales & Marketing, Box 458, Aurora, Ont, LK; 3L3, 743 -9855 -Toronto, 727 -7798 -Aurora. MATURE SALES CLERK required for convenience store. Evenings and weekends. Will train. Phone Barb 235-1456. (30c) BABYSITTER needed for one year old child. Mon. to Fri. starting September. Your honk or mine. Elintville or Exctcr arca. Phone after 5:30. Phone 229-6264. (30c) Caretaker required for Kirkton United Church by Sept. 1, 1988 For further information call Marjorie Atthill 229-6548 or Marion Urquhart 229-8955 after 9:00 p.m. Applications Village of Zurich Hydro Electric and Water System requires a full-time secretary. The successful applicant will be responsible for adminis- trating all aspects of bookkeeping. payroll and utility customer billing. Must be self motivated and capable of working alone. Must also be proficient in the use of a typewriter and office calculator. Employment applications shall be picked up at the Zurich P.U.C. office. at 22 Main Street. Zurich. Closing date for applica- tions to be in the hands of the P.U.C. manager. by August 2. 1988 at 5:00 p.m. Charles Eckel P U C Manager 4 Help Wanted PART TIME PERSON wanted to help in caring for baby piglets. Experience an asset but not necessary. Must have a love for animals. Approximately 50-75 hours per month. Hill and Hill Farms Ltd. Varna 233-3218. (30-32c) PERSON for cash crop farm. Grain elevator experience would be an asset. Hill and Hill Farms Ltd. Varna 233-3218. (30-32c) PART TIME help required. Apply in person. Donuts Now, .217 Main St. Exeter. (30c) MATURE HANDYMAN for service station, year round. Phone 238-2451. (30tfn) SALES CLERK permanent part time possible become full time. Varied duties. Approz. 30 hours per week. Apply P.O. Box 538, Lucan NOM 2J0. (30:31c) BOOKKEEPER -SECRETARY required for busy law firm. Reply in confidence with resume only to: Little & Evans, Box 1750, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO. (30:31c) MANUFACTURER in Zurich requires full time production assemblers. For information please call 236-7168. (30:31 c) IIAiR STYLIST mature responsible individual required for busy progressive salon in Exeter, Concept II Hair Design. Phone 235-2455. (30:31c) - TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future... with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Cambridge, Brantford, St. Catharines, London 1-800-265-0400. Electricians Are you making $2500 - $3000 plus per month? We require licensed electricians for long term employement. For qualified personnel this plus above average benefits could be yours.lf this interests you please call Will at 451-8740 Pro Electric Inc. 141 Falcon St., Loudon N5W 4Z2 HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Huron County Housing Au- thority has openings for the position of Security Tenant in Zurich and Exeter. Criteria specifies that appli- cants be in good health. Rent will be paid by Huron County Housing Authority in lieu of wages. For further information regard- ing these positions, please call 524-2637 or 1-800-265-1720 or write to: Huron County Housing Authority 48 The Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M5 'EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY FOR EMPLOYMENT Times -Advocate, July 27, 1988 4 Help Wanted TEENAGER TO BABYSIT 3 boys ages 3, 4 and 6 1/2 in my home. Saturdays and some evenings. Phone 235-1703. (30c) 5 Business Opportunities SELLING TO small industries, townships in your community? Peltor Hearing Protection is a big seller to industries. Could be a good extra line. Norhammer, Box 2042, Gravenhurst, Ont. POC 1GO, (705) 689-2374 Bud. 6 Services Custom Combining Backhoe and Trucking Water Septic Tank installation - Lorne R. Becker 237-3452 Page 7A 6 Services D&D SCRAP METALS We Buy and Truck Away 237-3754 or 234-6274 The Time for Thinking is Over! Your Trucking Career Starts Here. FOR PROF ESSIO►'AL DRIVER TRAINING CALL TOLL FREE 1.800.265.3559 ,,,40 aria 1.4 -..,.,,. ab.. c. -b. .e.o 011.'.4. M.V.low ...nM.... ,n.,, . ,x•'14,-aM wl GORDON ELECTRIC Licensed electricians required for 1 immediate employment. Electricans rate $18.50 hourly plus benefits. Applications held in complete confidence Send resume to 533 Queens Ave, London N6B 1Y3 or phone 672-1273 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires a PAYROLL / ACCOUNTING CLERK Responsibilities will include typing, word processing, filing, bookkeeping and assisting the payroll department. The ideal candidate will have: 1. experience with payroll procedures and general office practices, preferably in a large organization; 2. a college diploma in computer / word processing training; 3. typing and filing experience; and 4. excellent communication skills Please submit applications by noon, Friday, August 5, 1988, to: Jeanne McDonald, Personnel Manager 0Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. NOM ILO Earns Public Edoullen J Optatog Up tot WWI R.B. Allan Director J. Jewitt Chair THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires a COURIER DRIVER Responsibilities will include handling school deliveries, assisting with related sorting and handing functions, and maintaining a vehicle In a clean and sale condition. The Courier Driver will report to the Purchasing Manager. The Ideal candidate will have 1. a valid class -0" driver's licence, 2. previous delivery experience. 3. demonstrated organization skills, 4. the ability to deal pleasantly with the public TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: 10 month, part-time employment. Please submit applications by noon, Friday. July 29, 1988 to Jeanne McDonald Personnel Manager Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street CLINTON, Ontario NOM 110 Garen ?utile Mullen Opuilog Up go Weld R. B. Allan Director J. Jewitt Chair TOWN OF EXETER INVOLVEMENT IN MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE STUDENT enrolled in a co-op pro- gram in law, business, public administration, computer studies, economics or political science, who will be returning to studies in January, is required at the Exeter Municipal Office. Typing and good communications would be beneficial. DURATION: August 29 - December 30 Please send resume by: August 15, 1988 to Elizabeth Bell CMO Clerk - Treasurer 406 Main Street, Box 759 EXETER, NOM 1S0 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR SUCCESS AVAILABLE! FOR INFORMATION ON IOW YOU, TOO, CAN JOIN THE MAC'S SUCCESS TEAM, CALL OR WRITE: 1112 DEARNESS DRIVE, LONDON, ONTARIO N6E 1N9 (519) 686-0804