HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-27, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, July 27, 1988
Legion addition
I1,4 Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND -.There was a
very good crowd for the opening of
the new addition at Grand Bend Le-
gion '1498:The day began with a
horse shoe pitching contest, fol-
lowed by.a delicious steak barbecue
enjoyed by over 140 -people.
Special .guest of honour Zone
Commander .Bob Lalonde and his
wife attended the festivities, which
wound up with a dance. There was a
• live band" to provide toe -tapping
music for the happy crowd.
Wally Shepherd won the door
prize,.and the spot dances wcrc won
by Heather Taul and Bill Arm-
strong, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Larmcr. •
Now the Legion is better
equipped than ever to provide for
community needs.
• Winner of the Friday Meat Raffle
Were: Nelsen Smith, Louise Steck-
Icy; L Stigmund, Bob Tatham, and
Judy McRoberts, Brian Hitchocok
won the Mystery Prize.
Bingo will start on Thursday July
-28 at 8 p.m. atthe Legion, to con-
tinue each Thursday until the cnd of
August. The next general meeting
well be held on Monday, August 8,
rescheduled 'from the August 1 holi
. day.
About town
GRAND BEND - There was a lot
• of . sports related activity around
Grand Bend this weekend. The Slo
Pitch Tournament lasted from Fri-
day to Sunday, using the Dashwood
and Grand Bend ball diamonds, fill=
ing the air with that summer -sound
of bat cracking against ball, and the
cheer of the crowd.
The Legion was busy too, with a
horseshoe pitching contest to start
'off their celebration of the new addi-
tion to the Legion. --
There was a special banquet at
Grand Cove Estates, to honour the
27 participants in the Senior Games
recently held at Stratford. Medals
were presented to the six winners
who brought home gold, silver and
- bronze to "the Cove" residents.
Speaking of achievements, the la-
dies over at Sauble Court have just
finished their 16th quilt this season,
and will take a well-deserved rest
until the fall. Thcy already have
three quilts commissioned to begin
work on, but are presently suffering
a shortage of expert quiltcrs. Any-
one interested? - -
. Catholic News
GRAND BEND - There was a
baptism during the 11 a.m. mass at
Immaculate Ileart of Mary Church
on Sunday. Christine Anne Vanden-
bcrk, infant daughter of John Van-
denberk-and Yvonne Van den Ouwe-
land, was welcomed into the
Catholic Community through the
Sacrament of Baptism.
Mary Fran Gaiser was the reader
for the 11 a.m. mass, and she was
joined by John Kelders as Eucharis-
tic Ministers. -
Paul Dietich was the organist and
accompanied Roberta Walker in two
solos -at Commuion, "Sing For
Joy" and—Just As -I Am."
In his sermon, Father Paul Beck,
the pastor, discussed the idea of the
celebration of the mass as the reun-
ion of a family with a picnic, or
meal. We come together with our
oldest brother, Jesus, to hear the.
Word of God, and reunite in a meal
- the Eurcharist. The alter is a
table, complete with bread and
There was an ENCOR retreat for
young adults with a beach barbe-
cue, conducted at a Grand Bend cot-
tage on Sunday.
There will be a Cursillo retreat
for men at St. Peter's Church in
sarnia on August 19-21. All men
who made Cursillo prior to April
1978 and all ex -rectors are invited
to attend. Cost is $50.00 per per-
son and register by calling Peter
Burns 1-542-301.5 after 5 p.m.
Remember to have all yard sale
or penny table prizesbroughtto
the church by July 29 between 6
and 9 p.m. for the bazaar. CWL
members are reminded to have their
baked goods, fresh vegetables and
penny sale gifts ready.
The bazaar begins at 9 a.m. on
'Saturday and Toni Vandcnberk
would like to collect all the quilt
raffle tickets by then. •
Grand Bend UCW
GRAND BEND - United Church
Women will be holding their annu-
al bake, craft and garden -produce
sale on a Wednesday afternoon Au-
gust 3 at 1 p.m: on the Church
Granton by Mrs. E. Summers
GRANTON - At Granton United
Church Rev. Bruce Pierce was in
charge of the morning worship and
entitled his message "The purpose
of Prayer" based on the Scripture
Colossians 4 Verses 2-6.
Flowers were placed in the church
from the funeral of the late John
Bryan who passed away on Thurs-
day July 21 in St. Marys Memorial
Hospital after a lengthy illness.- We
extend sincere sympathy to his wife
Pearl and to his family.
Vacation Bible School was held
this past week at the United
Church. The theme for this year
was "Champions for Jesus" relating
to the 1988 Olympics. Thcrc were
55 children enrolled..
Daily activities' included Bible
lessons, singing, crafts, games and
each class enjoyed a swimming ses-
sion at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Riddell's
pool or at Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones
pool. The leader was Mary Watcrs.
Teachers and helpers included
April Bryan, Deanna Beatson, Linda
Blom, Jennifer Walden, Lisa Mard-
lin, Becky Bryan, Kathy Westman,
Ginger McColl, Carolyn Walden, -
.Pam Waters, Julie McColl and Jane
Garrett as well as Rev. and Mrs.
The closing program on Friday
morning for the parentsfeatured a
musical- entitled "Fly like an Eagle"
in which the children sang, the
songs they had learned during the
week. Guest soloist for this perfor-
mance was Cindy Bilyea. .
Many thanks to all who made
this years Bible School successful,
a memorable experience for all who
Granton wedding -
On Saturday Deborah Gricken and
Brian-Witteveen were united in mar-
riage at Granton United Church.
Rev. Bruce Pierce officiated and or-
ganist was Mrs. Anne Bryan. The
bride was attended by her sister Pam
McRobcrt as maid of honor, Sue
Campbell and Rhonda Richards as
bridesmaids. The best man was
Dennis Near and ushers wcrc Roy
Maynard and Dave Feeney,
The bride'is the daughter of Mari-
on Gricken of Granton and the late
Roy Gricken and the groom is the
son of :Elsie Witteveen of St. Mar-
ys and John Witteveen of -Erin. - -
Grandparents' of the bride arc Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Walden of London
and of the groom Mrs. Dora Bud-
zinski of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The wedding was attended by
many out of town guests from Ot-
tawa, Quebec, Niagara Falls, Sud-
bury, Winnipeg, Saskatchewan and
A reception followed at the Royal
Canadian Legion hall in St. Marys.
The happy couple honeymooned in
New Orleans and will reside in St.
Marys upon their return.
St. Thomas Anglican church will
hold services during the month of -
August Sunday August 7 - 11:00
a.m., August 14 - 8:30 a.m., Au-
gust 21 - 11:00 a.m., August 28 -
8:30 a.m.
Rev. and Mrs. Pierce will be on
holidays during the month of Au-
gust and the United Church congre-
gation is- cordially invited to join
with thc Anglican church congrega-
tion for their services.
PLAYHOUSE VISITORS - Premier David Peterson andhis wife Shelley paid a private. visit to Huron Country
Playhouse to see "Key For Two" on July 21. They were greeted by two members of the Playhouse board, 1st v/p
Aline Paul and 2nd v/p Peter Phillips. The Petersons are honourary patrons of the Grand Bend theatre.
Staffa folk
STAFFA - Attending the United
Church camp at Bimini this past
week from this community were,
Jack McCaughey, Melissa Dcar-
ing, Carrah—Templeman, Trevor -
Elliott -and Adam Miller. -
There was a large crowd attended
the sale at Bernice Armstrongs this
attend church camp
past week.
Lorne and Helen Fell have re-
turned from a holiday in thc East-
ern Provinces.
Doris Miller has returned from a
tour of Scotland, Wales and Eng-
land this past week.
Bev, Carrah, Cain and - Cohen
Templeman visited recently with
CHRISTMAS JN JULY - Christmas was celebrated five months early at the Birch Bark Trailer Park near.Grand
Bond, Saturday afternoon. Above, Steven Wilkinson and Steven Walkom are shown with Santa and his old friend
Reunion held in Springbank Park
UCW BAKING - Linda Aitkins, Pat Fletcher and Fran Mickle display bak-
ing at the Exeter United Church booth at Sidewalk Sale Days.
the sun shop'sE
01 101 101 101 101 101 101
Chuck and Dorothy Ebel, Godc-
rich- -
Mike and Mary Jane Parsons,
were guests at the Dyck-
Rozendahl, wedding and reception
in St. Catharines on Saturday.
John and Roberta Templeman
visited on Sunday • with Pat. and
Joanne Donovan and family,
Campbell villc.
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Jack Harrigan; R.R. 3 Lucan 227-4305
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Lorne Feeney, R.R. 2 Dablin 345-2543
Jack Hodgert, R.R. 1 Ktrkton 229-6152
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John Move, Dublin • - . 345.2512
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A refund from surplus was declared for all
policy folders who qualify, are on record and
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ElStarts 10:00 a.m. on Friday, July 29th, 1988 All Sales
Shipka couple back from west 1
SIIIPXA - Harold and Dorccn
Finkbeiner returned homc last Mon-
day evening from a two week holi-
, day in the West. They flew to Cal-
gary, then motored to .Banff and
Lake Louise, on to Kelowna in
B.C. where they visited cousins
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guest.
At Rossland B.C. they attended
the 40thsurprise wedding anniver-
sary of first cousins, Sherwood and
Will be Closed
July 29 -to
• August 2
• Have a safe weekend
Bobbie La ronu on aaturday even-
ing July 9, and on Sunday July 10,
were guests at the wedding of Sha-
w La Fond, daughter of Sherwood
and Bobbie.
From here they toured up to visit
the West Edmonton Mall, then
back to Calgary where they saw the
finals in the rodeo and chuck wagon
races at Calgary Stampede. Doreen
said it was quite cool in the West,
requiring jackets and sweaters most
of the time.
Greenway United Church ladies
held a successful - bake sale last
Wednesday afternoon on the lawn at
Grand Bend United.
Janzen reunion
Those from this area who attended
the annual Janzen family reunion
were, Mrs. Annie•Zielman and An-
gie, Gerald and Mary Ellen Ziclman
and Justin, Erich Frictcr Sr. and
Katlic, Erich Frieter Jr. and Cheryl
and Byron, Dashwood, Debbie and
Roger Ward and Ashley, Ruth and
Jerry Zehr and Mandy, all of Zu-
rich. -
This reunion was held Sunday
July 17 at Springbank Park with
about 40 in attendance. Other rela-
tives attended from Essex, Leam-
ington, Windsor and London. All
enjoyed visiting and reminiscing
along with all the picnic goodies to
I had a specially happy, super
70th birthday party Thursday with
our visiting family from B. C. and
'son Bill. The grandchildren man-
aged to keep me in bcd awhile long-
er than usual, and when I got down
to my kitchen, breakfast was ready
and the kitchen decorated with bal-
loons and streamers.
In the afternoon we attended a
play at Huron Country Playhouse,
went out for supper, then back to
the farm where they had a lighted
decorated birthday cake and cham-
y gifts included jewellery, hand-
made items,' Jon$ stemmed roses,
pictures and special cards. This was
a birthday I'll always remember and
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