HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-27, Page 5n -
By Jim Beckett
Wiwi] I stepped off the plane at Toronto airport Sunday 1 would
hay e kissed the grass of Ontario if there was any to be found.
Believe it or not, Ontario looks like a lush, green heaven com-
pared to the arca surrounding Regina. We had only been away for a
week but from what we saw on the drive back t� Exeter things have
certainly improved as a result of recent rains.
The weather is the main topic of conversation in Saskatchewan as
well as locally. Several newspaper articles contained stories of how
farriers there .are earning extra money for day-to-day survival.
Their situation was brought home graphically when' I was ap-
proached in a mall to answer a lengthy survey from one of our major
gasoline suppliers. The woman doing the survey had about 150
questions for me and our conversation eventually turned to farming
and how poor crops were in southern Saskatchewan.
Tears formed in her eyes as she said she was a farm wife who was
working for a few days in the mall to bring home much-needed dol-'
tars. She said she and her husband farmed several hundred acres and
were expecting a near-total crop loss this year. I learned she is just
one of hundreds of farm wives who have taken extra work off the
An article in the Regina Leader -Post said it's not uncommon for
wives to be working over 90 hours per week when you combine
their duties both on and off the farm.
* * * * * * *
Bob and Bonnie Becker of Becker Farm Equipment have just
returned from a trip they won to Hawaii and Australia for their per-
formance in selling the new Case Magnum tractor.
Becker Farm Equipment was one of only two dealers in Canada to
get the award from Case. A total of 32 dealers from North America
were on the tour which included a visit to a 2,000 -acre Brahma cattle
ranch in Australia. -
Bob told mc.the Brahma rancher in Australia raises 800 animals
which pasture on the 2,000 acres. This breed is the only one that
Australians have found that will standup to the heat and humidity
found "down under:" The market for these animals was described by.
Bob Becker as bang excellent. The meat is exported to China and
other Asian countries.
It's been several years since I have attempted to increase my net
worth by going to the horse races...and now I know why. While at
the Canadian. Community Newspapers Convention in Regina we
managed to break away from a busy schedule one night to attend the
thoroughbred races.
We were part of a group of several Ontario experts who decided to
study the form and reach a consensus on which horse would be most
likely to win.
As with -most group decisions, the person who is the noisiest and
most aggressive wins. Unfortunately this was me, who managed. to
convince the others to go for broke on a long shot I predicted would
make us all rich.
This particular race was seven furlongs which can have a way.of
tricking someone who isn't used to horse racing. The race started and
my horse was well ahead of the others when they ran past the stand. -
Being a modest person, I elbowed a fcw companions and said "I
told you so." This prompted our whole group to leap to our feet and
cheer wildly for our long shot.•
This was just a few seconds -before group respect for my betting
knowledge wcnt righedown the drain. While we were standing cheer-
ing for our pick the horses kept right on running- until they passed
the finish line again. This timc my pick was dead last.
Westerners must think we're pretty naive when it comes to racing
knowledge. l overheard -another lady from Ontario ask her companion
"Don't the horses get tired running nine races on a hot night?"
* * * * * *
10 years ago
•The South Huron Rex Board confronted Northside Construction Ltd.
with a list of 12 deficiencies in the one -year-old Recreation building and
demanded they be rectified. If the contractors failed to do so, the board
threatened to hire new engineering and contracting firms and pay them
with the S16,000 they were holding back from Northside.
Among the deficiencies listed was the fact that water was seeping
through the cement.block wall on the cast side of the arena. Structural
cracking was already appearing on the south-east corner of the banquet
•John and Ron Coolman, brothers from Centralia, were named the
strongest people in the arca during"Sidewalk Sale Days in Exeter. John
beat a dozen competitors by lifting 275 pounds. Ron lifted 190 pounds to
win the junior competition.
• 20 years ago
•For the third time in a brief two year span, Dashwood Industries
announced an expansion project at the Centralia plant. The addition was
expected to dwarf the original buildings and it was estimated that thenew
portion would cover 174,500 square feet.
•Alice Arthur of Exeter became the first person in Ontario to receive two
organ transplants. Arthur received her first kidney transplant in November
1967, but within 24 hours the organ was rejected by hcr body. The kidney
was removed and Arthur was forced to make twice -weekly trips to London
for dialysis treatment while waiting for another donor. In July, 1968
another donor was found .and Arthur underwent a second transplant
•GcorgeandJohnGodboltopenedthe"HamburgerHut"onHighway 199
near Wildwood park.
50 years ago
'Bartle Mott; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz of Exeter, rescued a young
Miss Hedden from drowning where she was swimming at Turnbull's
Grove after she stepped in a deep hole. She was unconscious by the time
Motz brought hcr to shore, but she -later recovered.
•Mr. Ward I Icrn of Usborne became the owner of triplet calves after a
black holstein cow gave birth to the 50 pound animals. The triplets — two
males and one female — were perfectly healthy.
•In July, 1938, theT-A reported: "Just 100 years ago Mr. and Mrs. John
Crich left their home in Nottinghamshire, England, and after a long voyage
over the Atlantic aboard a sailing vessel, they settled in Tuckersmith
"Descendants of that pioneer. family gathered at Jowett's grove in
Bayfield for a reunion. They fittingly honqured their forefathers who
struggled against great odds in their fight against the bush land and
difficulties on all sides."
70. years ago
• Thc Advocate informed the public of the rules governing prohibition
in July, 1918: "Questions and answers concerning the application of the
"lawsgoverning the manufacture, importation and use of liquor as it effects
Ontario counties under the Ontario Temperance Act:
Question: Can liquor be imported from any foreign country into Canada
for beverage purposes?
Answer: No.
Question: Can liquor be manufactured in Canada?
Answer: Yes. But only for industrial, sacramental, artistic, mechanical,
scientific and medical purposes, and then only under government license.
• Question: Can cider and home-made wines (such as elderberry and
rhubarb) be made at any place in a temperate county?
Answer: Not if they contain more than two and a half percent of proof
Question: Can liquor be re -shipped?
Answer: Yes, provided it is shipped.from one place where it may be
lawfully kept and delivered to another place where itcanbe lawfully kept."
Times -Advocate, July 27, 1988
Page 5
New company for videos, cleaning firms
EXETER _ Formation of a new
company combining two existing
businesses was announced Sunday
during a picnic held near St. Jo-
SmallTown Intergrated Industries
has been proposed as the new name
for Video Premiere International, a
holding company which owns Star
Time Video and recently acquired
Image Cleaning Services.
Pat Knight who established the
first Star Time Video store in Exet-
er in early 1982 is .chief executive
officer of Video- Premier Interna-
tional and Len Hume is president of
Image Cleaners. •
Knight said Sunday, the company
headed by himself and Hume will
be putting plans in placer' which
will strengthen both organizations
with operational and marketing pre
(grams nots readily available to
them individually.
With both operations dealing in
the same market, with similar -price
structures and the same promotional
opportunites, Video Premiere will
be planning extensively to put in
place effecive and profitable busi-
ness and marketing programs.
Through a highly disciplined pro-
gram of profit re -investment, Star
Time Video has built an inventory
of approximately 25,000 tapes and
ranks as one of the largest purchas-
ers of videotapes in Western Onta-
rio.. . .
Thc company owns and operates
stores in Exeter, Hensall, Clinton
and Godcrich and supplies another
20 franchised dealers:
Star Time plans to continue its
expansion of operations in rural are-
as of Western Ontario. Its objective
is to become the home entertain-
ment focal point in each.communi-
ty it serves.
Additional company-owned stores
and satellites will be added, new
tides acquired as they become avail-
able and existing .inventories 'pur-
chascd from retiring competitors.
Pat Knight founded the chain of
video and video -products stores in
1982 after recognizing the potential
of the home entertainment market.
linage Cleaning Services was
founded in 1975 by Len Hume at an
Exeter location at the corner of
Again and Sanders streets with Jim
Hennessey with 30 years experience
in the fabric care industry as manag-
Since that time, Image Cleaners
have established locations in six
Western Ontario towns along with
25 commissioned depots to give it
extensive coverage throughout its
market area.
Only recently , the company ex-
panded to a location in Hensall and
new commercial dry cleaning and
laundry equipment was installed in
the Hensel! plant last week.
At.the 11,500 square foot.Hen-
sail building, schematics arc being
reviewed for a commercial laundry
capable of processing 1,500,000
pounds per year of flat -work laun- .
dry, uniforms and other rental
items for the commercial sector in-
cluding restaurants, service facili-
ties and light industry.
While these plans arc being de-
veloped a strong service, sales and
promotional plan wilt be prepared
and launched to ensure a successful
and profitable business.
Pick Your Own
Red and Purple Raspberries
$2.25 a quart
Black Currants
$3.00 a quart
Red Currants
$1.00 a quart
Irrigated & Plentiful,
Containers provided.
4 roads south of Melborne, on
County Road 9, turn right, go 1/2
mile. Open 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Mon. - Fri. 8 - 6 Saturday
Closed Sunday
. 1-289-2403
G.W. Parsons &
Associates Inc.
Management, Accounting and
Computer System Services
Professional Reseller of Com-
puter Associates ACCPAC Ac-
counting and Decision Sup •
port Software Products.
Doug Denomme,
. Karen Neevel,
Gerry Parsons C.M.A..
50 Hill Str1,at, Exeter
(519) 235.1304
For complete computer sales,
and service we are associated
with l�A- m -
Epson is s reunited usdemar► of
Sedco Epson Corporar,on
NEW COMPANY = Star Time Vid-
eo and Image Cleaners. are nowop-
erating . under a new company
name. Top, -tett, Pat Knight; execu-
tive director of Star Time Video
presents a plaque to Goderich
store manager Gary Dykstra. Top,
right,' Knight and Image Cleaners
president Len Hume look over fu-
ture plans. At the .left, Hume
presents long service awards to Im-
age Cleaners.employees Jim Hen-
nessey, Sheila Tiedeman, Betty Ri-
ordan, Sharon Miller and Marion
----- �;.
The Times Advocate asked "Why Not" and here it is - a new Fax machine has been installed in
our office enabling you to contact any other Fax machine in the world... instantly. The Times Ad-
vocate will offer the service of the Fax for a cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first one plus
$1.00 per additional sheet. In addition our number is yours so if you want to be reached instant-
ly - we will receive your messages for $1.00 per sheet. (Confidential services available).
lus we can suggest a few benefits...
Your financials have been drafted... send a copy before the
final statement is printed.
The deal's closing and you need a signature... send the pa-
perwork by FAX and relax.
The list is 300 items long (ie, auctioneer) and the long dis-
tance charge will be horrendous ..FAX it and relax
Your daughter needs a favourite recipe (or any information)
for an important engagement... FAX it to any Purolator of-
fice where they will contact her for a charge o1 $1.00 - in-
stantly. ,,.
kAdvoca e
It's mom and dad's first grandchild - send a copy of baby's
first picture.
There's been a death in the family, send the complete de-
tails for the obituary by FAX. ,
Fairs stock order is complete and they'd better not ship the
wrong goods.... try FAXING and relaxing so everything will
be correct.
Your prize winning hogs have interested buyers in Brazil. .
relax and FAX the registration to verify blood lines.
Call us
at 235-1331
for details