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Times -Advocate, dilly 20, 1988
U:\SHWOOL) - Dashwood
Friedsburg Days -will be held again
this year from Friday, July 29 to
Sunday July 31. •
The Friedsburg Committee was
formed '17. years ago. It is non-
profit, organized to raise money for
the betterment of the community:.
This year the money will be used to
help repair the present Community
Centre in Dashwood.
The following is an outline of the
. special features: (a) First annual an-
tique car show. Anyone with an an-
tique car is welcome. (b) Three day
mixed slo pitch tournament (mcn-
wonicn). More teams are still need-
ed. (c) Special Karate Show under
the guidance of Ron Tyndall and
Dan_Bell. (d) Three shows by the
Rhine- Danube Dancers from the
German Club in Leamington.Onta
rio. (E) Top Canadian Skateboarder
show starring Nlark Brazier & Co:
(f) Iluron Country Playhouse.
Young Company will. present
"Everything Old." • -
Saturday at •10 - -1 I a:m. floats
and all parade 'entries will be judged
as they enter the ball park. Parade
theme is "Summer Is..."
Church service
Calvary United Church will hold
their regular church service at the
Dashwood Community Centre pa
vilion on Sunday- July 31 at 11
a.m. in conjunction with. the
Friedsburg cclebtations. Rcv. Bob -
Sinasac will speak and the Zurich
Ecumenical Choir will provide spe-
cial music under the direction of
Christine Eagleson.
The Friedsburg agenda appears in
an ad elsewhere in this paper.
Ilaugh reunion
- The second annual Haugh Reun-
ion gathered at Jack Gaiscr's farm
Days in
July 29-31
Sunday afternoon. Seven branches
of the family of John and Mary
Haugh were represented . Approxi-
mately 100 sat down to a pot luck'
meal at the Dashwood Community
An executive was formed consist-
ing of.: President; \larida Gaiscr,
Secretary Marlene Sorensen,
Treasurer - Susanne Lindan and
Sports - Barry Linden. -
The table committee is Phyllis
Haugh and Joyce Burke.
We're hoping that all the branches
of the Haugh family not represented
this time will attend next year, July'
16 at the same place and provide
More names and addresses for the
book of records. Ross Haugh took a
photo of the clan.
People attended from New Lis-
keard, Elk Lake, Kitchener, Toron-
to, Guelph, Montreal, London,
Kingsville California and Local
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Poland,
Campbellford; Rev. and Mrs.
Bruce Seebach, Hamilton and Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Johnston, New
Liskeard visited with Jack and Don
Gaiscr families.
- Mr. Allen Kleinstivcr, Aurora,
Ill. visited on ,the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rader, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Cudmorc and Mr.
and Mrs. -Lorne Kleinstivcr.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen. Guenther,
Merrillville, Indiana, visited last
week with Mrs. Edith Baker.
The weather was dry and hot Sat-
urday but brought a good crowd
out for the auction sale of the
household effects of the late Mrs.
Edith Beicrling.
. Miss Shannon Boyle is spending
two weeks with her two sets of
About people you know
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Business is
booming all around town, and
summer sales Have begun in many
of the clothing stores, so if you
want to stock up on summer bar-
gains, now is the time!
. • 'That was a million dollar rain
that fell this weekend, breaking the
drought, and saving the crops for
many arca farmers. The grass and
flowers arc looking better already,
and the trees have had the first
good drink in three months! Up
until now, it was a great summer
for those who have a phobia about
lightning -and thunder storms.
Don't forget to sign up for the
Slo-Pitch Tournament, starting on
Friday, July 22, using thc ball dia-
monds at Dashwood and Grand
Bend. This is a fund-raiser for a
----special -Fireworks Fund, -set up by
thc Chamber of Commerce with
the tournament on Friday and Sat-
urday; the championship play-offs
on Sunday at Grand Bend.
A beef barbecue dinner will be
served outdoors on Saturday, near
the Grand Bend Firchall, for
players and fans alike. Celebrate
surnrncr time, for the health ofit!
The Grand Bend Church of God
.invites -all visitors to join its con-
gregation for Sunday school, and
the-morningand evening worship
services. held every Sunday
throughout the summer months:
Rcv. Stan Desjardinc is pastor.
Members of Legion #498 are
busy planning to celebrate the
opening of their newly renovated
facilities with a steak barbecue and
dance next Saturday, July 23. Tick-
ets arc st-ill available at thc Legion
hall, and froni'thc Barefoot Pedlar.
The day's events begin at 2 p.m.
with a horseshoe pitching tourna-
ment and a tug of war contest, and
end with a live band providing
dance music until the wee hours.
Sounds Iikc a good place to test
your skill, strength and endurance,
all on the same day! -
Winners of last weak's Meat Raf-
fle at the Legion were: Ted KameS,
Brian Hitchcock, Celia Hughes,
Dusty Miller, and Ilarold Turnbull.
The mystery draw winner•was Er-
nie Myers.
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TWOSOME - Jo -Anne Kirwan Clark and John Gardiner
scene from "Key for Two", at the Playhouse until July 23.
Play light,
By Adrian Haile
Key for Iwo is not a- serious
play.- It reveals little of the human
condition and does not explore per-
sonal relationships. , It bears the
stamp of the "well -mode: play.' re-
viled by modern dramatists. It is a
formula made to sell
Accordingly, Key for Two must
be judged on its mass appeal rather
than artistic integrity.
Harriet, played by Jo -Anne Kir-
wan 'Clark, is a kept • woman in •
Brighton. The catch is she has two
lovers who she keeps apart with the
invention of a puritanical smother. -
lioth the then are already married,
but 1 t rrict justifies her situation.
,Just because- a pian hops in a -
'taxi oncetn a ---while: doesn't mean
he has to get rid of his car, she rea-
Tlie inevitable occurs when both
lovers arrive on the same day, but
fortunately I larrict's fric.nd Anne
(Barbara Stewart) helps hatch a dia-
bolical plot to keep tlic advertising
executive, played by John Gardiner,
and Stanley Cotes' fisherman una-
ware they share a mistress. .The
usual flimsy nightclothes and b.aw-
are shown in a
(i. .i i‘_.--entendre.complete the
I I:; tint act is slow and awkward.
At times- it seems the dialogues on
«.f and broken appliances will
n er -end. • The cast recognizes
these 'c encs' weaknesses and stretch
every joke to the limit. Consc-
-qu.ntly,-the subtlety which keeps
1triti:h humour alive is often de-
Comedy is also difficult to
aclk C when the audience has little
svmpathy for the characters and
then- predicament. Laughter in the
theatre is sporadic and weak.
•- -Fortunately, the second act saves
Key for Two. As additional hus-
bands and wives burst in on the
scene, bedlam ensues as the schcm-
;lig womien scramble to maintain
their deceptions.. The humour and
•thc.au.lie'ncc's laughter (lows easier.
The quid pro quo expands to amaz-
ing lengths -threatening to engulf
the play in absurdity, but the end-
-iuig...well, sonic surprises must be
Irli to the audience.
A: it stands, it is hard to find
buckets of prai.se..to pour on Kcy
Jur Iwo. but it does have its mo -
DVB School over
• By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Vacation Bible
School was held last week in
Grand Bend, using the facilities of
St. John's Anglican 'Church, in
cooperation with the Church 'of
God and the United Church. Rev.
(Daddy Duke) Vipperman was direc-
tor, ably' assisted by Rev. Stan Des-
jardine (Church of God) and Rcv..
Bob Peebles, (United).
The theme for this year was
"Champions for Jesus" based on the
Olympics, with the material provid-
ed by Standard Publishing Compa-
ny. There were over 50 children en-
rolled, their numbers fluctuating
throughout the week.
The Junior class (grade 5-6) was
the largest, about 14 children, with
about 10 each in Middlers (grade 3-
4) and Primary (grade 1-2). The pre-
schoolers (age 2-4 year olds) varied
in number from 8 to 12 in a class,
requiring -several extra teacher's
Each class had two volunteer
teachers, with Janet Kobe helping
with games and "Daddy Duke" Vip-
perman leading the singing on his
guitar. Thcrc wereseveral teacher's_
helpers, and the Anglican ladies pro-
vided snacks for the group.
During the daily.classes, the chil-
dren worked on crafts, learned Bible
lessons, enjoyed outdoor games, and
fell_ in love with an appealing pup-
pet called "Spunky", an Eaglet. He
encouraged them to be a champion
for Jesus, to "stretch your wings
and fly with me."
The program ended on Friday with
a special performance for the par-
ents, to show what they. had learned.
Many thanks to all the parents and
students, to the teachers, helpers,
snack providers, and to the mini-
sters, for cooperating to create a
memorable summer experience for
arca children.
Catholic News
A new church bell was consecrat-
ed for the Immaculate Heart of
Mary church on Sunday at the 11
a.m. Mass. Pastor Father Paul
Beck conducted the ceremony.
The beautiful brass bell was bap-
tized "Leo", in honour of Father
Leo Kelly, the very first priest to
celebrate a, Mass in an old school
house here in 1939, in the mission
that would later become our parish.
Father Beck demonstrated the
clear, ringing tones. of the new
bell, warning everyone that "there
was no longer any reason to fall
asleep in church".
The reader for the 11 a.m. Mass
was Rose Vanbruacne, joined by
her husband Jerry Vanbruacne, to
serve as Eucharistic ministers.
Paul Dietrich was organist, and ac-
NEW STEPS AT ROCK GLEN - Visitors to Rock Glenn Conservation
Area near Arkona can now explore the entire park without getting wet or dir-
ty. Park superintendent Andy Buchan is shown on some of the 125 steps
which wind from the bottom to the top of the gorge. A low flow bridge across
the stream at the bottom makes access much easier. The work was com-
• leted by Experience summer students and field staff of the Ausable Bay-
field Conservation Authority. -
All you need to remember
about h�rn�--cornfOitis
"We're proud to be our Lennox Dealer"
companiccl Roberta Walker, soloist
during communion for "Come
Down Lord" and "City of God".
The theme of Father Beck's ser-
mon was Christ, the. Good Shep-
The Zurich CWL will be con-
ducting a garage sale on the main
street on July 23, from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. The Grand Bend CWL is ac-
cepting donations of prizes for the
penny table before any Mass or
brought to the Church on July 29
between 6 and 9.p.m. Garage sale
items arc also to be brought that
evening (no used clothing please-!),
or call Rose, 238-8396 if you need
a pick-up.
CWL members are reminded to -
have their baked- goods and fresh
vegetables ready for the baaar-on
Saturday morning,, July '30 at 9
a.m.• Tickets on the .child's bike
and the quilt draw arc to be turned
in as soon as possible.
CWL Meeting
The Catholic Women's League
council of the Immaculate - Heart of
Mary Church met on July 11 at
thc Alhambra Hall, with 20 mem-
bers present. CWL president Rose
Vanbruacne presided over the meet-
ing, thanking all members for con-
to the Bake Sale held
over the July 1 weekend, which -
earned the' CWL over S300.
All members were asked to con-
tribute individually wrapped sand-
wiches, toward a lunch which was
served at the July 13 auction sale
at Bill Baltesscn's. CWL volun•
tcers served the sandwiches. meat
on a. bun, pop and coffee, to the
hungry crowds bidding at the sale.
Ticket chairperson Toni Vanden-
bcrk reported that the quilt raffle
tickets arc going well, and asked
that they be tumcd in as soon as
possible. Madelaine Dalton in
charge of bicycle draw tickets, also
requested stubs and money to be
turned in before July 30.
Each lunch group was assigned a
job for the bazaar, on -Pricing; set-
up, craft table, bake sales, etc. 15
more CWL cookbooks have been
ordered, priced at S8 a piece, ao bc
sold at the bazaar.
President Rosc Vanbruacne an-
nounced that our •ouncil has
achieved the goal `t'y Natio al
CWL, of 10 more new members for
this year. Congratulations and wel-
come td: Evelyn Gouring, Angela
Bryson, Ann Klump, Loretta Wein,
Judy Uniac, Ria Tagdcll, Maureen
Dcnomme, Lucille Englert,. Maric
Bannen and Beth Jean.
The next meeting will bc August
8 at 8:30 p.m. at the Alhambra
New Crop
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Creamed Honey,
Pollen • Beeswax - Candles
Hwy. 84 between Hensall and Zurich
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Crand end and efirea
chamber of commerce
!rnakL ou
The Grand Bend and Area Chamber of Commerce wishes to
thank all of the following, community minded businesses and indi-
viduals who gave so generously to the fireworks fund. The Cana-
da Day fireworks would not have been possible had it not been'
for the support and financial. aid of so many people.
Oakwood Inn
J. Dee's Summbrhouse The Village of Grand Bend
Coconut Bay Grand Bend Cruising Club -
Colonial Hotel Southcott Pines Parkland
Gables Tavem Kadlecik Construction
Finnegans Irish House Blue Water Motel
Pinedale Motel The Tender Spot
The Thirsty Fox Sharen Realty
Our Andrews ' Grand Bend Decorating .
Clinchers Sunshine Village I.G.A.
Buddy's Restaurant Barbara's Naturally
Denny's Drive -In Grdnd Bend Plymouth Chrysler
Fisherman's Cove Pineridge Construction
Marjes Signs Gasier Kneale Insurance
Young Classics Hair Salon Lakeview Homes
The Barefoot: Pedlar Goin' Road the Bend
Designers Unisex - Pinery Flea Market
The Book Store Tan-Fast-ic Experience
Just For Kicks • The Surf Shop
The Sun Shop Inspirations
Gilligan's Pizza Delight
Patio Motel J.T. Kary Home Centre .
Sandinista Style Rollies Sports & Cycle
De Jongs Clothing The Advance
Bob & Dorothy Linton The News -Star
R & N Culp Mae Morenz
Doreen McHarg Joe Nader
Ted Hunt
and all the anonymous contributors and the many volunteers
who made it all possible. Thanks to all.
"Nick" Carter
Chairman of the Fireworks Fund Raising Committee