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Ruth Ann Cuillener
Times -Advocate. July 13. 1988
Ontario Scholars
at North Middlesex
High School
in Parkhill
I Lin
'.' agar Henry
Carl Kennes
Mike Kleernan
Holly Marlene
f ; oticLachlan Sandra Smith Bill Whiting
Riverside WI dicuss
.three R's of recycling
AILS:\ ('R,\IG The Three •R's
w•as the theme of the July meeting
of River levy Women's Institute
held in the Masonic Hall, Ailsa
Craig. This time the three R's st(xxl
fur Reject, R .use and Recycle.
To enlarge on this theme Evelyn
\1c\au_hlon and Nlargaret 11'ilson
presented a skit entitled "The Sec -
Metropolitan Life
a new Sales
Mark McLiwarn of Seatorth
h.4 hr•en .tpl,••(rlti•r1 `.tlr•.
Ret•r••.pnl.divr• ht
\ ir•tropr•ht.in t try
•l%•••%1•1••tirt,1 ;•r•rt,n
%tfill ( till 1. ' • i,V4411 h
\;,tlr InSll r.Ir ",r(•(IS tie,
, .111 tall Arlt `. ,..
Rr•ptes(•nt.11 '. ,I31•
\',ut'II find .nu :rl.uran(I. I,
U i,Ith inn, tinunnt, trill
1e' Metropolitan Life
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lyes.. e`-"
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P /• ' ,IANDSCAPINIG Your key to yeor round beouty
1,, r ! r.rnplele profe.stonal iondsvlpe levgrt
and Time Around" The skit was
sritteri by Evelyn and the opening
lines gave the message very well:
"11' we all start practicing the Thrcc
1('s in daily life we'll go along way.
towards reducing waste and saving
energy as -well as saving our nate-
. rat resources and protecting our- en-
Sadie Walker who presided for
the program gave sonic thoughts
on protecting our environment and
reducing garbage. Each mender an-
swered the Roll Call by giving ;t
way. to reduce garbage.' Ruh'
\1cLcan gave a Bible reading and
Olive Currie gave -three readings.
The contest On types of farm ma-
chinery given by Martha Rocs was
won by Jean Lcc and _Evelyn
Before beginning the business
part of. the meeting Evelyn
McNatichton lit a candle in memo-
ry oI Myrtle Ross and Gertrude
Rosser gave an In Nlcmori:tm.
An invitation was received from
South Lobo Women's Institute to.
attend 'the September meeting 00
September 27. Evelyn McNa>tlgh-
ton agreed 10 he our voting dele-
g:tic at- the Rally in the park in
' Strathroy on July 19.
• A number of people, volunteered
to help prepare a float fig- the Gala
Day Parade and Gertrude Rosser
will enter a turtle in the turtle races
on behalf of the W.I.
- Plans are rendering for the 50t1
'anniversary banquet on September
15. During the • social time Sadie '
-Walker and her committee served
lunch. .
The next meeting of Riverview
W.I. w ill be held on August 2 at 7
p.m. in the Masonic ifall. Family
and friends of the W.I. members
are invited to this supper Meeting.
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_ allies,
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Need more Dutch veterans
ltR:\N77FORD -'Since it is well
. 1,n;ran, that in Canada hundreds of
thousands of Dutch- immigrants_
n1)ti, nts-
h:rv: \ettl;d Burin_ the past decades,
and pecan . of the IaQt, that 'many
thou':u)ds of them have served in
the Royal Neth. Navy -Artily, and
.\irlorce before, .during' and 'alter
\\`1\'ll, or have served as al Rests:
LI:1;, l=ighter during 1940-1945, it
1,.i, become clear to .the National.
('onimand- of the "BONI) V:\N
1\'.\1'E\BROEDERS" .in Canada,
. that the membership number in this
country can easily. come mita the "
k tirdigits!!
The trouble is, that contrary to
the small country \v here we came
from, The—Netherlands, the distant•=
cs 111 our new homeland are so big,
that this affects communications in
a detrimental vvay. •:
:-sow'here's the "\\'lip's Who"_uf
1. \vimp and 1Vhat are -\1'e'' Nye
fi�rin tt)c oldest (Rounded 1925} and
biggest organization in the Nether- -
Iands of illi those who still serve or
%I1) have served in the Royal Neth. -.
Forces, including Nat. Reserve and -
. K \ I L; 01 1111 who were members of •
-. the Resistance during the occupa-
(ion, and of all who served with the
Netherlands \lcrchant Navy during
1V1V11, which during those years
was militarized:
The League consists 01 many,
many thousands'of members in The
Netherlands, divided over approxi
55 .branches.: Also 15 Regimental
\ssociations of the same: kind as -
our league, are attiliateJ member
.of The League, as fee. "Oud-
Sux)ttrocpers''; "Oud-Parachutisen".
"Dragcrs Bronzen Lecuw en Bron-
zen Kruis," etc. etc: •
2. Our Alms '
To be "a home" for all categories
mentioned under 1),. in order that
they can share with each. dither the
same kind .01 experiences in the
Forces or/and in the Resistance, and
to Stay in contact with each other.
To •staudtor Constitutional Mon-
archy, Parliamentary -Democracy.
I reedinii and Independence.
- The stylish and fitting cOmulle n -
Oration of all diose, who served and
gav c, their lives- 1(i defend these vat-
ties worldwide. • -
3. Our Organirition in Canada -
die past few years it has-been
proven, that w•c- really fill- a need:
our Membership -administration is
getting niorc and More applications
on a daily basis, from West coast to
East coast. Started in 1985 here in
Canada, we could already, after two
years, found two big brand); s in
Ontario: Central (scat Brampton) ,
and South West (seat Chatham).
.'lore branches are to come pretty
soon, a.o. in B.('. and' South East
Ontario. In December 1987 a Na-
tional Board (Gcw•csteli jk- Besttur)
for the whole of -Canada was clect-
cd, (in : the same . way -as the Do -
.Command for the RCL)
consisting of; President Nlaj: (Ret)
E. Rooscgaarde Bisschop ( Brant-_
ford);" 1st Vice President-J.G. La-
rds, (Brampton); 2nd Vice Presi-
-dent and PR W.-Jcronimus
(Waterloo); Seer. and MemberShip
Heywood. reunion
EXETER - The 20th Heywood
Reunion was held Sunday July 10
at. \1acNaughton Park, Esetcr. The
.weather -was goal and alxxlt 45 rela-
tives were present.
Following grace by Earl Hey-
wood, a delicious smorgasbord din-
-WI was enjoyed by all.
:\ luintlte's silence -was observed
in memory of our- deceased rela-
tives: .
OI I teen elected for the 1989 rem-.
ion are: i'resident Don and Joan
leywotxl. Vice president, Dave and
Karin Campbell, Secretary, Lola
lirotrks, Spurts Committee, Jeff and
-Janice Butson and•Jaync Consitt.
An.- interesting sports program
was convened by -Bob and Nancy
Campbell and John and Karcn Ila-
nlilton. Races: boys 3 and under -
Bean Butson,. Ryan Campbell,
Robbie Hamilton; Girls 3 and under
- Stacey Butson; Boys 4-6 Tyler
levwood; Girls 4-6 - Tara Camp -
hi ll;, Erin Campbell;- Boys 7-9 -
Jeffery Campbell, Girls 7-9 - Karie
Consitt, Priscilla Lambert. -
ltoys 10 and over •- ScoU Gould,
Jason 1leywtxxl: Girls 10 and over -
Loni Gould,• Lisa C'anipbell, Leann
C'onsilt; Sack race - Loric Gould,
I'ri scilla Lambert, Leann. Consitt;
1 lone rice - Jclf and Staccy Butson,
Gary Parsons and Bevan Butson,
Larry Gould and Grin Campbell.
Ballcxln Toss - (Tie) Chris Gould
and Gary Parsons, Scott Gould and
Jason Heywood; Ladies kick the
shoe - Jayne Consitt, Helens kick
the shoe -, Gary Parsons; Clothes
pin game - Janice -Butson.
The men w(ul the lifesaver relay;
Candy guess (tie) Bessie Campbell
Kevin Scott Parsons, son of Mar-
lene and Gerry Parsons, Exeter,
graduate..d on June 12, 1988 from
1 he University of .Windsor with his •
Bachelor of Arts degree. Kevin has
accepted a position with. The To-
ronto Dominion Bank in Windsor.
and Gary Parsons; Person coming
the furthest Earl and Martha Hey-
- wood..Eldest
ey--wood..Eldest person - Evelyn Iley-
wood (90), Youngest --Blair Camp-
. bell (14 mos.). - - .•
The 1989 reunion- will be held
June 25 nt MacNauglltcn Park Ex-
chairman R. N. Anes (Brantford):
Treasurer J. Fennama (London).
4. All members, as w ell as the
-older ones, who experienced them-
selves during W'tVll what loss of
Fieedon) means, .as well as the.
younger in nibers, who served
Mad See fur thcn w
rosel�;s'what the
results are of anarchy, terrori m
• and extremism,'lind each other in
these common, values and inter-
ests. - -
Therefore it is very appropriate
to quote here, what Her Majesty
Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands
said in such -a pithy way .iii 1 ler
Chrisunas address 1986: "Peace is
not for sale- for the -price of'Irec; .
don); first conics freedom: and afte r
1. that peace".
5. Potential members are kindly
requested to write (or phone) gory
further information/membership-
. - application to one of the lolIovsing
addresses: President "Gewest Carta--
• ( da 8 Landsdowne Ave, Brantford,
Ont. N.3T -4T2, Phone: '.519-752-
6742. '
Secretary: 23 Frontenac Ave.,
Brantford, Ontario, - ti tR 3117,
Phone:. 519-759-1243. 1'R & .Gen-
eral Information: 345 Sandowne
Drive, Waterloo, Ontario N2K
Phow: 519-885-5144.
Ail and Pauline Miller are proud
to announce the graduation of their
daughter, Julie on June 17, 1988;
from Seneca.College, King City of
Applied Arts and Technology with a
d:p+oma in Animal Health Technolo-
gy. Julie has accepted a position
with. Staples Animal Hospital in
London. Julie: is the. wife of Brad
Beattie and grandaughter of Lovina
f"'.::er, Zurich.. Congratulations, Ju-
Hensall Civic Corner
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Find out what you need to know
('heck the hocs tor pamphlet. ill studies ctiiiIl;
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SPECIFIC til"(" I ORS a (;F;\F;RAI.
Includes pamphlet. on
Agriculture: the
:\utinwti<<' Indtistr,
Energ . The Fishing
Industr.Forestr� -
Products and II1 estnlent"
Faye Gaiser graduated May 28,
198a from McMaster University,
Hamilton, with a Bachelor of Physi-
cal Education Degree. She is the
proud daughter bf Don and Maida
Gaiser, Dashwood.
Includes pamphlet., on
• Consumer Ink:re•t..
The .\greenlrnl.
Canadian Women,
Culture. hiss Benefit..
Sok int 1)ispules
and Tariff fN-
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honorahlc John C. ('rnshie, ministrc du Commerce extrriet4r .•
1141 4, External Affairs Affaires extlsrieures
Canada Canada
Ca nadii