HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-13, Page 16t'aRlb limes 88 New ministJu er inducted at Thames Road United Church 8y' MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD - About 150 people attended the Induction Ser- vice for Rcv. Sheila MacGregor on Thursday evening in "Thames Road Church. Rcv: Richard 11;oxtey of Exeter United Church was in charge of the service. The choir sang "The Old Country. Church" accompanied by the organist Mrs. • Reg. Hodgert:. Mrs. JoITn Pym. read Psalm 67. Mrs. Phil Johns read Philippians 2: 1-11. 'Rev. Deborah C'artcr•of Centralia and Zion West United Churches gave a .very inspiring. message A1rs: Lorne 1�'assm ra Mrs. Don Kerslake, Messrs Lorne Batlamync and Elson Lynn received the offer- ing. _ Rcv. Hoekstra of Bayfield United Church, who.is chairman of Huron - Perth Presbytery conducted the In- duction of Rcv. Sheila MacGregor assisted by. Rev. Doug Wright of Mensal]. Rcv. llockstra them ushered Rev. MacGregor_to the pul- pit. . The- following people also said _a few, words. Bruce Dclhridge, Mrs. Larry Lynn, Sam Skinner, Mrs.. Lorne llern, Rev. Doyon, Murray Dawson; hirs. Glen. Stewart, Bev Rabbctts, Robert }fern and Rev. 1 lawlcy. We -welcome Rev. Sheila, •her husband Richard ,MacGregor and daughter Alexandra to our Commu- nity. Everyone went to the. base mens where cookies, squares, coffee and-cutd drinks were partaken of which brought an. enjoyable even- ingtoaclose.- - - • Church service .. Rcv. •Stteila N1acGregor was in charge of -the combined service at_ Thames Roal United Church:Sun- day morning. The responsive read- ing Has part of Psalin 100. Rev... Sheila told the children about.•a man who was.a baker and nionk. The choir sang "Whispering'Hope': ac- companied by the organist Mrs. Reg. llodgcrt. Rcv.Shcila read the: Scripture Luke -18: 18-25 and Phi- lippians.4: 4 and -the sermon was tak-tin-from--Ephcsians 1:2. It was a real impressive message. The service was closed with the singing of Shalotn, Shaloin. - 'Next Sunday July 17 it will be combined service at Elimville at 10:30 a.m. The rite of baptism will be administered to Matthew son of .Gerald and Carolyn Johns. Sunday July 24 at 10:30 a.tn. -will -be our annual workshop scr- vicc and picnic lunch and sports at Morrison Dam. Everyone. is. to bring plates, cups, cutlery, picnic basket and law chairs. Sliced ham and beverage will be provided. Thames Road is in charge of - _sports. Elimville is in charge of the table and worship needs: Personals Get well wishcs.are extended to . Mrs. Edna Anderson, Mr. Gerry •Richt, Mrs. Isobclle Fletcher, Mr. Howard Johns and Mr:. Allen Johns. - Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Ilodgert and•to 13 years: Michelle Luxton, Ala- Distance Walk: Robert Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hodgert attend- na Luxton. All -Men - Robert Bray; three legged race: Michelle and . cd a family 'gathering at the .home Alan Hodgen and Jim Dunlop. La- Alana Luxton,. Ryan Parker and of Mr. and -Mrs. Hedtcy May, Sun- dies Backward Walk: Michele llod- Jane_ Cann, Trevor. McLean and day afternoon, gert, Kathy Bray, Ruth Dunlop. Tin: Parker. Girls and Ladies Kick . Ilodgert Reunion • -. Wheel Barrow Race: 15.years And the Slipper: Kathy Bray, •Brenda • . The 63rd annual Hodgcrt. reunion under, Michcic and Megan Luxton, I tern, l.auret Miner.wad held Saturday July .9 at Lions TIM Parker and Trevor McLean, Boysand Men's Kick the Slipper: -Park, Mitchell. The. temperature J'ody.and Amanda Ellyatt. Jack • -Hodgen, Don N1a\ o, Larry was 35C. There were 68 sat down for lunch and 71 for suppc r. • Relatives from Mt. Cl mens, Michigan, Kitchener,: Sarni; , Chat - rounding London a d sur- rounding area attcndcd:.Mac. Iiiztl- Crcrl,wicc-president welcomed all. athie and Rodger gave secretary • and treasurers report. • - Officers for 1989 arc: Presidents -- Maida and Don Gaiser, Vice- presidcnts - Mac and I lcicn l rod gees, Sec. •- Treasurer: Ruth and . .Jim Dunlp: Table conunittee: Reg. and.Jcan Ilorgcrt, Larry and Judy . Mays, Robert and Kathy - Bray. • Sports Committee:. Ivan and.Bren- da Hem, Alan and Michele Hod- -gen, Steven Ricc. Youngest: Pamela Smith, daugh- to of Susan and Dan Smith, Sar- - nia. Oldest: -Vi Coates, •Exeter. . Furthest: Shirley Doherty, Alt. Clemens Mich. Sports: Running. Races, -Toddlers: Nathan Cann, Jes- sica Bray,:Susan-Miner. . Three to -four year. old: Kristy. Bray, Megan Parker, Jeanna !fern: Girls five to seven, Erin Parker, . Vanessa Bray, Tonya -McLean. NDUCTION CEREMONY Rev. Sheila Macgregor (second from' left) was inducted as the new minister of Boys eight to'10, Trevor .McLean, Thames Road-Elimville in a service at Thames Road -United Church on July 7. Taking pari -in the ceremony'. were Tian -Parker, Jody Ellyatt. Girls 11 Rev. Rick Hawley, Exeter United -Church; Rev.. John -Hoekstra, chairperson of- the.Huron-Perth presbytery, Rev. Deborah Carter, Minister of Centralia -Zion West and Rev. Doiig Wright,•Hensall United Church. t 1.vo, Relay races: "Tam 1 - Ken Richardson, Drop the Ball in Buck- et and Pass the Change, Lisa Smith, Leap Frog. Water Balloon Toss; Brian and Jeff I Iodgert. Mys- tery Jar: Brian Hodgcrt. Word • Games: Jeff Hodgert-and Kare j Itod- gcrt. Jelly Beans: Larry Mayo. Brightest Shorts: Trevor McLean. A PANASONIC 40" PROJECTION TV (AT THIS GAS BAR) Pt" Lveryame you fill -up' at the CO-OP.GAS BAR you will receive an entry form. 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