HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-13, Page 15Times -Advocate, July 13, 1988
Page 15
B) Jack Riddell
\1pp Huron
Ontario- will host Agriculture ministers and deputy ministers from
across the country in Toronto July 11th to .13th for the annual inter . •
provincial and federal -provincial conferences. .
The Toronto location wal chosen because of cny Ministry's cele-
bration this year of its 100t1ii anniversary.
Federal -provincial sessions will be co-chaired by myself and federal
Agriculture Minister John Wise; and will cover such areas as agricut-
Shipka by Mrs. Hugh Moreitz
•S11iPKA - About 65 attended the
• annual Pickering reunion held Sun-
day- at Shipka Community Centre.
Folks came form- Brantford, Forest,
Grand - Bend, Ilyde Park, London,
Arva •and this area. The Ross Pick-
cring laniily • wcrc in- charge of
sports. President for the group is
Eva "Taylor. fill enjoyed a smorgas-
bord ,supper.
Lorne and -Dorothy Fenner and
Don and Mabel Fraser attcndcd the
annual I lat lion fancily reunion, herd
at.Brigilen .with around 30 attend-
ing. Relatives attended from Lon-
don, Granton and. Inkster, Michi-
gari. Brad 1larlton•,of Michigan
conducted spor s, -
•Secretary is Babette Harlton, of
• Granton: They decided to hold the
picnic sante 'place and time next
year. •
• • Personals
Ken -and Ortha Biker, attended the
wedding, Saturday, July 9, of their
niece. Lissa Schilbc, daughter of
Mr.* -and Mrs. Laird Schilbc, to
• Robert W. Kolkman, son of Mr.•
and Mrs. William Kolkman, at Zu-
rich Lutheran.church. Reception
lollo_wcd -at •Sl nlcy township Com-
plcz. A nuiiilxr•of.-Lissa's cousins
in this area attended the reception.
'`I:hosc from this area attending the
wedding Saturday of their niece,
• Lois Pickering, -daughter of Glen
Pickering, area, and Mrs. Eileen
:Pickering of London, to Keith Lew -
cry of London were, Ross and Eve-
lyn Pickering, Lawrence and Hazel
Scott, Jim Pickering and Mrs. Mar-
ilyn Pickering. The wedding was at
Chalmers Presbyterian Church with
recepl4on following at the Ivanhoe.
Recent visitors with Mrs. Annie
Zichnan and her family were' her
brother Peter Janzen and wife Mar-.
garct • from Winnipeg, Manitoba,
their son henry and wife Marlene
Janzen, ancf Andrew, and the Sr.
Janzen's daughter ,Mary Anne Mar-
During the holiday week they
spent in Ontario they attended a
-lawn family gathering at the audi-
torium of Leamington Mennonite
church, to celebrate the 25th wed-
ding anniversary of Bill and Ellen
Angie Ziclman spent a week's
holidays in Essex at her sister's,
Susie and Wayne Robson; Colin,
Shcina and Breagh Jane.
Don and Elizabeth Adams attcnd-
cd the Monger family reunion the
last weekend in June at Elkton Vir-
ginia. This family emigrated to Vir-
ginia from England in 1603, and
arc now scattered. through various
Parts of 'United States and Canada.
The Mongers arc Elizabeth's moth-
er's fancily. • •
- .e thc_way, home they toured the
o 'cello home. built by Thomas
Jefferson, a former President of the
United States. tic was also an am-
bassador to France and .wrote the
Declaration of Independence, which
was adopted in 1776. Another in-
wresting stop was to visit the farm
of Jame Monroe, .who also was a
former U.S. president.
Congratulations and est wishes
to Ken and Ortha Baker •who this
week observe their 42nd wedding
anniversary and Ken's 65th birth-
Stan Pickering, of Brantford, is
home for a two wcck hbliday with
his parents -Ross and Evelyn Pick-
; cring and family, • •
Mrs. Eileen (Moroni) Tarplcy,
-and friend Al of Lake Worth, Flori-
da. visited arca friends here last
• wcck. When they visited us last
Thursday tone of those sweltering
• hot days) they said they wcrc look-
ing forward to getting hack to
• Florida to "cool off.
Hugh and !attended the Coleman -
reunion picnic at Stanley township
park last Sunday. and 1 will send in
a report of it next wcck.
Belated "Happy Birthday" to our
former neighbour, Henry Becker,
of Zurich w ho was 89 years young
last Mon.Lty.
Pat and Jack Schroeder, with
- Pat's sister Phyllis Case, of Exct
er, visited a day last week •with
their relatives, flarold *ad Shirley
Kerslake, of Elimvillc, and Ilene
and Archie Webber, of Exeter, who
wcrc holidaying in a _cottage at
Port Blake for a wcck: Ilarold has
recovered from an unfortunate acci-
dent he suffered during his holiday.
Don't forget! The $hipka Com-
munity picnic being held this
• . evening July 13 at 7 p.m at the
Community Centre. Each family
is asked to bring a pie. Hot dogs
and ice cream supplied. Sports for
young and old, and the 50-50 draw
ture trade policy, tripartite stabilization, crop insurance, nrcnt
drought problems, and supply management issues. • The inter-
provincial conference will he held Monday, July 11th and federal -
provincial conference on Tucsd.t and Wednesday.
Tour of areas affected by dry weather .
Last week I took the opportunity to spend two days touring areas
of the province affected by the recent dry.weather conditions.
Following reports:of increasing problems in some crops in south-
western Ontario, 1 made stops in Niagara; the Norfolk.arca, Kent,
Essex, Lambton and Perth counties, and the Chatham area. Earlier 1
viewed farms in Iluron and Middlesex counties.
Many crops are covered by crop insurance, which provides Prov -
tion against diverse weather conditions.
•A special -ministry committee chaired by my deputy minister Dr.
Clayton Switzer has been established to monitor the of feet. and c stent
of ilio adverse weather conditions. In addition, l had earlier .written tt
federal Slinistcr John Wise to request that Ontario producers Who
suffer losses from dry weather receive Compensation equal w that
announced for Weste.m producers. ' The federal-provincial•meeting of agriculture ministers and deputy
ministers; July 10th to 13th; provided an opportunity to raise the is
sue of weather conditions_ _ - -- - - -
Ilearings on retail business Holiday Act to begin in
Since receiving second reading, the proposcd•amendmcnts to the
Retail Business Holiday Act and the Employment Standards Act
have been referred by the Ontario Legislature to the Justice C'unuurit-_
tee .which will conduct public hearings across the Province.
Recognizing the fact.that the current law is subject to widespread'
abuse, the Government proposes legislation ..Inch is fair, cnlorcca-
Atte, and ensures that Sunday store openings are based on the individ-
ual needs and values of Ontario's communities.
Jack's Jottings
• The new legislation en&wrages freedom of choice for Ontario com-
munities, provides fair and effective protection for all retail workers.
and treats religious groups more equitably. •
The Justice Committee will hold hearings in several Ontario corn -
[nullities in August. 1t will spend one day each in Thunder Bay,
North .Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, Ottawa, Peterborough, King
ston, Orillia, Collingwood, Windsor, London, Brantford, and St.
Catharines, and one week in Toronto.
Ontario challenges Free Trade Agreeinent.
Two proposals which respond to the concerns arising from the
Canada -U.S. Trade Agreement have leen introduced by Energy Mini-
ster Bob Wong and `'ince Kerrie*, Minister of Natural Resources.
'Amendments to the Power:Corporation Act reduce Ontario's vul-
nerability under the trade agreement and the federal government's im-
plenicnting legislation, while asserting Ontario's authority over clec-
tricity matters.
L.nder the new law, Ontario Hydro will be allowed to export sur-
plus electrical power at prices higher -than the domestic. price for
equivalent service. •
"The he atnendincnts will ensure that the -trade agreement will not
• deny -Ontario's -ability -under the -Constitution to -provide for the encs -
g security and economic well-being of its people," Mr. Wong said.
he Water Transfer Act establishes Ontario's constitutional author-
, "Irte .onirol and manage its water supply.
.1 utter rlre new law, any transfer of water out of major drainage ba-
sins in tip, i•„,v ince would he controlled, ensuring a secure supply of
water fort ►ut.0 cans :uid Canadians. -
"phis Government is concerned -that the_proposed -Free Trade
Agreement places . ontrol of Canada's water supply at risk. We be-
lice that the failure to expressly exclude water exports from the
Agree'icent opens a door we think ought to be closed," Mr. Kcrrio
• -lid.
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