HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-13, Page 11Times -Advocate, July 13, 1988 Page 11 Garage sale fundraiser Ily Carmel S%%eeney. ZURICH - if anyone in town has some garage items they want to get rid of (anything at all), they would be appreciated by the St. Boniface C.W.L. H•ho arc planning to have a big garage and bake sale on Saturday, July 23 on the same day as the Zurich fair. It will be held across from the arena from 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m. •- Articles can be brought there that • morning.. Also please. put a price on them. All proceeds wiligo to- wards the building fund for the new • church. - Playground Anyone who was away on holi- da)•a.an1J missed signing their kids up for the summer play -ground program can stiltdo so by contact- thearena at 236-4969. Play- grounds for- children*5 -12 years old and begins on July IK. • Bingo 111 spite of the hot weather last Thursday night there- were still a. lot of people out to play Bingo at the arena. . . The mystery prize worth S400 %vent to Barbara 1lowe of Bruce - and the S1,0()) jack -pot was split by Alida Rau of Zurich and Lerma Robinson of Gtxlcrich. The Recreation Co nmittc& along with Don and Elaine Beauchamp are busy making. plans for the "Giant Binge".to.be held on Satur- day, r\tigust 6. Curt of the Bingo cards for the day will be S27 per person and a hot chicken bar -b -qui supper Will he available between four and sixp,t. at S8.a plate (ca-. serest to by Jerry Rader and group).. Hensall planning grant TORONTO - The honourable Jack Riddell, Minister of Agricul- ture andFood and MPI' for f luron, -announced-the S4,385 second-pay- niem Of a S12.,528 community planning grant to the County of _Huron for the village cif Hensall. Speaking on behalf of the hon- ourable John Eakins, Rlinister of Municipal Affairs, ? 1r. Riddell said the grant is being used by the mu- nicipality to prepare an economic development strategy. Community' planning grants . froth the hlinistry of :1lunic•ipalAl-- ADMIRING - Bob an(t Doris Sinasac and sons Robbie (right) and Jonathan admire the craft made_b dao hter fairs are desi't• of encc'lurage mu - Y g rnicipalitics 'too resuh'r land use Cherish at the display and -program bringing to a close Vacation Bible School.in•Zurich. During the five days, -planningissues to tenets municipal nl daily attendance -records showed a low of 169 chiidrelt, and a high of 181. a i and economic priorities. . The grants -nay also be used for special studies to develop conunu-: FINAL REDUCTION 50%-75'0 Entire Stock (All sales final, cash or cheque only) LITTLE PEOPLE Clothing and Accessories WE KATER TO KIDS Infants to 14, 3.7 Main St., Exeter 235-1113 Golden timpses ZURICII - Needless to say, resi- dents did seek out whatever cool spot could be found all during last" week. Some are fortunate enough_to have families with summer homes Your Kitchen Could Look Like This -High Quality Kitchen • by Gerrie Glenn Inc: • Choose from our high quality see ion___ • Beautiful yet efficient- • Check out our showroom • Free estimates in your home • Also do laundry rooms & vanities Summer Hours Tues. - Fri. 9 a.m. = 5 p.m. Gerrie Glenn Inc. 111 Queen St., Hensall 262-3529 The One You've Been Waiting For! Till end of July Brass and Ceramic Table Lamps up to 5 O % off Track Lighting 30%Off Floor Lamps . up to 5 0 O/0 off (ZUOIZ,L 1 tghring in the finest tradition tom) Ceiling Fans From °59°°. 34995 Ceiling Fixtures 2 0 - 50°'0 off Solid Brass Outdoor Lights From Quoizel Bathroom Wall Strips 30%off otson Lighting Located 1 mile north of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21 Call 238-8240 - Open 9 - 6 daily except Sunday H and are invited to join them. Those who were out during the week were: Genevieve Ducharnte, Emilie Miller, Myrtle Dietz, Ruth Warner, Marcella Dietrich, Anthony Regier, Helen Bedard, Jcanr Levine, Fred Teeter, Elizabeth Gingcrich, Loftus Denommc, Aaron Gingcrich, Tillie Bassow, Lucinda Keller and Mary Gerber. - - Wc still have an enthusiastic group of card players, shuffleboard and pool players Wedrnesday even- ings have become very busy and popular as games:night. • Die sympathy of residents and staff is extended -to the_ fancily of the late h1rs. I IikEI Turnbull, Mrs. Violet llunticy and Mrs. Rosetta Laub are both confined to a London hospitiil. Mr. Harvey Kcys is a patient in South 1luron Hospi tat, Exeter The Sunday evening chapel ser- vice.wasconducted by Rev. Ste- phen Aloes of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich. - nity improvement policies; to -deter- -Mine the- feasibility of using data processing technology in the local planning process; and to assist in rntplcnienting the Planning Act. - . The St. Boniface Parish are hav- ing a fund raising dinner and dance on Friday, August 5 at the Rec. Centre in Exeter. Tickets are now available after the weekend Mass's, or front. Don and Elaine Beau- champ (236-4687) at S25 per per- - son. All ptocccds will go to help build a new .Catholic Church in Zurich. Meals on %%heels - - If anyone can help deliver 'Meats on Wheels" at noon time around town a couple days a wreck would . they please contact Russel) Grainger at .236-7.724. Your help w ill he greatly appreciated. Personals Many attended a Buck and Doc •dance for -Fruity VandcnBoonten and Bance Andy Grocnestegc in Sc- bringvillc .on Friday night. Trudy is the daughter of Coby and Arnold \'andenlloo men of R.R. 2 1 lensall. A bridal. shower Was held for Tra- cey Dcsjardins on Sunday July 10 at the home of Lori Masse, RR 2 Zu- rich. Tracey is the fiance cif Richard Beckird. The couple are planning to be married August 20.in Woodstock- . Coming Soon to Exeter on Thames Road 3/03,47-s-irsoffi%I.liir JEDASHWOOD WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE anniversary Sale July l l - 23 To Celebrate Our Sale We Are Offering: Classic Insulated Entry Sytems Wood & Vinyl Clad Patio Doors - Wood & Vinyl Clad -Casement & Awnings -- Wood & Vinyl Clad Side Sliders Wood &- Vinyl Clad Double & Single Hungs ',: Classic Entrances BUY FOR 60% OF THE MANUFACTURERS LIST PRICE - Special Pricing 1' On Vinyl Replacement - • Windows, • Roof Windows=/- and Sky Domes . . . • - Sales * Installation * Service * Free Estimates . For More information contact Bob Restemayer Res. 235-1048 251 Erie St. HOURS: 1196 Wallace Ave. N. STRATFORD Mon. - Fri. 9-5:30: LISTOWEL 273-5757 Sat. 9 - 1 • 291-1612 Inlmducing the Tbtal Life Club. The most difficult thing will he remembering all its benefits. Our new total Lite Club is unlike anv other club The benefits are so comprehensive, there Isn't. enough nx►t to 11.1 them all Get instant cash at over --23,tl�It) money machines across fi\rticrira, :and pay- no 1r(1Ls1C r(► c. , -:my mrcrate' or('ircuitAF.41 .kr 4'.s ('.uiada • Savings on goods and services at gni )t retaticrs Investing? (>iet Security and High Yield in Pct Balance with our Guaranteed Investments. Choose from Gua- ranteed imrstment Ccnificatcs and 45.• ' I)cticntures - for: - The Security of a Risk-F•rcc Investment - A Higher Rctunt than a Savings Account - Flexibility to choose the terms you need • Ask about our Guaranteed • Investments today 0 vel) • ',dying*. and c s t ended tyarr.ur- ,tlesat leatl111 national automotive sleet lalists • l discounts at that it hoti•Is and car rental agencies Lend duly 311, 1oys, you'll yet the Total Late ('ard 1 -REE for 1 year when you open a T( Y1 Al. 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Traveller< Che<rte< . • • , ' i,o(K l mniicv rIh11h1i1cs .1( two, North Anien(,+ in addrtltmim, toil Linn t11aku dt:rosltsor.with tlraw:tls at ant !II our 1;11 branches rat wide So, So, It you hAyt Sll),(xxl of more rt1 lltyest, ct.inc 111 :111d•tie(- . hots you can yarn nitlre ton yt+ur - saylllys. :., • 1 1