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Times -Advocate, July 13, 1988
Wingfield's Progress' sensational theatre
By Yvonne 'Reynolds
Exceptional Deilghtf ul. Sear
performance. Superb entertain-
Superlatives arc necessary to de-
scribe Wingfield's Progress, which
Opened the Playhou.sc '11 season at
lluron.Country Wayhousc on July
6. . '
Rod Beattie is back at the Play-
house .alter creating the theatrical
sensation -of the 196 season in
the original,Letters From Wing-
field Forma. series of witty mis-
sivcs scnt.by stock broker -turned -
gentleman -farmer Walt Wingfield
to the editor of the Larkspur paper.-
--Beattie's phenomenal acting tal-
ents once again brings to life the
writing _ genius of Dan Needles;
whose original letters written under
the pen name Walt Wingfield
while Needles was editor of a
newspaper in. Shelburne; Oni.,
won the Ontario \Vicekly Newspa-
per Association's Best Column
award in 1976.
In this sequel, the residents of
RR) Larkspur in Persephone
township rally their forces to sty-
mie a Toronto lawyer who wants
to establish luxury condominiums-
ondominiumsin their rural midst,and curtail
some of their farming practices.
Wingfield's dealings with the
township council, who arc all for
the broader tax -base thc.devclop-
mcnt would bring, initially con-
siders running for council himself
tot thwart the big -city entrepreneur.
i le is dissuaded by his friends and
neighbours. One points out that
"people only run for council when.
they run out of stupid things to do
on their own place, and you have a
long way to .go; you've only
scratched the surface",
The account of the final batik
plan, put. into action using ani-
mals, manure spreaders and a
threshing-machinc the day Darcy
Dixon invites 75 of the most in-
fluential real estate agents in the
city to cone out to view the model'
suite, is good for about 10 eye,
• wiping minutes. of. continual
Beattie turns in an amazing per-
formance. For two hours, with a
15-millute intcrinission, he 'is
alone on stage, portraying an entire
community of people with a
change of expression, a change of
hat, a different speech pattern; or
an identifying mannerism,
Through Beattic's brilliance, you
can sce \1'ingticld winching Freddie
up to the barn roof on a hay hook
to repair the damage from a pigeon
shoot, or Wingfield and Don the
dairy farmer waiting` in the hen-
house for the return of a weasel, or
a typical -session of a rural council
digressing to discuss whose grand-
daddy built the first bank barn, or
broke the first sod ;on the disputed
property.. -
The country humour is as abun
-dant as blossoms in a clover field.
Such gems of observations as
•"You look like tyou'vc been rode
hard -and put away hot", or "he's so
narrow he could walk through the
strings of a harp without striking a
•note" and "he doesn't dress -like no-
bility, but he has the same work
schedule" are a few exarnplcs of the
thread of wit woven throughout this
presentation. •
Wingfield's affection aad loyalty
arc firmly on. the side of his farmer
friends. This is shown explicitly in
the way he handles the news of the
sudden death of a close friend.
The two hours pass too quickly,
and arc over too soon, The audience
files out happily, knowing country
has successfully ma-tchcd - wits
STAR - Rod Beattie, star of the.one-man show Wingfield's Progress cur-
rently at Playhouse II in Grand Bend, talks after his superb opening night
performance with Vicki Mann, PR and marketing director at Huron Country
Playhouse, and Bruce Woodley, chairman of the Playhouse board of direc-
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'Closed Sunday
by Mrs. E. Summers
GRANTON - At the United
Church Rey. -Bruce Pearce was in
charge of the morning worship, and
entitled his sermon "Enoch initiated
Before God".
The S unday School Id ren
played games thiring
the service. '
Flowers were place , one church
on Sunday in nceritory of the late
Mrs. l lcnrictta Carson.
Siliccrc sympathy is extended to
the fancily of late..Mrs. Alvin Car-
son. (I lenrictta).
Th c pan you've been
waiting for has arrived
Get your's today
We're located on
against city, and the community of
Larkspur will retain the "serenity
and majesty of a Mayan runt".
Rod Beattie
Just one word of advice: dress
cool and bring a fan; Playhouse 11
is not airconditioned.
Bcattic's acting ability and
Needles writing skills arc a.scren-
dipitous combination. .The two
have known each other since child-
Berry Farm
now taking orders for
or pick your own by
appointment only.
All the. characters portrayed h'
Beattie are .based on -real
The actor was taken by the author.
to meet some of than, hear .them'
talk, and catch their individual
traits. Beattiesaid he Was rather
'cinbarrassed, but .his subjects were
proud to. be choe.en as models for
such a theatrical tour do force.
Beattie, a part of the Stratford
Festival for eight years, concen.
crates now on the Wingfield epis-
tics. -
"1 lo\:e this show. I really Is•lieve
`in it. It's the most fun I'v�c had on
stage. in a long time", Beattie said
after the opening night performance.
lIc will be taking It'in'%ield'A
Progress.across Canada within the
next 12 months.. '1'he current play
is booked. into the Grand Theatre in -
London'ncxt spring.
The show is proxiuccd by Bcauie's
brother Douglas. •
• Nccdlcs and Bcattic •
have promised
one more chapter to round out the•
trilogy. !fit is half as good.as the
first two, theatre goers can kook for-
ward to yet another treat from RR I
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