HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-13, Page 3. PUC customer feels unfairly billed Hensall pool policies questioned HENSALL - Bob Baker attended the July meeting of Hensall council Monday evening to question why he; as a pool owner, is billed extra ror water. • • "1. think I am unfairly billed. S20 when I don't use S20 worth of wa- ter," complained. Baker. A •1983 Ileum!! bylaw stales that pool own- ers will be charged 5.30 for an ini- tial filling, and S20 per year after- wards as an evaporation fee. Baker claims his pool, above ground and enclosed, does not suffer . from evaporation and needs almost no topping up. In fact, he says he has added no water to his pool yet this year. "I've mentioned this to the PUC - two or three times before and I nev ergot any satisfaction," said Baker. Councillor Butch Hoffman point- ed out the purpose of the bylaw is to treat all pool owners equally without -the cost of checking water usage. . "It would cost us more to check than collect," said 1 ioffrnan. "It's the principle that's got me all upset," argued Baker. He also objected to a 30c bill -he received from the PUC because he was wait- ing to discuss the S20 pool fee be- fore paying it. Baker noted the 300 interest charge was less than the 370 it cost to mail it, even though the PUC were well aware he would be speaking to council. . "It's a pretty cheap shot, '1 think," said Baker. • - Later in the evening, council de- cided to return the question of the pool user rates to the PUC with Only one case in Exeter court In the only case -heard before JP Doug Wedlakc in Exeter court on July 5, Angelo Vilos, 57 Alexan- der St., Exeter, entered a guilty plea to driving while suspended. Vilos had produced a valid li- cence when stopped for speeding on. 1lighway 4 in Usbornc _town- ship on March 19. A check showed he had been suspended for demerit points as probationary driver. l le had stopped driving for 30 days, but had failed to read the part of the notice' which stated that the suspension began on surrender of his licence. Vilos had since surrendered his licence, served his 30 -day suspen- sion and been reinstated. He was fined 5250 and had his licence sus- pended for a further six months. Stephen Continued from front page . sion. The petition is being turned over to Bill Dietrich of•W.E. Kelly Associates for a survey, plan and re- port • Council has agreed to enter into a discussion with the township of McGillivray regarding mutual fire aid and supplementary firc protec= tion in an arca along the North Boundary Concession in McGilliv- ray. An agreement is bcign signed with thc Ontario Ministry of Agri - 'culture and Food for ice time.at the Stephen arena for students at Cen- tralia College. Jim Finkbcincr, Peter \Vucrth and Dave McDonald of the combined Stephen township fire departments will be attending a course on extri- ccat�ion in Godcrich from July 14 to - Agiecrnenls With' the Exeter and *area fire board concerning the pur- chase of a new pumper and naming Of certain officers were approved. Council will go along with rec- ommendations from thc Ausablc- Bayfield Conservation Authority re- garding a minor variance application within the village of Grand Bend. • Permission_ was given for a liquor permit for the Shipka Rookies dur- ing their upcoming ball tournament *in Dashwood on August S'to 7. reconifnendation that owners of en- closed pools be billed only 50 per- cent ercent of outdoor -pool (Winters. • "1'11 be perfectly- honest with you," reeve Jim Robinson told•Bak- er, "I'm going to recommend this to thc PUC, but I'm also going to rec- ommend they raise the rates any- way:" Robinson cited increasing water costs, plus _the fact it costs more than -S150 to have the firc de- partment fill a pool using the tank= cr. • "1 don't think that's reasonable," argued Baker. "Our water rates ha- ven't gone up then why should that go up?" "I can see Bob's point of view," said councillor Cecil Pepper of Bak- er's lack of evaporation. "I can see the only true method is to meter it," he said, adding he doesn't like the idea or expense of installing meters in llensall. In other business, council noted that as no tenders to paint -the Town Hall 'were received, Ken Pollock, who is presently repairing the woodwork, had agreed to paint it as well on an hourly rate basis. Clerk -treasurer Luanne Phair pointed out that paint scrapings have to be tested to match the new colour to the original so the project will still be eligible for Ontario Heritage funding. "We still have to have an archi- tect verify the colours or they won't eveu consider the application," said Phair. - Hensall PUC has been -given the go-ahead from council to call an emergency meeting and impose wa- • tering restrictions on the \ illage if required. The PUC had asked coun- cil if the bylaw had to .come from the village, but council confirmed the PUC have the right to pass the - restriction by themselves: • • "Lorne (Archer) is saying it is. not a good situation,'_' said Robin- son.- llensall's water consumption is said to be up to 170,000. gallons aday. • - Council passed its 1988 budget to collect taxes for the,municipality and ovcrall.tax rates are up six per- cent- over last year. Phair pointed out that two percent of that increase is due to a likely loss of assess- ment under the County -Wide Reas- sessment plan, otherwise the bud.- get ud=get increase was only four percent. Under the reassessment, some vil- lage households may actually sec a decrease in taxes. Councillor. Peter Groot noted that very few people understand County - Wide Reassessment. "They will August 15," said councillor . Hoffman of the date when tax 'assessment notices will be sent out. Works superintendent John Baker recommended a full-tinto employee. be hired sometime in the future to work for both the community cen- tre and the works department to avoid the turnover the two present part-time positions experience. "I think it should be looked into," said Baker. Council agreed to discuss a job description of such. an employee with the parks board and arena manager. READING A STORY - Darren Oesch reads to mother Bev and grand- mother Doreen from a book he puttogether during Vacation Bible School in Zurich. Friends and relatives were invited to the display and closing cere- mony. More than 150 children from the area attended the school each day. Power Interruption for Village of Lucan Only Sunday, July 17 from •6 a.m. - 10 a.m. ' For plant maintenance at substation All you need to remember about home comfort is SYSTEMS BY LENNOX INSTALLED BY HEATING AND AIR CONDITIQNING • "We're proud to be your Lennox Dealer" 9 LCBO extends summer hours TORONTO - Liquor Control Board of Ontarie.(LCBO) stores in resort areas have expanded summer- time hours of service, on Fridays, announces Ron Flett, LCBO vice president, Retail. "We have extended store hours on Friday evenings until 9:00 p.m. in many cottage and resort communi- ties," says Flen. "Depending on the location the added hours of service will continue until September or October." In addition to the extended Friday hours • in year fotind stores, the LCBO has also opened eight special -• summer stores to provide added ser- vice to customers. In most commu- nities, these stores will continue to operate until September or October depending on local business. Summer hours apply to stores in this area in Grand Bend, Bayfield, - Zurich afid Hensall HENSALL The only people ;;ou should strive to get even with are the ones who harp. helped you. r Times -Advocate, July 13, 1988 PROTEST.- A display of lawn ornaments in the shape of black people, accompanied by a•banner with'the word "Racism"; was put outside the old town hall. sometime Sunday night or early Monday morning. The display was dis- mantled and the articles brought temporarily into the foyer of the building. 3 col. Deer killed in area A small deer was killed in one of the four motor vehicle accidents in- vestigated this week by officers of the Exeter detachment of the Onta- rio Provincial Police.... - - The -animal was struck at 3.50 a.m., Thursday on Highway 83 by a vehicle driven by Christine' Fer- guson of Dashwood. Damage to the vehicle -was minor. At 4 p.m: the same day, a vehi-. cls operated -by Silvcrc Backe ',RR 3, Exeter struck a hydro pole•on . .sidcroad 5 of Usbornc township. The collision caused the wires on the hydro_ pole to fall and ignite a • nearby grain field owned by Ron Ell rincton. Saturday at .12.25 p.m., vehicles driven by Robert Kinloch, Dash- wbod and Winston Patterson, Grand Bend collided atthe junction of Highway 83 and the B -Line of Ste - accident phcn township. During the week, Exctcr OPP of- ficers investigated 66 general occur- . ences. Charges laid were 87 under the Highway Traffic Act, 12 Li- cence Act infractions and four under thc Criminal Code. The local detachment wished to adivsc the motoring public that the RIDE program will be in operation on area roads throughout the sum- mer months.. Tractor Field .Day at Milton MILTON.- The only event of its kind in Canada, The Great Canadian Antique Tractor. Field Days; will be held Saturday; July 23 and -Sunday, July 24 at the Ontario Agricultural iliuscum. - :The. -awo-day all Canadian event will feature over 30 antique tractors, 50 antiquegasoline engines .and several stem engines, all of Canadi- an manufacture prior to 1958. A parade of these unique Canadian machines will take place each day. Special features include a saw still and shingle mill, all powered by vintage Canadian engines. • Visitors are welcome to partici- pate in log sawing, pail driving and bag -trying competitions. An old time 'Threshing Bee' will, be re- created using a circa 1940 Robert_ Bell threshing machine. Other activities include live musi- cal entertainment and the Museum's daily demonstrations by costumed iulcrpreters. "Rural Reflections - Portraits of a Century" is the museum's feature exhibit this year. Over 570 photo- graphs entered by Ontario residents are on display until September 5, 1988. The Ontario agricultural 'Mu- seum, a 32 -hectare outdoor site, is open daily from 10 -a.m. to 5 p.m. Located 5 km west of Milton, it can be reached from Highway 401 via exits 320B or 312 and follow the signs. Hensall Civic Corner Hay, Hensall - Tuckersmith Area Fire -Committee cordially invite the public to view the newly purchased 1988 fire pumper on Wednesday, July 20, 7:30 - 9 p.m. Official presentation of keys 8 p.m. Refreshrlientsto follow. Everyone welcome Better than 8mm! Better than conventional VHS! Even better than network TV! Announcing the death of the "home movie:' \o%%', the revolut ionary R('A Super VHS Pro%%ander Camcorder e'ievates.he►Ine video to all • almost professional le've'l. ....1+ .1 110 L,1. - ..1 rl„ Ir..nlr nun n .ru�.r, I L. .101, 1hnlc tlr.n lu.a ••I nI.r11. �� n.l. ren {a. aur. I.r,• 1•.I ,,.• • \ 11..,11.1 M1V•„ .i.- . •,•. . I:, 1 -. t 111/4 1',..tt .i,.I� ,• •44.4 I. 1'.'1l .*. 11: , L1. 1 1,. 41•,,..L . . ,, .. • \ il- r Dial let the size of the Small Wonder fool you. it's the compact R('A Super ‘'NS -C ('amc•order— iith the most advanced ideo mailable in a lightweight sv'st em. I I'• 1:1 .1.1, 1 It •1II1 �1 . • 1/116, , •1 1 -v..1 .111• 1.4.- 1/4,11.111 ‘‘,,tHI, • ..•,.Nr..'',I.n.11:. 111,M .••. 1.0 ,r .nt"•1 r•a li, r,ir ,nut .r %sell y"•11, 1,x,1,.1:„ I.. 1 x11111 ..t .1 ..4...1111. 1,.,'r -\.•n 1110.1 1„11,1. .1 1 , 4.I Pi.•. .I.nl \I.plat GA. A 110- ntlls,nt.tl,l. 1i1 1 •"1.111 \1•anl. r • \ II' 1 1 .111.. • 1. 1 1 1. ., l'011w.q,;II 11.11 I..0 A,•.I x\1111 I..''' . ,nn• •'1 t• I1 It 4'. Now, you can take an RCA camcorder on your summer vacation and make 110 payments until M. the Secret 04 RCA Supt, VHS STDs v,,S! 5w.S 9 • Ir • HPe s .try c1Ca Supe, VHS n unaea/aale R('A Super VHS Camcorders challenge all the rest ►►ith the finest ►idt'o recording attainable. 1- 111 .111, •• v1e Incomparable RCA S VHS P.c tut, ReSOIt.l o•' 1.1 RC xeter Electric r� 311 Main St., Exeter 235-0730 Council Briefs .GRAND BEND - The constant whine of jet skis out on the water is getting under the skin of local residents. Council has received numerous complaints about the water novelties. - Noting the - complaints along with an incident . in which a jet ski washed into a power boat causing 'dam- ages of more than .$1,000.,Reeve Harold Green suggest- ed to council that they should re=assess- t)le pros and cons of granting .a licence to the jet ski Suppliers' who operate out of the harbour. Councillor Bruce Woodley intervened, noting that the jet ski rental business was being responsibly run by Jamie and Chris Doherty. Woodley told council the owners of the business were trying very Hard to regulate the behavior of their cus- tomers. Many of the problems - jet- skin jumping motor boat. %cokes and coning too close to swimmers • are caused by private owners, . Deputy Reeve Dennis Snider added. * • * Council firmly stated that they had no control over the type of merchandise sold In stores at. Grand Bend. The subject _ was raised in response to a ratepayer's com- plaint about materials being sold at Just for Kicks. -• • • 11.0. Bud Markham has been hired as the new Grand Bend Public Works Superintendent. Markham's starting salary will be $26,000 and he is eligible for raises at the end of two - six month periods. • • • A jet-ski regatta, which was to be held the weekend of June 25-26, was called off at the last_ minute after pro- moters failed to provide the proper insurance for the event. Deputy Reeve Dennis Snider became Involved in a heated argument at the bath house Saturday morning. Snider prevailed. Council had resolved to cancel the event at their pre- %Ious meeting, but reversed • their decision when it ap- peared organizers. had provided the proper Insurance. • • • Provincial court fines have been, approved as follows: parking on the beach road (beach parking lot) between 2-6 a.m. could cost • a set fine of $30 or a voluntary payment of $20; parking on the beach between 2-6 a.m. will cbst . a set fine of- $30. Other parking violations carry a set fine of $15 or a voluntary payment of 510. READING A STORY - Darren Oesch reads to mother Bev and grand- mother Doreen from a book he puttogether during Vacation Bible School in Zurich. Friends and relatives were invited to the display and closing cere- mony. More than 150 children from the area attended the school each day. Power Interruption for Village of Lucan Only Sunday, July 17 from •6 a.m. - 10 a.m. ' For plant maintenance at substation All you need to remember about home comfort is SYSTEMS BY LENNOX INSTALLED BY HEATING AND AIR CONDITIQNING • "We're proud to be your Lennox Dealer" 9 LCBO extends summer hours TORONTO - Liquor Control Board of Ontarie.(LCBO) stores in resort areas have expanded summer- time hours of service, on Fridays, announces Ron Flett, LCBO vice president, Retail. "We have extended store hours on Friday evenings until 9:00 p.m. in many cottage and resort communi- ties," says Flen. "Depending on the location the added hours of service will continue until September or October." In addition to the extended Friday hours • in year fotind stores, the LCBO has also opened eight special -• summer stores to provide added ser- vice to customers. In most commu- nities, these stores will continue to operate until September or October depending on local business. Summer hours apply to stores in this area in Grand Bend, Bayfield, - Zurich afid Hensall HENSALL The only people ;;ou should strive to get even with are the ones who harp. helped you. r Times -Advocate, July 13, 1988 PROTEST.- A display of lawn ornaments in the shape of black people, accompanied by a•banner with'the word "Racism"; was put outside the old town hall. sometime Sunday night or early Monday morning. The display was dis- mantled and the articles brought temporarily into the foyer of the building. 3 col. Deer killed in area A small deer was killed in one of the four motor vehicle accidents in- vestigated this week by officers of the Exeter detachment of the Onta- rio Provincial Police.... - - The -animal was struck at 3.50 a.m., Thursday on Highway 83 by a vehicle driven by Christine' Fer- guson of Dashwood. Damage to the vehicle -was minor. At 4 p.m: the same day, a vehi-. cls operated -by Silvcrc Backe ',RR 3, Exeter struck a hydro pole•on . .sidcroad 5 of Usbornc township. The collision caused the wires on the hydro_ pole to fall and ignite a • nearby grain field owned by Ron Ell rincton. Saturday at .12.25 p.m., vehicles driven by Robert Kinloch, Dash- wbod and Winston Patterson, Grand Bend collided atthe junction of Highway 83 and the B -Line of Ste - accident phcn township. During the week, Exctcr OPP of- ficers investigated 66 general occur- . ences. Charges laid were 87 under the Highway Traffic Act, 12 Li- cence Act infractions and four under thc Criminal Code. The local detachment wished to adivsc the motoring public that the RIDE program will be in operation on area roads throughout the sum- mer months.. Tractor Field .Day at Milton MILTON.- The only event of its kind in Canada, The Great Canadian Antique Tractor. Field Days; will be held Saturday; July 23 and -Sunday, July 24 at the Ontario Agricultural iliuscum. - :The. -awo-day all Canadian event will feature over 30 antique tractors, 50 antiquegasoline engines .and several stem engines, all of Canadi- an manufacture prior to 1958. A parade of these unique Canadian machines will take place each day. Special features include a saw still and shingle mill, all powered by vintage Canadian engines. • Visitors are welcome to partici- pate in log sawing, pail driving and bag -trying competitions. An old time 'Threshing Bee' will, be re- created using a circa 1940 Robert_ Bell threshing machine. Other activities include live musi- cal entertainment and the Museum's daily demonstrations by costumed iulcrpreters. "Rural Reflections - Portraits of a Century" is the museum's feature exhibit this year. Over 570 photo- graphs entered by Ontario residents are on display until September 5, 1988. The Ontario agricultural 'Mu- seum, a 32 -hectare outdoor site, is open daily from 10 -a.m. to 5 p.m. Located 5 km west of Milton, it can be reached from Highway 401 via exits 320B or 312 and follow the signs. Hensall Civic Corner Hay, Hensall - Tuckersmith Area Fire -Committee cordially invite the public to view the newly purchased 1988 fire pumper on Wednesday, July 20, 7:30 - 9 p.m. Official presentation of keys 8 p.m. Refreshrlientsto follow. Everyone welcome Better than 8mm! Better than conventional VHS! Even better than network TV! Announcing the death of the "home movie:' \o%%', the revolut ionary R('A Super VHS Pro%%ander Camcorder e'ievates.he►Ine video to all • almost professional le've'l. ....1+ .1 110 L,1. - ..1 rl„ Ir..nlr nun n .ru�.r, I L. .101, 1hnlc tlr.n lu.a ••I nI.r11. �� n.l. ren {a. aur. I.r,• 1•.I ,,.• • \ 11..,11.1 M1V•„ .i.- . •,•. . I:, 1 -. t 111/4 1',..tt .i,.I� ,• •44.4 I. 1'.'1l .*. 11: , L1. 1 1,. 41•,,..L . . ,, .. • \ il- r Dial let the size of the Small Wonder fool you. it's the compact R('A Super ‘'NS -C ('amc•order— iith the most advanced ideo mailable in a lightweight sv'st em. I I'• 1:1 .1.1, 1 It •1II1 �1 . • 1/116, , •1 1 -v..1 .111• 1.4.- 1/4,11.111 ‘‘,,tHI, • ..•,.Nr..'',I.n.11:. 111,M .••. 1.0 ,r .nt"•1 r•a li, r,ir ,nut .r %sell y"•11, 1,x,1,.1:„ I.. 1 x11111 ..t .1 ..4...1111. 1,.,'r -\.•n 1110.1 1„11,1. .1 1 , 4.I Pi.•. .I.nl \I.plat GA. A 110- ntlls,nt.tl,l. 1i1 1 •"1.111 \1•anl. r • \ II' 1 1 .111.. • 1. 1 1 1. ., l'011w.q,;II 11.11 I..0 A,•.I x\1111 I..''' . ,nn• •'1 t• I1 It 4'. Now, you can take an RCA camcorder on your summer vacation and make 110 payments until M. the Secret 04 RCA Supt, VHS STDs v,,S! 5w.S 9 • Ir • HPe s .try c1Ca Supe, VHS n unaea/aale R('A Super VHS Camcorders challenge all the rest ►►ith the finest ►idt'o recording attainable. 1- 111 .111, •• v1e Incomparable RCA S VHS P.c tut, ReSOIt.l o•' 1.1 RC xeter Electric r� 311 Main St., Exeter 235-0730