HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-06, Page 25Top . Continued from page 3 - Nlike Cyr, Pay 'Masse; general - Dean Ducharmc; advanced - Eort Lynn. 11'agper,' History advanced - • Dale Ducharmc. •Science Grade 9 advanced --Robert Pass- - • more, Barb Tiernan; general - Don- Ti.•e Dundas; _basic - Clyde Kooy,. racy Johns. Grade 10 advanced - • David Thiel; general - Dan N1cCart- cr; basic - Taramic Winger. Grade 1-1 Biology advanced - Andrew S•ciotr; Environmental Science gcn- eral - Liss. 1cIocIic;.Chcrnistry ad- vanced - Richard -hope; general - Dan Rohde. Grade 12 Physics ad- vanced - George Portinga; general -. Wendy Ballantyne. Grade 13 Biolo- - gy advanced Said Osman; Chenais- try advanced - Said Osman; Physics advanced - Said Osimun. • Mathematics Grade 9 advanced - Jim Kesler; basic - Angie Crowe; general - ihrayne l l;rytcr. Grade.IO advanced - David Thiel, Wanda Turnbull; basic - Patricia :Masse; general - ,John Rooscboom. Grade 11 ad- vanccd - Christine 'lazier; basic - David hie -Donald; generall Lisa MCkxhc,-Akan Ducharmc. Grade 12 advanced - Said Osman; basic Kel- ly Coon; general - Karol -Dauber. - Grade 13 C'alcultK afar 1)u - students charme; Relations and Functions - Lisa Hern, Jeanette VanEsbroeck; Algebra - Mary Ducharmc. - Technical. Grade 9 basic Drafting - Troy Whytl; basic Automotive„- Troy Whyte; basic .Electricty - Troy Whyte; basic Machine Shop - Troy Whyte. Grade 10 basic Drafting - Mark Watson; basic Automotive - Jcff Harburn, Darryl Rowan; basic Electricity - Mark Watson; basic Machine Shop - Mark Watson. Grade 10 general -Drafting - Jim Kester; general Autotnotive - Jason Hem; general Electricity -Jim Kest- cr; general Machinc Shop - Jeremy Mason. Grade 9 Drafting - Dan Thiel. Auto Mechanics Grade 10 - Dan Desjardine, Jason Westlake;. Grade -11 - Geoff Strange, Eric Rammeloo; Grade 12 - Doric McCann: Building-. Construction Grade 10 - Tim Nethercott; Grade 11 - Dcan Ducharmc; Grade -12 - Doug Regier. Architectural Drafting Grade 10 - Patrick Ducharmc; Grade. 11 Jim Crown; -Grade 12 - .Dale Ducharmc. General Drafting Grade 10 - Ross Sitter. Mechanical Draft- ing Grade 11 - David Thiel; Grade 12 - Tony Baker. Electricity Grade 10 - Patrick Ducharmc; Grade' 1 1 Dan Rohde; Grade 12 Chris Chap- - pian.- Mac hint -Shop-Grade-10 -.Jeff at South Htiron O'Brien; Grade 11 - Mike..Rtgicr; • Grade 12 - Gerald Kcstcr.. - Top Tech. Student - Tech. Teach- ers Award - Top Tech. Co:op bas- ic - Joe Gower; general - Terry' Meikle. Business Typing Grade 9 adianccd.- Barba-. • ra Tiernan; general : - Shawn Mt1Falls; Grade 10 advanced • De- nise Kints. Business Practise Grade 11 advanced - Kelly .Talbot; Grade 12 advanced - Catherine 1lartman. Basic Business - -Grade 10 Shannon Henderson, Grade 12 craved McDo nald. -Computer Scienctt Grade 10. general - Denise Kints; Grade 10 ad- vanced - Beth Desjardine; Grade 11 advanced David Thiel; Grirde 12 advanced - David Josephson. Mar- keting'Gradc 1.1 general - Wendy Weido, Chris Miller; Grade lr gen- eral Sara Cooper, Julia Tiernan. Cohsumer Studies Grade 11 general Karol Dauber. Accounting Grade 11 general Cindy- Beaver; advanced - Michelle Vincent; Grade 13 "ad vanccd - David Josephson, Randy MacDonald.• • Arts Art general Grade.12- Patty O'Toole; Grade 11 - Lori .Harburn: Grade 10 - Sherri Ferg-uson; Grade 9 Bounmy Phannavong. Grade. 10 - Craig. Miller; Grade. 10 basic Tammie Winger. - - HOSPITAL DIRECTORS - South Huron Hospital's new board of directors for 1988-89 areas follows: record- ing secretary Margaret D'Anna (back left), Jack Drysdale, past chairman Chris Little. Lints Kuntz, Bob Hem, Glen . Thiel, Sharon Wurm, administrator Don Curren, past chief -of -staff Dr. Debby Waters (middle left), Verla Russel, 'Joe Darling, Alice MacLean, Marytin Hern, treasurer Bev Skinner (front left), chief -of -staff Dr. Ming -Lam, chairman Jim Morlock, first vice Howard Datars, and second vice Larry Wein.- Letters to the Editor Box 376, Zurich Ontario NOM 2T0 Letters to the Editor The Times -Advocate Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO Sir: - Arc you praying for rain?" With" those words f was accosted by an obviously: agitated Mennonite farm - GRADUATE - Howard and Dorene Holtzmann are proud to announce the graduation of their daughter. Heather from lambton College in 'Sarnia on June 18. 1988. She re- ceived. her two-year diplonia from the Early Childhood Education Pro- gram. Heather is presently •em- ployed' at the Kaleidoscope Day Care Centre in London. Unutnnnmunmonnntin,nnnnnn nnnnuni \ 'BARN !DANCE Friday, July 8: SINGLES DANCE TENNESSEE GENTLEMEN Saturday, July 9 WESLEY 4EUSZLER No Blue Jeans, Pleases 3.9 ...26 78 o -Our 0•,- •„U,on, '-come 1%Q„1,1I11111 r,,, 1111,,,11„1t lltrr,,,,,,i,i,1,,,,,,i,,,i,= ATTENTION 1974.75 Grade 9 Class Ceara Huron CaSecondary o Scholl, 10 Year Reunion Sat. July 16/88 Contact Teresa Van Raay,(Hicycnell) 237-3255 Carol Forbes"(Jewitt) 482-3127 Chris Moore (M%Nall) 524-4736 It wasn't an easy question to an- swer. But I had to tell him thc truth. I am not. Rather, 1 told hint, I am asking God to help us grasp what lie is saying to us through the str'ss this weather. is causing. I pointed out -that God as the good Father_ He is, sometimes has to do some very severe things to get our full attention. Of course that proves just how much Ile loves us.• I'm sure my friend was less than• pleased with my answer. Ile would very likely just settle for a -good rain.. The Bible speakscry clearly about this matter o rought: "1\ lien i (God) shut up thc heavens o that there is no rain.::if my pen. plc. '.' ho are called by my name, w ill humble thcrnselvcs and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will 1 hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heAl their land.” Those who dare to identify them- selves with Jesus Christ, calling themselves Christians, need to pay very close attention to every sylla- ble of that solemn statement. The sooner we do, thc quicker we'll get out of this fix. As God flatly as serfs: "Io not ttticrely listen to the. word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." . On the brighter side, we arc as- sured, "This is what the Lord- says, he who matte the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it -- the Lord is his name: 'Call to me and 1 will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."' We arc dealing_ with no less. than the Lord God Almighty in the per- son of his Son, Jesus Christ. He is .the Word who spoke all things into -creation. It is he who -is now "sustaining all things by his pow- erful word." t1c knows our needs much better than wt; do, and he cer- tainly docs not lack thc resources to deal with them. But he is waiting for us to -sincerely call to him with the honest desire to (rear what he wants to tell us, and -with the will to obey what we hear. We aced rain. -Without question this drought is a serious problem. But- that's the surface issue. Through it God is getting at mat- ters of eternal consequence. Those arc the things to which -we -must really pay attention. As far as the weather patterns are. concerned, God cart correct them- swiftly and effort- lessly. His promise is, "Sock first the kingdom of.God and his righ- teousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Respectfully. Eugene fay. • GRADUATE - Mark Johnston, son of Bob and Carol Johnston, Zu- -rich, graduated on June 18, 1988 with honours from. St. Clair College, Windsor, in the Law and Security Administration Program: He'plans to -further his education in Septem-. ber at The University of Windsor. Mark is a grandson of Mrs.'Ross . Johnston, Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gibbons, Owen Sound. Adults $7 a 0 0 -advance Roast Beef B.B.Q. Sat., July 10 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. $8.00 at door Children 12 years and under $3.00 (Tickets are limited) Tickets available from riedsburg. Committee' Members Merners Meats 23'7-3677 Horseshoe Direr 237-3753 Music Grade 9 - Denise. Kints; • Grade 10 - Chris-Canpbeelt Grade 11 - Chris Miller; Grade 12 - Brett - da Balsdon..- French Grade 9 basic - Angela Beecroft; generat - Susan Ratz; advanced - Robert Passmore. Grade 10 general - Dana Fisher; advanced - David Thiel. ,Grade ;11 •gcucral - Cindy Beaver; advanced - Christine Taziar, Leanne Dietrich. Grade 12 general - Sandra Kechnie. Grade 13 advanced ,Said Osman, Jeanette--VanEs- broeck . Spanish Grade 11 -Michelle Vin - ecru; Grade 12 - David Josephson: -.Grade 13 - Joanne Bridle. Family Studies Grade 9 general - Lyna Smith; ad- vanced —Barb Tiernan. Grade 10 general - Michelle Northcott; ad- vanced - Denise Kints. Grade 11 ad- vanced - Christine 'lazier; basic - Pat Masse. Grade 12-- Sharmaine Prcvett. Grade 13 Sociology - Lori Lynn Wagner. Gradc..12 Co-op - Kirn Roffman. Physical Education Grade 13 advanced - Jon O'Connor, Kim Crawford. Grade 12 advanced— Larry Miller, .Heather Rideout; general - Jamie -Parker, Joellc Lamport; basic - Angela Fisher. Grade 11 advanced - Tim McAllister, Christine Rose; -general - Dave McDonald, Pam Gackstct= ter. Grade :10 advanced David O'Connor, Julie Schadc; general - Pat Ducharmc, Tammy Thiel; basic - Scott Hodgins. Grade 9 advanced - Petcr McAllister, Barb Tiernan; gcncral - Jeff Kerslake, Julie Rontph; basic - Tracey Johns. 4 a a a 0 • a e. v • e 1 • BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE °PINS II:30 P.M. . CLINTOM FAST SNOW AT DUSK 482-7030 FRi. A SAT., JULY 8 b 9 DAN AYKROYD JOHN CANDY ( WARY UMV• 711.....•••••••• o...• immmommummilli -- PLUS 2nd FEATURE — " up!" 'batteries nog Nfchsaed'is cheerful, funny funfatuity *batteries +. not included Lucan Shamrock Bingo Wednesday, July 6 SPECIAL THIS WEEK PICNIC JUG COOLER BINGO * Bring a guest night Bingo Starts 7:30 Regular Games r $1000 Jackpot Game Total . prizes $2300 Air conditioned Due to the licence regulations, no one under 1,6 allowed to play Times -Advocate, July 6, 1988 Buck & Doe for Sandra Wade! & Jim Bri eau in Clinfon Sat., July 9 Phone 527-2173 or 482-5287 Page 13A Buck & Doe for Mike Hayter and Maureen Stanlake Sat., July 9 Phone 234-6762 for information Zurich Recreation Bingo Thursday, July 7 (Every second week) ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Jackpot $l000must go Bonanza in 5 calls Estimated value over $i000. • 1 Warm up game ' 2 Specials ' 4 Flash games ' 1 Pick -a -bingo 1 Earl Bird Game ' 1 Mystery game . ' 10 regular•games 1 Bonanza Game • 1 Jackpot game OVER $2500:00 in CASH PRIZES Doors Open at 6:00 p.m: -Bingo starts at 7:30 p.m. No One Under 16 Years of age eligible to play Moved to ice Surface - PUBLIC CONSERVATION BUS TOUR Sponsored by the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Saturday, July 16, 1988 - Guided bus tour of conservation projects in the southern portion of the ABCA's Area of jurisdiction. - Picnic lunch provided - Buses will leave the Morrison Dam Conservation Area 9:00 - 9 :30 a.m. RSVP to the ABCA, 235-2610 by July 11 Working with you to conserve watershed resources START OF FUN TIMES AT 4300t 5 Pub & Deli Grand Opening on Thurs., July 7th • 4 p.m. • Long stemmed roses for the first 50 ladies! • Complimentary Deli Combo Trays and coffee Hwy. 21 - 4 doors south of Lights 238-2817 Grand Bend 2 FOR 1 PIZZA "PIZZA SO GOOD, YOU'LL WANT TWO" FREE BUY ANY SIZE PIZZA AND GET AN IDENTICALPIZZA FREE WITH THiS COUPON SAVE TWO MEDIUM PIZZA$ WITH "THE WORKS" 8,TOPPINGS FOR ONLY . - - $13.70 1,9rprngs ,rr..ar.IP Peel,".' ,r bdrun Muslhrr,pms, i I.ve s (nip- . VrngahFti. Green ri.rprs - Hot Petteor` WOO° repu-;l/ inn SubSt,I',IPSI Smart and tarot, SriAs also avaaahr• :r rho with Coupon at Nn. , 0,Ieann Pi:; a ' Vand with Coupon at New ()Heart,' Pella 277'. Mala` St., Ex•ter , . 277 Main .81., Exeter • FREE BUY ANY SIZE PIZZA AND GET AN IDENTICAL PIZZA FREE WITH THIS COUPON Valet with r.,,ur,nn al New Orleans Pizzr 277 Main 8t., Exeter, L — - PHONE AHEAD FOR QUICK SER)/ICE. EAT IN PICK UP DELIVERY . 235—.0188 nipuiZZA SUBMARIN.� .� 277 Main St., Exeter