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Times -Advocate, July 6, 1988
DE KORT'- Wilfred and Bobbie
(nee Glover) wish to announce the
arrival of their 'daughter Tara Murdie-
na Mary born on June 23, 1988
weighing 9 Ib. Proud grandparentts
arc Jim and Mtlydicna Qlover, Exeter
. and Louis and Mary DeKort, -Dash-
wood. 27c
KEYS - Daryl and Carol Ann are
delighted to announce the birth of
their son Bradley Michael, born on
June 27,. 1988 at Clinton Public
Hospital, weighing 7 Ib. 12 oz. A
new playmate for brothers Jamie and'
Scott. Third grandson for Murray and.
Joan Keys. Exeter, and Bud and Lois
Wilson, St. Joseph. Special grati-
•tudc to Dr. Gans and Dr. Steed and
the staff at Clinton Public Hospital.
McCINCHE1' - John and Dale arc
pleased to announce the new addi-
tion to their family, another beauti-
ful daughter. -She was born in St. Jo-
seph's Hospital on June 24. 1988 at.
0827 hours. She weighed 7 lb. 3 oz.
and was 20" long. Proud sisters arc
Carlene, Crystal and Carrie -Lynn.
Proud grandparents are Ken and Don-
na McLinchey and Don and Beryl
Watson. Special thanks to Dr. May-
nard and the third floor 013 staff.
Your kindness will not be forgotten.
: - . 27*
MILLER - Michael John is happy
to announce the arrival of his little
brother Jason Braun, born June 27;
1988, 7 lb. 11 oz. Proud parents
Randy , and Sharon Miller (nee
Braun), grandparents John a,.d Tena
Braun, Norni and Barb Whiting. Spe-
cial thanks to Dr. Steciuk, Dr. Fel-
lows and staff at both St. Joseph's
and South Huron hospitals. 27*
VAN OSCII (Ferguson). - Fred
and Shelley are pleased to announce
the birth of their second -son, Bren-
don Harry Donald on May_30, 1988
at 1:16 p.m. weighing 7 lb. 14 oz.
A new playmate_, for Kaitlin and Sky-
lar. Proud grandparents arc .Donald
and Nancy Ferguson of St. Marys
and Harry and Paula Van Osch of "•
Grand Bend. 27c
BROWN - FIFIELD - Gerry and
Gail are happy to announce their
marriage on Saturday, June 25. They
are now residing with Derek and Ka-
tie at RR 2, Ailsa Craig. 27c
•GASCHO - At the Bluewatcr Rest
Home, Zurich on Monday. July 4,
1988.' Miss Laura Gascho., in her
82nd year. Dear daughter of the late
Christian and .Mary Gascho. Dear
sister of Clarence of Zurich. Prede-
ceased by one. brother Amos and by
one sister Mrs. Rachel Ammans.
Also surviving" are two nieces and
one nephew. Rested in 'the Zurich
Chapel of. Michael P. O'Connor -Fu-
neral Homes; then to Zurich Men-
-nonite Church for funeral service at
3 pan. Wednesday, July 6. -by Pastor
Clayton Kucpfcr officiating. Inter-
.ment to. follow. in Zurich Mennonite
Cemetery. As expressions of sympa-
thy, donations to the charity of your
choice would be appreciated. 27c
Mlac\VILLIA\1 - At the Exeter
Villa, Exeter, Ontario on July '1;
1988, "Olga blacWilliam (Domenech)
of Exeter; in her 8 -8th year. Beloved
mother of Mrs. Peter Raymond (Sal-
ly Lou) of Exeter and dear grand-
mother of Douglas Raymond of To-
ronto, - Catherine Blackwell of
Toronto and Torn Raymond of Exet-
er. Mrs. MacWilliarn was prede-
ceased by -her husband A. Douglas
MacWilliarn in 1981. At the request
of the family there was no funeral
home visitation. A private family
funeral service was held at the Hop-
per Hockey Funeral Home, William
Street, Exeter on Sunday, July 3,
1988. Rev. Duke Vipperman offi-
ciated. Interment Exeter Cemetery.
Donations to the charity of your
choice would be appreciated by the
-family and may be arranged by call-
ing the funeral hontc, 235-1220..
STATTON - Gilbert L. Statton a
resident of- Lake Havasu, Arizona for
past 13 years, died at his home on
-June 14,'_1988: He was born Septem-
.ber 8, 1925 at Grand Bend, Ontario,
Canada. Scived in Canadian Navy in
-World Was II. Retired from Chrysler
Warren -Stamping of Michigan in
June 1975. He is survived by his
wife Mabel -Statton (Fairbairn),
daughter Linda of Lake Havasu, Tcr-
ry, Riverton, Wyoming, Randy, Ko-
komo, Indianna. One brother Lynn
in Williams Lake, B.C. Canada.
:Grandchildren Trent, Grant,- Ra-
chcllc, Kimberly, Sara Mabel. Funer-
al arrangements rnade with -Lictz
Frazc Funeral Home. In lieu of -flow-
ers, make donations to Hospices of
Lake ilavasu Inc. P.O. Box 597,
2180 McCullock Blvd., Lake' Hava-
su, Arizona 86403. • 27c
Comer of James and Andrew St.
Minister: The Rev. Richard W. Hawley
Staff Associate:
Mrs. Bev Robinson
Minister Emeritus: Tho Rev. Grant L.
Mills ''
Organist and Choirmaster
Mr. Robert Cameron
10 a m. Morning Worship
Junior Congregation
for children 10 and under
Nursery Facilities Available .
Fellowship Time Following Servide
Courtesy Car tor July
Robert Coates
Call 235-2787
Everyone Welcome
- (Anglican)
Main Street at Gilley -
- Exeter -
Sunday, July 10
11;15 a.m. Morning Prayer
Seventh Sunday after.Pentecost
Rev. Waiter (Duke) Vipperman
Everyone Welcome
Sunday, July 10
9:45-10:40 a.m. Sunday School and •
Communion Service
11.00-12:00 noon Family Bible Hour
A Nursery is provided
for the above services
Tuesday 8 P.M. Prayer and Bible Study
• An Services held at
Usborne Central School
Huron St. East
Everyone Welcome
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, July 10
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11 00 a m. Morning Worship .
'Testing Internal Righteousness'
7 00 p m. Evening Fellowship
• 'Making Wise Decisions'
Wed. 7.00 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
Intenm Moderator
Rev Rick Horst
284 3172
Mrs Joan Keys
Sunday, July 10, 17, 24, 31
Resumes August 7
Everyone Welcome
For the months of
ttJuly and August
9 Oy a m Congregation
Christian Education
1000 a m Church Service
Everyone Welcome
Rev. Don Rogers
Youth Pastor - Rev. Kevin Rogers
C.E. Director - Mrs. Verona Snider
Hwy. 4 South
Sunday, July 10
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11.00 a.m. Worship Service
7.00 p.m. Evening Praise
Wednesday night 7:00 p.m.
Family Night
Programs for all ages
Nursery available for all services
Everyone Welcome
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, July 10
10.00 a.m. Worship
-Rain and Drought'
It 10 a.m. Sunday School
Nursery available
7:30 p.m. Worship .
'Controlled by Love'
Everybody welcome
Como and Worship wth us
Main St North
Rev. Robert Arbogast
Sunday, July 10
10.00 a.m. Worship
Sunday School - (Preschoolers)
700 p,m. Evening Service
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Listen to
The` Back to God Hour
CKNX Dial 920 - 10:30 a.m.
Television •
Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 31
TAYLOR - At Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Friday.. July 1, 1988 Willa
Fcrn (Jervis) Taylor of Clinton in
her 67th year. Beloved wife of Bob
Taylor and dear mother of Carol and
Lloyd Moore of Exeter, Barry and:
Pat Taylor, Don and Lorraine Taylor
both- of RR 3, Clinton. Loving
grandmother of Tim and Cindy
Moore, Jacqui, Steven, Greg and
Kim Taylor. Also survived by one
brother Russell Jervis of Clinton.
Predeceased' by one sister Cora. (Mrs.
Arthur Bishop). Rested at the Ball
and Falconer Funeral Home, Clinton
Ontario. Funeral service held -on.
Sunday, July 3 at 2:30 p.m. Inter-
ment Bayfield Cemetery. 27c
BARNES - We would sincerely
like to thank' all of our friends in
Exeter for coming to our farewell
dance and making it such a fun time.
Special thanks to the Exeter OPP
and wives for all the work they did
and for the presentation of the gifts
that were presented to us. We en-
joyed the years we lived there and
Jim enjoyed working for the town of
Exeter. Thanks again to everyone.
27t Jim and Penny
BROWN - I would like to thank
my friends and neighbours for the
cards and flowers 1 received during
the. loss of my mother, Dorothy
Krampien. Special 'thanks to Lorcen
Gill and Norma Walper and Wendy
Jennison. Your thoughtfulness was
very much apprcciatcd.
21'' Pat
CRECES - The family of the late
Mr. Richard Creces wish to express
their gratitude for the prayers, food
and flowers, the many acts 'of kind-
ness, the messages of sympathy and
donations to the Town and Country
Homemakers were truly appreciated.
A special thanks to the CWL ladies
for their lunch, Dorothy and Audrey
for their special assistance, those
who provided child care as well as
O'Connor Funeral Home and Rev.
Peter Hayes; to those compassionate
ladies at the Blue Water Rest Home,
a very special thank you. - . 27c
EINKBEINER I wish to express
my sincere appreciation to the Ste-
phen Central School staff, students
and community for your kind words
of -appreciation, congratulations on
my new appointment, sharing of
memories, cards and gifts. Special
thanks to Brian Elder, the Crediton
Women's Institute, the Crediton
Firemen, staff and visitors for their
thoughtfulness at the open house, to
the student council who organized a
very special assembly and to all the
classes who participated, a big
"THANK YOU" for your comments,
music and poems. Staff, your sup-.
port and kindness was ever present
and will always be remembered.
27* Don
GiBSON - 1 would like to thank
O.U.C. staff and the Huron Parkers
for cards, gifts and dinner for my re-
tirement. Greatly appreciated and
will always be remembered.
27* Roy
COVERS - The family of the late
Ken Govcrs wish to extend a sinccrc
thank you to all their family, friends
and neighbours for the flowers, do-
-nations, cards and -food -brought .to
their homes. We would also like to
thank Dr. Wallace and Mrs. Visschcr
and all the doctors at the London
Regional Cancer Centre for the ex-
cellent care Ken received. A very
special thank you to Mary Morley
and Janice Haytcr Oke for their care,
love and support these past moral&
We thank Fathcr Gary Goycau for
the beautiful mass for Ken and for
his spiritual guidance. Thanks also
i,,WL of Mount Carmel for the
nder i
wot flinch provided. Finally a
very heartfelt thank you to Mary
Pavkeje and Alice Koehler for all
their help with work and to all of
our very close friends who have giv-
en us their love and support when it
was needed most.
27c Deana, Kim- David and Greg
John, Mary and Rick
Mike and Mary -Anti Kpricina
Bob and Sheila Rcabum
HEALTH UNIT invites you to at-
tend the Child Health Clinic held at
the Health Unit Office, South Huron
Hospital, Exeter' on Monday, July
11, 1988 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. fin
health surveillance, anemia screen-
ing and immunization. Adult imma-
nization will also be offered at this
clinic. 27c
July 10, 1988. Gather pan.,
2:30 baseball, 4 p.m. •---'dren's
;ports, followed- by'potlucl s,.pper.
icaforth Lions Pa: kf 27*
SINGLES 1)ANt.,I w Varna-
tion Hall, Sat • ' •y ). Holmes
v111e. Dancing ,1 No jeans
please. Nom cd rc. 27e
PANCAKE BREA)i i .1ST, hake
and/arage .de, July 3, 8 •n •
p.m. Brucct eld Fire Hall, sponsored
by Bniceficld 100F. 27.28c
I1L1 flit. I I' STiVAL The Cookie
Wa- J. l.' " 12, The Mail -Order'
- 7,8,13,14' (matinee -
ru. t ?eats-L...y),'16. Lucien_ - July 6
, (.o enit g), 7 (matinee), 9,14,15.
Unless otherwise indicated, all per-
formances are at 8:30 p.Ofti. n1 tinees
arc -at 2:00 p.m. Box Office 523-
9300/9225. r 27c
Craig, Saturday, July 16, 9 p.m. - 1
a.m. En Enjoy the sounds of Smokey
Hollow Tickets„S=per person at
gate. • , 27c
HEIBEIN - The family of the late
Albert Heibein wish to express sin-
cere thanks to relatives, neighbours
and friends for floral and memorial
uibutes,'tards, their many acts of
kindness during their recent loss.
Special thanks to the Pallative Care
Unit of Sti Marys, London Nursing
Home, Mr. Floil Allard and staff of
the Richardson Allard Funeral Home,
the ladies of Grace Jnited Church'
and Rev. ian MacCuish.
27c • Elaine and Leroy Gould
and family
JORDAN - 1 want to thank all my
friends and neighbours from Lucan,
Saintsbury and Clandeboyc for their
support and sympathy to me when
my husband Howard Jordan's remains
were buried. Rev. Beverley Wheeler
for her words of comfort and every-
one else who helped us.
27c Voyle
thanks to the Centralia Community
for the thoughtful gift given to us
for our forthcoming marriage.
27* Barbara and Mike
like to thank everyone for the beau-
tiful gifts 1 received at the Kippen
United Church shower. Your kind-
ness and thoughtfulness will., always
be appreciated. A very special thank
you to Kathy and Doug, Junc and
Lloyd, Audry and Brian, Brenda A.
and Brenda W., Ruth, aunt Dorothy,
Linda and Sharee, Tammy and }leath-
er and our parents for all their spe-
cial effort and help to make our wed-
ding ,a. very happy occasion.
27c - Melissa and Mike
SOPER - The family of the late
Harold Soper wishes to express their
sincere thanks to relatives, friends
and neighbours for. the flowers, cha-
ritable donations, food, cards and
expressions of sympathy. Special
thanks to Pastor Clayton Kuepfer,
the ladies of the Mennonite Church,
doctors and " nurses -at University
Hospital, Hoffman's Ambulance,
Town and Country Homemakers and
O'Connor Funeral Home. To Dr.
Wallace, Dr. Winquist, Mrs. Viss-
cher and the nurses and staff of
South Iluron. Hospital. Your caring
and concern during the past month=
has been very much apprcciatcd.
Such support and kindness will al-
ways be remembered. .
27c Erma, Sheila and Clayton
Glenda and Earl
Ruth and Dave and families.
UPSiIALL - We would like to
thank our neighbours and friends -for
the party they gave us on our leav-
ing the neighborhood, for (he beau-
tiful clock and magazine rack also.
Special thanks to Jack and Mary,.
David and Deanne for thc work they
did in arranging it. Thanks again.
27* Jack Marg and family.
ANDERSON In loving memory
of a dear father John Anderson, who
passed. away one year ago, July 6,
198'7. - -
:We were so very lucky
To have you as our dad
And we look back and remember
The great times that we had
We remember hiking. to thc bush,
On sunny spring like days,
As you shared with us those secrets
Of nature and its ways •
We remember riding with you
On. the tractor in the sun
And how you always taught us
That even work was fun
We remember bringing water
-To- you, _in a- Mason_ jar
And how it tasted -hence--
Than from a tap. by far.
We remember being with you
At shoots in every place
And how the joy of life
Was always on your fact.
Dad well always remember
And cherish times we had
Cause it keeps you cl • .i.,. .us .i.
You. our dearest dad.
Always rememhcrc.! 1,1
• 27*
'ANDERSON - in loving memory
of a dear father, John who passed
away July 6, 1987.
Days of sadness still conic over us
Tears of silence •often flow
Your memory keeps you ever near us
'Though you died a year ago.
Forever remembered son Keith
and family. Y, - 27c
GALA DAYS and Turtle Races,
July 15, 16, 17. Register your turtle
before July 11 noon. Children 14
and under SI, adults 55. Send to
Doug McNair, 136 Queen St. Box
97, Ailsa Craig NOM IAO. 27c
TF:ST July 8 and 9, Community
Centre, Fergus, Ontario. Camping,
on pounds. for information call KC()
Hawkins (519)843-3334. 27*
CROWD. Nominations arcr,now be-
ing received for Ontario Junior Citi -
of -the Year awards. Contact, this
newspaper to. nominate an outstand-
ing young person ages si.x to 18,
who deserves more than a pat on the
back. 27*
FESTIVAL in Picton, Ontario,
south of Belleville. July 22 to Au-
gust 7: Pop, Jazz, folk, classical and
Big Band. Features Lawrence Chcm-
ey and Music from Sharon the Spit-
fire Band, the Montreal' Jubilation
Gospel Choir, Holly Arntzen, Joelle
Rabu. Tickets S8 to 5'15. Call
Quinte Summer Music (613)393-
2939. 27*
glican Church, Wednesday, July 13,
5-7:30, Lions Park, Granton. Ad-
vanee tickets until July 11, *tufts
$7.50, children under 12 S3, five '
and under free. Contact Jim Hodgins
22512j76, Ken Hodgins 225-2751.
ANDERSON - In memory of a dear
husband John AnderpVn who passed
away one year. ago July 6, 1987.
Times goes by and still 1 mourn
The loss of you in my life
But 1 do remember fondly
The years 1 was your wife
Time goes by and thoughts of you
Daily come to mind.
But 1 do remember always
Our love with tics that bind
Time goes by and, all your pain
]las gone to ease your way.
But Ido remember you always
As 1 face each brand new day.
Remembered by Helen.
BENDER In loving memory of a
very special mother and grandmoth-
er, Violet who passed away three
years ago July 10, 1985.
She had a love for nature
And a heart.as pure as gold
She always had a sniffling face
And a story to be told
A terrific sense of humour
And a twinkle in her eye
A helping hand in a time of need
Mom was one on who you could
rely .
It's .been three years already
We can't believe it's true
It scents like only yesterday -
We started missing you.
Forever in our hearts and sadly
missed by daughter Patricia, son-in-
law David and grandchildren Jenni-
fer, Cassandra and James. 27c
PICKERING - In loving memory
of a dear husband, father and grand-
father Earl Pickering .who died 'two
years ago July 10. 1986.
So -many things have happened
Since you were called away.
So many things to share with you -
Had you not gone -away
Your resting place we visit
And place flowers with care
But no one knows the heartache
When we turn and leave you there.
Lovingly remembered by wife Bertha
and your family. • 27*
TURNBULL - In loving Anemery
of a dear mother, Ruble who passed
away July 3, 1979.
Your presence we miss -
Your memory we treasure
Loving you always
Forgetting you never.
Lovingly remembered by Donna and
Glen L7*
Stag & Doe
Connie Kaak
& Phil Masse
Fri., July 15
For further infqrmation
call 236-4777
or 236-4184
Buck & Doe
Joe Dayman and
Sat., July 9
For information
527-1764, 527-1611
J !appy 801h Dad
Tom Desjardine
From your family •
1.111 i•NIi RI.\I\\11-.N1
Monday to Sunday
July 4 - July 10
Blue Tattoo
Grand Bend Entertainment Showcase
Trak 11
Located in Breakfast Weekends
HOTEL at e a m
Grand Bend
Scott Batten
Fri., July 8th
For information call
Sunday, July 10
Smorgasbord dinner 1:00 p.m.
MacNaughton Park
e Salad
Enjoy the Outdoor
Patio in Outdoor
Patio Weather
vee r- r F.F[F ri F .r.vr of II, a1 PJ
f ' - Pd7firlsar2 RS t1i'
• , OH TIME ttttaACH './.
Grand Bend's
/": Waterfront Eatery
r.: Breakfast, Lunch, . './�(
f • Dinner /,
Overlooking Beautiful'
i•Lake Huron
/f- Early Bird Specials $9.95
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Daily Specials :11
Grand Bend
238-2251 -
Groin.' Rend 218 2464
Ho, 0,1'4r
Opane at 8:30 p.m.
hFliren 1'nder I:.r F . r. I re,
(DAYS — JUIY 56 1 8 9 10
S DA YS - JULY 11. 12. 13. 14 15
ammAgiii FARM
1. IF, -
11i11flllttlllllllllllllllltl lllt111t 111111 IIuut11111111111rt
Busy Bee Children's
- Program
July 4th - August 19
Monday to Friday
9:30 - 12
Break for Lunch
1 - 3:30
t Ages 4- 12
For further information
Phone Christine Smith
Village of Grand. Bend