HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-07-06, Page 14Exeter Atoms, Peewees claim tourney wins
Continued from pagel A -
ing field against Delaware. Good
defense kept the game to 0-0.at half
time, but in the second half it was
all Delaware. They scored three •
times for a 3-0 victory.
The only chance for Exeter came -
wttcn Jason McFalls saw his shot
hit the crossbar and bounce out.
Greg Lamport. also gave a good
Trevor Boersma scored the lone championship.
In tournament action two-Exeteri Dan Martens and Sivichay
teams travelled to Slratllru -. to take " goal for Exeter. In the consolation
> fiaal however, Exeter turned things- . Sengkhounmany both scored in the
part in the annual Turkey Fest ac- around and shut out Nairn 3-0. first game a 2-Y) win over Grand
uviues. Steve Hem was in the het for the • Bend,
Exeter Atom, coached by Jeff shut out. . The finals turned out/
be even
Playloot and Jason McFalls, lost Luke Simms scored twice and more of a contest between two very
their first game 4-1 despite :t good , Trevor Boersma once for the win to - evenly matched teams. Exeter won
team effortagainst a strong Strath- bring honfe the 13 championship the championship Tate in the game
when a shot by Sivichay Sengk-
The other Exeter team involved ' hounmany was defeated by Nick
.LUCAN POOL STAFF -- Ready to assist this summer at the Lucan pool
will: be, top, lett: Tina Lansink, Terry Ouimet. Bottom, left; Rick Gwalchmai
and Sharon Richardson.'
EXETER - John Pepper claimed
high score in five games of mixed
shuffleboard action Wednesday
when he turned in a score of 471.
Marjorie Hodgcrt and Albert Hum-
- mel tied for second place with 391
while Ray Cottle and Ilarold 13ea-'
ver followed with 365 and 343 re-
. Thursday, Clara Harris topped the
score with 370 in five games, edg-
ing out Laverne Stone who had.
Pearl McKnight scored 353 .to;
claim third 'spot and Norman Stan -
lake c toned. out the top four with
Page 2A
Times -Advocate, July 6, 1988
Sports Spotlight
Ir. \t.n i. t;i.., I
Muff is no fan
Muffin, known to her friend; as The Mutt, is passionately opposed
to slu-pitch.
It's- not that she isn't a sports fan-. She -sits through hours of hockey
during the winter arid seems to have sonic feelings for the Toronto Ma-
ple leafs, though 1 have caught her dozing in the last minutes ot'the
turd period more than once.
1 can't honestly say. she follow s the Blue Jays -or the Tigers. She
Mends 1110st of the summer months away from the television and, if
truth he known, tie thinks George Bell is a jerk.
\cult, by the way, is a cocker spaniel. . .
Sandi and .1 are dog -sitting for my parents while they -are romping
riles northern Europe. Actually, Sandi is doing -most of the work.
the is allowed to have pets in her apartment while I am forbidden such
pleasures ( Pleasures? ).
Sunday I had to cover a slo-pitch, tournament in I-Iensall. I knew it
would take no longer than a couple --of hours. Because Sandi had to
ork all day anti the dog.was going to be alone, i decided that I'd take
I he Nltiff with nle.
_Tull hates to he alone.
She has a high soprano howl Which she *delivers with great gusto as
soon as you're out•thc door. Shout pointed at the ceiling, she lets go
ith the most mournful wail i've ever heard.
This .particular .feature is a problem when you're not supposed to
have pets, so leaving her in m+ apartment was out of the question.
Being a very sociable animal, I didn't think she would cause any
trouble -while I tOOk pictures. But i was wrong.
•\ l u t f hates .filo-pitch.
The two of us.waddled up ti► the diamond ( Muff weighs almost as
much as 1. do) where a large crowd had formed to watch the A -and B fi-
nais of the Kinsmen and Kincttes annual affair.'
1 hat was when the trouble started.
-Just as we approached the bleachers, someone singled to centre field,
the crowd went wild, Muff bolted for the car and my arm came out of
it: socket (we were attached by a leash).
I took a moment to calm her down, but as luck would have it, some-
body cracked the ball Out into the field again and the crowdresumed its.
Mont -was not impressed.
She got back to straining the Leash in the direction of the car and as
the next hatter dug in at the.platc, she dug in for a long unrelenting
haul away from the noise.
•Trying to balance a big camera bag anda fat- dog who, bent on es-
cape, has suddenly taken to winding its lea h around your legs two or
three times, is not conducive to maintaining ones dignity.
i must thank all the people wht) tried to help me with The Muff, i
had several volunteers who offered to watch her while 1 practiced a
little journalists. She ended up lashed to a fence, surrounded by people
lavishing attention on her, but she would have no part of it.
l lysterically happy when 1 returned and released her, she dragged me
hack to the car and squeezed into the hack seat -- usually she sits' on
top of inc in the driver's seat -- marking the end of her career as a
Torts reporter.
There wasn't much of a future in it for her anyway.
IIawks meeting
This is just a reminder that the executive of the Exeter. Hawks Junior
1) club is meeting tonight at 8 p.m. at the South Huron Rec Centre.- to
elect a new executive body kw the coming season.
They are looking for support from the community.
Colonials lose to Sarnia
GRAND BEND - the Colonial
Soccer team lost their second game'
Iasi Saturday in Sarnia. Team
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Grand Bend
member Tony Mennen said that the
intense heat got to them. Sarnia/
Blucwater team skunked the Coloni-
als with a 3-0 score. The Seniors
have this week off. •
G -Il downs Lucan-
The Grand Bend Bantam team also
were defeated with a 5-V score. - -
The Mosquitos defeat d Lucan. in
the close 9-7 match, Trent Stcllinl;-
wcrff,-Kevin Orson aniFJti'li Ver-
meulen, each scored two, with sin-
gle goals from ian Jean, Marty
Vandcrlioek, and Mark Fluter.
Shaun Fairweather and. Jason
1 fodgson scorehtwo goals for Lucan
hile Rob Waters and Sean Ryan
scored singles. Randy Rcymer also
notched a goal for Lucan on a penal-
ty shot. -
it was a tip game for the Grand,
Bend Atoms last Monday night at
htthte. I Iderton came hack from a 3-
0.scorc to even it up at 3-3. Sim-
on Dcsjardine scored all Grand
Bends goals.•
Bryan Tuddrick scored five tunes
in Lucan against the Lucan 1 team
last Thursday.
EXETER - Despite threatening
skies 27 golfers took to the fair-
way, at Exctcr Golf and Coun 6i
Club for a game of monkey golf.
Low score in A flight went to
Helen Burton with a score of 49.
Runner tip was Dorothy Kipfcr
with a score pf 57. Dorothy Marks
and (*race Drummond tied for low
Mutts with. 17.
Jean Smith captured 13 flight with
a score of 59. Runner up was I lelen
Wasnidge with a score of 60.
Jean Smith also had low putts.
Ede Boyle and Phylis Lawton tied
for a low_ score of 62 in C flight.
Runner up was Theresa McCann
with a score of 65.
Noregn McCann putted toa low
of 18.
!Men Burton parred number 3 and
number 5. Jean -Smith parted red num-
Lucan to
I t
CAN - Tammy Ward, Billy
i i, , 4:inan and Paula McLaughlin
r,: the outstanding players when
l.ucan I Atoms lost to ildcrton 3-0
Montday night.
1lie team showed some spark in
the second half of the game but not
enough flame to overtake the three
: sal deficit.
If you're thinking
of joining a golf
club in 1989, SEE
Don't choose your course when there's
two feet of snow on the ground.
Located one mile East of Exeter off Highway 83.
Phone (519) 235-1521 '
League .standings as of Junc 30,
Team Standings
Downtown Dollies . - 14
Sundowncrs ' 11
Exctcr inn-Diancttcs 11
Huron Park Devils 1a
- South !futon Hospital 10
Albatross Angels . 9
_�Chccrs 9
I3ig "0" Sockctts 8
Goodtimcs ' 8
Dan Brie Darlings 6
Electro Lights 2
Nuturals 2
Game results for June 30, 1988:
Sundowncrs 11 vs Huron Park Dcv-
fl 11: rtltRlrttimcs-frnt-vs--Chccrs---
won; Albatross Angels 16 vs Nutu-
rals 8; Big "0" Sockctts 12 vs.
Electric Lights 7; Dan Brie Dar-
lings tic vs Exeter inn-Dianettes'
tie; -Downtown Dollies 15 vs South
11uron Hospital 10.
:• ` July 7, 198{I games:
7 p.m. Ex Ch vs DD
8:30 p.m. Ex Ei vs BOS
10 p.m. Ex EL vs DBD
7.p.m. IIP SHI I vs HPD
7 p.m.'Cr NT vs GT
7 p.m. Ki AA vs SD
Umpiring team - the Electro
in Pce Wee action did even better Szabo and found the net out of
arid won both their games for the A- feach of the Strathroy goalie.
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Giveaway was just tremendous.
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