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Times -Advocate, July 6, 1988
lK,fa 41°,
BIBLE SCHOOL - Students from churches in Bayfield -and Dashwood
have joined Zurich students at the Lutheran -Church for the. Vacation Bible
School held this week. Esther Sinasac (front) plays badminton with
Heather Wragg, both of Dashwood, during -the school's outdoor activities.
ZURICI I -The annual picnic and
barbecue washeldon Wulnesday af-
tcrnoont, sponsored by the Ladies -
Aux diary.
adies-Auxiliary. The after -nom was taken
up by musical entertainment • by
Mr..and Mrs. Alfred Ropp of -Ta-
vistock. Since the weather was too
cool and windy for residents to sit
outside, Ctirtis Gingerich and .Earl
Desch .barbeeued hamhurgs and hot
dogs which were eaten in the dining
room along with other goodies pro- -
vided. `
-We welcome Mrs. Erma Soper as
'a new. resident to the home.
Mr. Harvey Keys is again a pa-
tient in South Huron Hospital, Ex-
The sympathy of residents and
staff is extended to the family of
,the late Miss Laura Gascho. She
will be greatly missed for her vol-
unteer work in the home:
Game night which recently began
"on Wednesday evenings has proven
to be a very popular- time for the
- The Sunday evening chapel ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. Clay-
ton KuepTer of the Zurich Mennon-
ite Church. • -
Donations needed
.Fair to feature Hat Auction
By Carmel Sweeney -
ZURICH - This yea's Zurich
�aii will soon be here and will be
held from July 22 to 24.
The parade will celebrate the Min-
istry of Agriculture's 100th anniver-
sary. Participationfrom children's
. groups, individuals and businesses
can create a colourful parade. Show.
Zurichyouu can .design your own
clown costume. Children are en-
couraged to decorate their bikes.
The Ag Society is hoping to have
several theme floats in the parade to
-celebrate the Ministries anniver-
M.P.P. Jack Riddell is expected
to kick off a new event: a hat auc-
tion following the parade. Many
hats have been collected for the auc-
tion; scvcral being one -of -a -kind
collector's items. More hats are
needed 'from both men and women.
Businesses wishing to donate a hat.
to the auction can contact Jerry
Thiel at 236-4606. Also hat collec-
tors are invited to donate hats (in
goodicondition) to the sale. -
Proceeds from the auction will be
used to support events for the 125th
anniversary fair next year.
The Zurich summer play ground
program will be held this year from
July 18. to'August 26. The super-
visor will be Rita Dcnomme and
her assistant is Kern Gingerich. De-
tails about registration will be in
the paper soon.
Auxiliary .picnic
The Ladies Auxiliary of the -Blue
Water Rest Home helped at the an-
nual June picnic -last Wednesday af-
ternoon in the form of a barbecue.
Alfred and Verna Bopp entertained
the residents with several songs.and
selections on the guitar. Everyone•
present enjoyed the delicious ham-
- burgers and hot dogs cooked by
chefs -Earl Oesch and-Curtis-Ginge-
rich (better known and Fred and Bar-
-Bob_ and Adele Schmidt- from
Prud'Hommc, Saskatchewan spent
last week in town visiting with rel-
atives and attended the 40th wedding
anniversary celebration of Abbcy
and Wilma Erb on June 26. They
also dropped in to see cousins Earl
and Anne Flaxbard last Tuesday. "
Mrs. Theresa Hartman was kept
busy whenshe attended her grand-
son's wedding last weekend in Sault
Ste. Marie.
Welcome to the new parish priest
of St. Boniface Church. Father Pe-
ter Hayes formerly of St. Clair
Beach, arrived in Zurich a week ago
Monday. Also welcome to Father
Yet another beach dispute
ST. JOSEPH - While Grand
Bend ". 'mbroiled in its dispute
over-Lach,ownership and access,
Karl l laborer of Zurich is worried a
similar situation may develop at
St. Joseph. .
'laborer brought to the attention
of I lay Township council a fence
erected on the south side of the ac-
cess road to the public beach.
Habcrcr, who used to be a road
Bayfield Conse'rva'tion Authority
said he was contacted by Hay
Township reeve Lionel Wilder, but
explained that the St. Joseph prop-
erty is out of the Authority's juris-
diction. All beach structures fall
under the realm- of the m-inistry of
natural resources--
" Donnelly noted a similar case was
before the courts in Sarnia, but that
the judge is waiting for resolution
superintendent for the township, of the Grand Bend/Gibbs case before -
believes the board fence prevents issuing a verdict. - -
access to the south.bcach. • "I think the Grand Bend case is
"There seems to have been a going to pose more questions"than
takeover," said Habcrcr in a tele- - anything," said Donnelly, who secs
phone interview. no easy answers to beach use -is -
We didn't have anything but sues. •
public grounds for many years,' he
said. "We used to be free to go
down there,"
" Habercr sees the fence, which ex-
tends to within .20 feet of the" wa-
ter's edge, as another instance of
privatization of lakeshore beaches.
"The next generation will never
know they had a chance to use this
property,' he added.
Habcrcr claims there are many
people concerned about this issue
and he raised the possibility of cir-
culating a petition if township
council does not act on the situa-
tion. -
"I don't think it's fair for some-
body to go and fcncc it off," he .
argued-- •-
Pat Donnelly at the Ausable
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- George Booth at the ministry of
natural resources Wingham office
explained that the ministry had de-
termined the St. Joseph -fence docs
not intrude onto the beach area at
"That fence doesn't block access
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Highway 4 - Hensall
to the down beach," stated Booth.
He said traditional property divi-
sions arc on the high water mark
and that all the surveys he ha seen
place the fence abovdi/ th area.
Booth also said Hay T nship has
a survey that specifies a right of
way exists to the south beach.
"It is ourposition that fence is lo-
catcd-on private land," Booth con-
Brenda Burchell, owner of the cot-
- tage with the fence in question, was
surprised when told her fence had at-
tracted the concern of township resi-
"I- think that if he has a com-
plaint, he should come to us," Bur-
chell said, adding that the fcncc has
been in place for at least eight years
and the gate was added this year to
quell a problem with people parking
in her driveway. - -
Morris who is the new pastor at St.
Peter's parish, St. Joseph.
Laura and Ian Regicr of Calgary
--are- in. -.town visiting _ with their
grandparents. Their parents, -Janet
and Richard Regier, will be meeting
them here this week, then all wilt
be heading for thcir new home in
Cobourg; near Toronto.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
arc extended to. Myraline Desjardinc
who has recently returned home
from the hospital, and to Jerome
Ducharme who had the misfortune
to fall off a ladder last week and
break his arta.
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